A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 626:

Let alone the dwarves and dwarfs, every human force has established hospitals, and the orcs have also established them. In addition, the City of Kings and the City of Crystal also require hospitals. What is it all about?

Among them, there are the largest number of humans, more than 100 hospitals, not to mention the cities controlled by the temple, the first controlled by the big family was established, and there are also many orcs on the side. Basically, the well-informed people have established two or three hospitals. The dwarves have built bigger ones. As for related equipment, boilers and the like, the dwarves are said to have customized more than 600 sets of large boilers.

"That's not easy." Cook calculated the number of doctors in his hand, and he could open two more hospitals even if he was full.

Some people say why, hundreds of doctors only open four hospitals?

The number of doctors and patients in the hospital here is too much. The number of patients admitted to the Fireforge Hospital has exceeded 200,000. This is mainly because there has been no one in the God Realm to do this thing. You want a big family son or something. , Maybe I don’t care, but as ordinary people’s ancestors did not have a family where god-level powerhouses appeared, what ability do they have to cure the child’s disease, and even if there is, one child is cured, what about the rest?

And again, the magic scroll may not be suitable for the patient, because the magic scroll requires the patient's physique to be able to bear it, whether it is a treatment or a purification technique. If a young man undergoes major surgery, it may just be a matter of money. , But a child, an elderly person. (PS: The author's grandmother is close to ninety years old, and her stomach is uncomfortable. She didn't dare to do colonoscopy at all. The two top three hospitals didn't dare to do it. As a result, she was hospitalized for observation by other hospitals for several days and didn't do it.)

Someone wants to say, that sanctuary-level healing technique is always okay?

Yes, but sanctuary-level healing techniques are not cheap, once or twice, but how many times? Just like radiotherapy and chemotherapy, how many people can't bear such a long stream of water, and there is more than one child in the family, and there are hundreds or thousands of children in a family, and dozens of fewer children. The management is all on the family side. Give one treatment. Is it possible to give another treatment?

And again, whether it’s magic or divine art, the patient must have enough physique, that is, endurance. Once the physique is close to the limit of danger, it may be possible to die after a treatment, or If you overdraw your body's potential, you will be useless for the rest of your life.

In short, there are various reasons. The mortality rate of newborn babies is very high. Since the establishment of the Fortress Hospital, it has been filled with intelligence spies from all sides.

Information about the patient’s condition, treatment methods, price, etc., was continuously reported back. After one month, each family, temple, force, and race saw the results, and then calculated a sum. Account, Nima is so cheap, the poorest person can cure the child even by gritting his teeth, so everyone began to study the layout of the hospital.

Oh, first of all, the environment must be good, not high temperature, then it must not be cold, nor should it rain often, of course, it should not be too arid. Dry wood is used for construction, this is easy to handle, and everything inside is in accordance with the stove fort hospital. Established, established, and waited for the doctor trained by Cook, this is the time for everyone to show their patience, because for a race, children die every day, and the most shocking thing for all races is the Dwarf Fortress for two months. In time, none of the children died, even if they were dying and were taken in for a period of time, the situation has obviously improved.

Of course, the potions Cook used were taken back by various races, and some people researched the ingredients and made potions, but no matter how cheap they were, no one bought them, because these potions Cook has already said, they are aimed at dwarves and dwarves. The physique is made out of human beings, elves, and orcs. Who can guarantee that, and what potion agreement is vegetarian?

"It seems that we are going to have a meeting again." Cook originally planned to decide on his own, but after knowing this situation, he definitely can't decide for himself. Cook simply came to the shopkeeper. Anyway, I just added two hospitals. That's it.

Hearing Cook convened a meeting, in less than two hours, everyone had come together, such as giants, elves, barbarians, orcs, tiger cities, bear cities, humans, gnomes, dwarves and other races, including the patriarch of the angel clan It’s all here, no way. The elders of the angel family and other high-level officials shuddered when they saw Cook. Cook released the halo, and then threw all the high-level officials into the darkness. In fact, less than a month, Cook unlocked it. From then on, the elders of the swan people and the chief executive of the high-level people did not dare to stab them. It is said that some high-level people have already had a problem, and the whole room must be bright after dark.

Seeing the dwarves and dwarves also came, the others in the meeting were unhappy, blowing beards and staring.

"Hey, Speaker Cook." Seeing that they were not welcome, the dwarves and dwarves didn't speak. They came over to say hello to Cook, and then they found a place to sit down.

After the expansion, the conference room of the Council of the Gods can accommodate 10,000 people. There were at least 8,000 people present today. When I saw a dragon, there were at least two hundred. Cook rolled his eyes. Is this a fight?

Xiongcheng is okay, there are only ten, but Nima, who did you show this posture of dissatisfaction?

There is also Tiger City. There are more than 30 people who are basically at the level of the gods. There are also a few old guys who look like the master gods. This is to grab people!

Not to mention that humans accounted for more than half of the number, all the artifact suits, and humans were very rare to sit together, such as the goddess of harvest and the goddess of hunting. These two temples have always been contradictory, and they actually sit together.

The barbarian was dressed wildly, and there was a giant with wide-eyed eyes, and the Titan giant also came.

"Ahem, I think everyone understands the purpose of this meeting, but let me talk about one piece of data. As of yesterday morning, Dwarf Stove has admitted a total of 230,000 patients. As long as they enter the hospital, there will be zero deaths. One family is smaller, reaching 130,000, of which more than 20,000 are critically ill patients. In other words, to open a new hospital, a minimum of 100 physicians, 200 assistants, and 1,000 nursing staff are required. I'm full of calculations, so I can only open two new ones. As for who it is, you can discuss it by yourself. I will not interrupt and don't use my name. I have not promised anyone in private." The meeting venue was silent, and Cook finished. He stood up, regardless of the thousands of eyes behind him, Shi Shiran left.

"Dwarf, get out of the dwarf." After Cook went out, the meeting was silent. I don't know who shouted.

"I..." The dwarf elder stood up suddenly, but the gazes of other people around made the dwarf elder dare not say anything else.

Cook walked out for a few minutes and saw guys of the dwarf and dwarf races come out. Cook said angrily: "You are looking for a beating."

"Hey, anyway, it's also an opportunity." The dwarf patriarch said with a thick-skinned face and said with a smile. Obviously this guy is thinking of having a date or not, but other races are obviously not vegetarian.

"We want a place for the dragon clan, and everyone should give it a face." After the dwarves and dwarves left, the scene was still silent. Cook's words shocked the hearts of the seniors present, even though the approximate numbers were already known. , But two hundred thousand, even one tenth, is 20,000 critically ill patients. Everyone knows the conditions under which Cook divides the patients. Critically ill patients can almost be said to be hopeless and will die.

Someone may ask, there are so many critically ill patients in a city?

You can take a look at the current hospital, and there has never been a hospital in the Forge, so the critically ill patients are accumulated. If it is normal, there will be not so many.

Everyone also understands this truth. It is precisely because they understand that the senior leaders of all races are determined to seize the quota~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These 200,000 patients, if they are not treated, at least half of the conditions will continue to deteriorate and then die, which means who caught this Opportunity means that we have seized the lives of 100,000 newborns, and if it is a few months later, 200,000 may have to die one after another.

Giants, barbarians, these races are not so many, but these races have a small population base, even if one is very valuable, not to mention, there are as many as billions of humans, and how many billions of humans are newborns. ? Just like the earth, how many newborns die every minute, and infants die? The unit behind this number is 10,000.

"Face, if you talk about face, get out of the Council of Gods." Just after the dragon's words were settled, someone turned his face immediately.

"You..." Golden Dragon Great Elder glared at the talking human.

"That is, get out of the Council of Gods first." The humans, barbarians, and elves of the Council of Gods responded immediately.

"No, our dragon must get this quota. You will set a price on the council of the gods. Our dragon is not bad for money." The Golden Dragon elder said very painfully, knowing that the dragon clan looks at the treasure for their lives. , But, compared to the offspring, the treasure is nothing.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, I think, the dragon should also leave." Bai Xiong stood up and said loudly.

"Yes." Huahu of Hucheng heard this and immediately agreed.

"White Bear, you are looking for death." Red Dragon Great Elder roared.

"Listen to me, listen to me, don't get excited, the dragon clan will get out, and the tiger city will get out too. You don't have to fight for the places in the two hospitals at all." Bai Xiong gave me a bit of your expression, and then Continue to say.

"Fatty, do you want to die?" Huahu looked at the white bear coldly when he heard this, and the other tiger city beasts also looked at the white bear with bad eyes.

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