A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 627:

Bai Xiong heard this and said with a smile; "Quality, why don't you have the quality, you can't wait for me to finish talking before talking, there are giant dragons, don't be forced, you are traitors of the sacred beast clan."

"You..." The Red Dragon elder was very angry. Strictly speaking, the giant dragon is also a divine beast, but the dragon considers itself noble, and the others are low-level, just like the divine beast is divided into high-level beasts and low-level. Like the beast, the dragon has always been considered a traitor by the high-level beast.

"On the one hand, although your two races have a large population, the number of newborns is not comparable to that of the Council of Gods. Look at our Bear City. There is no hospital at all. Just find Speaker Cook, yes... hello, don’t go. Ah, I haven't finished speaking yet." Bai Xiong was only halfway talking, when he saw the people from Tiger City and the Giant Dragon ran out of the meeting room, Bai Xiong shouted.

Bai Xiong looked at the other people in his council of gods and said with a smile: "Don't thank me, just give us a place in Bear City."

"Haha, are you? If we agree, we don't know how you bear city will face the dragon and tiger city." A human said with a smile.

"Damn." The white bear heard it, thinking of this one, but did not think of the other one. If a hospital is established in Bear City, it is estimated that the Dragon and Tiger City guys will not give up, and it is impossible for Cook to build a hospital in Bear City. Otherwise, there will be no medicines for sale.

The people in Xiongcheng also went out, and the rest belonged to the Council of the Gods. The atmosphere was even more tense. The whole atmosphere was very silent and depressed.

"Ahem, we Titans, Giants, Mountain Dwarves, Hill Giants, and Barbarians can share a hospital. If we don't agree, we will go out and fight." The Titan Giant said.

Although the number of these races is small, the total population is only two to three billion, but this is a powerful race.

The orcs clan and the human clan are even more angry. Elder Bi Meng first said: "Our orcs clan will never give up."

"Huh, we humans won't give up either." The humans also said

"Or let's do it, let's say it first, for real, don't do anything fancy, life and death duel." The tiger elder stood up and said.

"Okay, let's do a fight. I don't believe that there are so many people on our human side. Why don't you turn over a few of you?" The human side is also unambiguous. He immediately stood up and saw a battle begin. .

"You humans, don't waste time. Do you know how many doctors there are in our orcs?" the fox tribe elder asked.

"Cut, no matter how many doctors, you have to listen to Speaker Cook, Cook is human." The human side immediately replied.

At this time, the patriarch of Bunny stood up and said: "Don’t make a noise, so let’s ask Speaker Cook to see if we can establish one more, even if the number of doctors in the other two hospitals is smaller, let’s solve the critically ill patients first. , Can you think of it?"

"What if Speaker Cook doesn't agree?" The human side is not easy to fool, said immediately.

"We didn't ask, how did we know that Speaker Cook would not agree?" The Bunny Chief said angrily.

On the human side, what the orc said makes sense. First, there is only a three-way competition. The giants and barbarians can suppress the number of doctors, and the number of doctors on their side and the orcs can be less, but they cannot do without. , Because there are too many critically ill children of these two races.

Of course some people say that the author is nonsense, isn’t there a portal? Isn't it enough to send it over?

It’s nice to have a portal. Let’s not talk about the cost of the portal, just say that the pressure during the portal’s transmission is not something ordinary people can withstand. The portal built behind Cook is better, and it can be transmitted by increasing the energy output. Ordinary people, but only ordinary people of Sanctuary high-level and above.

In the past, the portal was established to serve the god-level powerhouse, so it was built according to the physical level of the god-level powerhouse. Children who use this kind of portal are looking for death.

As for the fact that as long as there is one hospital in a territory of a race, people from the whole territory can rush over, because the transportation between the inner cities of each race is very good.

Of course, if you want to say the best, you have to count humans, because humans’ largest goods, food, must be transported in six ways, and the largest food consuming race, dwarves, dwarves, and humans are also the best. Yes, strictly speaking, the core position of the Council of Gods is the three realms of humans, dwarves, and dwarves.

As for the elves, they are used to being arrogant, let alone destroying trees to build roads. See if the elves can’t kill you. Orcs don’t have the power to build roads and are not united. Giants, savages, Titans and other races don’t have this. What an extra thought, because these races are physically strong, and they take them away when they buy them. Why use transportation is so troublesome. Of course, these races do not have the strength to build roads.

"Chairman Cook, just go and see. Our Crystal City is willing to provide you with a hundred berths for selling potions." Outside the meeting room, the elder Golden Dragon spoke loudly.

"That would have to wait a few days." Cook shrugged helplessly. The dragon's request Cook couldn't refuse. It didn't mean that he had taken a fancy to the dragon's territory, but that Cook saw the crystal from the dragon. The way to pull it out.

"Can’t wait, Speaker Cook, don’t you know that our dragon clan has almost a thousand dragon cubs. I don’t know why something is wrong." The golden dragon elder said, one thousand is not a lot, but don’t Forget about how low the fertility of the dragon is. Of course, the combat effectiveness of this thousand dragons after they grow up is estimated to be worth 200,000 dwarves.

Some people say that the author, you fart, two hundred thousand dwarves, that fighting power must be higher than a thousand dragons, a thousand dragons are not an opponent of a dwarf at all.

Yes, your algorithm is correct. The total combat power of dwarves is definitely higher than that of dragons, but don’t forget, 200,000 dwarves can’t say that they attacked these thousand dragons at the same time, and the dragons can fly and have mobility. Very strong, these 200,000 dwarves were killed by flying kites. The fewer the number of people fighting, the more tacit cooperation, and the greater the number of people, the more difficult it is to control as a leader. Not to mention 200,000, but 500,000 dwarves. It's not necessarily the opponent of a thousand dragons, of course you have to say rogue, 500,000 god-level dwarves, then I have nothing to say.

"Speaker Cook, our Hucheng side..." Huahu said when he saw that Cook did not refuse.

"Okay, okay, come when I have established the hospital here, you gather all the critically ill patients first, and I will go over and see in three to five days." Of course, Cook would not refuse, and he promised.

"Chairman Cook, come to our dragon territory first." Golden Dragon Grand Elder said.

"Okay, okay." When Cook saw the members of the abbot meeting in the conference room come out, he knew that there was a result. Cook was also very curious about what kind of situation was in it. Will it all be bruised and swollen?

"Okay, I'll go in first." Cook left directly after speaking. Huahu had no chance to say anything, only staring at the dragon family fiercely.

Elder Golden Dragon saw Huahu look like this, and asked with a sneer: "What do you look at?"

"Traitor, don't talk to us, despise you." Huahu said coldly.

"Are you looking for death?" The Great Elder of the Red Dragon tribe has the hottest temper.

"Yo, yo, this traitor is justified." The white bear also yelled at this time.

From the standpoint that the giant dragon is a traitor, the sacred beasts have a common understanding. This is why the giant dragon is so strong. According to the truth, if you want wealth, just go to the realm of the sacred beast, and the core will be handed. This is a lot of wealth.

The giant dragon did not do this, but kept robbing the people of the Council of Gods and other activities, because the giant dragon did not dare to appear, the dragon family is very strong, but alone against any beast city~www. wuxiaspot.com~The dragon is not emboldened.

why? Because of the fighting style, giant dragons are smarter and smarter than other beasts, but smart people tend to think a lot. This is like a fight with a man who has nothing to do with a man with a wealth of wealth. He will consider it when he fights with a wealth of wealth. If I break a person, wouldn’t I have to lose money or be locked up? After being locked up, my wife may just mess around at home, my son and daughter are not well educated, and my reputation is ruined. I rolled up my property and ran away, and my enemy might even fall into the limelight. Of course, my good friends might do the same, so I might be shy when I get started.

But nothing is the same, bastard, you dare to beat me, I'm barefoot and don't be afraid of wearing shoes, you die, you wear better than I, you tore it to you, your skin is smoother than mine, you scratch it Now, your shoes are better than mine. I stepped on and stepped on, I lost my life. It’s worth yours.

Divine beasts are not nothing, but the battle between divine beasts is basically a battle of life and death. Every time they use their best, it is more often a way of fighting with both sides. Just attack, no matter what kind of defense.

Therefore, the dragon clan did not go to the territory of the beast at all. The elder Golden Dragon saw the other dragons behind him eager to try, and said, "Go, a bunch of hillbillies."

"Traitor, get out." Huahu was also very hot when he heard that he was a hillbilly. Because according to Huahu's own knowledge, the city of kings is so prosperous, how could Hucheng have entered a civilized society. It's like hitting Huahu in the face, can Huahu not get angry?

"Let's go." Golden Dragon Great Elder gave Huahu a cold look, and then said, if his eyes could kill, it is estimated that Huahu would have died hundreds of times.

"Cut." The white bear cut out not to be outdone.

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