A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 629:

The collection of data is a process that must be done manually, because it is related to the lives of countless people. Each patient is first diagnosed by Cook, and each data is recorded by Cook.

At present, only Cook performs the first consultation. Other doctors are behind Cook. Cook explains that each race is different and the data is different. The body temperature of dwarves is higher than that of humans, and the body temperature of dwarves is higher. The amplitude is also relatively large.

The other is the heartbeat, blood pressure and other aspects are also different. If humans use the values ​​of dwarves or dwarves, they are basically killing people.

This is also the biggest reason why other races do not dare to open hospitals easily despite having doctors. It can only be said that Cook conducts a basic collection of data, and then based on these data, the symptoms manifested, the choice of drugs, such work. It may take countless lives to be done by others, but on Cook's side, Cook has a strong mental power, a wizard model, and a magic eye.

Under the superposition of these abilities, Cook can quickly check the symptoms and causes of the body. This is also the reason why many races ask Cook to open a hospital.

Those who can see a doctor and take medicine according to the prescription can only be said to be a doctor, and those who can prescribe different prescriptions according to the condition are called experts.

Now Cook is an expert. The doctors behind Cook are just ordinary doctors. Ordinary doctors can only follow Cook’s rules. But as long as Cook sees a disease, he can use the various herbs in his brain. Knowledge, to determine the best prescription.

"This is sent to the operating room, local anesthesia, and then the operation." Cook drew a straight line with paint on a certain part of the belly of a child with an enlarged belly.

These doctors already have the ability to perform operations, because as long as they perform surgery, they can see diseased tissues that are different from normal tissues, so Cook does not need to do it himself.

"This is a tumor. After it is removed, it is sutured, and then local injections with No. 6 and No. 1 drugs are used every day for a week of re-examination." Cook then prescribed a prescription, No. 1 drug, which is the diluted water of life drug. Of course, there is very little water of life, but it can ensure that the child’s physique does not deteriorate. As for No. 6, it is the diluted holy water. The holy water can kill the cancer cells that continue to spread. It can be injected locally for a week, which is similar to purification. The role of surgery.

The effect of injections is greater than oral medicines, and for pharmacists, it is not too simple to purify the syrup to the quality of injection. For critically ill patients, most of the ingredients are injected.

"Do you understand?" Then Cook asked the doctors who followed him. Two hundred doctors would take turns to study with Cook every morning and afternoon.

"Pharmaceutical No. 1 is to stabilize the patient's body, and Medicine No. 6 kills diseased cells." A doctor said.

"Very well, next one." Cook nodded and said.

In the past, on the human side, if it was anatomy, it would definitely be stopped and suppressed by the various temples, but since Cook promoted anatomy on the side of dwarves and dwarves, humans have no resistance to emotions. On the side of dwarves, Thousands of dwarves were rescued from the precarious environment through the operation. Everyone had nothing to say. At the beginning, the dwarves still had some resistance in their hearts, but after seeing the results of the operation, some of the dwarves’ families still Actively ask if you want to have surgery, because in this world, the recovery from surgery is very fast.

The most difficult thing about the operation is whether the operation is successful or not, and the other is the recovery after the operation. For doctors who can distinguish the cells in their mental ability, there will be no problems with the operation. Just like massive bleeding, if there is bleeding in that place, just use one drop. No. 0 medicine, No. 0 medicine is the high-concentration water of life, and the high concentration here is only for the No. 1 medicine, and the bleeding site does not bleed anymore.

In addition, life amniotic fluid embolism these diseases, injecting two doses of No. 6 medicine is enough to purify the impurities in the blood. As for postoperative recovery, haha, after general surgery, two injections of No. 1 medicine will heal within two days. Some family members took the initiative to ask if surgery should be done.

In the City of Hope Hospital in three days, Cook performed five operations, each of which lasted less than an hour. This is why Cook had to attend classes. Otherwise, it would only take a few minutes. Cook was teaching for two and a half days, collecting data. , How many patients did Cook see in the past two and a half days?

There are more than 20,000 critically ill patients, usually a few minutes per minute. Cook took a look, then walked to the next patient, and ordered how to deal with the previous patient. Two days and two nights plus one and a half day time, 20,000 Half of the critically ill patients have been discharged after treatment. There are more operations on the human side, which makes the doctors tired.

"This is the human pharmacopoeia." It took another half a day for Cook to compile the human pharmacopoeia. There is no alternative. Although the medicines on the human side are similar to the dwarves and dwarfs, the proportions in them are completely different, because of physical fitness. It’s not the same. More than 20,000 cases of the disease, even on the earth, are enough to make a novice doctor the backbone of the hospital, let alone 20,000 critically ill patients. If this is in other places, such doctors are rushing to do so. Someone wants.

Cook can only summarize the patient data of each race, and then specify the pharmacopoeia. Of course, Cook cannot guarantee that all diseases are included, but most of the diseases are definitely in this, and the rest will be added slowly. .

This is Cooke. There are a large number of No. 0 potions blended with the water of life to save your life, and then wait for Cook to solve it. If you change a person who is in charge of this project, this is enough to make people headache. Ke also has the backing of the Pharmacist Association, as well as these pharmacists such as West Asia. The pharmacy used by these pharmacists to refine the god-level powerhouses is a bit unrealistic, but the use of the sanctuary level is completely okay, which is equivalent to Cook’s A pharmaceutical research institution.

It took three days for the humans, and then the orcs. The orcs are more troublesome. There are too many orcs, and there are many patients. Rook, the tiger, why do the orcs use Ruk, Ruk. What is the human language of the translation city? The city of wealth is actually a misunderstanding. According to the human language, it is Lucca City. Luca is the city of the king in the language of the tigers. It is just that the different races of the orcs and their languages ​​are also different. It is not the same. When human beings hear Luca City, they say it is Luca City, and it has been going on, but Luca means money fan in the Tiger language.

On the orc side, Cook spent a week. Lions, tigers, leopards, werewolves, foxes, Munks, etc. Cooks have all established pharmacopoeias. This workload is not ordinary, just like that. A steady stream of orc patients rushed over. Of course, Cook also heard that some orc patients could not withstand the bumps of the road and died on the road. Although Cook felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, Cook could not change these things all at once. come.

Because of the giants, there are tens of thousands of patients waiting for Cook on the barbarian side. The giants are also troublesome. Titans, giants, barbarians, mountain giants, and other cyclops and so on, let Cook enjoy it again. Many races are troublesome. Data collection must reach a certain percentage before it can be said to be basically completed. According to the experimental data, it is about 10,000 people. It is very simple for humans to accomplish this goal, because they are all humans. Kecai discovered that there are at least a dozen races, just like the Crystal Giants, one race has only tens of thousands of people, hundreds of patients, and Cyclops, etc. These can only be said to collect data and then temporarily specify the pharmacopoeia.

The giant is not over yet, and the dragon has urged it again. So far, Cook has compiled more than 20 pharmacopoeias. These pharmacopoeias have been copied in large numbers by Cook and sold. Then the Medical Association launched pharmacies in various places. A pharmacy only needs two formal physicians ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ four apprentices, which can cover a large area. As long as they are handled in accordance with the pharmacopoeia, ordinary patients do not need to go to the hospital to solve them.

The dwarf and dwarf race pharmacopoeias were completed first, so the pharmacies of these two races were also the first to open. At once, twenty pharmacies were opened for each race.

The pressure on the two hospitals was relieved at once. After all, not everyone wants to travel as far away as the furnace fort. Of course, the doctor at the pharmacy will give a first consultation. Those who want to go to the hospital will prescribe the No. 1 injection and let the patient. If you go to the hospital, you can buy the medicine at the pharmacy, or go back after taking the medicine and come back the next day.

The human side is also fast. After all, Cook has been with the orcs and giants for more than 20 days. If he can become a doctor or an apprentice, he should not have a good memory. In addition, the number of medicines is not very large, probably only fifty or sixty. Kind of medicine.

Fifty pharmacies have been opened on the human side, distributed in various large cities in the human territory, forming a network. This is also the research decision of the Medical Association. As for the research decision, it is the West Asia and others. Cook is nominally the meeting of the Medical Association. Long, in fact, it’s West Asia that is in charge. There are many students of pharmacy in West Asia. These are all masters in the sanctuary world. The pharmacopoeia compiled by Cook will be supplemented by these masters and masters. As for the supplementary data, of course, Cook collected.

Cook collects data and compiles the pharmacopoeia all the way, and the pharmacies of the Association of Medical Doctors are blooming all over the place, occupying a lot of points in a short time. No way, pharmacies are very popular, even in large cities, as long as the Association of Medical Doctors says to open stores The lord of these big cities will personally urge all kinds of required documents and other things, and the security work is also in place. If you dare to harass without opening your eyes, it will definitely be punished heavily. What is this? What is political achievement? reputation.

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