A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 630:

"It's all so troublesome." After seeing the cloth on the dragon side, Cook also felt troubled, because the dragon side Nima is also a dozen races, red dragon, green dragon, golden dragon, crystal dragon, Sacred dragons and so on, especially there are Yalongs, and Yalongs are dozens of races. Cook has a hunch that the dragons will not be short.

Some people say that the sacred dragon is still sick? Hehe, can plants heal themselves? Isn't it diseased?

Moreover, the shovel is a tormentor, the holy dragon dare to release a magical technique on his tormentor? It's impossible. The Dragon Punisher can't bear the pressure of divine art either. Divine art is extremely pure energy.

So Cook stayed with the dragon for a month very painful. Why was it a month? First, the dragon was large in size and took a long time to process. In addition, the potions were completely different. The fire dragon used it. Potion, maybe the water dragon cannot use it, but the poison used by the sacred dragon cannot be used. It is the most troublesome and painful to Cook's eggs. However, the cost of the dragon is certainly not cheap, the weight of a human filial piety. It's just a few percent of a giant dragon cub, and the amount of potion must be different.

In just one month, the data collection failed to reach the goal set by Cook, but the drugstore in Dragon Mountain was established, because most of the dragon cubs could not bear the transmission.

If Cook doesn’t get to Tiger City anymore, Tiger City’s sacred beasts will start King’s City to attack Crystal City. There’s no way, Tiger City waits and waits. Humans will spend a lot of time, three days, Orc’s side and a half. Month, it’s acceptable, and half a month on the giant’s side, it’s also acceptable, but for a month on the Nima dragon side, your giant dragon is not just a group of traitors, but also noble, so Cook had to compile a provisional pharmacopoeia and go Hucheng.

The situation in Tiger City is similar to that in Bear City. It is mainly caused by various diseases caused by parasites. It is relatively simple to deal with. Moreover, the physique of mythical beasts is much better than that of humans, giants, dwarves, and orcs, and the amount of medicine used is also acceptable. Not so precise.

So in five days, Cook settled Tiger City and established two pharmacies in Tiger City. The prices of pharmacies in various places are regulated, and even the handling fees of doctors are regulated.

In the God Realm, there is no saying that the prices of medicines are inflated, and there are expensive ones, not cheap ones, because both doctors and medicines are under the management of Cook. It is difficult to take advantage of the gaps. Some people say that certain hospitals Doctors, isn't medicine managed by someone?

How can this be said, it’s not that it can’t be controlled, but that there are too many entanglements in interests. In fact, the more complicated the system, the more loopholes. As for whether it is man-made, this is not known. At what time, sell according to the price, and then the doctor will charge less. As for the patient bribery or something, don't let the above know. Once you know, wait for the blacklist.

If you are listed as a blacklist by the Physician Association, then the Pharmacy Association also recognizes it, the Mageweave Association also recognizes it, the City of Kings, the City of Crystal, the City of the Sky are recognized, and other chambers of commerce that have contacts with these organizations also recognize it, unless you plan to Be self-sufficient for the rest of your life, otherwise you just think about the consequences.

Just like corrupt officials, the main reason why the governance can't go on is that it is the official lords who make these regulations, and the official lords have to leave a way for themselves. No one can guarantee that he does not make mistakes.

(ps:-It is stipulated that corrupt officials cannot take loans, cannot buy houses, cannot buy any tickets, plane tickets, or go abroad, even long-distance bus tickets, cars cannot be bought, and driving licenses are not given. Those who carry such people will be subject to Severe penalties, banks do not accept, do not open accounts, electricity, communications, water, gas and other departments all limit a consumption amount. Hospitals do not accept, etc., do you think anyone is greedy?)

Of course, it seems that the blacklist made by Cook is a bit harsh, but in Cook's view, any system has a strict side, and of course there is another side. The treatment of doctors is definitely the best.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the people in these institutions affiliated to Cook, the price of buying internal things is very cheap, of course, you must ensure that you use them and cannot sell them.

Of course, to be able to implement such a strict system, this is mainly because there is only one side of benefit, and that is Cook. For state institutions, whose benefits are lost? Who owns the public? ps: It is estimated that the proportion of corrupt officials in Sanpang's family is low. Of course Sanpang is not the benefit of one person, and the family is not. It is certain that the family has some corrupt officials. )

Of course, internal monitoring agencies also exist, so Cook doesn’t need to bother.

It took more than half a year for the Medical Association to truly start. For Cook, it is tired, like resting.

However, the Mageweave Association still has a large order, and the dwarf engineers need to make sure that the dwarf engineers survey the dams of the Orc River. Cook has to continue working.

In addition, various races expressed their desire to purchase Sky City. Among them, the Angels were the most intense, and the Elves also expressed the idea of ​​establishing a hospital. However, the Elves wanted to establish a veterinarian, so Cook almost didn’t bring the Elves to the patriarch. Throw it out.

Not many people of the elves are sick, but the fertility of the elves is very low, which is also a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Seeing the hospital set up by Cook, the elves are uneasy, and Cook has no way to refuse. In Windsor’s Botanic Garden, there are hundreds of elves doing research for Cook.

In short, not only did Cook not take time off, he became more busy.

"Veterinarian, what kind of stuff is this." Cook sighed after seeing the kinds of beasts brought out by the elves. There are hundreds of kinds of creatures brought out by the elves. These hundreds are big kinds, just like rats. Eagles, horses are as big as horses. As for the specific blue rat that is as large as a few meters in height, is it the same as the palm-sized gopher.

After taking a look at the report submitted by the elf, Cook threw it to the Physician Association and let the Physician Association collect data slowly. As for how to collect the data, of course, it was an autopsy, a terrifying anatomy, and then formed data based on symptoms. It takes a long time, but it is also what the Pharmacy Association should do.

What Cook has to face formally is the Angels’ request to purchase the Sky City. Why? Because Cook needs God Crystal, the entire Council of Gods now circulates God Crystal Volume, and the amount of God Crystal Volume in circulation has reached two Ten billion, but Cook does not have that many reserves.

The circulation of the nerve volume has a lot to do with the fact that the **** crystals of the council of gods are included by the dragon clan. Although the dragons are only billions, the chain reaction has come down, and the whole gods council feels that the gods are lacking, so the **** crystals Only when a large number of volumes have been circulated, and the volume of the Shenjing volume does not require the Shenjing, but it can be obtained by collateralizing the items. On the other hand, some people have bad assets. This is something that Cook did not consider, although the price of the bad assets It has been suppressed to a very low level, but if it can be exchanged for the Shenjing volume, the owner of these bad assets will not hesitate to exchange it, because these bad assets are no one to buy now, because everyone is short of Shenjing.

Cook has a lot of crystals in his hand, but part of it has been exchanged by the angels, and some of them have to be left to guard against the angels' spoils. That is to say, Cook has exchanged 2 billion crystals and has to reserve 2 billion crystals. , Then a quota of four billion **** crystals is needed.

In other words, the current economy of the Council of Gods is entirely dependent on Cook's credit for endorsement. Once a large-scale run occurs, the situation will be very bad.

So Cook wants to stimulate the economy, but there are not many gods in Cook’s hands. On the one hand, there are various mortgages. On the other hand, Cook’s consumption is very high. Construction is being carried out everywhere, although a single construction requires There are not many **** crystals, but the total number is huge. Although the treatment of the Blackwater Marsh has achieved initial results~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there is still a long time before profits are generated, such as ports, waterways, and All transportation tools require magic crystals. For these ordinary workers, Cook is a magic crystal of things. There is no way. These people don't approve of magic crystals.

The Orcs’ purchases of magic herbs have not stopped. The Physician Association is also expanding. The Mageweave Association is also losing money. As for the orders for artifacts, the decline has been very serious. Ke's biggest source of cash is gone, and even if there is, he still uses Shenjing rolls.

"Open source." Then the only way is to open source.

"Cook Speaker." When the angels heard that Cook wanted to build the Sky City, the newly appointed leadership team was very excited, so they immediately organized their staff and rushed to the Council of the Gods.

"You guys." Cook asked doubtfully without knowing these new leaders.

Dilly said, "This is the patriarch of the Angels. The new patriarch is in charge of the affairs of the Angels."

"Oh, you are welcome." Cook wondered, the great elder of the angel royal family did not show up on such a big matter.

"Speaker Cook, we are late." But just after Cook's words came to an end, another group of angels arrived immediately. Cook knew this group of people, and the elder led the team.

Before Cook could speak, the newly appointed patriarch stood up and shouted: "What are you doing here?"

"We have to participate in this matter. Look at you. How did you manage the angel family?" The elder was really worried about the matter of refining the Sky City with Cook.

The new angel patriarch said with a sneer: "You are embarrassed to come. If it were not for you, the Sky City would be destroyed. If you don’t secretly calculate Speaker Cook, there will be such a thing. You are still embarrassed to come. See Speaker Cook!"

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