A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 662: Large settlement

Hearing Wanna’s scream, Cook looked back, and the movements on his hands didn’t stop at all. Even though Cook’s body reached about 2.5 meters, it was much shorter than other monsters. The huge one-eyed monster saw Ku Ke directly stabbed the big belly monster to death, and slammed his body towards Cook. It was absolutely uncomfortable for a big guy over four meters tall to be bumped into it. Of course, that meant ordinary people.

Not only did Cook didn't retreat, he also slammed into the one-eyed monster. It was a long time, but it was a momentary thing.


Li Ji was stunned. The huge one-eyed monster was hit by Cook and flew tens of meters upside down, directly hitting the opposite building, and fell to the ground so softly, the one-eyed monster exploded directly from the inside. When he came out, various liquids spurted out of his mouth, and he was obviously unable to survive.

The remaining two monsters saw this scene, turned their heads and ran without hesitation. The cat's claw monster jumped a distance of tens of meters, and then the huge claws grabbed the windows on the fifth floor of the building and swung their bodies. , Is about to flee.


With a bang, Cook flew up and kicked the railing on the head of the belly monster directly. The railing was kicked off, and the railing with countless hollow steel pipes was like a comb, directly The cat's claw monster stuck in the sway.

Although the body of the cat's claw monster is stronger than the steel pipe, the huge force and speed exerted by Cook on the steel pipe is enough to make a toothpick shoot through a layer of steel plate.

Cook didn't even look at the cat's claw monster. He rushed to the underground parking lot of the mall with an afterimage. The last monster, a monster just like a human but a circle bigger than a human, ran directly in. The underground parking lot.

"Hurry up." But then Cook recovered and ran over quickly without any other means. The clothes are damaged.

Cook quickly opened his backpack, put on a set of protective clothing, and ran away with the shocked Li Ji and others.

A few people were in another building hundreds of meters away, and Cook stopped. Li Ji and others looked at Cook in surprise. Cook said with a smile: "Just now it was my superpower, and my physical fitness was strengthened in a short time. , But it cannot be used for a period of time, which is too burdensome for the body.

Why did Cook say this? In fact, after Cook chased into the underground parking lot, Cook thought that he had to expose his weaknesses. If Cook had no restrictions on his transformation, then when someone wanted to target Cook in the future, he would not look at it from this aspect. Start, of course, this is not to say that these women are going to betray Cook, but that the enemy may accidentally know these things from these women.

Cook says so now, plus the actions just now, plus the recognition of the world, Cook’s this statement is very valid, then once someone chooses to choose Cook to deal with Cook in this state, hehe, no I'm sorry, Cook's superimposed frenzied state is the strongest, thinking that the enemy in the future may face his strongest state, Cook is excited to think about it.

"Cook, you are crazy about your physique?" Li Ji asked.

"Is there anyone else?" Cook was really surprised.

Li Ji nodded and said, "Of course, but this kind of crazy physique requires extremely high physical constitution. Among super powers, this ability is the most popular, but some super powers will be burdened by the body after using crazy abilities. The reason will be coma."

"As long as it takes less than five minutes, I won't be unconscious, over five minutes, the chance of being unconscious is very high. And also need a long-term recuperation." Cook touched his nose and said.

Wan Na asked next to Cook, "Cook, what level are you?"

"Fifth level pinnacle." Cook said a number, and Cook estimated that the level five pinnacle used madness to deal with these monsters.

Luo Tian and others admired Cook's eyes even more, and Cook was of a high level. The super power is very strong, and the shooting accuracy is very high.

Cook has a deep understanding of the world. Cook plans to double-stack the madness, but from the results of Cook’s madness, the effect of the triple-stack madness is fully achieved. Obviously this world has a physical aspect. The law of ‘’s has increased greatly, and Cook’s body shape has changed too much. This is something that Cook did not expect. According to Cook’s doubling of madness in the God Realm, the big deal is to increase by about ten centimeters, this time directly increase by half. Meter height, the height increased by half a meter, the body also thickened a lot.

Then Cook ordered a two-hour rest, and then Cook ate a lot, as if I needed to add something. This scene was also firmly remembered by Li Ji and others. There was no way, Cook ate a whole team of three. Half of the day’s food, of course, the consequence is that when I hit the road again, the backpack is a lot easier.

Cook and others did not go back to get the monster's crystal core, because the fire in the store not only attracted more monsters, mutant creatures, especially mutant creatures after being burned by the fire, the smell of the body of mutant monsters attracted more monsters and mutant creatures. .

For more than a day, Cook and the others tried their best to make a detour, and the goal of 20 kilometers in a straight line. Cook and others walked more than 300 kilometers. Fortunately, Luo Tian and others have improved a lot, but even so, at night When resting, the women didn't have the mind to pester Cook. Even Li Ji was nervous every day. When he relaxed at night, he would fall asleep. Of course, taking turns to watch the night was also necessary.

At noon on the third day after the departure, Cook and others finally saw the largest settlement within a radius of more than a thousand kilometers, a pyramid-like building, built of concrete and steel plates, each layer There are guards on the platforms, but this pyramid is not four-sided, more than twenty-sided.

"I've also heard about this. It used to be a garrison. The physique of the soldiers is much stronger, so there are few mutations. After solving the internal problems, the garrison dispatched armored troops. At the beginning, the monsters were weaker. There are a large amount of materials and personnel. This gathering point is a strategic reserve warehouse, the largest in the entire area. It is said that the grain is hundreds of thousands of tons, and there is a frozen warehouse, right next to the military camp..." Li Ji explained.

Cook nodded. There are a lot of electromagnetic guns on the buildings in this settlement, and the guarded electromagnetic guns are basically manned. This kind of defensive firepower is very strong. The number of layers of the entire pyramid building is shrinking, and each layer has guards. Personnel, which means that the enemy in one direction has to face countless fire suppression.

Outside the gathering place, there are fences built with various waste products. There are more than a dozen layers of barbed wire. There are also trenches. Inside the trenches are pointed steel bars. You can also see that there are various items in the trenches. There are two types of pipe outlets, drainage, and some special chemical substances. There are only two directions for the inlet and outlet. The trench is made of wooden boards. There is a winch on the opposite side of the trench, which can be fast Take back the suspension bridge.

Queuing, Cook's team is very eye-catching among all the people in the line, because the equipment of several people is basically the same, and they are all standard equipment.

"The batteries are put away, the guns are on your back, and guns are not allowed in the camp." The guard shouted loudly.

Cook's team had already packed up. Li Ji and others directly opened the backpack and checked the items, and some items would be forced to sell.

"We need these guns in our camp..." The guard in charge of the inspection saw the guns in the backpacks of Cook and the others, and his eyes brightened. These guns are brand new.

"Except for our equipment, we are willing to sell the rest." Li Ji said, these are things that have been negotiated in advance.

"Okay, okay, this is your identity certificate. You are a level 6 resident, and you can enjoy a lot of discounts." The guard saw a dozen electromagnetic guns and matching batteries, and he was very happy to give Cook and others. People who are issued with a Level 6 resident card do not have to pay the entry fee, and there is a discount on the purchase of things. What is the most scarce in the world, food, weapons, there is a lot of food in this settlement, and food is a large consumable item, a little discount , Which adds up to a lot.

And regardless of the level of resident card, as long as it does not violate the regulations, it will not be subject to mandatory inspection. Temporary ID cards will be inspected by the guards at any time. Of course, if you are a more beautiful woman, you will be inspected the most times. Don’t try to resist. The consequences are even more serious.

"We still have some canned meat..." Li Ji took Wanna's backpack and opened it.

"Canned fish, a good thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The people around looked at the canned sea fish, and they were surprised to know that this city is inland. In this era, sea fish is a luxury item among luxury goods.

"Three-level resident card." The guard saw a dozen cans. Although the surface was dirty, they were intact. The guard can imagine the canned sea fish for dinner at the upper level of the colony.

"There is also caviar." Li Ji took out two more bottles of caviar, which was a luxury in the peaceful era, let alone this era.

"What do you want?" The guards could no longer decide, and quickly took the commander in charge of the city gate. The commander was also gulping when he saw the caviar.

"We want a shop." Cook said.

"What's the deal?" The commander nodded and asked. There are many shops in the settlement, but they are all controlled by the settlement. There are shops in the settlement, and safety is absolutely guaranteed.

"I am a pharmacist and I am going to sell some potions." Cook pointed to his backpack, which contained various plants.

"Oh, for a five-square-foot shop, a bottle of caviar is rented for three months, and two bottles are six months." The commander nodded. The profession of pharmacist is also available in this world, but how to say it, pharmacist Like the status of Chinese medicine, it is not surprising at all, because this world has such pharmacists in peace times, but medicines treat some diseases, and they are not very helpful in fighting, and the number of pharmacists in the settlement A lot.

"Plus these crystal nuclei, larger shops." Cook took out the crystal nucleus. There were dozens of low-level crystal nuclei with the highest level of four. Five square meters is too small, at least a dozen square meters, five square meters is the size of a bed, how can five people live, unless it is stacked on top of each other, and Cook needs to prepare medicine.

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