A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 663: Monster tide

"Take this, go to No. 119 on the basement floor." The commander hesitated, then gave Cook a piece of paper with a name, Amway.

"Thank you." Cook said thank you, and led Li Ji and others into the settlement.

Because of wearing a three-level resident card, Cook and others were not checked again at the subsequent checkpoints, and those wearing temporary resident status were likely to be spot-checked several times, especially some civilian women were even searched. Many times.

The guards here don't care what kind of person you are, because these guards themselves represent the settlement. As long as they are not senior residents in the settlement, ordinary people in this world are not worth even a steamed bun.

The reason why Cook and the others have this treatment is because of the three-level resident certificate, which can buy various supplies in the settlement. The purchase of materials is different for the residents of the eighth and ninth levels. You can even buy some ordinary steamed buns, water, and nothing more. Even the accommodation is only in the lowest room.

This is actually another kind of rationing system. The more you pay to the settlement, the more power you get. This is like paying taxes in peacetime. The more taxes you pay, the greater the protection you receive. For a company that pays tens of billions of taxes, it’s not easy to see the governor, at least it can be achieved, but for a company that pays tens of thousands of taxes, the township chief will not take care of you.

So in Cook’s view, this resident certificate is actually an affirmation of your ability. Take an ordinary civilian and give him a three-level resident certificate. Does he have so much wealth to consume high-end things? Certainly not. .

The third-level resident certificate is already considered a very high-level resident certificate. Except for permanent resident certificates, settlement fighters, high-level personnel, these are permanent resident certificates, and resident certificates are required for technical personnel in settlements. Sexual residents are almost the same, but they don’t have certain privileges. For technical personnel who have made important contributions to the settlement, the team that just entered can reach the third level, and the team of Cook dare not say the first , At least it's very awesome.

A huge part of the commercial activities in this settlement are all in the underground world. The underground world is actually the original civil air defense system, and there is also a place that is vacated after the grain depot consumes food. This place has been converted into various small rooms in the city, with shops, There are places for rent, and places for permanent purchases, and they vary in size.

"Uncle, uncle, come and play."

"Yo, handsome guy, come and play."

"Cigarettes, cigarettes, good cigarettes."

"A variety of second-hand equipment, don't miss it when you pass by."

"Repair all kinds of electronic equipment, cheap and good quality."

The civil air defense facilities are not very spacious. In addition, the temporary buildings that have been erected occupy most of the area. The houses here are directly welded by steel plates. On the one hand, they increase the usable area. On the other hand, they are firm. Somewhat surprised is that this basement floor actually has huge lighting facilities.

There were women's voices in the simple room, and men's chuckles. There was no way. The sound insulation of steel plates was too bad. Cook also saw a place where there were men queuing.

Within ten seconds, Cook saw two men come out, and then another man took a man in the line in.

"Damn." Cook was extremely speechless.

After walking for a certain distance, the shops here look normal, and there is a security booth-like facility out of the passage, guarded by guards.

The shops here are numbered, and the residences that were built just now are not numbered.

"Do you have any requirements?" Cook and the others looked at the sign of the shop management office and realized that the commander wanted to find these people.

"We need a shop, it doesn't matter if it is bigger," Cook said directly.

"The ones without names on them are vacant. They have different areas, different locations, and different prices." The person opposite Cook took out a simple map, and Cook looked at it. There are seven or eight major air defense projects. The space seems to be vacant in the strategic reserve, absolutely spacious.

"Large area, good location." Cook took out a small bag of candies with a dim happy character on it. The sugar cubes in the bag had been deformed, and he handed it directly to the person opposite.

"Candy, good stuff, No. 12, No. 18, Area D. No. 36 is the best shop, and there is a passage for permanent residents in Area D, which is also a passage for high-level residents to come and go to the ground. Of course, you can also go there. The entrance of the restaurant.” The person on the opposite side did not say his name. After putting away the candy, he introduced three shops to Cook and others.

"No. 12." Of course, Cook didn't think that he would give the commander a low-level crystal nucleus to exchange for a shop. All Cooke needed was a relationship.

"On No. 12 in District D, the rent for one month is fifty gold coins, or supplies of the same value. All expenses are included and there is no restriction on the use of water." The person opposite gave such a figure.

This number is definitely a big number, but this shop is about forty square meters, and it is made of steel plates mixed with concrete walls. It looks like something like a storage warehouse, and the water is not restricted. I know that the water here is purified water, so a bottle of water is sold for ten copper coins outside, which is the kind of water in a plastic bottle.

"Set up for three months first." Cook didn't think about it at all, and directly gave three level 5 monster crystal nuclei. The price of level 5 monster crystal nucleus is almost ten gold coins. Cook gave three, that is to say. Good for this person right now.

"My name is Xia Ye. If anyone is asking for trouble, report my name." Seeing Cook took out three Level 5 crystal nuclei, Xia Ye finally looked at Cook and said to Cook. Of course the crystal nuclei were also collected. Up.

Immediately after going through the lease procedures, it can be seen that this summer night is not a low status here, and a guard was also called to bring Cook and his party to the shop rented by Cook.

Looking at two two-meter-wide gates and a 10-meter-long warehouse, Cook knew that it was a warehouse for storing certain special materials. The walls of the warehouse were fifty centimeters thick, and the middle of the concrete was thick with a thumb. Steel plate.

"Profit merchant." Seeing the empty inside, Li Ji cursed in a low voice. In Li Ji's view, this is simply a luxury, but renting a shop also has an advantage. There is no need to pay any fees, just like what Xia Ye said before. Fees, water bills, and electricity bills, as long as they are in this settlement, except for rented shops, and permanent residents do not charge, and other senior technicians must pay, let alone want to sleep in here. The guy who sleeps is also required to pay, the hotel is not responsible for these things.

The shops on both sides of Cook’s shop were indeed rented, but it was not a shop opened, but like a place of residence. Cook even saw three women, two elderly people, and two children in the next door, obviously. A family.

Obviously Cook and the others don’t need the bed, but if you sell the medicine, you must have experimental supplies, as well as things like the counter. After Li Ji gave a bag of candy to the woman next door, he knew everything. Some are the family members of senior superpowers. These family members are not safe in other places, but in this area D, they are very safe. For a senior superpower, it is not difficult to get 50 gold coins a month. , And then maintain the family's lowest standard of living, there is still no problem, and the senior adventurers are basically a small team, and the adjacent shops next to Cook are all family members of an adventure team.

Of course, there are real business, imitation electromagnetic guns, projectiles, electromagnetic mines, protective clothing, etc., as well as individual combat rations. Although 30 years have passed, they can still support the high consumption of advanced adventurers. There are also various cold weapons made of special metals, as well as armors and so on.

Cook also saw a pharmacy, where there are a variety of medicines for sale, most of them are medicines for curing trauma, but now this is only useful for mutant creatures~www.wuxiaspot.com~mutant creatures basically do not infect humans, but monsters Basically 100% infection, and then some medicines for improving physical fitness, of course, the effect is almost negligible, but the price, this kind of physical improvement, is at least a gold coin and a pill.

Cook knows the effect of this pill as long as he moves his mental power. According to Cook's calculation, this thing has an effect, but it is the effect of strengthening the body. It is basically impossible to really strengthen the physique.

There are more kinds of poisons, chemicals, and other plants refined at different prices.

Li Ji and others followed Cook to the ground. On the ground, there was a place where a lot of waste goods were piled up. Cook and others bought the counter and two big sofas for less than one gold coin. And all sorts of odds and ends.

There are also some glassware, experimental objects, mainly small hand tools, because the shops only provide lighting, not sockets or anything, so there is no need to think about power tools.

Cook and the others were not bad, so they got the things back and started to put them out.

Li Ji and others assisted Cook in simple processes such as plant sorting, grinding, and purification. The purification was mainly done by heating.

"This is the medicine to increase physique?" Li Ji and the others asked in astonishment as they watched Cook's various solutions purified by himself and the others, and directly blended them according to the ratio.

"That is." Cook dropped two drops of the solution that decomposed the crystal nucleus into the flask, and then slowly shake it. These two drops are the most important. The physique medicine actually uses the energy in the crystal nucleus slowly. To strengthen the body, the various medicines in front only help the body absorb it.

"It's not good, the monster tide is coming." At this moment, a voice rang, and Li Ji and others were dumbfounded when they heard the news.

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