A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 664: Countermeasure

"Quick, Cook, let's leave quickly." Li Ji and the others knew the monster tide was so powerful, they immediately packed up.

What can Cook say, Cook can't say, I just came here because I knew what was going to happen here, Cook said: "Now the settlement is definitely not allowed to leave."

"It's over, it's over, it's over, monster tide, but how can there be monster tide here." Li Ji fell to the ground suddenly, his face pale.

"Everyone goes back to where they live, and squat down on the spot if they don't have a place to live. Five minutes later, if you dare to run around, kill them." A huge voice rang from the passage.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a team of guards running through, accompanied by gunfire and loud humming.

"It's over, it's over." Li Ji and the other women languished, their spirits a little abnormal.

"You are selling potions?" Xia Ye didn't know how to come to Cook's side. Seeing what was in Cook's hand, Xia Ye asked in surprise.

"Yes." Cook stood up and drew the curtain. The expressions of the women were not very good.

"I'll tell you that people in Zone D don't need to perform military service." Xia Ye felt very uncomfortable when he saw Li Ji and others.

"Thank you." Cook said thank you.

"Okay, I'm leaving, what kind of potion are you?" Xia Ye was about to leave, but asked a ghostly.

"Low-level physique growth potion, this bottle can probably make a person reach the physique of a first-level superpower within twenty hours." Cook's heart moved, at the first glance that Xia Ye's physique was not very strong, he was obviously an official second. Generations or several generations of officials.

"It's impossible." When Xia Ye heard Cook's words, he immediately shook his head and looked at Cook.

Cook shook his head and said, "Believe it or not."

"Then the price of this potion?" Xia Ye asked.

Cook poured the medicine directly into a plastic bottle and said, "You are my first customer. In addition, I can see that your status is not ordinary. This bottle counts as my gift to you. Every time I take five milliliters, one Take it once every hour. Of course, if you take the medicine and then train, eat the meat of the first-level mutant, the effect will be better."

Seeing the half bottle of white liquid in Cook's hand, Xia Ye hesitated for a while, and then took the plastic bottle in Cook's hand. This is a plastic bottle containing half a catty of pure water, and the cap has not been washed. Clean, but seeing Cook's positive attitude, Xia Ye nodded: "If it is true, I will not treat you badly."

Xia Ye left. After Xia Ye left, she came to the third underground floor. This is where the real permanent residents live. Xia Ye also knows that there is a passageway that is hundreds of kilometers long under the ground. To another settlement, this is also the defense project built by various countries in order to cope with the world war. After all, if you want to escape from the sky, short distances will not work. It is just another settlement in a town with mountains and forests everywhere. , Development is very difficult, and the most reliable people go.

"Mom." Xia Ye walked directly into a house and said that it was a house. In fact, it was a cave opened in the rail transit station leading to another settlement. There are hundreds of such caves here.

"Xiao Ye is back, come and eat." A middle-aged woman immediately got up after seeing Xia Ye.

"Father?" Xia Ye looked at a few big white noodle steamed buns, and there was some fish in a plate, and there were brown things in the bottom of a small white porcelain bowl.

"Your father is still in a meeting. This is canned tuna. You ate it when you were ten years old. This is caviar. It's a good thing you've never eaten." Xia Ye's mother introduced.

"There is still such a good thing?" Xia Ye was surprised when she heard this. He picked up a slice of white flour bun, directly sandwiched a piece of fish, carefully dipped in some canned soup, and then ate it strategically. There are a lot of food in the reserve warehouse, and there are also many cans, but here is to cope with the war, so they are canned with cheap materials, such as beef, pork, chicken, etc. Cook's reserve warehouse, but it is the stuff of the rich. , So the contents of the can must be different.

Two steamed buns have been eaten. Xia Ye’s daily quota is four steamed buns, one in the morning, one at noon, and two in the evening. As for other things, it is not necessarily. You need money to buy. The main source of money is Xia Ye’s father. Xia Ye’s salary, as well as Xia Ye’s own salary, Xia Ye’s mother did not work and was at home.

"Mother, do you still have the meat of the first-level mutant beast?" Xia Ye hesitated for a while, then asked.

"Yes, but you don't digest it very much after you eat it..." Ordinary people are just like that, the meat of mutant creatures doesn't digest it very much after eating it.

"I want to eat." Xia Ye said bitterly.

"That's good, but it takes about half an hour, and a pressure cooker is needed." Xia Ye's mother was a little surprised by Xia Ye's situation, but she still agreed to Xia Ye's request.

Xia Ye returned to her room. It was actually a cave of less than ten square meters. Except for a bed, it was more of a training tool. There was no way. Xia Ye always wanted to be a superpower. Now Xia Ye is thirty years old. In this world, many thirty-year-old men have already had children of their own, and there is more than one, but Xia Ye’s status is very embarrassing. Those who can match Xia Ye can’t look down on Xia Ye as an ordinary person. Ordinary people, Xia Ye Family at night is not allowed.

"Goo." Xia Ye drank five milliliters and waited for ten minutes, nothing felt the same.

Xia Ye was suspicious, but still walked to a treadmill. Although there was no electricity, Xia Ye still ran non-stop. Half an hour later, Xia Ye felt a little hot in her body.

"Xia Ye, the meat is ready." Xia Ye was surprised. The feeling of heat was like drinking hot water.

"Thank you mom." Xia Ye brought a large bowl of meat back to her room and thanked her mother.

Seeing her son sweating profusely, Xia Ye’s mother was full of tears. Xia Ye’s mother knew that Xia Ye had been exercising frantically in the house for a long time, but it had no effect.

"Boom." Actually increased strength.

Three hours later, Xia Ye took the physique enhancement potion three times, and the feeling of heat in the body had never been broken, and after eating a bowl of first-level mutant beast, he didn't feel anything for three hours.

"This thing works." Looking at the tattered plastic bottle, Xia Ye resisted the urge to find Cook.

"Mother, cook me a big pot of first-class mutant beast meat." Xia Ye directly opened the door to find her mother who was waiting for her father, and then hurried back to train after she finished speaking.

This time, Xia Ye carried a large backpack, which was a training backpack, weighing tens of kilograms. With the backpack on her back, Xia Ye continued to run.

"Xia Ye?" A middle-aged man opened the door and saw Xia Ye running on the treadmill, a pool of water stains on the ground.

"Father." Xia Ye shouted respectfully.

"Xia Ye, you are like this..." Xia Ye’s father, Xia Ci, is an officer of the garrison in the Peace Era. He is now sixty years old, but Xia Ye is a Level 6 superpower. The correct order was issued at the very beginning of the change, so there is no small right to speak in the settlement.

"Father, I know that this time is different, my physique has improved a lot." Xia Ye directly punched a strength tester hung in front of the treadmill.

"Okay, okay." Xia Ye was also very happy to see this scene, and went out to personally bring in the meat of the mutant beast prepared by Xia Ye's mother.

Xia Ye grabbed a large piece of meat and started to eat while running. She also drank a physique strengthening medicine. Xia Ye began to talk about today's affairs under his father's gaze.

"The caviar you eat and canned sea fish are also brought by this cook. It seems that this cook is not easy." Who is Xia Ci, one of the high-level people in the settlement, the origin of canned sea fish and caviar? How unclear.

"Tsk tusk, this guy also has several players, they are all very beautiful, and I think..." Xia Ye also tutted.

"You mean he said this is a low-level physique increasing potion, so that means there are high-level ones?" Xia Ci thought of another question and asked.

Xia Ye was a little uncertain, and said, "Maybe, but I saw this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haha, I can use such a bottle to pack such a good thing at will. It seems that this medicine is in Cook’s eyes. Here, it's not a big deal, but this Cook is a white man..." Xia Ci chuckled.

"Let’s go, Xia Ye, let’s visit this Cook pharmacist, I hope I don’t let me down." After checking Xia Ye’s body, there was no negative effect. Xia Ye had a decision. Such a pharmacist, Even if there is only this kind of medicine, it is the object that anyone needs to win.

However, when Xia Ye knocked on Cook's door, a special smell came out of the relatively closed room. There was also a dissatisfied Cook who was speechless.

"Summer night, what can I do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Cook asked directly. Cook is using another way to comfort a few players. Then he was interrupted when he knew it was halfway through. In his eyes, the sky and the earth are big, and then Lao Tzu is the biggest, so Cook didn't mean to invite the two in.

"Cook, thank you for your canned sea fish. It's delicious. Don't you invite us in?" Xia Ci said that it was cryptic, but the meaning was obvious. I knew exactly what you paid when Cook came in.

"Come in." Cook estimated that the women had already been covered, and he said.

The simple counter, there is nothing in it, and then there are various glassware. The back half of the warehouse is pulled up by a curtain. Combined with what Xia Ye said, this kid has four women. Xia Ye will know the library. It's not easy to overcome it. In such a troubled world, it can lead four women to live very moisturized, and there is no ability to do it?

"Mr. Cook, I am gifted by Xia Xia, I would like to ask, do you have any more advanced medicine?" Xia Ci asked directly.

"Advanced, how advanced is it?" Cook asked faintly, but he was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

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