A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 710: Investigation

"Go, hurry up." A dozen soldiers shouted in a low voice. These people have shining broadswords on their bodies, and they also have things like battle armor made up of various metals.

A dozen soldiers escorted more than 30 women and more than 50 children. These women and children were very thin, and some had some disabilities. In the cold winter, these women and children were in various settlements. Life is very difficult. If nothing happens, it would be good for the woman inside after the winter and the child to survive half of it.

Dadong has the largest population in peacetime, but the environment in troubled times is even worse and there are too many monsters. Of course, the supplies in Dadong are abundant enough, and other cities around Dadong have a large population.

"Boss, we can at least change a case of wine this time." A dozen soldiers looked around vigilantly, and one of them asked in a low voice.

"Almost, baijiu, in this cold winter, but good things, and medicine, hehe, we found a few virgins this time, although they are younger, but they can be used, I will tell you that I will return to the settlement in the future Don’t let him control your cock, **** with women, other women have done it, but the virgin has to be kept, this is an expensive commodity, if I find someone **** in the future, don’t blame Lao Tzu. Under your second child, do you understand?" The leader of the warrior is a sixth-level superpower who manages a small settlement of thousands of people. These women and children are the first batch of people traded in the settlement. goods.

The teams of these small settlements, as long as they don’t go deep into the city or the forest, they can travel freely in the suburbs, and many mutant creatures do not come out in winter. As long as they don’t encounter some gregarious mutant creatures, they don’t have to be afraid. Monsters, in this winter, also affect the infrared vision, and there are connections between settlements of various sizes. In addition, in winter, many settlements do not have enough food, so on the ground around Dadong, such a team appeared. I know that in the winter, everyone stayed behind closed doors, but the temperature in winter was very low.

"Hey, there are fewer cold-proof clothes, otherwise the thousands of women and children in our gathering place can bring them all at once." The boss looked at the women and children wrapped in thick clothes, muttering in his heart.

Inside the gate of the Dadong Power Plant, several large sheds were temporarily built. Outside the gate is a winding road arranged by the power grid. Above the gate are two electromagnetic machine guns that were disassembled from patrol boats.

Teams led groups of women and children directly into the greenhouse. The temperature inside the greenhouse was very high. Rows of large heating fans were slamming them.

"No. 134." At the end of the hundreds-meter-long greenhouse, there is a door. On both sides of the door, there are two things like fortresses that control electromagnetic guns. This is a chaotic world and the hearts of the people are complicated. A staff member shouted. .

"Come on, go, hurry up." A man at the head of the line immediately stood up, yelling to the woman and the child who were sleeping on the ground, and then walked into the door one by one. The man who led the way followed in. The line The other soldiers waited anxiously.

"Thirty-six women, three of them are virgins, eleven have some disability, fifty-six children, what do you want to change?" These women, children were taken into another room, then stripped naked and tidyed Personal hygiene, shave hair, take a bath, check for other diseases, ten minutes later, the staff came out with a list.

"Alcohol, medicine." The man said immediately.

"You can change two boxes of liquor. What kind of medicine should I change?" the staff member continued to ask.

After the man answered, the staff directly wrote something on the list, and then tore the list to the man. The man quickly went out with the list. After leaving the greenhouse, more than a dozen soldiers surrounded his home. Boss, come to the other side of the greenhouse. This side is the warehouse. There are more armed personnel here. Donald himself sits in the town. There is no way. The piles of scarce things here.

After the list is handed in. There are two boxes of liquor and a box of miscellaneous medicines, mainly for hemostasis and treatment of trauma. The boss directly asks a henchman to carry these things, and the boss does not bring them because the wild is very dangerous and the boss wants to fight.

"Wait, this is the clothes that the people you brought." A lot of clothes were thrown out. The boss and others were taken aback, then quickly rolled up the clothes and disappeared into the cold wind.

Such a trading team has several calls every day. Of course, there are also some people who have changed their items and were spotted in the wild. Some conflicts broke out. The staff dormitory behind the Dadong Power Plant has been cleared out. Water pipes and electrical wires have been cleared. It was changed again, and the door was changed. This is the place where the women and children were placed. The women were scattered. They were all laid on the floor. There was no need for quilts. The floors were all wooden boards. After they were washed clean, You can sleep directly, because these dormitories have heating, the windows are damaged, and the steel plate is welded directly, and the room is steaming hot.

Not to mention the original power plant materials, that is, the tens of thousands of containers in the port. Half of them are food, clothes and the like, with hundreds of thousands of tons, so there is no shortage of materials.

Women and children have enough food and drink. Tang Fugui thought very simple. Since there is a deal, these women and children can't be what they are now. As for who dares to harm these women, at least the people in the Dadong settlement will not do it.

This is the goods to be traded with that guy. That guy is not that great. Anyway, looking at the current situation, you will know how the power plant was cleaned out. How did the materials come from?

The entire settlements around Dadong have been relatively comfortable this winter. On the one hand, women and children, these burdens are traded out, and will not be consumed. On the other hand, the medicines, food, weapons, The combat effectiveness of the settlement is even stronger.

Everyone else thought that the two brothers Tang Fugui had a mental illness, but only Tang Fugui and a group of confidants knew how precious these women and children could change.

"Hello, hello." When the number of women reached 10,000 and the number of children reached 30,000, Tang Fugui dialed the number on the wireless communication.

"Hello, I'm gifted by Xia Xia." There was a few sounds in the communicator, and then a voice rang.

When Cook came to the plane of the demon, the demon was already on the defensive front of the Council of the Gods. The entire defensive line sprayed out flames from time to time, clearing a space, but in an instant, these spaces were filled with blood mist sprayed by other blood demons.

"I'm sorry, something has been delayed." Cook's appearance made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief. To know whether the results can be maximized this time, it depends on Cook.

Now the line of defense is for the demon lords to see, as long as Cook finds the channel connecting this plane to other planes, then it's time to show the demon color.

The thieves’ guild responsible for collecting intelligence, the Shadow Dragon clan gave Cook several very suspicious places, and only the specific ones need to be verified by Cook. It is this information. Fortunately, these god-level assassins are equipped with a full set of artifacts and equipment, so there is no loss, but even so, there are more than a dozen god-level assassins who have suffered serious injuries. It is certain that they have been trained for hundreds of years.

After getting a few suspicious locations, Cook did not bring anyone, because Cook felt that one person was enough, and one more person would be a burden. As for unity is strength, a group of sheep united is not a tiger's opponent.

The situation of the entire plane has been investigated by the Council of the Gods and the Dragon within a few months. Only the resistance organization area and several core locations of the demons have not been verified. So everyone suspects that these Place, there are spatial channels leading to other planes.

As for the specifics, Cook has to make his own determination. In terms of investigation, Cook is no worse than the average person. There is no sun's light in the sky, and it is gloomy. This is also the demon invading a plane, covering the sky first. The low-level demons are afraid of the sun, just like the blood demons. Although they are very powerful and difficult to entangle, they will also suffer considerable damage when exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Of course, it doesn't mean that blood demons are lower demons. Every demonic has a distinction between lower and higher.

Cook walked wildly behind the monster like this, but none of the monsters passing by could see Cook. This is the use of the origin of the wind system. Whether it is sight, smell, or other detection methods, you need one. The medium is air.

The air is controlled by Cook, so Cook wants these monsters to see him, then he sees himself, wants these guys to be invisible, these guys are invisible, unless Cook deliberately wants to hit these monsters.

In the rear, Cook saw more demons, kobolds, black kobolds, monkeys, but with long claws shining black light, as well as pig bodies and duck heads.

The reason why monsters are called monsters is because of their strange shapes. The birth of these monsters is actually a kind of creatures hybridized from various planes. These creatures can adapt to the environment of hell, the environment of the abyss, and others. The environment, but the monsters in the plane of **** and the abyss are the lowest existence. The creatures of these planes pay attention to blood. The more expensive the blood, the higher the status and strength. The blood of the monster is hybrid. It is very underground, and basically has no right to survive.

That's why the demons will continue to invade the lower planes, and then develop and strengthen themselves. Of course, these demons don't know that they are encountering a high plane like the God Realm, and they think it is a middle plane.

Demons also like medium planes, thinking that the blood of creatures bred on medium planes contains powerful energy, and creatures' blood is what demons like most.

The Blood Demon Lair is a huge blood pool. The blood pool contains not only the corpses of various creatures, but also the blood of various creatures. Under the control of the blood magician, the corpses of these creatures are continuously decomposed by blood. Then blood demons were born.

The blood demon has no fixed shape, so when fighting it may be a blood-red mist, perhaps a red water stream on the ground, or even a drop of blood hidden in the grass, who has not fought with the blood demon, or strength Below the blood demon, it is normal to be attacked and killed by the blood demon.

Very hidden, a drop of red blood rolled into the blood pool, and then Cook patted his **** and left.

Gorefiend is very difficult for you in the eyes of others, but don't forget. Cook is a pharmacist, and has also obtained various knowledge of astral wizards, what kind of creatures astral wizards have not encountered.

Gorefiends are nothing more than attacking weird and contaminating weapons, but Cook starts with the blood itself and cultivates blood with viruses. Once these gorefiends join the gospel army, then release the blood mist, and then Cook only needs to collect the blood. The corpse of the demon is enough.

As for the production methods of other demons, they are very cruel. In a Limo camp, Cook saw countless creatures, many of them resembling human beings, whether they are male or female, male or female. Belly, occasionally a creature with a big belly is cut open by the creature inside. This is a new demon. This demon will eat the mother that gave birth to itself, and then will be carried out by the guard demon and become one of the new demon army. member.

From Cook's point of view, these maternal bodies are no longer saved, because these maternal bodies already contain the seeds of demons, the nature of the entire body has changed, and the maternal bodies will lose consciousness until they are eaten by the newly born demons.

Cruel, even Cook now seems very cruel, this is a monster.

However, Cook did not attack these monster camps. What Cook had to do was to find the channel connecting the monster planes to other monster planes, and then wipe out all the monsters here.

Demons will not build towns. Demons will only build camps. After the resources around each camp are used up, they will leave. The same is true for demons occupying planes. When creatures on a plane are only demons of this type At that time, the monsters will fight each other, and finally a group of powerful monsters will be achieved. This group of powerful monsters will wander in the starry sky, looking for the next plane, and so on.

Therefore, the plane occupied by demons is basically the Death Star, and even the water will disappear.

"It shouldn't be here?" Cried and looked at the huge cave. Inside the cave, low-level power demons were transporting ore, and occasionally there were giant earthworm-like demons coming from other places, and then got into the mountain.

After the ore was transported out, there were monsters covered in metallic luster spiders, constantly devouring these ore, and on the ground around the mine, countless dark eggs filled the entire mine, not the size of a washbasin. The little spider breaks open the eggs, eats some shells, and then also starts to devour the ore.

"Abyss Demon Spider." After seeing these spiders, Cook fell into contemplation. These are creatures on the abyss plane. They don't seem to be enslaved, but like partners.

Countless low-level monsters continue to collect ores and then supply them to the abyssal spider. The abyssal spider is an omnivorous creature. As long as it has energy, it can eat everything. Creatures, minerals, and gems are more advanced in the abyss plane. Population creatures.

The entire mine has a radius of more than ten kilometers. The number of Abyssal Demon Spiders exceeds double digits, and the number of newly-born Abyssal Demon Spiders is as many as thousands. It seems that it has not been a long time to come here.

It’s no wonder that the people of the Council of Gods couldn’t find out what's in this mine, because the abyssal spider is very sensitive to the surroundings, especially energy fluctuations, and the spider silk of the abyssal spider is also a detection method. , When Cook came in, he found dozens of abyssal spiders of all sizes on alert. Unless they came in from the sky, or else with Cook’s high perception and the origin of the wind system, they could bypass the densely packed Spider silk.

There is no need to enter the mine anymore. Cook quietly left, but Cook passed the news back. The abyss plane is the same as the **** level, it is a high plane.

Cook's passive perception did not discover that there were high-level abyssal creatures here. What was going on, Cooke needed to continue to explore.

The demon lord had a resident at the beginning, but now the traces of high-level demon creatures are difficult to detect at all. Some people want to say that it is always possible to detect with the wizard book.

Yes, it is possible, but no one can guarantee whether there are energy fluctuations in the wizard book that can be sensed in the monsters. As for passive detection, the data collected by monsters such as monsters is not complete, so even if it is passive detection, Cook , It can only detect a place where the energy fluctuation is violent and not violent.

The blood pool, the demon camp, and the mine just now all had violent energy fluctuations, but no trace of high-level demon was found.

Cook took out the map, thought about it, and headed for the hinterland again. Cook's speed is very fast. Although this plane is very vast and has the origin of wind, Cook's speed can be said to be faster than the wind. In fact, the speed of the wind is not Not very fast.

The second site to be explored is a huge mountain range. At the foot of the mountain, there is a huge ruined city. This is where several rivers meet, forming a huge floodplain. With abundant currents, this place was formerly prosperous. I can imagine it, but now it is in ruins.

There are no fish in the river. The water has a fishy smell and is slightly toxic, which does not hinder Cook, but the organisms in the water have a great chance of variation.

According to reason, there shouldn't be a large-scale monster here, but in fact, there is indeed a camp of monsters here, and it is still that kind of high-level power monster.

It is very common here for power monsters with a body of pitch black and individual heights of more than ten meters. This power monster is equivalent to the powerhouse at the peak of the sanctuary, and there are many low-level monsters and high-level monsters here. There are also many, but the number of intermediate-level demons is not that many.

"Is it really here?" Cook saw a group of Abyssal Sword Demon walking out of the ruins of the city, and then leaving to the distance. The Abyssal Sword Demon was covered with bone spurs like a single blade, so he was called the Sword Demon. However, from the color of the sword demon's body, it can be distinguished whether it is a sword demon on the plane of demon, a sword demon on the plane of hell, or a sword demon on the abyss plane.

The skin of the Demon Plane is brown, the Plane of Hell is red, and the Plane of Abyss is black. Of course there are also cyan, silver and white, but it can be roughly judged from the breath and energy fluctuations.

Among this group of sword demons appeared high-level sword demons, equivalent to the lower **** level sword demons, there were as many as three, and the color was similar to cyan-gold, and there were low-order demons accompanied.

City ruins, Cook finally sensed spatial fluctuations on the side of the city ruins near the mountains. Although it is very cryptic, there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

There is a huge building in the ruins of the city near the mountains. It seems to be very magnificent, but now it has collapsed. Cook carefully distinguished the pattern: "It is a temple, but what temple is it? Is it the abyss plane? Cthulhu."

Cthulhu, this is the name of the gods in all other planes. Of course, civilizations are different and they do different things. Everyone is definitely not pleasing to each other, just like different nationalities and different customs and habits. Taoists believe that Buddhism is It is not as good as Taoism, and those who believe in Buddhism think Taoism is not good. This is all because their civilizations are different, so they act in different ways.

Cook did not enter the temple rashly. No one knows what kind of things are in the seemingly dilapidated temple. For the construction of the temple, Cook knows very well ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ as a certain The last fortress of this force, there are a lot of abnormal things in it.

"But I don't know if the high-level demon's aura is blocked, or is it not here?" Cook checked and hid away in the ruins of a tall tower not far away. Gram decided to wait.

Cook is not afraid of demons, but he is afraid that demons will run away. It seems that demons must have more than one plane. Cook can rush in directly, but who can guarantee that these demons will not destroy the space facilities?

Cook took out the probe watch, and after debugging for a while, countless dots appeared on the display, but in terms of the temple, it was completely dark.

"Sure enough, there are defensive measures." When Cook saw this scene, he secretly sighed that it was right that he hadn't entered. The seemingly dilapidated temple, there is something that overflows with defensive energy, and it is definitely not simple.

From the temple, there are abyss creatures, and other high-level monsters, monster warlords, and monster generals. But even if the lord-level monsters appear, the spatial fluctuations are still so dark, and they are obviously blocked, but the spatial fluctuations are very high. It is not easy to be blocked. Of course, from the side, these monsters are not very accomplished in this aspect.

"Think of a way to get in?" Cook was actually very anxious, after all, people in the rear are eating horses and chewing, and millions of troops are waiting every day, but being anxious does not mean being reckless.

After waiting for a full five days, Cook finally saw a group of demons appearing. This group of demons was marching towards the temple. These demons were still carrying the spoils, a god-level Yalong, this Yalong was dying, it seemed Death is not far away. Cook's eyes lit up. This is an opportunity. But at this moment, Cook's watch made a very slight vibration. Cook looked down and was even more puzzled.

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