A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 712: Rolling

"Someone got in before me?" Cook looked at the team of monsters in the distance. There are high-level, low-level, and middle-level monsters. The actions of these monsters are actually very orderly, but the order is only It's only mid-to-high-level, low-level ones are messy, there are thousands of them, and in the middle-level demons, Cook's watch detects different energy fluctuations, which means that they are not demons.

Cook touched his nose, and then his figure disappeared in a flash. According to Cook's estimation, the person who had mixed into the monster is the native powerhouse of this plane, and his strength was at the level of the middle god, but he had to hide it from the monster lord. , It is estimated to be a difficult thing.

Cook's energy was restrained. As soon as his waist changed, a low-level force demon appeared. The force demon looked like a humanoid creature with muscles all over his body, but the low-level one was only more than one meter tall.

This is Cook’s temporary transformation technique. It cannot be transformed for a long time. It only has a shape and cannot be simulated with energy fluctuations. That is, there is no gene of a demon. This is also the main reason why Cook became a force demon. The strength is great, and there is no energy fluctuation.

"Roar." Sure enough, after seeing Cook, a middle-level force demon roared at Cook, and Cook ran over quickly. This was the command of the high-level monster to the low-level monster.

Cook got under the body of the 100-meter-long Yalong, and then together he lifted the god-level Yalong towards the temple. This Yalong is a crocodile-billed dragon with a huge crocodile-like mouth, belonging to the green dragon one. Department of subsidiary Yalong.

Cook did not take any action, the door of the temple was extremely wide, there was no way. Already collapsed more than half of it, this temple actually went deep into the mountains.

Although he couldn't see the outside scene, Cook heard the voices of other demons outside. The demons didn't have any language, but only the high-level demons could speak.

The passage towards the mountain is also very spacious. It is fifty meters wide and more than forty meters high. It gradually rises upwards, which seems to lead to somewhere deep in the mountain.

After walking for a while, there will be high-level monsters to check, but for the low-level power monsters that work hard, they are not very careful, just a rough check, but the middle-level and high-level monsters that follow are more careful.

"This channel is not simple, there are actually dark energy fluctuations, it seems to be a unique monster creature." The wizard model in Cook's body passively absorbs the surrounding energy fluctuations, knowing that this channel does not seem to have any traps. , But there are energy fluctuations and a breath of life, which proves that there are other monsters in this channel.

No one has said clearly about the types of monsters. The monsters themselves are the mixed creatures of various biological groups, and all kinds of strange creatures may appear.

After traveling for hundreds of kilometers, the surrounding temperature began to rise slowly. Cook was surprised, because judging from the length of the passage and the height of the mountains, it should already be above the snow line, which means that even It is in the channel, the temperature should not rise, it should be constant temperature.

Cook quickly understood: "It turned out to be a volcano."

Because Cook smelled the scent of sulfur, Cook and many magical forces carried the huge god-level Yalong. After passing hundreds of kilometers of passages, after heavy inspections, they finally saw a large pit several kilometers in diameter. , In the middle of this big crater, red magma is blowing up, it looks like a volcano, and this volcano is very big.

"Found it." As soon as he left the cave, Cook and other power demons were commanded by high-level power demons to carry Yalong to a certain place, where Cook felt the breath of the demon lord.

"Tsk tsk, there are as many as five monster lords, and there are also abyss lords." Cook and other force demon placed god-level Yalong on the ground, and these low-level force demon were brought to the edge of the basin by high-level force demon. , And then the high-level force demon scolded it, the low-level force demon just squatted here obediently, Cook also squatted down, and there were exchanges between the low-level force demon, but the way of communication style made Cook unable to understand, just make random gestures. Also cooperate with various expressions.

Finally, Cook's passive detection model detected the number of top monsters here. The wizard did a good job in this regard. If it is actively detected, the unevenness will be discovered by others, and passive detection is very concealed.

The power demon that Cook turned into did not talk to other power demons. If there were other power demons who wanted to talk to Cook, Cook looked into the distance. That side is where the top monsters are located, not far from the magma in the center. .

Five monster lords, one abyss lord, nothing is gathered together, who believes if nothing happens.

As for the spies who got in here, Cook also took a look. It was a three-headed jackal, obviously also a kind of transformation technique. The appearance and breath are almost the same as the aura of a middle-level jackal, but as a natural powerhouse, Cook , The discernment of the breath of life is very strong, and the breath of life emanating from these three people is different from other monsters.

The three jackals were constantly approaching the place where the demon lord was. Of course, they didn't just go straight away, but did this and that.

From afar, Cook couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but there was something like an altar in the middle. Many creatures were caught on the altar, and the blood vessels were cut. The blood began to spread along the lines on the altar, in the strange energy. Driven by, these blood formed a complicated pattern, even the corpse would be thrown on the altar, and the corpse would soon become a dry corpse without the slightest breath.

"Blood sacrifice." In Cook's eyes, blood sacrifices are no longer a secret. In fact, all altars are just a means of absorbing energy. No matter what the altar is, it is just the feedback from the altar after the sacrifice. It's the same.

Blood and even life itself contain energy, so blood sacrifices are just a kind of sacrifice. It's like the orcs use countless beasts to hold spring sacrifices every spring, except that demons use intelligent creatures.

"Huh." Suddenly, a strong spatial fluctuation radiated out. I saw a three-meter-high body like a lizard, but the head is a human head, but it has long fangs and the skin is black and blue. , This is a monster lord.

The demon lord held something like a two-meter-diameter disc. On the disc, there was also a gem inlaid with the big head. It was this gem that exuded strong waves.

"Gems of the Space System, hehe, Zhengshou didn't make Lina the main weapon equipment. It seems that this metal is also the magic metal of the Space System, tusk." Cook saw this thing, his eyes lit up.


At this moment, the god-level Yalong, not far from Cooke, suddenly exploded. The explosion of the god-level creature was so powerful that dozens of middle-level demons who bore the brunt were directly annihilated by huge energy fluctuations. The Limo that Cook was in was shocked by this explosion.

There are a lot of low-level demons in this place, a lot of high-level demons, and a few middle-level demons. The countless low-level demons were frightened and fled.

The explosion of god-level creatures was terrifying, and the low-level monsters were shocked.

"Boom." Then three five-meter-high, elves-like guys stood out from the middle-level monsters, each with a pleated dazzling weapon in their hands, and rushed toward the other side.

"Isn't here to assassinate the demon lord?" Cook was taken aback when he saw the direction the three guys were charging.

The weapons in the hands of these three elves are like cutting melons and vegetables to middle and high-level demons. In addition, the aura from these three guys is equivalent to the upper **** level, which is already very high.

"Quack, three powerful guys are just used as the material for the blood sacrifice. Don't you think that the three of you are coming in, we don't know?" A voice sounded in front of the three elves, and one body was always full like a hedgehog. Spiked humanoid creature, two hands are no longer hands, one is like a lobster's pliers, the other hand is from the elbow, like the bone spur sickle on the sword demon, the feet are three claws, like The claws of an ostrich are like the head of a duck, but the mouth is not as long as that of a duck. It is covered with green hair and speaks. The green tongue makes people feel very uncomfortable.

When Cook saw the shape of the demon lord, he was already powerless to complain. The demon is a hybrid creature. Don’t think it has a good appearance. This demon lord obviously has the blood of the sword demon, and the feet also have the blood of the bird head demon. Very mixed

"Roar, you two take the king to leave." An elf-like guy roared, and the whole body burst out with green light, and then turned into a huge white bear, the white bear is more than six meters high.

"Druid!" Cook almost fell off his chin. The druid is in the realm of the gods. It is a properly disadvantaged profession. The temple of Druids is a very weak temple. Cook did not expect that there are three people here. Druid high-ranking god.

Then Cook shook his head: "This is unscientific. This plane gives birth to a powerhouse of the lower **** level, which is already the top level. Where did this druid come from, isn't it from this plane?"

Although Cook had many problems in his mind, Cook still took action. There was no way. The Druid Temple was also on the side of the Nature Temple, and Cook's purpose for coming here was clear.

"Humph." There are two more demon lords, three demon lords surrounded the white bear from a distance, and the other two druids picked up a two-meter-high person from a short distance, and then one became one. A huge eagle was about to fly away.

"Haha." The Lord of the Abyss, a humanoid creature whose whole body was wrapped in a battle armor, flew up in the air, exuding a powerful aura, at least a powerhouse of the God Sovereign level.

Cook was mixed with countless power demons, running wildly. Cook did not say to act alone, but to follow the trend. This strong momentum made countless low-level demons run away. He curled his lips and murmured in his heart: "Howling Banshee, this guy actually gangs up with the demon, but also, the howling Banshee needs the soul, and the demon is not very interested in the soul."

"Roar." A demon lord roared, because a group of low-level power demon has rushed to the side of the altar, countless low-level demon beasts are messy, low-level demon has a middle-level demon command, that is a very good warrior, if not Command, haha, if a hundred low-level monsters are somewhere and no one is in charge, then the next day, maybe a middle-level monster will be born, and the others will be killed by this middle-level monster. The low-level monsters will kill each other. It's a very common thing, that is to say, there is only instinct and low wisdom, otherwise, why don't you have your own language?

However, what made the demon lord on the altar angry was that his own roar had no effect. A force demon rushed directly onto the altar, while the other force demon rushed to the altar under the leadership of the leader. .

"Damn it." The demon lord roared, put down the disc in his hand, and rushed towards these low-level power monsters with an afterimage in his body. This is an altar and cannot be attacked with energy.

Bang! But the next moment, the demon lord was shocked to find that his body actually flew up in the air, but then the demon lord saw a familiar thing, a section of the lower body, slowly falling on the altar.

"Hehe." Cook was the leading power demon. Cook rushed to the middle of the altar, and the disc with spatial attributes was directly taken in by Cook. Cook came here for this purpose.

"It's actually an astrolabe." Cook felt very happy. The astrolabe was left behind. The function of the astrolabe is very simple. It locates and moves in the starry sky.

Cook didn't have time to study carefully now, and then Cook changed into a human appearance when he flashed.

"Hands." Cook took out a space communicator and said two words directly.

Half of the demon lord’s body just landed on the altar, and the altar suddenly lit up. The blood in the half of the demon lord’s body was directly absorbed by the altar. As for the other half that flew into the air, amidst the weird energy fluctuations, He was directly sucked on the altar, and the demon lord was absorbed by the altar without even running out his soul.

Cook grabbed a space bracelet from the demon lord's body. The hundreds of power demons who had followed Cook were also absorbed by the altar and turned into humans, but this little energy can't help Cook at all.

"Bang." Five demon lords, three intercepted three druids, and one on the altar, which was solved by Cooke. The other was watching the battle, instantly solving the demon lords, then collected the astrolabe, and finally collected The spoils were just a blink of an eye, and the broken star hammer in Cook's hand swung towards the demon watching the battle. The demon just felt that there was something wrong with the altar behind him and his body had just turned around. Just saw a dark shadow, this demon's metal-like muscles, obviously of strength type, the demon lord lit up with a yellow light in an instant, and then stretched out his hand to hard against the dark shadow.

But it is a pity that the black shadow directly smashed the arm of the demon lord, and then hit the body, the whole demon was exploded in an instant, becoming a muddy existence.

"Haha, one-third of the energy of the Star Smashing Hammer can smash the ground out of a mountain range and smash it, hitting you, and want to block it." Cook laughed, of course there are no trophies.

The accident happened in an instant, and the three monster lords who were about to besieged the three druids just found out that something went wrong. I realized that my partner was missing two suddenly.

"Blast." Of course, Cook didn't stop, and thunder teeth suddenly pierced out of his hand.

"It's sizzling." The demon who stopped the three druids first, a sharp blade of thunder light suddenly appeared behind the head, and easily broke the head of the demon, and then the head of the demon lord was violent. After braving the thunder and lightning, the breath of the demon lord disappeared.

"Damn..." The howling banshee lord in the sky saw this scene, and his figure flew into the sky in a flash.

"Forbidden air!" Cook sneered as he watched the howling banshee flying up to a kilometer height, thrusting the Sealing Demon Column into the ground, and then spit out two words.

A black halo measuring several kilometers in size suddenly lit up, and the howling banshee flying in the sky was breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that something happened in an instant.

"Forbidden air halo, this doesn't...boom." The howling banshee found out that she couldn't fly anymore and was still falling rapidly. Seeing the scene below, the howling banshee screamed, and then hit the ground heavily. on.

"Twenty times the gravity, even if you are in the form of a ghost, you have to get me down." Cook waved his hand, and the Howling Banshee fell straight down. The Howling Banshee was a branch after the promotion of the ghost, but the Howling Girl The level of the demon is already a semi-spirit, and of course it also has a ghost form.

The entire bodies of the remaining two monster lords sank, and a dazzling light burst out of their bodies, but then they were horrified to discover that they possessed the energy of the starry sky and the sea, and they were disappearing continuously.

"Energy extraction, power extraction, do you think it is fake?" Cook approached these monster lords with a smile, and then used thunder teeth to easily penetrate the heads of these monsters, the **** emperor level monster lords, just like that. Cut off the head.

The demon of the **** emperor level is indeed very strong in the eyes of others, but don’t forget that Cook’s strength is even more abnormal. If Cook’s firepower is full, even if he comes to the five main gods, it will be a spike. The demon lord, just It was difficult, but Cook attacked on the one hand, and on the other hand possessed the aura of warsong, which was known as the strongest support.

If Cook does not sneak attack, there may be some trouble, but Cook is so powerful. It's strange that this monster lord can survive even if he even attacked.

As for the other demons around, they were already drawn by the energy of the Sealing Demon Pillar, and the power was drawn to death, and there was no soul left.

As for the three druids and the natives of this plane captured by the demon in Cook's perception, there is no problem, because the warsong aura is controlled by Cook.

"Your Excellency." Cook picked up the seal of the magic pillar, and then packed up the spoils. The Howling Banshee was picked up by Cook. The Howling Banshee was not dead, but was hit hard. As for the demon, these The guy didn't have the slightest humanity, and he killed him. The three druids saw Cook approaching and immediately bowed.

Cook nodded and asked, "Where are you from?"

"We are from the plane of Armas." The three druids replied.

Cook thought for a while, then asked: "Armas, son of nature?"

"Yes, sir." The plane of Armas is a very old plane, translated into human language, it is the child of nature, and it is also a higher plane, but these are legends, I didn't expect it to be true.

"I'm from the God Realm." Cook finally realized that these elves-like guys are ancient elves.

Legend has it that the God Realm and the plane of Armas were originally related, but the ancient elves and the elves of the God Realm were at war, and finally the elves of the God Realm were expelled from the plane of Armas. It is an ancient wizard.

Cook looked at the little girl being carried by the three upper god-level druids, and asked, "This is reincarnation?"

"Yes, sir." The three druids had to answer when they saw Cook.

"Is the plane of Armas also invaded by demons?" Cook thought for a while and asked.

"No, the people on this plane are believers in our druid temple." The three druids did not dare to say much.

Cook nodded and said: "Our God Realm dispatched six million god-level powerhouses this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to level the monsters of this plane. In addition, there are other monster lords here. There must be more than one plane. The purpose of my coming."

"Yes." In front of Cook, the three druids did not dare to question anything at all. Although Cook was suspected of a sneak attack, he killed five demons and an abyss lord. The lowest level was a powerhouse at the main **** level. God's scum, dare to talk nonsense, that is to die.

For these druids, Cook also couldn't decide how to deal with it. This was related to the situation of this plane in the future. If there were conflicts between the God Realm and the Amas plane, then this plane might not be calm in the future.

"Then I invite a few people to visit the base camp of our God Realm, how about it?" Cook thought for a while, still want to show the strength of the God Realm, among other things, there are more God-level powerhouses on this plane. At least there are artifacts in their hands, and the guys on the plane of Armas want to clash with the gods, at least they have to weigh them.

The three druids didn’t know Cook’s plan, and the druid who turned into a bear just now cautiously said: "But our believers are still fighting against demons..."

"We have counterattacked, and it won't be long before the demons on this plane will disappear." Cook waved his hand and said directly interrupted.

The three druids only nodded their heads, what else can they say, Cook's meaning is obvious, just one word, go.

The three druids rescued more than a dozen native powerhouses of this plane, but how do Cook think these people are not like ancient elves, or elves, but like half elves, but the other half are not humans either. .

Just when Cook was about to leave, the altar sent out a powerful energy wave, and the dead monster corpses around were sucked over by the altar, and a black light suddenly enveloped Cook's group of people.

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