A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 716: Storm plain

Walking into the fortress, the space hundreds of meters high, the surrounding walls are also covered with black veins and veins, and these veins and veins contain extremely powerful energy.

"This is the demon civilization?" Cook was puzzled, but Cook didn't look at it much, because Cook knew that there was the breath of a demon lord here.

Thousands of demons gathered in the hall, middle-level, low-level, but no high-level ones.

"Enter the Stormwind Plain, and come back after promotion. Those who haven't been promoted, dare to come back and die." A powerful mental fluctuation spread in the space, and Cook got such a message.

"Go." Before Cook had any reaction with the surrounding demons, a channel slowly appeared on the other side of the space. Hundreds of high-level demons burst out behind Cook, the other demons along with Cook. Immediately ran to the front.

In a downward passage, countless demons did not adapt, and rolled down one after another. Cook was no exception, because Cook felt that he was looking at it.

After rolling for more than ten minutes, about a distance of tens of kilometers, the speed of all the monsters slowly decreased, and it was obvious that the **** had become smoother.


Cook felt his body empty, and then he was thrown out. It hit the ground. The ground was very hard. Cook stood up and saw that at a height of more than ten meters, there were openings one by one. The entire fortress was like a steep one. Like mountains, countless demons are rolling out of these holes.


With a bang, a high-ranking force demon directly scratched the head of another force demon that had just rolled out with a paw, and then this force demon rushed into the distance with the corpse of the killed force demon.

Killing, countless killings, the demons who started to fall mercilessly killed those demons who had not yet reacted when they rolled down, and of course some were counter-killed.

When Cook saw this scene, his figure flashed, and he darted directly towards the distance. The other demons ignored Cook, and continued to wait under the entrance of the cave, killing the falling demons.

"Boom." Cook just ran for a distance of several thousand meters. Suddenly, a demon was holding the corpse of another demon several hundred meters ahead, and a black shadow suddenly spurted out of the ground, and then the demon hadn't reacted yet. The black shadow smashed his chest.

"Kacha, Kacha." Only when Cook saw the guy rushing up was a high-level monster. The high-level monster had the heart of the middle-level monster in his hand, and the high-level monster put the black heart directly into his mouth. Inside, the sound of crushing bones.

Such a scene happened around the entire storm plain. In the pits on the ground, one by one demons killed the demons who passed by, and Cook went far away. Now the violent energy makes all magic effects useless, even Perception does not have the slightest effect. No matter how much mental power is released, it is immediately crushed by the violent space energy. Even the passively detected wizard model is also disturbed by the violent space energy and has little effect.


Feeling the more and more tyrannical spatial fluctuations around him, Cook rushed directly to the hidden pothole of a high-level force demon closest to him. The high-level force demon's power alone is not Cook's opponent at all, and he was directly stepped on by Cook. He burst his head, and then Cook threw this high-level power monster out.

Cook looked at the pit. It was a tunnel-like place. It was about 30 meters deep. There were a few small caves inside. He looked at the excavations around and knew that it was not a day. Excavated, the surrounding rock is as hard as composite metal, and only this can withstand the violent space storm.

Whirring whirring.

But within a few minutes, Cook felt like a needle in his body, violent spatial energy, he kept drilling into Cook's body, and Cook had to hide into the bottom of the cave.

Here Cook dares to feel much better, and Cook's face has also changed. In the situation just now, if the endurance is poor, it will be directly torn apart by the violent spatial energy.

It took a full day and night for the violent space storm to slowly stop. Cook looked out and saw that countless monsters rushed towards the center of the storm plain. Cook did not expect that there were so many monsters hidden here.

Seeing other monsters rushing up, Cook did not hesitate. These monsters, all high-level monsters, no low-level, no middle-level ones, even if they were there, they didn’t know where they were hiding, but they came down with Cook. Either they were killed by each other, or they were killed by these high-level monsters as food.

Boom, boom.

The dark world has no effect on Cook at all. A few hundred meters away, two high-level monsters are fighting with each other, as if they are fighting for something. The other high-level monsters did not hesitate at all and rushed directly. Deep in the storm plain.

"Hehe." Of course, Cook won't make a detour. Cook wants to see what these guys are robbing.

Cook's figure flashed. Cook did not perform stacking frenzy now, because that would consume too much energy, but even the current Cook, the physical strength is not comparable to these high-level monsters, because Cook has to withstand a nine-fold stacking Madness, how can the body strength be low?


The broken star hammer in his hand directly hit the body of a high-level monster. The body of the high-level monster that was directly smashed by Cook was smashed in half, and the other monster reacted extremely fast and saw his opponent being directly hit by Cook. When he died, his body flashed back tens of meters, then flashed again and ran away.

"The reaction is really fast." Cook didn't expect the other party to react so quickly, so he dispelled the idea of ​​chasing and killing this high-level monster.

"This is?" On the ground, Cook found a strange metal fragment. There was no light on the metal fragment, and the surface was covered with countless traces, which looked like a piece of scrap.

However, Cook felt the breath of space on the metal fragment, and Cook's magic eyes moved.

"It's actually the magic metal of the space system!" Cook was shocked. The magic metal of the space system is very rare. The piece in front of him is only the size of a palm, but the value of such a magic metal will cost hundreds of millions of high-grade **** crystals. measure.

"And this trace is faintly aura of law. Could this piece of metal have experienced the baptism of a space storm in a different space?" Cook picked up this piece of metal and couldn't see what the original metal was. , But there has always been a legend that someone had obtained treasures during space teleportation.

This kind of situation exists according to the theory of magic. From ancient times to the present, there are countless planes, people or things swept away in different spaces, but there are a lot of them, but the violent space storms in different spaces will tear most of the things. The things that can stay in the space storm are good things.

As soon as he started, Cook felt the space energy in this metal, and these space energy were not violent at all.

"It can actually strengthen the body!" Cook absorbed a trace of the spatial energy in the metal, and found that the spatial energy was directly absorbed. Of course, it is difficult for Cook's current body to strengthen, but Cook felt this strange If you have enough space energy, you can continue to strengthen your body.

"Good thing." Cook's eyes glowed, and his figure shook, hundreds of meters away.

Cook can be said to be the top-level existence in this storm plain. The magic eyes are running. As long as you see high-level monsters with such things, you can kill them directly, and there are hidden belts in some crevices. For space energy, metals, stones, and even strange woods, etc., Cook did not harvest much. In a whole day, Cook only harvested four items, including the first metal he harvested.

The area of ​​the storm plain is too large. On the side of the demon defense front, it is thousands of kilometers wide, but in the middle of the storm plain, it is tens of thousands of kilometers wide, and Cook’s line of sight is at most kilometers away. So the place Cook walked in a day is just a little bit in the entire storm plain.

Occupying a burrow of a demon, yes, the entire storm plains, there are a lot of such burrows, and when Cook saw all the other demons dig into the burrow, Cook also knew that something must happen.

"Your mother!" But when Cook saw a strong light shining from under the cave, Cook woke up. It was daytime.

Cook recovered his human form and then jumped out of the hole. Cook felt the power of the sunlight: "At least one hundred and fifty degrees, the concentration of light elements, the purity is high, at least about five times that of the gods."

The temperature of one hundred and fifty degrees, if another person is changed, even a low-level **** of the gods, in this environment. It could not last long, but Cook had no problem at all. The violent spatial energy made Cook unable to open the natural ring. Cook looked up at the sky.

I can’t see what the sky looks like. Cook no matter how many things he has, he continues to search for items with strange spatial energy. The time during the day is only about three hours. After three hours, countless demons emerged, and Cook also Knowing the reason why these high-level monsters didn't go back, it was for this kind of thing with strange spatial energy.

Another violent space storm, a series of gray space cracks were silent, some demons were cut open unsuspectingly, and the parts cut by the space cracks disappeared.

"Huh." Cook hid in a hole and looked at the demons who had nowhere to hide. One of the high-level demons seemed to be cut apart by the space cracks, but in the next second, the demons rolled on the spot and avoided directly. Well, you know, Cook also uses magic eyes to blur the space cracks, because the violent space storm makes Cook watch like watching TV full of snowflakes, which is the worst kind, but , This space crack is in Cook's sight, that is, a series of shining irregularities, moving lines, so Cook can probably see things around him clearly.

"Is there such a function?" Cook saw a flash of fluorescent light on the demon's body. This was an item with strange spatial energy.

"What is the effect of this kind of thing?" Cook is in the depths of the cave. There is violent space energy on it. Space storms are not ordinary storms. You can avoid them. You don't know where the space storm comes from and what direction is it. Let's just say, in countless space cracks, violent space storms spew out. These space cracks are large and small, and they are constantly moving, so space storms cannot be predicted and cannot be avoided.

No one knows that you just avoided a space storm erupting from a space crack, and you might hit another space crack head-on.

"Gentle and easy to absorb." Cook studied these items little by little. The space energy in these items is very gentle and easily absorbed by the body.

Space element is the element with the lowest ratio of absorption and utilization, and space element is very rare, which also leads to too few space systems. Only after reaching the **** level, with a strong body, can there be sufficient energy in space. Cultivation in places, and places like this are very dangerous.

But this time the space energy carried in these items makes Cook feel as relaxed as drinking water.

"After absorbing the space energy, this item is not there... yes, yes, since there is violent space energy, then there must be this kind of gentle space energy, so that the different space can maintain balance, otherwise, the whole different space They are all violent space storms." Cook discovered that as long as the space energy in the items is absorbed, these items will not have space attributes, but the hardness and toughness still exist, but Cook also instantly realized that this space energy There is violent and gentle, which is in full compliance with the law of balance in nature.

Ming Wu is Ming Wu, but Cook has no idea how to use it.

"If these are for Lina, it would be the best thing for Lina, a strong space system law system." Cook carefully packed up the remaining space items. No way, naturally the ring can't be opened.

This was beyond Cook's expectation, so Cook was a little hungry now, but Cook said nothing to let Cook eat the body of the demon.

After the storm, when Cook came out again, other high-level demons ran away when they saw Cook from a long distance, because Cook’s human appearance can appear here, which already explains the problem. Moreover, as long as Cook encounters someone Items with mild spatial energy can directly kill high-level monsters in seconds.

Unknowingly, Cook has been in the Storm Plains for a month, and he has collected more than ten energy-carrying space items, the larger ones are palm-sized and the smaller ones are smaller than the thumbs.

And Cook also discovered that items carrying this kind of mild energy would be cut off directly after encountering a space crack.

This discovery made Cook even more excited. When the storm came, the other demons were **** off, and Cook sat experimenting around the looted hole.

"No, it should not be cut, but stitched, to make up." Cook observed three times carefully, carrying this space item, as long as he encounters a space crack, the space crack near his body disappears, and it looks like it has been cut. , In fact, this makes up for it, and dare to lose the gentle spatial energy carried in these items.

This experiment shocked Cook, and the space crack never said it would be compensated.

"Space cracks can only disappear slowly under the influence of the law. This kind of instant is compensated, can it be said that...there is pure space law, if the violent space energy is attacking, then this The gentle thing is the restorative space energy, which can restore the torn space. This kind of law power..." Cook continued to carry out theoretical research, and then the results of the award made Cook's eyes widened and his face was incredible. , Which means that this kind of gentle space energy is perhaps the purest space law.

So why not say that this aggressive space energy is the law of space, because destruction does not require a law, just like you hack a person, no matter where you hack a person, it is offensive, but if you want to heal the injury, you must It is necessary to understand the structure of a person’s body before he can heal it. In other words, to understand the structure of the space, this gentle space energy can make up for it. This is a higher level of energy than the aggressive space energy, and higher than the general energy. The same level of other energy is the power of the law.

At this point of research, Cook has worked harder. As long as it is not when a storm occurs, Cook will go out to sweep. When there is no way, Cook will also pick up the corpse of the monster that looks more pleasing to the eye. When it is food, there is no way. If you don't replenish a large amount of consumption, you will die in this place.

Two months later, Cook has collected more than 30 items that carry mild spatial energy, and Cook has seen the Dark Demon for the first time.

"Finally you can eat human dry food." Cook killed a dark demon who didn't know his level. The dark demon was actually the same as a human, but the eyes of the dark demon were like cat eyes, and the skin was white and white. It's abnormal, even the hair is white, and the other is the teeth. The dark demon's teeth are double-row, which can easily crush bones.

Cook directly absorbed a drop of Dark Demon's blood, and then transformed. Here, the power of the bloodline is not affected much, and the transformation wizard involves the law of bloodline, so Cook can transform into Dark Demon.

The height of the dark demon is about the same as that of human beings, but most of the dark demon are dark energy, and have blood talent spells.

"Decomposition technique, awesome." Cook felt that the bloodline talent spell brought by his transformation is actually a decomposition technique. This kind of spell only exists in the bloodline talent spell. As for the specific system, it is very mysterious. , This type of magic is also called the magic of the mysterious system.

Cook does not have the memory of the Dark Demon, but Cook needs to go out of the Storm Plains. On the one hand, Cook needs supplies. On the other hand, Cook also needs to rest. If he does not sleep for two months, Cook can't stand it anymore. Ke wants to have a good meal.

After transforming the dark demon, Cook can easily pass the place occupied by the dark creatures. It is mainly because of the burden of Cook’s body made of high-level monster skins. It is very rewarding at first sight and in the storm. Here in the plains, there are no rules at all. It is normal to kill and win treasures, but without exception, it is to give food.

Traveling quickly for three days, about 30,000 kilometers, Cook also saw a huge line of defense. Unlike the demon’s line of defense, on the dark world side, the huge line of defense is hundreds of meters tall and made of metal. The city wall, on the city wall, you can also see dwarves, and various weapons. If it weren't for the barrier of the storm plains, the demons would have long since been chased by people from the dark world.

Under the huge city wall, every few thousand meters, there is a huge city gate. In a relatively hidden place, Cook opened the natural ring directly and put the space objects directly into the laboratory of the natural ring. This natural ring does not say hello to Cook at all.

But Cook also left two, because Cook didn't know what the dark world was like.

There is a special dark elf mage in the city gate to check the bloodline, mainly for fear of the monsters coming in, and there is also a mental power check. The mental power of the monster is completely different from other intelligent creatures. After the inspection, Cook was released. Now, I have to say that the wizard's transfiguration is indeed an amazing thing.

Behind the city wall is different from the military camp that Cook imagined. It is a huge wilderness. There are countless moss and fungi planted in the wilderness, but after seeing these bones on the ground, it is obviously the corpse of a monster.

In other words, under these wilderness, I don't know how many corpses of monsters are buried, and in a far place, Cook vaguely sees the existence of forests.

The street, behind the entire city wall is a huge street, and beyond the road, there are countless shops, yes. They are all shops, and the styles of these shops are different.

The tavern also exists in the dark world. After Cook entered, he randomly ordered some kind of liquid, and then Cook carefully observed it. After half an hour, Cook used to search for the currency, mithril silver coin, and fine gold. Gold coins, gem coins ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and diamond coins, magic crystal coins.

In addition, Cook also knows that the entire underground world is composed of several big forces. The number one is the dark elves, the dark elves’ archery skills, and the dark vision stronger than other races, making the dark elves deservedly the number one. Power, the Dark Elf Empire is also the largest empire.

Ranked second is the black dwarf. The black dwarf's forging craftsmanship is better than that of the dwarves of the gods because of the rich resources here.

Ranked third are orcs, tauren, sheephead and other orcs. These orcs are a race with ground orcs, not dark creatures. However, because orcs have a strong physique and possess dark vision, the orcs are ranked number one. three.

The fourth is the Dark Demon. This is not because of other reasons, but because the Dark Demon is divided into three empires, and the three empires continue to clashed with each other, resulting in a very low overall strength.

As for the temple, the whole world of darkness is a temple, the temple of the Dark Queen. As for the specifics, Cook is not very clear.

In the dark world, dark elves are first-class people, dwarves, dark demons are second-class people, orcs and gnomes are third-class people, goblins, trolls, and ogres are fourth-class people.

In the event of conflicts, higher-ranking races have many exemptions from lower-ranking races. For example, if a dark elf kills a dark demon, the dark elf can not be punished by law, but must pay a huge amount of compensation.

However, when the lower races kill the higher races, not only compensation, but also legal sanctions are required. Generally speaking, this is the case.

"Auction house, this is it." Cook found the auction house, Storm Plains, and Cook will enter, but Cook needs a foothold, so Cook needs a lot of wealth. Cook also knows that the storm plains harvest belt Items with strange space energy are of great value, so Cook selected two items with very low content for auction.

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