A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 718: Buy 5 get 1 free

When Cook walked into the auction house, the dark elf guards who guarded the door didn’t even look at Cook. Because Cook was a low-ranking person, the reception in the auction house was also hierarchical, and Cook was the receptionist of the Dark Demon staff. of.

However, when Cook took out two items with strange spatial energy, he received a dark elf immediately and changed the city. The dark elf is actually quite beautiful, the skin is white, the eyes are black, and the body is very tall, of course. The most important thing is that the chest is not the airfield of those elves in the God Realm, but the turbulent waves.

"Hello, this is the contract document for the auction." However, the dark elf reception opposite to Cook was still cold, and directly took out the contract to Cook.

Cook took a look, and then dripped his own blood. The level of treatment is different, and the contract at the auction house is also different. For example, Cook was charged a 30% commission. Although Cook is very painful, Cook does not Without making any irrational actions, Cook can feel that there are at least two **** king level strong men in this auction house, and in the entire fortress, there are vaguely the main **** level strong men. Cook is not here for Killing, Cook now needs a suitable environment to let himself go to the Storm Plains to find items. Of course, the things Cooked out must be taken back.

After signing the contract, Cook gets a VIP status, which means that the next time Cook comes to auction here, he will charge the same commission as the dark elf.

After Cook left, the dark elf woman in charge of the reception turned around and came to the top floor of the auction house.

"It looks like a lucky kid who actually got two items at once, but this kid is also very smart, knowing that holding this kind of thing in his hand will bring disaster." On the top floor, a man and a woman had two dark elves. Seeing what Cook brought out for auction, a man said with a smile.

"Not bad, one third class, one fourth class, use the space teleportation array to let other branches publicize it. I think this time we will definitely have a lot of gains." Another dark elf female said, this dark elf female On the white skin, black magic lines are like a tattoo.

"Yes." The dark elf who had received Cook just now was extremely humble. In the dark world, strength represents everything.

Cook wandered around on the street and found that the rumors of the God Realm about the dark world are false. The dark world does respect strength, but on this street, the rules are common to everyone, no matter what race, as long as you violate , Will be caught, but the level is different, and the punishment method is different. In addition, the price of the materials here is more expensive than that of the gods. Weapon and equipment are more enchanted equipment. There is almost no real magic pattern equipment.

There is also food. The food here is not scarce at all, but more abundant. There are bread and other things, but it is very expensive. However, the price of some kind of plant-made bread is very low, and there are some fungus brewed. The prices of all kinds of wine are also very low, not high compared to the God Realm.

Cook's analysis wizard model constantly absorbs the surrounding information, and then analyzes it. Two days later, Cook mastered the dark elf language, black love hot language, and dwarf language. The dwarf here speaks the oldest dwarf language, orc language, Dark demon language, and some goblin languages.

The street is very long. The street is as long as the fortress is. The street is 300 meters wide. It is close to the fortress. No one is allowed to set up stalls at all. It is 100 meters for no other people to enter. It's densely packed with shops.

Similarly, Cook also learned that there are now more than two million troops stationed in the Storm Plains, which is not a lot of them, but the number of adventurers here exceeds 10 million. They are all aimed at hunting high-level monsters in the Storm Plains to obtain Battle exploits, or collection of all kinds of strange items, outside the fortress, not under the jurisdiction of the dark world, all the rules are useless, so there is another name in the storm plain, **** land, adventurers who live from the **** land, especially Popular, and such people are only about one percent, but many adventurers come every year, because every day there will be people who make a fortune. Some of them are things brought out by space storms and things that can be left in space storms. , The value is not cheap. On the other hand, you can hunt demons. High-level demons can exchange military skills in the empire. Military skills can be exchanged for anything, official position, wealth, and of course, murder and wealth, or luck, and get some dead. Something left by advanced dark creatures or something else.

Then Cook found a hotel, ate, drank, and rested, waiting for the auction to begin. Cook wanted to establish a temporary base here. There was no way. Cook had too many secrets to stay. Everywhere, in the hotel, there are a lot of people, and there may be trouble at some point.

Yes, Cook just found it troublesome.

Cook must also participate in the auction. On the one hand, Cook can see how the world’s wealth is accumulated, and on the other hand, he can see if there is anything he is dear to him.

Cook gets a VIP seat, that is to say something closer. There is no box test, but there are things forbidden in the auction house, and there are things that interfere with the detection of mental power. As long as there is an ordinary cloak, other people You can’t see it, of course the organizer of the auction knows it.

"Welcome to participate in the auction held by the Royal Auction House." A dark elf female auctioneer said directly, her tone is very formulaic, no way, this auction house is the property of the dark elf royal family.

"The following is the first auction item, a smoky quartz, level 6, weight 3756 ounces, starting price, one hundred fine gold coins." The auctioneer didn't say anything else, and started the auction directly. Fine gold coins, which are common to the Dark Elves. As for the conversion of diamond coins, Mithril coins, etc., it is very troublesome, but only high-end items are settled with fine gold coins. Others include Mithril coins, gem coins, diamond coins, and ordinary gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins. .

Smoky quartz, a dark gemstone, is considered a hard currency in the dark world. The quality rating here is one to ten. As for how to determine it, there are strict testing methods.

Cook showed no interest in these, and finally this smoky crystal one thousand three hundred fine gold coin was sold.

The bidding atmosphere in the auction is still very strong and predictable. This may have something to do with the civilization of the dark world. Everything likes to use force to solve it.

There are many high-quality gems, as well as enchanting equipment created by black dwarves, and even enchanting weapons, enchanting equipment and enchanting weapons, which can only be said to be the product of the ultimate development of the magic circle, and there is no way to compare with the magic pattern.

There are also some weird materials. These are things that dark wizards like. Dark wizards are a very general term, which is a collection of racial wizards from various countries in the dark world.

The Mage Association and the Warriors Association are the two major forces in the dark world, but they will not surpass the empires of all countries, but they are also the two largest forces outside the empire. As for other chambers of commerce, there is no way to compare.

And to Cook's surprise, this auction house also has a dark elf girl. Slaves are sold, and he is the heir of a certain duke. In the dark world, it is a matrilineal society. Women have higher inheritance rights than men. The dark elf empire is the queen, and the heirs are also women.

This dark elf girl. The price of the slave reached more than six hundred thousand fine gold coins, which made Cook stunned, because the exquisite enchanted weapons created by the black dwarves were only tens of thousands.

But Cook also learned that he wanted a dark elf girl. Slaves are only women who buy slaves from these channels and obtain them in other ways. Slaves are not recognized, because the dark elves are first-class people, this kind of female being auctioned off. Slaves are also hierarchical. Generally, lower-level residents are not allowed to buy them, but dark elves are allowed to buy them.

Anyway, a series of rules, of course, the two items with strange spatial energy that Cook auctioned had a total price of more than 300,000 fine gold coins, with a commission of 220,000 fine gold coins.

Cook bought another real estate at the auction house, right on this street, for only thirty thousand fine gold coins.

You can see what the price level of this place is, but Cook still feels a loss.

"Nima, just teleported away." Cook originally wanted to steal things back secretly, but Cook discovered that the guy who bought his own things was breathless. Obviously, it was outside Cook's perception. It may be that he took the teleportation array and left.

When I found my home, I went out at an intersection of this street and walked more than six hundred meters to a two-story stone building.

There is a living room, a kitchen, a storage room, a toilet, and a hot spring swimming pool. It is not small, but not very large. The backyard is an open space with some exotic plants, of which Cook is the most attractive It is a few huge mushrooms that are as tall as a house, but this mushroom is a semi-woody mushroom.

There are four rooms on the second floor, a living room, and some facilities on the balcony, which are obviously left by the former owner.

"It looks like someone needs to sort it out." Cook found the basement. There was a smelly smell in the basement and some unknown rotten materials. Cook thought about it and decided to find someone to clean it up.

In addition, Cook is now accustomed to being served by others, and he always feels very uncomfortable doing his own hands. I have to say that I have enjoyed it by myself, as long as he has the conditions, he will not let it go.

Cook looked around. No butler or anything appeared here, but Cook thought about it afterwards. This place is blunt. In the dark world, it is a remote and dangerous place. No one will hire a butler here, and no rich people will be here. Only those adventurers who have no money and life only like it here.

Buy women. Slave, for an adventurer who doesn't know what will happen to him tomorrow, he spends all the money in his pocket so as not to leave it to the enemy. Love, karma is very developed here.

So female. There are also many slaves here, and there are all races. The place where Cook comes from is still the auction house. The auction house also has a royal business house. The reason why Cook does not go to the market to buy is because the females in those places, the slaves have unknown origins. Although the price here is very high, and it also discriminates against Cook, but after all, the door face is big and I don’t worry about the things behind.

"I want to return the goods." Cook heard a roar as soon as he entered the slave shop.

"Sorry, we don't return the goods here." Another voice refused, his tone formulaic.

"You, this is the heir of the Duke of Addos, why didn't you make it clear when you auctioned it?" Cook saw two people, one is a dark demon, yes, but a little stronger than Cook, probably At the level of the upper god, it seemed that he was not a good person, and it gave people a cruel feeling. Opposite the dark demon, he was a dark elf male, who also had the level of a higher god.

Then Cook saw that the heir to the Duke who was auctioned off was a dark elf female, whose specific level could not be sensed, but stood aside with a cold face, as if watching a play.

"Hello, please come here." Cook was led to a room in the hall by a dark demon.

"No, I want to return the goods, I can't afford to provoke Duke Addos." The outside was still roaring.

Cook looked at the maid of the Dark Demon and asked, "What's wrong outside?"

"You don't know?" The dark demon maid asked in astonishment without any politeness to Cook.

"I have been in Storm Plains for several years, and only recently came out." Cook touched his nose.

"Oh, Duke Addos has rebelled. This is her daughter in the royal capital. Duke Addos has the most elite Hell Dragon Knights in the entire Dark Elf Empire, and has fought against the Dark Elf Empire several times. , Every time I win, download the Duke of Addos is attacking the city, and it will not be over for a while. It is said that the first two bought this girl. The slaves are dead for unknown reasons, so they will be put on our side for auction. That guy is a black market businessman..." The dark demon maid explained to Cook.

Cook figured it out. Whoever bought the heir to the Duke of Addos was unlucky. Although the Duke of Addos was not able to save a person, it should not be too simple to kill a person, and in case the Duke of Addos became a climate. , Ha ha, the crime of insulting the dark elf royal family, but few can afford it.

Cook talked about his request, paid a deposit of two hundred fine gold coins, and left, because Cook asked to be a virgin, not that Cook had any prejudice against non-virgins, but Cook did not intend to These slaves have a relationship.

A woman who has had that kind of life can't bear to be lonely, and a woman who doesn't have that kind of thing. There will be no loneliness or loneliness, because they have no knowledge of that matter.

This is also the reason why Cook wants to leave. Cook wants to buy five virgins, but the auction house does not. Of course, Cook does not specify a race, just a race above the Dark Demon.

Cook has to go back and clean the basement by himself. This is where Cook will settle in this world in the future, so he cleans it out himself and builds some special facilities. Planar portals are definitely to be built, so strong protection capabilities are needed, so The basement Cook will be severely remodeled, including the ground being dug tens of meters deep by Cook, and then additional defenses.

Three days later, an animal cart appeared in front of Cook's residence, with the logo of the Royal Chamber of Commerce on it.

"Five women. Slaves, two cat women, one black dwarf, and two dark demon men, and our Chamber of Commerce gives VIP customers a free gift. This is their slave contract. Please sign for it. The total is Two thousand three hundred fine gold coins." The manager of the Chamber of Commerce who sent the slaves directly handed Cook a few contracts. Later in the Dark Elf Empire, these slaves will be owned by the Dark Elves.

"Okay." Cook paid the fine gold coins, and then he saw several slaves walking down from the cart.

"I said this is a little girl." The two catwomen that Cook saw were only about 1.6 meters old. They were only teenagers and looked like they were still minors.

"Sir, your request is a virgin, but orc women generally have children at the age of fifteen, so... But these two catwomen are fourteen years old and can be used for another year after raising them." Guan Shi said to the library. K explained.

Then Cook saw the dwarves and the dark demons, all of whom were little girls. Cook felt a big loss. Then Cook saw the last one, and Cook jumped up: "This...what's going on? "

"It was given at this time." Guan Shi smiled sinisterly.

"I... you are not afraid of what I really do to her?" Cook asked very speechlessly.

"Now our dark elf empire has officially registered these six slaves under your name, so they are at your disposal. If you kill them, our dark elf empire will not say anything." The dark elf empire has rules.

"Okay, then I don't need to..." Cook glanced at the last slave who was given away. Isn't this Nima the heir of the duke who asked to return the goods after the auction? Isn't this cheating?

"We don't return the goods, and I think even if you want to sell, no one wants to buy it, and if you don't care, what happened, cough cough." The steward left after speaking, meaning very much. Obviously, this person has decided you.

Cook waited until the steward had left and said, "Go in."

"What is your name and what are your specialties?" Cook asked.

"My name is Lanhua and Lanxing. We will massage and clean up the house." The two catwomen replied in a low voice. Cook was speechless. The two catwomen were indeed underage, and they were obviously malnourished.

"My name is Ana, and I can cook," the black dwarf girl said.

The remaining two dark demon girls can do everything, one is Elenda and the other is Lucy.

In the end, the dark elf slave girl faced Cook and said very proudly: "I know a lot of things, such as the number of astrology, prophecy, archery, divination, and I used to be a magician, a seventh-level master. Magician."

"Hehe, Orchid Blue Star will be responsible for the cleaning of my personal belongings and the cleaning of my bedroom. Ana will be yours for buying vegetables and cooking. Elenda and Lucy will be responsible for the living room on the second floor. The cleanliness of the first floor. As for you, the toilet is yours. You can eat after you finish it every day, or you won’t give you food..." Cook laughed, not to mention Cook’s original identity, but the Duke came, Cook It is also not wrong to find a beating.

"I won't do it, you inferior dark demon, just wait to die." The dark elf said with a green face without waiting for Cook to finish.

"Since you don't obey the master's arrangement, you have no food for two days, so go in." Cook shut the dark elf directly into the storage room.

Of course, the other girls knew the identity of the dark elf, and their eyelids jumped when they saw Cook's movements.

"Follow me, as long as you finish the things I ordered, I have a reward, Ana, this is the money for buying ingredients, and each person will give you ten fine gold coins to buy what you like, go." Cook spoke up, and gave each of these maids ten fine gold coins.

"Master, we can't go out privately." Ana said cautiously, feeling the heavy purse in her hand.

"There's this thing, well, come with me." Cook didn't care about the dark elves who patted the door hard in the storage room, because Cook installed a beacon in the storage room, and the dark elves did not Like this kind of dazzling light, the dark creatures are the white and misty light to the maximum extent, which is equivalent to human beings under the illumination of spotlights, and the lamp that Cook installed in the storage room was installed by Cook to clean the storage room. Yes, when Cook reads books, he still likes the bright environment. As soon as Cook’s mental energy moves, he turns on the light, so the dark elves are uncomfortable in it, but Cook’s things in it suffer.

Cook took the five maids to the street, then placed an order for the grocery store, how many ingredients to send to him every day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Ana was responsible for paying, and the five maids would like to buy something in the future , You can also let the grocery store purchase.

After the five maids went out with Cook for a while, they were more familiar with them when they came back. Then there was a round of cleaning. Everyone started. Of course, Cook entered the laboratory. The laboratory has not been completed.

"Not bad." The dinner is very rich, with meat, vegetables, and bread, and the dark world is not bread without the gods, yes.

Because the dark world rules more than one plane, some planes are suitable for growing food, some normal planes, such as the race of goblins, can adapt to the light environment, and races such as trolls, so there is no shortage of food. , Of course, fruit or something is a luxury, mainly because the distance is too far, and the fruit is not easy to preserve.

"Thank you, Master." The five maids stood beside Cook, and Cook did not ask them to eat with him.

After Cook finished eating, he let the maids eat, but Cook asked the maids to eat the same food as his own. The eyes of the maids were moved by tears. The light in the room was very weak, and Cook was a bit uncomfortable. But for these five maids, it was normal.

"Master, then..." Ana asked in a low voice before she started eating.

"I said two days are two days, leave her alone." Cook waved his hand and said solemnly.

"Yes." Ana began to eat, and it was obvious that these maids had been beaten.

When he came to the laboratory, the bright environment made Cook feel very comfortable. Cook continued to build the laboratory's defense system, and there was no lack of attack systems.

On the third day, Cook opened the storage room, and a pungent odor came to his face, and even the five maids behind Cook couldn't help taking a step back.

"Will you be obedient in the future?" Cook asked lightly.

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