A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 730: Heaven city

For the work ability given to Joe Ken by the summer, Cook still believes. Cook nodded and said: "The development of Century City will not only rely on force but also knowledge. I have some information on monsters and mutant creatures. Establish a research department as soon as possible. The new world in the future will definitely be very different from the original world. Among them, mutant creatures and monsters are an indispensable part. So this part of the research should be started, and the younger ones Children, we must pay attention to it, on the one hand, we must cultivate combat power, on the other hand, we must also have knowledge of monsters and mutant creatures. In addition, knowledge must not be left behind. In addition, children’s nutrition must keep up, and the population must reward the future world. A large population is still needed. As for the incentive measures, you will discuss it first and then report the plan to me."

"Then City Lord, who is responsible for this matter?" Joe Ken asked.

"You don't need to be responsible, you first unite and form a temporary department, because there are many things involved, and then I will adjust according to the situation." Cook waved his hand and said.

The reason why Cook did not allow someone to be responsible was that on the one hand, Cook did not have credible personnel. On the other hand, Cook found that the various departments in charge of Century City did not communicate well, and that everyone did their own things. This is definitely a bad thing for the development of an organization, so Cook needs to increase the union of multiple departments. Only in this way will he respond quickly to certain things.

It is winter, so Cook took this matter out, let several departments communicate with each other, communicate with each other, and then do this thing, of course, the final control is in the hands of Cook.

In addition, Cook is not going to expand the circle, which means that in the future, Cook will only call the shots behind the scenes. There will be a five-member assembly in Century City. Tang Tian is not in the five-member assembly. Tang Tian is a supervisory agency and is independent in the assembly. The rest is only responsible to Cook.

Of course, this is only Cook's preliminary idea, and there is still a long way to go before the establishment of the five-member assembly.

As for whether this organization will be out of Cook’s control, Cook also wants to see this day, but Cook is in control of the evolution potion. Unless someone else can replace Cook, this possibility is too small, almost No.

However, the development of a civilization is inseparable from what, first is people, and then knowledge. In terms of numbers, the Aurora Plane has reduced its population by more than 90% due to decades of chaos. This is for the Aurora Plane. , Is a disaster.

But on the other hand, the surviving individuals are much stronger than before. This can also be said to be an evolution, but the speed of evolution is a bit faster. The other is knowledge. The original knowledge system of the Aurora Plane is no longer sufficient to deal with the present. This kind of harsh environment is why Cook will come up with some collected data for people to study.

What Cook has to do now is to guide and guide the Aurora Plane to the light. As Cook deepens his understanding of the universe, this abnormal phenomenon of the Aurora Plane is very abnormal in Cook's eyes.

In the universe, there are many examples of high-level planes turning into intermediate-level planes, but low-level planes have not been promoted to higher-level planes. Of course, this is not 100% sure, so Cook felt it on the Aurora Plane What, conspiracy.

Even if it is not a conspiracy, then Cook should be more happy, because the situation of plane promotion has never happened before, and Cook encountered it. This is a complete overthrow of the wizard system, which means that Cook can understand The origin of the universe.

There are various theories about various kinds of knowledge about the universe, but the most recognized one is the theory of the center of the universe.

That is, the universe is an ellipse, and the other planes are in this elliptical universe. The closer to the center of the universe, the higher the level of the plane and the stronger the living creatures. Of course, the higher the elemental activity. This has been recognized by most people.

This recognition does not only mean that one plane of the God Realm has such recognition, but even other planes have such recognition, but what is the origin of the universe, from ancient times to the present, this has been a mystery.

When on earth, the development of civilization did not make people believe in immortality, eternity and the like. It can only be said to be a fantasy of people, but after Cook was in this world, this was completely subverted. .

The Aurora plane is a very important and typical example. Cook does not want to change this plane because of his appearance and thus give up the pursuit of the origin of the universe.

On the plane of Aurora, Cook refined a batch of evolution potions, then returned to the gods again, and then turned to the plane of hell. The original happy city on the plane of **** was called the city of heaven by creatures on the plane of hell.

The origin of the city of heaven is actually very dramatic. It is a team of tauren who chased and killed the team of goat heads, and finally pursued them within the guard range of the city of heaven. The city of heaven now has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, most of them They are all fighters under Cook, and there are also people from other forces in the Council of Gods.

These people issued a warning at the first time. Sheepheads all dropped their weapons and couldn't fight them anyway, but the Tauren didn't take the warning seriously, so they wielded their weapons and went into the city of heaven to hunt down the sheepheads. It was directly destroyed by the defensive tower of the city of heaven.

The consequence of this is that the desperate guys chased by the big tribes and big forces on the plane of **** have all come to the city of heaven. Fights and fights are not allowed here, so they are here. Personal safety is absolutely guaranteed.

The purpose of Cook's coming here is to make a decision whether to charge a fee for the unowned land around the city of heaven, or to drive these guys away. There are now tens of thousands of **** creatures around the city of heaven. Among them, there are more than dozens of large and small tribes, because in the plane of hell, tribal wars are very cruel. Except for women and girls, all others are killed. Even a male child must be killed. In addition, powerful women. Warrior, the result is even more miserable.

In Cook’s plan, the city of heaven is a free place. Of course, it is not absolute freedom. Therefore, in the setting of the guard tower, as long as the guard tower is not armed and a strong energy fluctuation erupts, the guard tower will not release. attack.

It’s just that Cook didn’t expect that in a short period of time, it would become the present situation. There are a lot of **** creatures on the entire sky city, but these **** creatures are all for consumption or trade, but they are outside the sky city. Within the 20-kilometer radius of that circle, a lot of **** creatures actually lived.

The sky city itself is hundreds of kilometers in diameter, so at a distance of 20 kilometers away from these hundreds of kilometers, the area is really not small, and there are some tribes doing some non-profit business, such as the females of some small tribes. In addition, the merchants in the Sky City also need to buy some **** creatures, because a lot of research has something to do with **** creatures.

In addition, some new high-level **** creatures need some guys who are familiar with the city of heaven, so these small tribes also started these businesses.

To put it simply, there are almost 300,000 **** creatures in the city of heaven, and many of them are advanced **** creatures living in the city of heaven.

"Why are these **** warriors here?" Cook looked at the latest data, and then asked.

"Master, some of these guys like to enjoy, some are chased and killed, and they have to be here, but most of the warriors are agents here, responsible for selling or buying some things, just like our gods. Specialty products, rum and other spirits are very popular here. As long as you take out a batch, it will be sold out immediately." The guardian of the Paradise City is Cook’s old subordinate, and Cook is in Wushuang. The subordinate of the mainland baron has been following Cook for hundreds of years, and his name is Kaluri Monton.

It's just that Cook's growth rate is too fast. These subordinates can no longer keep up with Cook's speed. When Kaluri followed Cook, he was just a great swordsman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and now it's not even better. It's only the mid-level of the sanctuary. For others, it has been a genius to cross the legend, reach the sanctuary and reach the mid-level of the sanctuary for more than a hundred years.

But compared with Cook, it’s much worse, so many of Cook’s subordinates have no way to get it out. It’s just that this paradise city doesn’t need Kaluri to come forward, it just plays a role in collecting information. It can be considered exercise.

Because these subordinates have nothing to do, Cook also knows that these subordinates are under great pressure, and if they find something to do for them, there will be no mixed thoughts.

"Forget it, as long as these guys don't make trouble." Cook thought for a while, still did not decide to drive away the **** creatures that live around the city of heaven. On the one hand, this is not in line with Cook's original intention of establishing this trading place. , Is to be free.

Of course, another point is that Cook is not afraid of disturbances. More than 20 towers have gathered guard and defense, even if they face millions of **** creatures, as long as they have sufficient energy, they are not afraid at all.

In addition, the presence of these **** creatures is very beneficial to the future development of the city of heaven. Because these people are there, then more **** creatures will gather. If those **** creatures that are chased by the world know this A place, not to come quickly, and the **** creatures that can be hunted all over the world are definitely not simple guys.

As for whether the plane of **** will be more chaotic due to the city of heaven as a place to shelter criminals, it is not Cooke's control, and the plane of hell, the plane of abyss, and the plane of devil Contact, then Cook can do business to these planes by the way.

PS: I have a cold and caught a cold. I feel dizzy all day, and my throat is always itchy. It will be gone at 1 o'clock tomorrow morning. It is estimated to be updated before 12 o'clock.

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