A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 731: 2 major associations

Hearing Cook say this, Kaluri did not make any comments, because Kaluri is also responsible for the security aspect. As for the management, it will be temporarily managed by Murphy.

Cook is now also a big business, and the industry is still increasing, but Cook has a lot of women, and of course he has many foreseeable children.

So Cook is constantly adjusting, trying to make his women have a fair chance to compete. Whoever does well will be responsible. This is Cook's usual attitude. Of course, he should talk about Cook's favorite person.

Mickey is also counted. As for West Asia, Lina is slightly inferior. In Cook's mind, the women on the plane of Aurora are not like a lover, they are more like a deal. Yes, Li Ji and others gave Cook this feeling. They just said that Cook will change their views over time. I don’t know.

Because emotional things are cultivated, not at the beginning.

The benefits of the city of heaven on the plane of **** are huge. The plane of **** is huge, but the products are not very rich. The products here refer to necessary materials such as food, as for minerals, gems and the like. Yes, there are more planes of hell.

This is mainly because there are many volcanoes on the plane of hell. The eruption of the volcano has turned over the rare metals and gems in the depths of the veins. On the surface of the plane of hell, you can obtain gems and rare magical metals, but in the gods, these things are all Buried deep underground, from this point of view, the value of the gems and magic metals on the plane of **** is much lower than that of the gods.

The price of a certain material depends not only on the material itself, but also on the cost of the material. The gems and magic metals buried deep in the ground in the gods require a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources, and time. These are all costs. , And on the plane of hell, you just need to bend down and pick it up.

However, energy gems are hard currency on the plane of hell, just like the crystals of the gods, because **** creatures can absorb the energy in the energy gems.

But even so, the price of gems is less than one-fifth of the gods, and the quality of the energy gems on the plane of **** is slightly higher than that of the gods.

All kinds of goods from the gods, all kinds of food, all kinds of wine, as well as all kinds of weapons and equipment, are constantly being transported from the gods to the plane of hell.

All kinds of rare **** creatures, gems, magic metals and the like on the plane of **** were transported back to the gods. On the plane of hell, Cook didn’t do any currency system. On the one hand, it was difficult to build a new currency system. In addition, there is no need. Even in the plane of hell, the currency used is very complicated. Most of the time, the plane of **** is bartering things.

Among them, the biggest profit is not other chambers of commerce, but the Pharmacy Association, the Mageweave Association.

Regardless of the chamber of commerce, more than 90% of the materials traded on the plane of **** have entered these two associations. The various potions with special attributes made by the blood of **** creatures are very popular in the gods, and the gods The potions made from various magic herbs are even more needed for **** creatures.

Compared with the creatures of the gods, the physique of **** creatures is much higher. The higher the physique, the better the potion works.

Moreover, there is almost no healing system on the plane of hell, of course, it is not at all. The blood system is the healing system of **** creatures. Unlike the gods, there are wood, natural, and holy light systems.

A large amount of materials flooded into the two associations, allowing the Mageweave apprentices and pharmacy apprentices of the two associations to do more experiments. Although a lot of materials were wasted, the cost of these materials was passed on to the **** creatures.

Therefore, the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association have entered a blowout development. In just one month, the magicweave apprentices of the Mageweave Association have increased by about 2%. The number of official magicweaves has not increased than before, but the magicweave apprentices have done it. The number of equipment has more than tripled from last month. This is a successful equipment. As for the unsuccessful equipment, it goes without saying.

And the Mageweave Association has the ability to decompose the magicweave, so the waste of materials will be reduced to a minimum.

As for the Pharmacy Association, it drives the entire God Realm magic herb industry. The original orc territory, which was once inaccessible, is full of adventurers. The magic plants that were once unpopular are now very popular.

In such a large environment, countless people have begun to study the cultivation of magical plants, but the experts in this area are basically elves, but the largest planting area is still humans. Humans basically plant ordinary magical plants, while elves grow them. It is a more advanced magic plant.

And with the war between the Council of the Gods and the plane of demons, as well as transactions with the city of the beasts and the plane of hell, the price of food in the Gods has more than doubled.

The result of this is that the area where humans grow food has increased, and for the first time many lords used low-level mages to grow food, such as insecticide, precipitation, weeding, and so on.

The income of ordinary people has also increased significantly, but on the other hand, the price of equipment and materials has been continuously reduced. It is like an ordinary magical equipment. In the past, adventurers were required to go wild to adventure, hunt creatures, obtain skins, and then sell them to merchants. , Merchants hire leatherworking professionals to make coarse materials, and then sell them. After selling, they will be made into magic equipment, and then sold again, and then the final price of the finished product will be obtained. The biggest expenditure here is two. An adventurer, because these guys are risking their lives, the skins of these creatures are expensive, and the other is the piece of magic equipment.

But now trading with Bear City and Tiger City, the price of the adventurer is much lower. There is nothing else in the beast city. There are a lot of leather and the like, and the price is not expensive. This one has been reduced by about two-thirds.

The other is the production of magic equipment, the emergence of the magic pattern association, the large-scale application of magic patterns, a simple example, the single item of artifacts in the God Realm now exceeds 100,000, and the entire God Realm has artifacts before Cook appeared. The amount is only about one percent of the current amount.

What caused the large-scale emergence of artifacts? The artifacts are the mainstream equipment, while the price of the original mainstream high-level magic equipment is constantly diving. On the one hand, there are a lot of eliminated magic equipment, and they are basically fine products. The development of magic lines makes the magic circle almost useless.

Now the mainstream is the magic pattern master, and the magic array master can only make money from ordinary people.

So now many children of ordinary people can equip magic equipment and then go on adventures or something. The chance of survival is greatly improved.

Under the promotion of Cooke, the living standards of the entire God Realm have been improved by several times. The other is the Magic Weave Association. The Pharmacy Association will select apprentices from various places in the God Realm from time to time every year.

As long as they are talented, these associations not only charge no fees, but also reward them. Of course, these apprentices must sign an agreement with the association. Many people think this is unfair.

But in the world, there is no fair thing. The children of ordinary people at the bottom, even if they have the talent for magic lines, do not have enough strength to support the learning of magic lines.

Learning magic patterns is a very resource-consuming thing. First of all, it is mental power. If you want to become a real magic pattern master, according to Cook, just one word: practice!

Once unsuccessful, then one hundred times, then one hundred unsuccessful, then ten thousand times, one year unsuccessful, only ten years, ten years unsuccessful, one hundred years, talent is only the most basic condition, but the hard work of the day after tomorrow only the most important.

To draw a basic magic pattern, it usually takes half an hour for a magic pattern apprentice, but the mental power of a magic pattern apprentice is not enough to support half an hour, so it is very difficult for a magic pattern apprentice to draw a magic pattern.

However, there is a professional laboratory in the Magic Weave Association. In the laboratory, the recovery of mental power will increase, allowing the spiritual power of the magic weave apprentice to be able to draw a basic magic thread.

Repeat this again and again until it succeeds, then compress the time, and finally add various types and functions of magic patterns to the basic magic patterns.

The same is true for the Pharmacy Association, but the cost of the Pharmacy Association is higher than that of the Magic Weave Association~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the refining of the magic weave equipment fails, it can be decomposed, and the refining of the medicine fails and can only be processed. After the medicine fails, there is still a strong poison, and the cost of treatment is not low.

The Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association make a lot of money, but they consume a lot of money. As for financial resources, Cook doesn’t value much at all, because Cook’s vision is already in line with the star realm. As for the **** crystals of the gods, For Cook, it's just useful. There is no big or decisive effect.

Cook patrolled the city of heaven, and then left the plane of hell. The plane of **** should not be in danger. At the beginning, the plane of **** might exclude Cook from entering, but once the communication is open, **** is probably hell. The plane is inseparable from the city of heaven. Among other things, many warriors on the plane of **** like to come to the city of heaven for consumption.

Of course, the merchants in the Paradise City can be said to be profiteers. For example, Cook knows that a style tavern opened by a few gnomes is the kind that has dancing girls. The dancing girls are all recruited on the plane of hell. Hell Females such as jackals, tauren of hell, and so on, then put on all kinds of beautiful clothes made by the tailors of the gods, and then get some perfume or something, the business is actually so good.

However, **** creatures are basically two extremes. Males are ugly and hideous. Even the skin is dark or light, or dark red, but the females are basically white skin and good body, but the appearance is in the eyes of humans. , I really can't compliment.

The city of heaven has become the top consumer city on the plane of hell. There is no one. Here, even a **** warrior, as long as you consume, you can become a pauper in one day.

"It seems that the plane of **** is about to be shuffled." Cook sat on the chair and watched Loyard crawling on the ground, thinking about the plane of hell.

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