A Unique Hunter

Chapter 209: Ruta appeared in "First More"

The Rock Lizard Knights is indeed one of the three elite knights of the dwarves, and these dwarves have also been ordered. The thousand dwarves are divided into ten teams. There are three teams of dwarves in the ten teams. Three teams of dwarves bypass the other three aspects of Blackstone Town. As he patrolled back and forth, Nomsey led the two teams, as well as his own guard, directly to Case's house.

The other five teams of dwarves attacked directly from the town. First, they shouted. If they ignore the project, they will be blown into ruins. Then the ones who dare to resist are either shot into hedgehogs or directly hit by a few flying hammers. To die, or to be directly hit by a few shields, you must know that the dwarves used seem to be small round shields, but they are made of white iron that weighs as much as 500 jin.

Moreover, Heishizhen said earlier that it was the resident of the Smurf mercenary group. At this time, everyone in the Smurf mercenary group took out their weapons and joined the dwarves. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. Thousands of people in the corps did not receive any **** tasks. The guys who laughed at the Smurfs mercenary group during the day understood it. These guys did it on purpose.

"Master Baron!" To Cook's disappointment, the leader of the Smurfs mercenary group was actually a thin middle-aged man.

"I believe Kaluri has already told your Excellency, don't you know your Excellency?" Cook asked directly with a smile.

"Sorry, Lord Baron!" The leader of the Smurf mercenary group replied with a narrowed eyes when he saw Phyllis Deman behind Cooke.

"Well, this time I hired your Smurfs mercenary group. This is half a million gold coins, but I hope that you will not stop those mercenaries who want to be my guard." Cook directly threw a magic crystal card. To this group leader.

"As you wish!" The group leader quietly took the magic crystal card, and then stood far away.

Cook looked at the back of the captain, and gave a strange feeling. He talked a lot, but he was very polite, but Cook looked at it with his magic eyes and found nothing strange. At this time, Bagh Lu Ze jumped up and said, "Master, great master, Baglu...!"

"Go, go!" Cook didn't know what Bagglu wanted to say, so he waved his hand.

"Ooo!" Bagru kissed Cook's boots excitedly, then screamed and rushed to Blackstone Town.

"Luocuo, go too! And Dasa, go all, go all!" Cook said with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah!" Hearing Cook's words, the trolls and the orcs rushed up immediately. There were nearly a hundred fifth-level beasts, but these knights appeared more mighty than the dwarves.

Bagru's eyes turned, and instead of meeting the dwarves, he rushed directly into the town, and then focused on the better-looking houses. These guys didn’t shout at all and rushed in. These humans live in. The house in's can't withstand the impact of these five-meter-high, heavily armed ogres. Often three or four ogres attack together. The bigger house will be washed away with a hole, and the smaller one will be washed into a pile of rubble.

"Damn the ogre!" Luo Cuo saw an ogre face-to-face and broke through a house, and there was the excitement of the ogre roar and the screams of human beings.

"The rebels will kill you without mercy!" Luo Cuo also shouted loudly in crappy continental common language, and then rushed into another room. The huge iron door was directly smashed open by several trolls, and then swarmed like a swarm. Went in.

And the orcs are also doing their own things, ten people in a team, but the red hoofs have more auras in their heads, they directly picked up a mercenary, and then beaten them. These mercenaries are desperate again, facing a group of whole bodies. The armored orc thugs only had their legs trembling honestly.

The town was in chaos for a while, but Cook’s attention was still focused on two places. There are three powerful Smurf mercenaries in Blackstone Town, but they have been hired by Cook. Three thousand regular mercenaries are assisting Dwarf Rock. The Lizard Knights swept the rest of the forces, and one was One-eyed Keith. This guy started smuggling, mainly smuggling prohibited items to the Orc Empire, and the other is a force that runs all the casinos and brothels in Blackstone Town. The name is Xiu. The forces of Sri Lanka.

"You?" The woman in the golden robe headed by the Temple of the Dark Night Goddess was extremely angry.

"Huh, guys, let me go!" Nomsey doesn't care about that much, even if the Temple of Light is here, he has this attitude, not a race, let you go!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Several snow-white projects* were directly thrown into the corner of the house, and the dwarf retreated crazily, with a loud noise.

"God!" Case saw that the house he believed to be the strongest, which he had spent hundreds of thousands of gold coins to build, was so shaky, it was obviously about to collapse.

"Come here again!" Nomsey sneered. The house looked like a dwarf, so the three * bombed directly at the key location.

"Kill!" Case immediately yelled, and rushed out first, and a yellow vindictive flame from the magic sword swept directly at the leading dwarf.

"Kill!" The woman headed by the Temple of the Goddess of the Night also shouted loudly, and then shook her hand, and a black flame rushed directly towards Nomsi.

"Good coming! Shoo!" A series of crossbow arrows burst into the air directly into the crowd.

"Ah!!! Ah!!! Ah!" A series of screams rang. The crossbow arrows were too dense. Nomsey arranged for fifty dwarf guards to shoot out a box of crossbow arrows. One box contained five arrows, and the room It's only that big, so some guys with lower strength are directly penetrated by crossbow arrows, because this kind of continuous crossbow has the strongest penetrating power within 100 meters.

"Boom!" Nomsey saw Case leaping out, and his whole body burst out with a red vindictive more vigorous than Case, and then suddenly jumped high, with almost white flames on the huge hammer, Case He was directly hit by Nomsey with a hammer and flew out.

"Puff! Damn it!" Case was desperate. This was a rock lizard rider from one of the three knights of the dwarves. Case saw that his subordinates couldn't even deal with these dwarf mounts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The claws of the fifth-level rock lizard were extremely sharp, and the iron armor was directly crushed with one claw.

"Glory!" At this time, the people in the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night roared in unison, with golden light shining from their bodies.

"Ruta, they handed it over to you!" Cook watched from a distance as the guy in the temple tried desperately with magic skills, so he ordered.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Ruta took a deep breath after receiving Cook's order, and then his body swelled to more than 20 meters in an instant, and a huge ice sword appeared in his hand.

"Get out!" A knight from the Temple of the Goddess of the Night who had just emerged of golden light smashed a dwarf directly into the air. While burning his vitality, the strength of this knight directly revealed several times more than the decisive command of a woman wearing a golden robe. Dao? Directly led people to rush towards the gap opened by the temple knight.

"Boom!" But the following scene stopped everyone, and the temple knight who hit the flying rock lizard knight was directly divided into two halves by a huge almost transparent thing.

"Frost Titan!" Case spit out four words, then fainted directly, everyone else raised their heads, and a giant with a blue armor 25 meters high suddenly stood in front of him. .

"The rebels will kill you without mercy!" A huge thunderous voice rang out, and Ruta waved the fifteen-meter-long ice and snow giant sword, and then looked at everyone very flatly.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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