A Unique Hunter

Chapter 210: The goddess descends "second more"

"Kill without mercy!" There are only these three words in everyone's mind. This world is so unfair. Some races are inherently powerful. Titans are known as one of the ancient gods, which means that the Titans have gods. The strength like that, the body about twenty-five meters high, as if standing between the sky and the earth, gave everyone a strong sense of oppression.

"Glory!" But the clergy of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, instead of flinching, they rushed towards Ruta with their weapons.

"The rebels will kill without mercy!" Ruta's huge sword several meters wide swept across directly. The guys at the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night just felt cold and then plunged into the darkness, while outsiders saw the huge sword with their own eyes. Easily cut a dozen or so priests of the Dark Night Goddess Temple into two pieces, and the corpses were instantly covered with thick ice.

"Damn it! Why kill us!" the woman in the golden robe roared loudly.

"Haha! Killing whoever wants to kill is not the right of you temple personnel, right now in my eyes, you! You are also heretics!" Cook walked out with a smile.

"Haha, haha, heresy, excuse me, do you have hatred with our dark night goddess temple?" The woman in the golden robe was shocked. She did not expect that the man who manipulated all of this was actually a human, the most elite rock lizard knight of the dwarves, one of the ancient gods. One Titan, who is this human being.

"No hatred, but what kind of Archbishop Levy of yours was killed by me, and there are fifty Templar knights. See if you don’t see them, are those guys’ mounts very familiar?" There is no need for Cook to deny it.

"Damn, damn, those idiots in the dark hall, damn, how could I run into this guy." The woman in the golden robe jumped and cursed without grace.

Cook was surprised and asked incredulously: "Aren't you here to kill me?"

"Kill you, you think we know that you are here, we will bring these people to kill you!" the woman in the golden robe roared.

"My Lord Baron, One-Eyed has already confessed it. It seems that the Temple of the Goddess of the Night has a large amount of food for sale. I heard that several major temples and the Magic City have blocked the Hill Empire. The only output of the Hill Empire is food. The Hill Empire needs to use it. The food was exchanged for a large amount of weapons, so..." Nikos reported quietly at this time.

"Nima!" Cook's face turned green. If you know these guys are here to smuggle, how can Cook wait for these guys to leave before doing anything, **** intelligence!

"Great goddess of the dark night, your faithful believers are willing to use...!" But at such a moment, the woman in the golden robe chanted a spell with the priests dressed around, but the strange thing was the priests next to him. As the spell progressed, people slowly aged, as if they were tens of years old in an instant, while the woman in the golden robe swelled up and brightened several times under Cook's magic eyes.

"Puff! Great goddess, please destroy this heresy!" In the end, the several priests around the woman in the golden robe were all turned into a pile of corpses, while the woman in the golden robe directly cut the skin of her chest with her nails and sprayed A stream of golden blood came out, but this golden blood was directly painted as a very dazzling light and rose directly to the sky.

"This is?" Cook was surprised.

"This is a magical technique that allows the gods who believe in directly to descend on this plane." Ruta knocked his head, apparently this guy's inheritance memory has such knowledge.

Cook was dumbfounded. The woman in the golden robe slowly floated in the golden light, and the golden beam of light became thicker and thicker. Finally, the woman in the golden robe was wrapped up, and the woman in the golden robe opened her eyes.

"I rely on!" Cook felt an extremely powerful pressure burst out directly.

"Here!" The long-haired woman's voice changed a little, she became indifferent, and she stared at Cook.

"Boom!" Cook felt that he was hit by a strong force for hundreds of meters, and then he directly broke two big trees with thick bowls.

"Roar!" Ruta roared when he saw that Cook was knocked into the air. A majestic mist sprayed directly from his mouth, directly at the woman in the golden robe.

"Huh, it's just a Titan who has just awakened and possesses elementary power! San!" The woman in the golden robe said disdainfully, stretching out her finger.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Ruta's huge body was directly shaken back several steps, making a huge kicking sound.

"Liannu, shoot!" Nomsey was dumbfounded, and quickly ordered.

"Shoo! Ooh!" The dense metal crossbow arrows rang, and at least thousands of them shot at the woman in the golden robe.

"An ant-like power!" The woman in the golden robe stretched out her hand and waved, countless crossbow arrows flew out directly.


"Here, die!" The woman in the golden robe possessed by the goddess of the dark night, with a golden shadow, rushed towards the place where Cook was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the goal of the goddess of the dark night is obvious, that is Cook this heresy who killed the archbishop.

"Damn it! Boom!" Cook took out the ghost bow, and then drew out a demon-breaking arrow of hundreds of thousands of gold coins. The bowstring banged, and a jet of black light shot directly at the golden figure.

"Puff! Demon-broken arrow, this **** body!" The woman in the golden robe waved her hand, but did not expect the arrow to penetrate the palm directly. The woman in the golden robe looked surprised at the arrow, and then gently pinched it with her hand. , This magic-breaking arrow made with extremely precious magic materials turned into powder.

"Damn it, it's so perverted!" Cook saw that the incomparably hard magic arrow was crushed directly into powder, and he yelled, then he took out a magic giant crossbow without hesitation, and then pulled the bowstring.


"Damn it, I got it wrong!" Cook usually installs the crossbow bolts when he is fine, so that he can take them out and shoot with the bowstring, but Cook took out the two and a half meters high this time. The round strange metal, this thing Cook has no experience in using, so it directly drew an arc and disappeared into the sky.

"Damn it!" But what Cook didn't expect was that the woman possessed by the goddess of the night drew away from a distance, staring at her vigilantly from time to time, which surprised Cook.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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