A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 766: Break the rules (part 1)

Chief Bunnyman was outside Cook’s office and saw seven or eight people waiting for Cook to meet him. In fact, Chief Bunnyman was able to enter here and had already passed several hurdles. Thanks to his status as a councillor of Chief Bunnyman. To meet with Cook, only members of the Council of Gods do not need to make an appointment. Others, even the leaders and elders of various major forces, need to make an appointment. Of course, the higher the status, the higher the priority.

But here, the patriarch of the Bunny has no priority, but the assistants to Cook are very shrewd, and the patriarch of the Bunny is different from others.

Soon the patriarch of the Bunnyman saw Cook. Cook looked at the patriarch of the Bunny and asked with a smile: "Come to see me, is there something urgent?"

While asking, Cook also personally handed a cup of water to the patriarch of the Bunnyman. In fact, Cook was very satisfied with the patriarch of the Bunnyman. The School of Pharmacy and the Pharmacy Association's largest magic herb planting base were all in the Bunnyman clan.

The bunny people's support for the Pharmacy Association is visible to Cook. Although Cook also knows that these bunny people are poor, but Cook will not do this and do anything rude to the bunny people.

Speaking of this, I can’t say why a well-known rich man in China did not make a sound at the place where the rich man made his fortune after he was unlucky. It is because of what the rich man usually does. He thinks that the official is nothing more than this. If I have money, you have to beg me.

Someone wants to say, this being an official is not always being an official, right? Yes. But isn’t the one who rises up from the front promoted? So when this rich man is unlucky, no one can help.

Of course, Cook is not afraid of the bunny people's revenge, but you need to be polite with each other, according to the old saying, hello and me, everyone.

The patriarch of Bunny took the fruit wine with both hands, nodded in thanks, and said: "Chairman Cook, I have some ideas, so I came to you."

"It's a good thing to have an idea, just say it." Cook nodded and sat down. This time Cook and the patriarch of the bunny were sitting in the reception area of ​​the office, not meeting other people sitting behind the desk, which also showed the bunny. The status of the patriarch is different from the others.

"Chairman Cook, I think we should set up some common language classes for the Council of Gods in our orc territory. After all, more and more businessmen and adventurers from other races are coming to our orc territory, and more and more orcs are going to it. In the territories of other races, the obstacles to arrogance are language and the etiquette of each race." The Bunny Patriarch said.

"This idea is very good. I also have the same idea. Not only can we set up dwarf, dwarf, and human language classes in the orc territory, but also can set up language classes for orcs of various races on the human side, so that for those who have no talent, As long as you study hard and are proficient in several languages, you can also translate for businessmen and get a lot of money.” Cook said.

"Not a common language?" the Bunny Chief asked.

"Universal language, this idea is very good, but you have thought that not every race’s text is a continuation of the civilization of this race. If everyone learns the universal language, then maybe after countless years, each race will lose its own language. Even words, this is a great loss to the civilization of the entire world." Cook said.

The patriarch of Bunny nodded, but he still didn’t understand. Cook saw the patriarch of the Bunny and continued to explain with a smile: “Actually, the words of each race have their own advantages, just like your orcs in each race. Regarding the release of the war song halo, it has a lot to do with the words of each race and the pronunciation. I am studying this."

The patriarch of the Bunnyman understood this time, and the patriarch of the Bunnyman continued: "Chairman Cook, there is one more thing about the workers. We orcs work in other racial territories of the Council of Gods and are often oppressed by local employers. , But because most of us orcs don’t understand the languages ​​of other races, sometimes we really can’t speak clearly, and there is no way to be bullied. After all, we orcs are in other races, different races, and laws and regulations are different, so many inconvenient."

Cook glanced at the Bunny Chief and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

"The original other various associations are not suitable for this situation, because the people who do these jobs are ordinary people. My idea is to establish another association organization, and then no matter what employers or employees, they can use this platform If you are looking for someone, you can also find a job. Then when there is a dispute, the association will come forward, and the association can also train some ordinary people for free, just like our ordinary orcs, now we prefer to do coolies in the human domain, and are not willing to return to the orcs Territory, but we orcs are not stupid, but that we don’t have the opportunity to do technical work.” The patriarch of the Bunnyman saw Cook ask his own thoughts, so he said the method he had tried so hard to think about.

Cook shook his head and looked at the patriarch of the Bunny. I have to say that the idea of ​​the patriarch of the Bunny reminded Cook that with the increase in the flow of people of various races, and most of them are jobs, then the emergence of a union is needed to let Ku What Ke didn't expect was that the Bunnyman Patriarch would actually think of the idea of ​​free training. This idea is absolutely perfect. Yes, if there is no free training, then no one wants to join the union, and no one joins the union, so no employer will come to the door.

Seeing Cook shook his head, the patriarch of the Bunny was a little embarrassed, but Cook then said: "Go back and make a proposal, and submit it to the Council of the Gods tomorrow."

"Yes, Speaker." When the bunny chief heard Cook say this, he was immediately excited.

"You have a very good idea. I think language classes can also be taught by unions for free. Of course, these unions that teach languages ​​will also pay. As for other things, let's talk about it at that time." Cook continued.

"Yes, Speaker Cook, then you are busy, I will go first." Patriarch Bunny is very excited now. To know that the bill is submitted, Chief Bunny did not expect that Cook would let himself do this. Once the bill is passed, this It is the credit of the patriarch of the Bunny.

Seeing the patriarch of the rabbit people go out happily, the other people waiting outside were envious, and even more wondered if something big happened.

So when Patriarch Bunny submitted the proposal the next day, people who were interested knew that this must be the matter that Patriarch Bunny discussed with Cook yesterday.

"Let's talk about it, this concerns thousands of ordinary people." Cook said directly after the bill was read by the patriarch of the Bunnyman.

When the members below heard this, they knew that Cook had agreed to the bill. A sentence that concerns thousands of ordinary people would understand what it meant.

"I think this is a good thing. Many of our human lords use a lot of orc hires in their territories. However, some of the orcs' habits are completely different from ours. For example, orcs don't like bathing, they like to be naked, and It’s a bad habit to like to make a loud noise, and then shake your fist if you don’t understand it. If there is a dispute, some of these orcs will run away, and there is no way for the employer to suffer losses."

"Haha, in fact, we orcs also hope that such a union will appear. Our orcs are also developing very fast. There are many people of other races in the territory. We can't understand these people. Some races steal their work and work. The things of the lord in our orc territories, such as the sacrificial objects in our orc territories, may not be considered treasures within our orcs, but they are considered treasures in other races, and now they can’t be found by anyone who wants to find them."

"We dwarves also think that it is best to have a union. Our orc mines are generally paid by piece. Some miners are not rewarded, so we have to pay, hey.

"Our dwarf clan is the same. Now the hired workers rely solely on acquaintances to introduce them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, it is impossible for our dwarf clan to verify the information of workers of other races."

Everyone talked about it one after another. In fact, it seems to everyone that the issue of workers is the same. Yes, because the interests involved are not large, not many people care about it.

But what Cook sees is not the benefits, but the huge crowd base. Maybe the union is not a big deal now, but everyone may not have noticed a data. Every year, one third of the powerhouses are promoted to the **** level. It comes from an ordinary family.

And in these families, it is not uncommon to encounter things that are made difficult by employers. Then once there is a union, the income of these ordinary families is guaranteed, then how will these promoted god-level powerhouses view the union?

When Cook heard everyone saying this, Cook said: "I think my decision is correct after hearing everyone say this. When the Chief Bunny came to talk to me yesterday, I was very surprised by the Chief Bunny. Yes, to say smart, the bunny people are not the smartest, but to say knowledge, many of us here have more knowledge than the bunny patriarchs, but why is no one here paying attention to this? Is it interest? Or is it indifferent? Or ignore it?"

Hearing Cook’s words, the congressmen were all drumming up, because Cook’s words were already a bit of blame in them. No one spoke. Cook continued: "Don’t forget, ordinary people are the cornerstone of the Council of Gods. So I now announce that every member of the Council must submit two bills per year. If this requirement is not met, then he will be disqualified as a member. Sitting here is to serve the Council of Gods, not to enjoy it. I don’t want everyone to see things like divine artifacts, but I need to allow the entire Council of Gods to continuously improve itself, and then let the Council of Gods continue to grow."

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