A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 767:

Hearing Cook’s words, the members of the following members felt a little bit ugly, and Cook didn’t care about the reactions of the members of the following members, and continued: “The Council of the Gods will also practice those who can, and those who cannot. Next, I don’t need a subordinate who is only loyal to Cook. I don’t need to look at the ability to work, and I don’t need people who only have interests in my eyes. Therefore, this rule will be implemented in the future, and the submitted motion must involve at least tens of millions of people. Level motions, don’t fool me with tens of millions of dollars. The consequences are very clear to you. You should know where you are today and how you came. Don’t say anything else. I sat in the office for five years. God, deal with more than 1,300 things. Of these things, more than 99% are within your processing authority, but if you drag it, do you just ignore it?"

"President, we are just not sure." The dwarf patriarch said.

"Excuse me, I have dealt with more than 60 cases of your dwarves. Among them, the conflict between your dwarf forging union and the human blacksmith association is completely for you to resolve by yourself. How did you do it? As a member of the Council of Gods, you There are only you Dwarf Forging Union. As a member, you cannot find the head of the Dwarf Forging Association and the Human Blacksmith Association. Listen carefully to what happened? Are you a member of the Council of Gods or a dwarven clan? Patriarch, if you sit in this councillor's seat and do your dwarf patriarch's business, then next time, I will ask you to go out." Cook saw the dwarf patriarch said this and said coldly.

The dwarf patriarch was frightened by Cook's tone. Yes, if he loses his status as a councillor, the position of the patriarch will definitely not be preserved.

"As a member of parliament, you have to do what members of parliament should do. As for other identities, you should think carefully about it. Before tomorrow, if you are willing to give up your status as a member, just leave." Cook saw that the people below did not speak, some Afraid, Cook continued.

In fact, Cook has long wanted to rectify the Council of the Gods, because these members sometimes really don't know their identities. The consequence of this is that the contradictions between the various races are even greater.

"Incorporate what I just said into the rules of the Council of the Gods, and add another one, the member's lifelong responsibility system, which is what you deal with as a member. Once it is discovered that you have handled the wrong things at that time, then all the members who dealt with it will be responsible for the consequences. If it causes serious consequences, the Council of Gods reserves the right to hold them accountable.” This Cook has long wanted to propose the life-long responsibility system, otherwise some members of the Council will not care about things at all.

"In addition, for the proposal submitted by the patriarch of the rabbit, I suggest forming a union. The structure of the union is based on other associations. However, the union shall not charge any fees to employees. It can only charge a certain fee from the employer, and must pay for the employees. Equal pay for equal work must be achieved. In addition, for employers who do not pay, delay remuneration, or treat their employees unequally, the trade union must hold the employer accountable. In serious cases, it can be added to the blacklist of the Council of Gods. The tattoo association, the pharmacy association, but not the same as the medical association." Cook said afterwards.

The patriarch of Bunny is a little embarrassed, after all, Cook has done so many things today. It can be said that it was caused by himself, but the Chief Bunny is not afraid. Hearing Cook say this, the Chief Bunny hasn't spoken yet, and Silver Fox asks: "Then Speaker Cook, who will fund the union? Out?"

"Of course it is the Council of the Gods. In a few days, the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, the Medical Association, and the Sewing Association will pay the tax that should be paid to the Council of the Gods this year. No matter who it is, no matter what force it is, Organizations must pay taxes. If they do not pay taxes, they will directly dispatch the Brave Knights. In addition, you will introduce a tax ratio for each industry as soon as possible, and set up a special tax department under the jurisdiction of the Council of Gods. The tax department has the right to treat any organization , Anyone who checks the accounts, I don’t need to say more if you encounter resistance. The Brave Knights is not a display." Cook’s words came out, and the congressmen present were shocked.

You know, Mageweave Association, Pharmacy Association, Medical Association, who dares to collect taxes, in fact, the Council of Gods always collects taxes, but it does. What is collected is only those small businessmen and other taxes, and the big businessmen are behind the big forces, who dares to collect them.

"In addition, the Brave Knights will set up two legions in the next step. Each legion has 10,000 people. The Mageweave Association will donate to the Council of Gods in the next five hundred years there are no sets of artifacts and equipment. I hope that everyone will truly Not to mention the rule of all planes, at least we have to let other planes know the name of the council of the gods of our God Realm. If you meet people from other planes in the future, as long as you talk about the council of gods, no one will dare to The people of the Council of God do it, do you have the confidence to do this?" Cook asked.

"Yes." When the congressmen heard Cook's majestic words, their spirits were shocked.

After that, the union of the Council of Gods began to be formed. In less than a month, the union was established, and at the beginning of its establishment, there were more than 163,000 branches. The information of all personnel in these branches was shared. In other words, the entire Council of Gods, as long as it is at the town level, has trade union branches.

These are not the most important ones. The most important thing is that the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, the Medical Association, and the Sewing Association have paid a total of up to 2.6 billion high-grade Shenjing taxes at one time, and all of them are in cash. The members of the parliament were frightened by Cook's lavishness.

Then a department that caused headaches for the major forces of the Council of Gods appeared. The Tax Supervision Department of the Council of Gods. This organization has no strong people, but they are very clever guys. They are extremely sensitive to numbers. This department does not have any. There is only one right. You can spot check the profitable income and finances of any organization and any force.

Yes, it is profitable, just like the lord does not collect taxes on food, and the risk-takers do not collect taxes on their personal income. However, if the adventurer sells a merchant, and the merchant sells it again, he will collect taxes from the merchant.

Of course, it was not that no one thought of tax evasion, but the Mageweave Association gave five hundred sets of artifacts and equipment to the brave knight at one time, which made many people just pinch their noses to recognize it.

The unions and tax supervision departments that have caused the most headaches on many planes were established in this way. After countless years, several large organizations on many planes are filled with countless planes. Among them, the tax supervision department is the most troublesome. The tax supervision department not only monitors the internal financial situation of the Council of Gods, but also can check any organization and individual with whom the Council of Gods has trade. Of course, it is not that there are no powers and individuals who are unwilling, but behind the tax supervision department is the Council of Gods. At that time, the Council of the Gods, hundreds of thousands of brave knights, equipped with a full set of artifacts, not to mention organizations or individuals, just to level a plane, without having to mobilize all, let alone the legions of the Council of Gods, equipped with more than ten million artifacts The huge army of level weapons is enough to make any forces tremble.

The third large-scale force is the medical association. This association has hundreds of millions of doctors, and it is the largest tax supervision department, and the unions are unwilling to provoke them.

The trade union finally developed. As long as any organization conflicts with the trade union, the organization will be sanctioned by the trade union, that is, no one goes to work in this organization, strikes, the trade union’s greatest weapon.

Then there is the Pharmacy Association, and finally the Mageweave Association. Because the output of the pharmacy is higher than that of the Mageweave Association, and the number of people involved in the pharmacy is the largest. Although the Mageweave Association ranks the last, its real strength is the first. These reasons are very low-key.

In the first year, the tax supervision department collected 500 million yuan in taxes from the top grade Shenjing, which made the Council of Gods rich. Of course, the Council of Gods did not just collect taxes. So the Council of Gods began to give back to the society. More departments under the parliament have appeared, and every day the council of gods receives thousands of applications ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as the bill is passed, it will be implemented.

After the Council of the Gods was reorganized by Cook, it finally came to life. Of course, apart from the artifacts and equipment that Cook promised earlier, the Council of the Gods will need to pay for the construction of cities and the establishment of portals in the future.

That is, Cook separated the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association from the Council of the Gods, so that these associations truly became Cook's private property, yes.

Cook is also for the sake of the future. If these organizations belong to the Council of Gods, then the development of these organizations in other places will be greatly hindered.

Once they do not belong to the Council of the Gods, then these organizations can be said to be independent in nature, which has a lot to do with the vigorous development of several major forces on various planes in the future.

Of course, Cook did this because the Council of Gods had no way to deal with his own major organizations. After all, if they did not pay taxes, then after many years, some people would say that these organizations belonged to the Council of Gods. Because the tax was never paid.

Although these many years are really many years, people always have one day to die, so it is impossible for Cook to say that he is immortal, even the wizards of the astral world.

After solving a problem, Cook left, and Cook went to the Aurora Plane. As for the follow-up events that occurred in the Council of Gods, Cook only paid attention occasionally.

What Cook didn't know was that when the members of the Council of Gods really wanted to do something, the entire Council of Gods had to move, and it was fine. All applications from your organization or force will not be approved.

After the council of the gods had the tax paid by Cook, the members of the council experienced it one after another. The rich is the uncle's words, yes, especially now that the high-grade Shenjing is short of cash, this is why the union is so fast The reason for the formation.

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