A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 776: Mountain Dwarf Naros

Sina felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Cook say this. After all, the value of a city in the sky is very high. It is a city on the ground that costs tens of millions of high-grade crystals. How could it be possible to give so much money? outsider.

Sina is innocent, but it's not the kind of foolish innocence. When Cook saw that Sina didn’t speak, he knew that Sina had understood. Cook said with a smile: "Go, let’s go out for a long time. Went around the street."

"I'm going to change a dress first." Women are like this, and immediately dress up when they hear of going out.

Watching Sinna leave, Cook thought for a while, then turned on a communicator and said, "Check the people around Sinna. This time, Sinna can be used by these tribes. Someone must be around Sinna and find Clear it directly later."

"Yes." A man's low voice came from the communicator.

On the other side of the communicator, after Jim received the news, he started to act. The secret law sect that Jim and Todd are responsible for is now the most informative place in the entire God Realm, because there are more than two hundred The core personnel of various forces, these personnel have access to intelligence, and secrets are not comparable to ordinary people.

Put it this way, it is equivalent to the second generation of officials, the second generation of the army, and the second generation of the rich in 80% of the countries on the earth. What kind of news is there?

Some people say that the secrecy regulations, haha, if the secrecy regulations are effective, some second-generation officials will not purchase land in a certain place in advance, and then once they are developed, they will be sold hundreds of times the profit, and the money for the first purchase of the land is not their own Yes, these second generations of officials do not engage in construction or anything. They are hidden in a lot of fog. Of course, what you need to make money is relationship and news. With these two, as long as you are not idiots, you can make money.

If such a good resource is not used, even if Cook doesn't use it, Jim and Todd will use it, so an intelligence network that is pervasive in the gods is spread.

"Naros, do you have someone beside this person?" It took less than ten minutes for Jim to find a mountain dwarf. This dwarf is also a direct line of a large family. After joining the Secret Sect, he was promoted to the rank of god. Now he is the heir of a certain family.

"Yes, my lord." Narros nodded when he saw the name.

"Write the name and give you fifty points." Jim said directly.

"Okay, okay." Narros nodded immediately when he heard such good news.

Points are the only common currency of the secret sect. What can you do with points? You can purchase various artifacts, even the main artifact, the secret sect has them, and you can exchange points for a place to advance to the **** level, or reserve for the next promotion Points, yes, lower gods are free, but middle gods, upper gods, and higher ranks need points, and they are massive points.

However, the Secret Sect is a weird organization, and the most points are exchanged for various secrets, secrets, forbidden techniques, and then some very strange materials. As for the general precious materials, they are not necessary at all, artifacts, then There are many sects of secret methods.

So I want to earn points in the Secret Sect, but it is very difficult. After Naros wrote his name, he asked expectantly: "Are these people going to be cleaned up? I can take this task."

"Okay, add fifty points, but you have to do it more naturally." Jim thought for a while, looked at the name, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, sir, I'll do it right now." Naros' eyes lighted up when he heard this. This time he would earn one hundred points. You must know that in exchange for a place to advance to the **** level, only five thousand points. However, it has been half a year since Naros entered the esoteric sect, and there were only less than ten points, because the information and materials submitted by Naros were evaluated as worthless.

Narros is a mountain dwarf. Don’t think that mountain dwarves are dwarves. In fact, they are not a race at all. Mountain dwarves are taller than humans, but not as tall as giants. They are actually a branch of giants. There are not only mountain dwarves but also mountain dwarves. Wait for the race, the differences are not small.

Mountain dwarves are not good at forging and mining. Mountain dwarves are good at hunting and processing wood, so mountain dwarves are not particularly good at mixing.

Of course, mountain giants and barbarians are also very unsatisfactory, and they don't have any special talents. Even if there are a few good talents occasionally, they are rare.

Of course, the race has not been developed, and the population has never been able to increase. No, giants, mountain dwarves, etc., saw the council of the gods supporting the orcs with great enthusiasm.

In fact, it’s not undiscussed within the Council of Gods, but everyone prefers to develop areas with large populations first, and the orcs are relatively small in size from humans, so they can easily find jobs on the human side.

Mountain dwarves and giants are not easy to find a job, because employers can’t say to invite you to build a house for you, and tools and other things need to be customized. Then, daily necessities also need to be customized. After that, I can work hard, but consume a lot of food.

Therefore, these giant races have only humans who are hired as guards. Even so, many places do not allow giants to enter. Because giants enter, some places are not high enough, so it is also a trouble.

The territories of Titans, Barbarians, Mountain Dwarves and Giants are adjacent to each other. Cook established a portal on the Titan’s side. Narros returned to the Titan Territory through the portal. The Titan Territory is now well constructed, and there are Portals, let’s say nothing else. Those who come to this area to take risks, as well as merchants and other races around who want to trade with the outside world, must come here.

As for the idea that no one wants to fight the Titans, it is estimated that the dragons do not want to provoke these super fighters.

However, the Titans will not bully others. As for how Sinna's idea of ​​looking for Cook came from, the surrounding giants and other races wanted to take the light of the Titans and establish a joint tribe, which not only allowed each tribe to obtain portals. The benefits brought, and Cook said long ago, each of his women will have the Sky City, these races want to be established before the Sky City. Pull the Titans into the United Tribe, and then the Sky City will be established in the future. Of course, even if it can’t be stationed in the Sky City, then Cook will build a ground city for the United Tribe. He shouldn’t run away?

So don't say that a certain race has simple minds. There are such races, but they can command a group of simple minded races. Then this command is definitely not easy. After all, more simple minded people are more difficult to manage. Smart people can manage better.

Naros’s family is a large tribe of mountain dwarves. Mountain dwarves still live as a tribe. They live a life of fishing and hunting. Everyone knows that the larger the population base, the easier it is to hunt. Of course, the relative cost is Very large, the territory occupied by the tribe of Narros in the tribe of the mountain dwarves is considered to be the superior territory.

Territories are also divided into good and bad. Good territories have mountains, waters, forests, trees, and mountains. This is very suitable for the survival and reproduction of wild animals.

Sometimes there is no water in bad territories when there is a drought, or there is a special environment like a swamp, Narros remembers the names of two people, both mountain dwarves.

After Naros returned to the tribe, the people of the tribe are now very respectful of Naros. After all, Naros has reached the **** level and is still the heir of this big tribe.

"Father." Narros smiled on the surface, but Narros felt very contempt for these people. As a direct child of a tribe, why would Narros help others in the human world? It was because Narros had no hope of reaching the rank of gods. The entire tribe looked down on Narros very much, so Narros went out in the name of a trial, and it took a lot of hardships to reach the Council of the Gods, but the reality is very cruel. There is no skill, no identity, and strength. If he didn't reach the **** level, the hardest job he could find was the hardest job. In this way, after more than a hundred years outside, Narros would not go out because he was afraid of meeting acquaintances.

Of course, Narros was discovered by Jim and others. This is due to the collected information~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not uncommon for the Council of the Gods to have mountain dwarves, but there is a helper who is a helper for humans and is very simple. People are looking for it, so there are members of the barbarians of the Mystic Sect deliberately approaching Narros, and then everyone knows that as long as they know the existence of the Mystic Sect, they can’t reject the Mystic Sect. So Narros also became a member of the Mystic Sect, of course he was promoted to God The level is affirmative.

"Naros is back." Naros' father actually doesn't care who takes over as the leader of the tribe. What Naros' father cares about is the strength of the heir. As long as the strength is high enough, then Naros' father will accept it. As for the others , It doesn't matter.

Some people may say that Naros’s father should not think so, but to lead a tribe to survive in the God-level wild, it’s not enough to rely on your brain, because a large part of the beasts will not use your brains, but will compete with you. Not only did Naros’ father think so, but the leaders of each generation of tribes would think so, even if the heir is not who he likes, but as long as he is strong enough, he will be the leader of the next generation of tribes.

"Yes, father." Narros replied respectfully.

"It's fine to come back, the Black Cliff tribe is here, you go to receive them, and you will take care of their affairs." Naros' father couldn't see Naros clearly, but Naros' father knew that Naros wanted to condense. It is very difficult, it is very difficult. Just when Narros’ father thought Narros would not return, Narros came back with a divine tool that beat the other heirs of the family with a bruised nose and swollen face. It’s just this. Rose's father could stop it, but Naros also brought five god-level powerhouses, all equipped with artifacts.

PS: There will be no tomorrow morning. There is something to be delayed tonight. It will be updated at around 12 o'clock tomorrow.

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