A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 777: start to act

"Father, what do you mean?" Narros asked. Although Narros had no good impressions of the tribe, Narros would not oppose his father who was a **** king.

"I have a day when I don't care. You can do it. If you do it well, it will be better. If you don't do it, you can just study." Narros' father said, shaking his head.

Narros heard this and replied, "All right."

After Naros left his father's residence, he returned to his residence. The mountain dwarves still kept the habit of living in tents, because they would migrate, and the places in winter and summer are different.

In the mountains in summer, the weather there is cool, and you are not afraid of heavy rain, because the plains are very muddy and inconvenient when it rains.

In winter, I was in the plains. After a summer training, countless beasts bred out the next generation. Chasing prey on the vast plains is something that dwarves often do in winter, and the temperature on the plains in winter is not as high as that of high mountains. In cold weather, even in snowy weather, the plains are much better than the mountains, because no one in the mountains knows what is under the thick snow, or what sharp rocks are.

It’s summer. The camp of the Naros tribe is a place where they come every year. It is located on a long and narrow platform on the mountainside. One side of the platform is a cliff and the other is a gentle slope. Numerous tents are located here. The tents are made of animal skins and Built of all kinds of wood.

After the logs are cut directly, they are cut to the required length, and then these trees are made into frames, and then the logs are covered on the top. The logs are covered with soil and animal skins on the soil, so that even if the sun is big, the inside of the house is still There is no temperature, the surroundings of the house are made of trees and animal skins. Of course, this is one kind, and the other is pure animal skins. The pure animal skins are built by talents with high status in the tribe. In doing so, animal skins are worthless after all. Can also be exchanged for something not.

So in the mountain dwarf tribe, the kind of buildings that live in are made of wood. They are definitely poor people, ordinary people.

Narros’ tent is more than one hundred meters in diameter and is surrounded by a dozen thick wooden piles. Then the whole tent is pulled apart with a rope, the middle of the tent is propped up, and then sticks are put on the inside of the tent. formed.

The inside of the tent is not only the kitchen, but also the living room, dining room, and bedroom. Even the convenience is in the tent.

Narros went directly into his tent, and immediately two women came out to help Narros take off his clothes and put on animal skins. Mountain dwarves love animal skins very much.

The two women are women of Narros. Narros hasn't reached the **** level, so there won't be many women like them at all. But once they reach the **** level, as long as there are women in the clan who can marry, Narros will be selected.

Some people have to ask, is this tribe internally digesting marriage?

Although not all of them are, but most of them are like this, but there are more than 20,000 people in the tribe of Narros. Every year the tribe will go to other places to grab women. As for where it is, other mountain dwarf tribes.

Every year, all the mountain dwarves gather together in order to grab women. Each tribe will bring the right-age women of its tribe, as well as the right-age men.

Then there was a direct competition among young male mountain dwarves. From hunting to fighting, every victor has the right to choose a woman first. Of course, the loser in the end is often left behind.

The woman who was snatched back is a member of the tribe and changed her name. Of course, if the mountain dwarves are strong females, they can also **** men. Therefore, most mountain dwarves don’t think that women and themselves have the same surname, but more often they are not the same. Tribal people.

Of course, there are also the offspring of the previous generation of brothers and sisters who get married, but this is the case in the blood of the gods. The male blood accounts for a large proportion. Even if the offspring of brothers and sisters get married, accidents such as idiots are very rare, of course not. No. (European close relatives married mainly for profit. After all, nobles want to inherit the title and wealth. As for China’s past marriages with close relatives, it was entirely the marriage system at the time. If it weren’t for close relatives, the parents would never know what kind of person each other was. Matchmakers, some matchmakers have no professional ethics, so when they get married, they find that the other party has defects or idiots. But in this case, women will not divorce, because divorce was considered a shame for the woman at the time, while close relatives were Everyone knows better, whether there are any problems, personality, etc., that is why there is a tradition of close relatives. Of course, it is said that the richest man in Hong Kong marries his own cousin. As a result, there is nothing wrong with his son. Of course, chance. No one can tell about the matter.)

The bloodlines of creatures in the gods are different from those of our planet. Just like two orcs of different races in the orcs marrying, then the offspring will only appear in a certain race of their parents, and the four will not appear.

When Narros reached the **** level, there were small tribes who sent women directly, and they were all very beautiful. There were only hundreds or thousands of people in these small tribes, and there were not many god-level powerhouses. Even if there were, there were only Then a few occasionally, because the mountain dwarves can separate from the tribe as long as someone reaches the **** level, but they form a affiliation with the tribe they originally belonged to. Not to mention that Naros himself has reached the **** level, and he has restored the identity of the heir. Narros has a lot of people.

Naros was not welcome, and directly ordered four women, all of them top-notch and beautiful. They looked very beautiful in the eyes of mountain dwarves. As for human beings, hehe, the aesthetic concepts of different races are different, so don't worry so much.

"Ross." The four women bathed and dressed Narros as they were waiting for the uncle. When eating, Narros sat on the top and the four women sat down. Narros did not move, and the women did not dare to move.

"Eat." When Narros heard his woman calling himself, he realized that he wanted to forget about things. So he reached out and grabbed the food and started eating. The mountain dwarves didn’t have the habit of using tools to eat in the clan. knife.

The large pieces of barbecue are grilled with charred outside and tender inside. There are special barbecue sauces. These sauces are said to have been developed by Speaker Cook’s dedicated chef team. They are very popular in the God Realm. No, of course the price is not very high.

"Go and call Da Nuo." Naros ordered as he ate.

"Yes." One of the women hurriedly stood up. Whatever the woman did was assigned, and whoever did it belonged to whoever did it. Those who dared to serve Narros had a share.

"Master." Da Nuo is also a mountain dwarf, but he is a slave of Narros, who bought it back. Da Nuo was captured during the tribal war and then sold.

Every year, the small mountain ridge giant tribe is annihilated, and then women are robbed, but there are also many god-level powerhouses who want to leave the tribe and form a new tribe.

There are also many contradictions within the mountain dwarves. Although wars between large clans are not frequent, they have not stopped. Small clans have become more frequent. In order to survive, many clans have to fight with each other. Even if there is a law, whoever manages the wilderness, kills and throws them in the wild, they may be digested by other creatures the next day. In addition, mountain dwarves and savages are irritable, and they don’t agree with each other. Once a fight starts, almost one party is killed and ended.

"Da Nuo, I will let you kill two people, and then give you the status of a free citizen and avenge you." Narros said directly.

"The master asks me to kill whoever I kill." Da Nuo immediately bent over and replied respectfully when Naros said this.

"Very well, these are the names of the two people, and this is the cost of the operation, try to be more secretive." Narros heard Da Nuo say this, nodded approvingly, and then gave the two people relevant information, and A few Shenjing scrolls.

"Yes." When Da Nuo saw the Shen Jing scroll, there were a hundred in total, and he was still very excited. You must know that Da Nuo is not at the God level. Of course, the people Da Nuo wants to kill are not at the God level. If you get to the **** level, how can you approach Xinna so easily, because it is almost impossible to be a servant of the **** level, and it is known. It is strange that the bottom is not checked.

If you don’t reach the **** level, you usually don’t see the high-grade crystals. Even if you reach the god-level, you may not see the high-grade crystals, because the high-grade crystals can be condensed by the upper gods. A lower **** will go out to work. There are only two or three high-grade crystals a day, except of course mining and other types of work that depend on luck. Of course, miners are also high-risk industries.

"These two people are the two handymen by Mrs. Sinna. One of them washes the clothes for Mrs. Sinna, and the other is cleaning. As for the others, you don't need to know about them, but don't provoke others." Rose continued to ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is that Mr. Cook's wife? "Da Nuo asked suspiciously.

"Yes, as for the others, you don't care about it at all, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask. There are some things that we can't afford to participate." Because the matter is important, Narros continued to exhort.

"Understand, Master." Hearing Narros said this, Da Nuo was not afraid, but he was also a little surprised, because Narros was able to get such a task. Anyway, the people behind Narros and the President of the library circle. There are relationships.

It is not ordinary to be able to get involved with such a circle. Even if someone has ideas about Speaker Cook, they are all powerful. As for Speaker Cook, they are not. That's very simple. It is Speaker Cook who wants to remove certain unstable factors, but it is not convenient to do it by himself. This is even more rare. So Da Nuo thinks a little and has a spectrum in his heart. No matter which one the master and son mix, it is not simple.

It's not that there are no smart people. No matter how smart people don't have opportunities, they are just doing nothing for a lifetime. Even if they are not smart, they will stay famous forever. That's why the times make heroes.

Da Nuo did not go through the portal, but tossed around the barbarian territory, followed a caravan, and took several days to reach Titan City. Da Nuo knew that going directly to Titan City would definitely cause some trouble. In addition, from other Territory, change your identity. It is also very necessary. Although Da Nuo knows that the energy behind his master is not small, he does not put himself in danger. This is everyone’s instinct. Da Nuo is said to have been captured because of tribal wars. , How to say it turned out to be a soldier.

"What are you doing, stop." Da Nuo dressed up, and then came to the place where Xin Na lived, which of course was heavily guarded.

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