A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 782: Economic Effects

"We need to sign a contract, Speaker Cook, what do you think?" The Angel Royal Family Grand Elder said with a smile.

Cook now has no way to refuse to agree, because according to theory, what the Great Elder said is reasonable, the lower realm, and the sanctuary plane are living examples. Cook has always been a little confused. After understanding the power of the source, Is it eternal life?

But Cook did not believe that when the energy contained in the individual could not be accommodated, then the individual would be driven out, just any wild animal, why weaned, because the mother is not enough to raise the cubs, so Will drive the cubs out.

"Okay." Cook nodded and said.

After signing the contract, Cook didn't feel any discomfort, after all, the great elder of the angel clan still pointed the way for him in the future.

"Speaker Cook, after going to the upper realm, he cannot return, and the passage between the upper realm and the lower realm can only be opened from the lower realm, not from the upper realm. After opening the passage, the origin of the two worlds in the passage The forces collide with each other, and eventually thunder will be produced. After thunder, there will be a very short window period. During this window period, those who want to go to the upper realm can go with you, but Speaker Cook, You have to consider clearly that the danger level of the upper realm is far more dangerous than the **** realm." The Angel Royal Family Grand Elder said.

Cook thought for a while, rationalized what the Great Elder said, and then asked: "Then the civilization of our world is inherited from the upper realm?"

"I don’t know. Who can say clearly about civilization? Take the God Realm as an example. The history we know is only the history after the ancient gods. We don’t even know the history of the ancient gods. Before God, no one knows whether civilization exists or not." The elder shook his head and said.

"How do you angels know about the upper realm?" Cook asked.

"Our angels actually come from the upper realm. They only fall into this plane because of certain circumstances. As you humans know, our angels are more like biological puppets, but countless years have passed. , Our angels have also begun to have the ability to multiply. As for sending back news. It’s because the two twin super powers of our angel family used extremely rare soul secret methods to deliver the news back, but unfortunately, the super The strong do not know why it fell, and it also caused the twin in our world to fall at the same time. The main reason is that the secret method made the souls of the two people almost become one." The angel elder said that it is rather vague, after all, it involves Certain secret methods could not help but make the Great Elder careless.

Although vague, Cook also roughly understands that the soul can be said to be the most wonderful thing in this world, so the secrets of the soul are all priceless, and no one will sell the secrets of the soul.

"So how powerful is the power of thunder, and why is it the power of thunder?" Cook asked.

"In fact, Cook, you should know that no matter what element it is, to the most smiling level, we will find that these elements contain electrical elements. Our angel research institutions call this kind of electronic, advance to the upper realm, or need to treat you Some things belonging to this world inside the body are cleaned up." The Angel Elder also couldn't tell, but being able to say this already gave Cook a lot of face.

When Cook heard this, he nodded in agreement. In fact, no matter what kind of creatures, they carry electricity in their bodies, but they are of different sizes. Some can gather these electricity, they are lightning creatures. If they don’t, then it’s not, even the earth. , All carry electricity, but it is only a negative electrode. As for lightning, it is just an electric spark produced by the positive electricity in the sky and the negative electricity on the ground.

The great elder of the angel royal family has left. Of course, the great elder of the royal family is not happy. After all, the secret to Cook is one of the biggest secrets of the angel family, but there is no way. If something is not discarded at this time, then the angel royal family is fundamental Can't continue.

Subsequently, the Council of the Gods and the Angel Royal family announced that the construction of five sky cities for the Angel Royal family will be completed within three thousand years, but the first one needs to be completed within two years.

The Council of the Gods had to come out and know what the raw materials needed for the five sky cities. Among other things, the sky city with a diameter of 1,500 kilometers was built around the sky city with a height of 100 meters and dozens of How many modules are needed for a meter-wide city wall, and how many materials are needed to refine these modules, let alone other things in the entire city.

As a result, the red missions in the mission hall of the Mageweave Association are unlimited and unlimited missions. Among them, the mission of acquiring certain metal materials may last for many years.

The Council of the Gods got Cook’s own funds to build the five Sky Cities, which exempted the tax on these five Sky Cities, but asked Cook to purchase materials within the Council of the Gods.

Although metal materials are involved, the speed of dwarves mining is far from enough, and a large part of the mines in the dwarven territory itself have been excavated, so various forces have invited dwarves to explore the mines, and then hired people to mine them.

The increase in the number of miners means that there are fewer people in other types of work, and the miners are a highly manual occupation, so there is more food and drink, and the consumption of food and tools also increases.

The union even received hundreds of millions of miners’ demand for jobs within half a month, and the price was twice as high as before, so the union began to recruit miners everywhere. Even ordinary people with no work experience will be asked by mines. The field trains on its own and pays a certain amount during the training.

The treatment of ordinary people in the Council of Gods suddenly increased. In addition, there was a huge demand for metal smelting, ore screening, transportation, etc., which in turn increased more employment opportunities. With the remuneration, the type of work On the increase, the number of employees registered by the trade union has exceeded 5 billion, and the figure is increasing by several million every day.

Countless employers also look to the union, because they need a lot of manpower, and they don’t dare to hire those who don’t know the details. Who knows if it’s a robber’s spy, but if there is a union, it’s not the same. The trade union will compensate for major property losses.

This seems to be a loss for the union, but it is precisely because of this that more employees are willing to come to the union, because sometimes the losses caused by the mistakes of the employees are very large. If the employees themselves compensate, it is probably better to die.

In addition, the insurance industry has also developed rapidly, especially accident insurance. Different types of insurance are different. Take the largest number of miners for example, the compensation can reach a thousand times. That is to say, you can pay by buying a top grade Shenjing accident insurance. If you buy ten, you can pay ten thousand.

Of course, insurance is not vegetarian. In mines, if the employer fails to implement safety measures and causes personal injury, not only the labor union must hold the employer accountable, but also the insurance.

As for whether these two organizations have the ability to hold them accountable, hehe, anyone who thinks this way is already doing labor in a certain mine, and the employer who caused a major safety accident will still be held accountable.

The five cities in the sky have added hundreds of millions of jobs to the Council of the Gods, and the cascading effect of these hundreds of millions of jobs is enough to add more than one billion jobs. The workers of these hundreds of millions of jobs need food and drink, at least Tens of millions of people provide it, and tens of millions of people provide food. How many people are needed to grow food and hunt? And these food materials need to be transported, ores need to be transported, need to be screened, and need to be smelted.

In a word, the circulation effect of the tens of billions of Shenjing rolls invested by Cook is the circulation of thousands of trillions of high-grade Shenjing. This is why the country is engaged in infrastructure construction when the economy is down.

A project with an investment of tens of billions, how many workers are needed, how many people are needed to provide these workers, how many machines are needed, how many sales of these machines, how many orders the factory brings, and the raw materials for the project, as well as transportation, and the total How many people need to provide what these people need to consume.

Because of the shock therapy advocated by the West, the former Soviet Union did not invest in infrastructure on a large scale during the economic downturn ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which caused the entire country's system to collapse directly. Because of the economic downturn, the national income was reduced, and income was reduced. Consumption is reduced, and the reduction in consumption leads to the bankruptcy of the factory, and then the workers have no way to survive. The farmers have the harvest and no one buys it. Because there is no money, such a vicious circle will not take long before riots will occur. When a person has no food , Everything was done, so the former Soviet Union was directly divided by the West brainwashing. (This is also the reason why more highways and major projects have been taken out at this stage. In fact, the state's money is still in the hands of the state. Some people want to say that those corrupt officials are more greedy, ha ha, The money of corrupt officials will not be put in the bank. Even if it is kept at home, where the home is, it is still in this country. As for the corruption of a dozen or billions, and then transfer to foreign countries, hehe, really a billion, The transfer of billions out, the state will not be able to supervise it, really when the state institutions are eating rice? It is just that someone needs to take care of it. Everyone knows why Lai Ha ran out, and it seems to be doing well. Well, because such people come back and cause more trouble.)

Even the newly joined Bear City has increased its income a lot. Why, the price of meat has risen. For these bear animals, soft bread and white-bubbly ale are good things. Meat, all things are eaten. Tired and crooked, Bear City became the largest meat supply base for the entire Council of the Gods. There was no alternative. These bear-like beasts went out for a few days and came back with thousands of catties of prey.

And the bears do not have the habit of saving money. Nima went out hunting once, exchanged enough crystal rolls, and then ate and drank. Of course, the family still had to eat and drink together, as well as purchase various products from the human world. The Shen Jing scroll in his hand is exhausted, and then go out hunting.

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