A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 783: protest

Of course, Cook also understands the role of such economic effects. In fact, for 99% of the people in the Council of Gods, the Council of Gods, what forces, and organizations are all nonsense. For these 99% of people It is said that having a job, having income, and being able to live well is the key.

As for other organizations, forces, and other things, they need to meet the needs of their own family before they can take care of other things. If the family has not been going well, who else can do things with peace of mind?

After the news of the Council of the Gods and the Angelic Royal Family spread out, many races came to the Council of the Gods to protest. In the eyes of ordinary people, being protested is a ugly thing, but standing at the top of the Council of Gods, they think it is. Very face-saving behavior.

Because you are qualified to let others only dare to speak rather than take action, which proves that your strength has increased. (PS: Whenever the author sees a country protesting in front of the embassy in China, the author is in a good mood like the United Nations proposes arbitration, because these countries can only use their mouths, of course, see what we protest, the author Just depressed, this is also only daring to talk.)

The giant dragon, the angel council, and the tiger city of the beasts are the most intense of these three races, among which the giant dragon elder jumps eight feet high.

"Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, you are not upright, our dragons are strongly protesting, and our dragons are preparing a race to build a city in the sky, please make a price." The big dragon elder's voice is extremely loud. Penetratingly, shouted loudly.

"A group of reptiles, we also need Tiger City." The City Lord of Kings City cast a contemptuous look at the dragon.

"Big cat, are you looking for a beating?" The dragon elder was so provoked by the tiger city lord, glaring at the tiger city lord.

No way, the dragon itself was actually a member of the beast, but then the dragon thought that he was not a beast, so he left the family of the beast, so the relationship between the beast and the dragon was very tense.

Cook didn’t speak, and watched the two groups arguing. The city lord of Tiger City glanced at him and ignored the great dragon elder. The city lord of Tiger City said to Cook: "Speaker Cook, we Tiger City want to give angels. The royal family is treated equally."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, as long as you give the money, I will do it. What about the money?" Cook agreed in one fell swoop, but Cook's words left these people really speechless.

"Speaker Cook, the angel royal family doesn't have that much money at all. Can you ask, what kind of things the angel royal family can exchange?" The speaker of the angel council looked at Cook with a very solemn expression.

"Smart, I can't say anything, I can only say that in my eyes, this thing is indeed worth five Sky Cities. Okay, you all go back. If anyone wants Sky City, he must first prepare Sufficient funds, and there is an application in the Council of the Gods, and then after evaluation, I can refine it for everyone." Cook replied with a thumbs up.

When the Great Dragon Elder heard Cook's words, he asked dissatisfiedly: "Why should the Council of Gods approve it?"

"Very simple, security assessment, if you have any threats to our Council of Gods in the future, what should we do? Moreover, the materials for building the Sky City are provided by the Council of Gods. The Council of Gods does not provide a large amount of materials. You are Give me the money, I can't refine it for you." Cook spread his hands and said.

Several powers were aggressive when they came, and they withered when they returned. Not to mention the materials needed for the five sky cities, they just apply to the Council of the Gods. This is not a simple matter, because they want to apply for approval. The members of the Council of God require many materials, many procedures, and many materials.

Of course, the most important thing is that none of these forces have enough funds to apply. More people are wondering what the angel royal family will trade with Cook, which is actually worth five cities in the sky.

There is no news from the dragon, Tiger City, but the Angel Council does not speak. The Angel Council may know something, after all, everyone was together.

As for Cook, he was busy. First of all, the order for the Council of Gods must be completed as soon as possible, so a large number of construction module tasks were issued. Of course, the module tasks still need a large amount of materials, so the entire market materials are once again It's hot, but the materials purchased by the Magic Weave Association are all purchased at the place of production, so the market price does not have much impact on the Magic Weave Association.

The agreement signed between the Mageweave Association and the material origin is how many tons or how many years of output, and the price has a floating standard. Even if the price of external materials has skyrocketed, the increase in the materials purchased by the Mageweave Association here is not that much.

Good news came from the monster plane. The monsters on the entire plane have almost been eliminated. The god-level powerhouses are simply cutting melons and vegetables when confronting a single monster. There is no way, these god-level powerhouses dare to take risks alone. There is at least one artifact on it.

Once the monster plane is cleared, it is time to divide it up. However, some members have also proposed that the Council of the Gods should directly control it, but this has many advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, if it is under the jurisdiction of the Council of Gods, then it will be necessary to pay for the cost of purging the plane of the demon. This is certainly not low. In addition, the subsequent construction also requires financial resources and migrants. But who wants to go, if the gods are brought out, This is another expense.

So this proposal is still under discussion. The members of the Council of the Gods now have meetings every day. There are many things under the jurisdiction, and there are many things that need to be decided. (PS: Some people compare China with foreign countries. Let’s look at a very simple example. The United States is like a family with two children. The children must be treated well in all aspects, and the United States also made a fortune during World War II. Speaking of robbing Germany, and not talking about robbing Japan, as far as arms sales are concerned, it is a windfall. China has raised more than a dozen children. Is a family with more than a dozen children the same as a family with two children? It’s impossible, unless the family with more than a dozen children is a rich man, but it’s a pity that our country was a pauper at the beginning of its establishment. As for the various ills in the society, hehe, a billion people, if you can’t hear it If you don’t see these shortcomings, it would be terrible. Could it be said that there were no such shortcomings in the last century? Yes, it’s just that everyone didn’t know it at that time. As long as one thing is not in the news, how wide is the scope of the spread?)

Members have a lot of things. Then the people below will also be busy. First of all, the two major institutions of the Council of Gods, the tax supervision department, and the labor union. Now look at the income, the tax supervision department has a lot of income. The person in charge of this department has not been determined yet, mainly because of oil and water. There are more, of course sitting in this position, although there are a lot of oil and water, but there are also many people staring at it, so the consequences of an accident will be horrible.

The other is the trade union. Why is it that the trade union is in charge of the trade union because it is an organization that spends money.

Take the current society as an example, the two most powerful departments, the first is the financial department. No matter what police, public security, or other department you are, you have to stop working with the financial department and nothing else. If your police wants to skyrocket, you have to go through the finance department. If you offend the finance department, you will not be reported to you for three to five months. Those who can and cannot report will not be reported to you. You can only stare. The other is the Mingzheng department. As for how dark it is, there is no need to say more. The money distributed to poor households can be turned into things. One package of fertilizer a year is targeted for poverty alleviation, and then the signature is coaxed.

Therefore, the persons in charge of these two departments have been unable to decide for a long time, but the various laws and regulations of these two departments have been formulated over and over again at this stage.

Cook took the time to see the various regulations of these two departments, he hehe smiled: "What is needed is this kind of effect. These guys estimate that they will not be able to reap the benefits. In terms of specifying the rules, it makes it difficult for the people in charge of these departments. "

When Dilly heard Cook's words, she smiled and asked, "Is it you on purpose?"

"Yes, I deliberately left the heads of these two departments empty. How can I say that the Council of Gods is a regulatory agency. If the regulatory agency does not make the rules stricter~www.wuxiaspot.com~, then these two The department will become the pocket of some people, so at the beginning of the implementation, we must be stricter." Cook nodded and said.

Dilly looked at the thousands of regulations, which were partly faced with different races, and there were supplementary clauses. It could be seen that this thing was indeed made with great effort by the lawmakers.

"Then who are the candidates for these two departments?" Dilly asked, looking at Cook.

Cook shook his head and said: "I will not participate. Everyone nominates and is selected anonymously. However, I will check when the nomination is not suitable. It is definitely not suitable."

"Are you not participating in this?" Dilly replied irritably.

"Hehe, I am a gatekeeper. If I really don't participate, believe it or not, some people dare to connect in private?" Cook said with a smile.

When Dilly heard Cook say this, she thought it was really possible. After all, these two departments are closely related, and of course the oil and water in them is what everyone sees.

Of course, as long as this oil and water is in the rules, Cook will not interfere. For example, just like a trade union bidding for a batch of things, the person in charge of the bidding can introduce certain businessmen in, but the premise is that the bidding process must be strictly followed. If any non-compliance is found, the person in charge of the bidding shall also be held responsible.

As for the fact that these persons in charge are not allowed to conduct business, this is actually nonsense. Cook did not raise this point, because if you do business without doing business, you do not know at all. Without the identity of a businessman, sometimes some officials do things even more. Unscrupulous, there are more than one or two white gloves.

"Cook, I want to go to the union." Dilly looked at Cook and said.

"No, it's not just you. Also, Sia, Lina, all my women will no longer be responsible for other things in the future, and then I will arrange for you to do something, which is very important." Cook shook his head and said.

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