A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 784: arrangement

When Dilly heard Cook say this, she was very puzzled. According to the final analysis of the data of the upper realm in the analysis of the wizard energy book, the most critical thing to advance to the upper realm is not energy, nor the origin, let alone any law, but constitution.

This is actually a good thing for Cook, because Cook has always taken a different path from other god-level powerhouses, and other god-level powerhouses condensed their godheads.

What is the godhead, that is, the most important part of the whole life, the soul, and the energy blend together. If the body is one life, then the godhead is the second life.

This is why there are not a few gods in the God Realm who have died for so many years, but why not many godheads remain, because after a **** falls, the godhead can survive alone. As long as another body is found within a certain period of time, then this person It will be resurrected. This is a secret that all gods who possess the Godhead know.

Of course, some of the ordinary people know it, and some people don't know it. It is similar to seizing the home, but having the godhead has a higher success rate than the soul seizing the home alone.

As for taking the body, most of the people who seize the house cannot continue to grow, because the attributes of the godhead have been fixed, and the attributes of the body may not match the attributes of the godhead. Of course, many families of god-level powerhouses will Let the offspring with poor talents serve as backup bodies. At certain critical moments, it is not impossible for these offspring to grow up with similar bloodlines and the same attributes.

As for what some people say it will be from now on, hehe, a god-level powerhouse, even a lower god, can grow for tens of thousands of years, while an ordinary person, as long as he does not reach the god-level, at most thousands of years. In future generations, it has been many generations, of course, this is everyone's default. No one will tell.

Cook didn't condense the godhead, but got the inheritance of wizards in the star realm. There was no chance to condense the godhead. Instead, Cook's power was greatly improved in the star realm.

A few days later, Cook summoned all his relatives, including his offspring, as well as his parents.

Seeing that the people are so neat this time, everyone knows that this time the matter is a bit big, no one speaks.

Cook looked at his own big son, dozens of people, and Cook smiled and said: "Don’t be nervous, I’m calling everyone here for a meeting this time. Presumably some relatives don’t know that I own such a place. It is a natural ring, a space equipment inside."

"Cook, if you have something to say quickly, I feel very uncomfortable with you." Ramanan is a quick-witted, urging.

Cook nodded and said: "This time we are summoning everyone. On the one hand, it is to talk about why five sky cities were established for the angel royal family, because the angel royal family gave me the direction of my next practice, which is news from the upper realm... "

Cook talked about the things about the upper realm in general, but the women who can be seen by Cook are not stupid, of course some women Cook did not call people here at all, such as the freshwater mermaid water leaf, water splash , And the first female elf that Cook used Barry to light a sacred fire to advance to the middle god.

"Cook, are you going to tell us the direction of cultivation?" Lina asked.

"Yes, first of all I want to ask, who of you is willing to go to the upper bound with me, according to the structure of the world, the upper bound is definitely extremely dangerous." Cook asked.

"Cook. You can't help but go?" Even though Cook's mother has a lot of resources to support Cook, her promotion to the **** level is far away. Even if Cook wants to ignite a sacred fire for his parents, the danger is too great, because The two old people are still in the middle level of the sanctuary, mainly because their physique cannot withstand the energy impact of igniting the sacred fire.

"Mother, I don't want to go, but I have ignited the source of fire, maybe less than a hundred years, even if I don't go, I will passively advance to the upper realm." Cook said with a wry smile.

Of course, there is still a faint desire in Cook's heart, that is to be able to find the hometown of his soul in the vast sea of ​​stars, of course Cook knows that this may be just a dream.

The people around were silent. Cook’s question was too difficult to answer. The first one to answer was West Asia: "Cook, I will go with you. Although I know the upper bound is dangerous, I can rest assured with you. I originally thought that I could only reach the legend in my entire life, but I didn't expect that I had passed through the sanctuary, reached the **** realm, and became a god. I was very satisfied."

"I'll go too." The second one was Mickey.

Then one or two of them expressed their opinions. Cook saw these women express their opinions, and then looked at his parents. Old Hill looked at Cook, shook his head and said, "Cook, the two of us don’t want to go anymore. You are a son. , Has grown up, it is time to leave his parents."

"Brother, I don't want to go either." Cook's sister Lily also shook her head. In fact, Lily's mood is very complicated. Lily has not solved her personal problems now because her brother is too strong and too strong. Some people even Lily likes it, but Lily will soon know everything about the other party. There is no perfect person, even a god, so Lily's personal problems have not been resolved to this day.

Cook nodded: "Don't worry, the Mageweave Association, and the Pharmacy Association, these things will be left to you, including the control of the Sky City, but if you want to stay, you will step up your cultivation and strive to be when I leave. You can advance to the **** level."

"Thank you, brother." Lily heard Cook say this, feeling indescribable in her heart.

"Ha ha, rest assured, I am promoted to the upper realm, even if I can't come back, no one dares to touch you." Cook said with a smile.

Dilly calmed down. Regarding the news about the upper realm, even Dilly, who was once the goddess of the night, didn't know. Dilly was excited when she thought of reaching a more advanced world.

"Cook, what should we do next?" Dilly asked.

"Enhance your physical fitness. In the next step, you don't need to comprehend the law and strength, and directly conduct physical training. I have set up a training room for each of you on this sky city. The training room has a gravity magic pattern, from double to 500 times. This is elementary, and I bring all the food you eat back from the star realm..." Cook said, but saw everyone looked confused.

Cook suddenly realized: "I'll explain to you why you want to do this."

"First of all, the upper realm and the **** realm are two completely different worlds, which are the difference in origin. Then our magical arts, secret methods, and law power in this world are all based on the understanding of the origin of this world. , And once the origins are different, then everything we comprehend has no effect, but the body is still useful, so the key to advance to the upper realm is physique. Of course, according to the angel family, as long as I succeed alone, then I will I can take the person I want to take across space and reach the upper bound. I agree with this statement. But after careful analysis, I found that there is a drawback, that is, I can take you there, but the origin is different. Maybe you will suffer more serious harm. After all, the original conflict is not a joke, so I reasoned that when I was promoted to the upper realm, you should also promote to the upper realm with me to eliminate your body The brand of this world, so you can use the laws you understand now, as well as divine arts and so on, you just need to strengthen your physique, and only strong enough physique can you be able to withstand the maximum damage when you are promoted." Ke explained that, in fact, Cook vaguely felt that this promotion to the upper realm was like a robbery.

Most people understand Cook’s explanation. After all, Cook’s women have learned a lot. Old Hill heard Cook say this, looked at his little son, and sighed in his heart. It's not that Cook's parents don't want to go to the upper world, but Cook's parents not only have daughters, but also young sons.

As for Cook’s son and daughter, they have no right to speak at all, because their parents have gone to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how could they not.

"Then do what you said." Ramlan was very excited when he heard Cook's words. Upper bound, such a high-level world, wouldn’t there be more good things? Of course, if Cook knew what Ramlan thought, he would definitely be. Give Ramlan a big butt.

"Cook, have you ever thought about it. When there are too many people when you are promoted, will it make the power of the upper realm stronger?" Lina asked.

"This is simple. When you start one by one, I will be guarding by the side, and then I will be myself. I think you have a great chance to survive. After all, you don’t have the power to comprehend the origin. What you comprehend is just some fur. You can't advance to the upper realm, and you can't open the passage of the upper realm, and I ignite the fire of the source, and I can open the passage, but you can rest assured, I will also step up preparations." Cook nodded and said.

Cook's words made sense to Lina. The energy is relative. If the source of power is really different, then Cook must be under greater pressure.

"In fact, I think the upper realm is still related to this world. If there is no connection, how can it be promoted to the upper realm?" Lori asked.

Cook looked at Lori. Over hundreds of years, Lori’s personality has changed a lot. Cook nodded and said: "This question is a good question. Actually I was wondering at the time, but then I thought about two The only thing in the world is life."

"Life is the same, so I will be promoted to the upper realm. This is why I want everyone to strengthen their physique. On the one hand, it is of course that you all cannot understand the power of the source in a short time from now on, let alone ignite the fire of the source. , Then there is only a gamble to strengthen your physique. No matter what the consequences are, there is always nothing wrong with strengthening your physique.

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