A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 786: News worth 5 cities in the sky

"Ask, it's light, it's worth five cities in the sky, and we can't get a little information." Some congressman said with a sneer when he heard this.

"Then we should ask the Angel Council to see if there is any clue?" a member of the council suggested.

"It's estimated to be difficult." The other congressmen shook their heads. In fact, everyone thought that Cook and the angel royal family exchanged something, but it was news.

It is the turn of the item value. The item value of the item is much higher than the news in the follow-up. As long as the news is known, it will become less and less valuable, but if it is an item, then It is becoming more and more valuable, such as antiques, or tens of millions of limited edition luxury cars, of course ordinary gadgets are not included in this list.

A bunch of members of the Council of Gods still did not discuss any results together. The main reason was to inquire about the angel royal family. Then there was a price to pay, which was of course the most difficult for everyone.

But there is another point, that is, this is a deal between Cook and the angel royal family. Cook did not explain, so if the people below rashly participate in it, will it cause Cook’s dissatisfaction and cause serious consequences? This makes everyone The least emboldened, you have to know that don't look at the members of the Council of Gods in front of others, but in front of the speaker, Cook, they are all respectful.

It's not about who is afraid of who, but that these congressmen have today's status. That is because Cook played a big role, and as long as Cook speaks, any congressman has to stop.

Even the newly-changed councillors must pay attention to Cook’s views. If they don’t pay attention to this, tsk tsk, then prepare to be replaced again. Regardless of the strength, whoever becomes the councillor, you have to do this, otherwise you will be Members of parliament who did not work for the welfare of their forces would be criticized.

When the members were at a loss, the Angel Council was messed up. There is no other reason, because the angel royal family will have five sky cities. Some time ago, the angel councils were all happy. As long as there is a sky city, then it is complete. The angel royal family has been crushed, but now that the angel royal family has five sky cities in a blink of an eye, how can this be done? Isn't it crushing yourself?

"No, Speaker, I have to talk to Speaker Cook." A member of the Angel Council said unwillingly.

"What to say, I have said long ago that human beings are all despicable, ungrateful villains, and they are all profit-seeking guys." An angel congressman said angrily, patted the table.

"Enough, enough, this is already a fact, but you said, what exactly will this angel royal family take to make a guy like Cook have to trade out five sky cities in exchange?" An angel congressman is more calm. , Asked.

The speaker of the Angel Council was also puzzled: "That is, we know a little bit about our family. These five sky cities are worth tens of billions of high-grade crystals. Are they so valuable?"

"I don't see it, there are probably not a few things that Cook has fancy in the entire God Realm. The main artifact? Or is it our angel's blood. This thing is useless for Cook?" When other members heard this, they also wondered in their hearts. Endless.

The speaker of the Angel Council said: "In this way, we will analyze it in the same way. First of all, in terms of materials..."

"It's impossible. What material is worth the five Sky Cities? If there is such a material, can we not know?" Seeing the speaker said that there is no more here, the lower member immediately said.

"No." The other members shook their heads and said.

"So equipped...Forget it, I didn't say it." The speaker of the Angel Council shook his head and denied.

"Is it a covenant? It's impossible. I haven't seen the beast bear city join the council of gods without such a good treatment." The speaker of the angel council continued.

"I said, Lord Speaker, could it be that the angel royal family promised something to hurt the people?" An angel congressman said, after all, Cook's lustful reputation has gone out.

"Bullshit." The other congressmen shook their heads. Even if there are female angels, it can't be so valuable.

All the members were lost in thought, and one of them said: "Speaker, I think it may be a matter of cultivation. After all, it is impossible for Cook to..."

"I understand, **** bastard. The royal clan must have sold the news of the upper realm to Cook." A former elder of the Presbyterian Church suddenly woke up and stood up and shouted.

"I'm fucking." Although not everyone knows the upper realm, they are all royals after all, and have heard of some. When the original elder reminded them, everyone suddenly realized.

"It must be those of the royal family who used this to threaten Cook, and this is very important to Cook. I guess Cook used the astral world as his promotion direction." The angel congressman who has a quick mind is not angry. Said.

"Let me ask." The speaker of the Angel Council heard this and immediately couldn't sit still.

Fortunately, Cook is on the side of the Angel Council at this time. Although the Mageweaver construct module is slower and has many processes, it is still faster than Cook. Why? Because of the large number of people, although Cook's unit is fast, Cook has only one person.

There are now hundreds of Mageweavers who can construct modules, and they are still increasing. As long as Cook gives the corresponding drawings, these Mageweavers can be constructed.

Of course, Cook needs to pay points or rewards, which is nothing to Cook, because the points themselves will be returned to Cook.

Not only the walls, but also the buildings above the Sky City, Cook also intends to involve the Mageweave Masters of the Mageweave Masters Association, and Cook only needs to design it.

"Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook." The speaker of the Angel Council hurriedly found Cook, and Cook was pointing to the Mageweaver who was thinking of acceptance. Acceptance is a meticulous work, and if there is a slight error, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"It's the speaker." When Cook saw that it was the speaker of the Angel Council, he greeted him. In fact, Cook also knew that the Angel Council would definitely find himself, but he didn't expect that the Angel Council would find himself for so many days.

"Speaker Cook, can we talk about the upper world?" The Speaker of the Angel Council said directly.

Hearing this sentence, Cook's mouth showed a slight smile. In fact, the speaker of the Angel Council exposed his urgent thoughts with this sentence, which is exactly what Cook needs.

Cook took the Speaker of the Angel Council to the temporary residence here, and the Speaker of the Angel eagerly asked: "Chairperson Cook, did the royal family use news from the upper realm to trade with you?"

"Yes." Cook nodded, and didn't say much, because it would be more wrong to say more at this time, and Cook himself wanted to verify that what the angel royal family said was correct.

"I know it, but Speaker Cook, the upper realm has been going on for many years, and it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not. Will you be a bit disadvantaged if you do this?" The Angel Speaker asked a little dissatisfied.

Cook shook his head and said, "There is no way. Although I don't know whether these news are true or false, they are better than nothing, right?"

"Speaker Cook, we also have some news about the upper realm. It's good to know if you are interested in Speaker Cook?" the speaker of the Angel Council said.

Cook shook his head and said, "The City of the Sky cannot be there anymore."

"But Speaker Cook, if the angel royal family owns five sky cities, your council of gods will not be afraid?" the speaker of the angel council asked angrily.

Cook smiled and said: "Speaker, if you give me the news about the upper world you know, I will also give you an important news. This news is no less than five sky cities."

"Really?" The Speaker of the Angel Council heard Cook say this and asked incredulously.

"Of course, when did Cook tell lies?" Cook asked directly when he heard this.

The Angel Speaker didn't worry about Cook's credit. After all, Cook's identity was placed here. The Angel Speaker hesitated for a moment and began to speak.

What the angel speaker said is similar to what the royal elder said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and part of the information is still relatively small. Obviously, he does not know as much as the angel royal. Although Cook has prepared for this situation in his heart, there are still some Disappointed, but Cook also wanted to understand when he was disappointed. The Angel Royal Elder did not tell lies, because there are people on the Angel Council who know this information. Once they are falsified, the consequences will be serious.

After the angel speaker finished speaking, he looked at Cook, apparently waiting for Cook to say that the city is worth five cities in the sky. Cook smiled faintly, and then wrote three words on the table with his hands.

"Well, they didn't make this request?" The angel speaker looked at Cook in disbelief, stood up and asked.

"No, I think maybe the elder of the angel royal family is too excited, and forgetting this is not necessarily, so even if they have five sky cities, they are not your opponents!" Cook shook his head and said.

"Oh, yeah, these bastards, Speaker Cook, what if they ask for follow-up?" The Angel Speaker asked worriedly later.

"Yes, take the money, and I don’t have the materials, and I can’t continue construction until the five sky cities are completed. After all, the signing of the contract will not be after this, and the layout of the sky cities will need to be delayed. Increasing the construction period, changing the drawings, the cost is not low." Cook nodded and worried the Speaker of the Angel Council, but heard what Cook said.

Speaker Angel was completely relieved, and said with a smile: "Chairman Cook, I'm relieved if you say that, hehe, a bunch of old bastards, I think if these old guys know it, they will probably go crazy."

"I think so too. You didn't see the way the royal elders talked to me, eating me to death, making me depressed." Cook heard this and said with a smile.

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