A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 787: Winter in the Plane of Aurora

The speaker of the Angel Council left with a smile. Of course, Cook continued to do his own thing. The speaker of the Angel Council returned to the parliament resident, but he was not far away from Cook.


"Speaker, what's the good news?" Seeing that the speaker was happy, the other members of the Angel Council were puzzled and asked.

The speaker of the Angel Council looked at the congressmen and said with a smile: "I just received news about five cities in the sky from Speaker Cook. With this news, we don’t need to be afraid of those old ghosts. The Sky City can suppress the old guys."

"Could it be that Speaker Cook put a perverted weapon on our Sky City?" asked a congressman with bright eyes.

When someone heard this, he immediately asked anxiously: "How much does it cost?"

"Who said I would add weapons, I just told Speaker Cook what I knew about the upper bound, and then Speaker Cook told me the news." The Angel Speaker was very happy and said with a smile.

"That's it, it's probably that Speaker Cook is also afraid that the old **** will cheat him, so that's why he did it. Then, Speaker, what is the news that you are talking about five sky cities?" A member nodded and said guessingly.

The speaker of the Angel Council smiled: ‘The group of old **** estimated that they were too excited when they signed the contract with Cook. They did not set up the most important facility in the five sky cities, the resurrection pool. "

"What. Those old guys don't even want a resurrection pond, haha, we have resurrection ponds, not to mention five, ten sky cities without resurrection ponds, we are not afraid." Many members of Parliament were incredulous. Exclaimed.

"Who said no, and Cook seems to be very dissatisfied with those old bastards. It is estimated that when the group of old **** talked to Cook, they looked like they were sure of Cooke. Cook said just now, even now Agreed to increase the resurrection pool, it will have to be changed after the completion of the five sky cities, which involves more costs, and the other is that Cook is not responsible for the materials." The speaker of the Angel Council continued to introduce

Numerous members of parliament showed smiles on their faces when they heard the good news. Of course, the Angel Council kept the news confidential, but the angel royal family had not yet realized this. Of course, no one would take the initiative to remind them.

The Angel Council was settled. As for the other noisy races of the dragon, Cook didn’t care about it. He wanted the Sky City. Yes. First prepare the cost. Then the Council of Gods will evaluate and allow the Council of Gods before signing the contract. When it is finished, it depends on Cook's mood.

Cook's mood is very good. The food in the astral world has an immediate effect on strengthening the human body. With the aid of gravity, the physical growth rate of West Asia and others has reached a perverted point. Cook also often pays attention to it. Ke asked Lina and others to use their own energy to refine their physique, which further increased their physique.

In half a month, the physique of Lina and others has increased five times as much as before. Of course, after the initial rapid growth, they will fall into a relatively slow period of time.

Of course, this time period is mainly to reserve for the next outbreak time period.

Cook is very satisfied with the progress of Lina and others. Of course, Cook is not idle about the Aurora Plane, the Demon Plane, the Hell Plane, and the Dark Plane. Fortunately, several major associations in the God Realm already have it. For a complete system, Cook only needs to manage it occasionally.

Even so, Cook is very busy. The Aurora Plane is facing a situation where a lot of resources are needed. All the factories need to start up are raw materials. However, in the Aurora Plane for 30 years, many materials have been discarded, even if they are returned to the furnace. Refining also takes time and is still lost, but this is metal. Other materials, like wood, are more difficult to find. Wood that can survive is basically adapted to the current climate. Some changes have also taken place, leading to logging, and timber has become a more dangerous job.

There is also a stagnation in the purchase of scrap metal, because a cold wave made most people dare not go out, and the scrap metal near the settlement on the Dadong side has been searched. No way, this thing has not been done before. People want, now even if they only need to give a black head, some people are willing to work for a day.

Therefore, the factories of the Aurora Plane have also begun to stagnate. There is not enough metal, especially rare metals. To manufacture a magnetic levitation spacecraft, some rare metals are needed as additives, and then qualified metals are produced. Ordinary metals do not have much effect.

However, in Century City, although the factory was suspended, Cook arranged for people to learn all kinds of knowledge. As long as you come to learn knowledge and remember what you have learned, after an assessment, it is determined that you have the knowledge, then you can get it for free food.

And the study is in a warm spring room with boiling water. This kind of treatment was unimaginable before. So hundreds of thousands of people in Century City study crazy in various classes, even if they are a little stupid. Yes, I will try my best to remember, because I have to take an exam every day. After the exam is over, those who pass the exam can receive food. Even if they are unqualified, they are very comfortable in such an environment, at least they will not be cold or hungry. Although the food is only some mushrooms, seafood, and some canned food, porridge made from stale grains, these things are already very delicious in this world. At least there are oily water and salt. In the past, it was difficult for ordinary people to eat food with salt.

Within a month, Century City has divided a dozen classes from among its many classes. These classes are those with a good learning talent, and they study hard and hard. The students in these classes are Century City. Cultivate the core strength of the next generation.

The students in these classes, regardless of their age, eat differently from other classes. Barbecue is an extremely luxurious thing, eat once every three days and take care of enough.

These barbecues should also be attributed to Xia Zi. Xia Zi led the army to conduct winter combat drills. The targets of the exercises were hidden monsters and mutant creatures. If before, these creatures were not easy to find under the snow, but now there are investigations. The radar can clearly know the position and height of the target, directly find the place, and then start the fight.

However, sometimes there will be field survival training without a watch. Although there are some casualties, the effect is obvious. When soldiers are dispatched, they no longer just look at the watch carelessly, but always watch vigilantly. All around.

"Very good, we must let the soldiers develop a high sense of vigilance that does not rely on equipment." Cook was very satisfied with Xia Zi's approach and praised him.

"Thank you for your cultivation." Xia Xia Ci knew how to speak very well.

Joe Ken, Xia Ci, Li Ji and other four people, and Cook, the seven people sat together, eating barbecue, and drinking the aged wine they didn't know where they got from.

For Cook’s treat, Joe Ken and Xia Ci are flattered. Both actually suspect that there is an organization behind Cook, and this organization may have been a huge force decades ago, but it has only emerged now. Of course the two would not ask.

Because of the high-tech things that Cook brought out, summer gifted Joe Ken's superpowers are not so important, even the most powerful superpower, can resist the maglev spacecraft hundreds of kilometers high?

It’s impossible, so the two people’s emphasis on science and technology is in line with Cook’s point of view. Of course Cook will not deliberately let civilization develop in any direction, but if Century City wants to develop, the only shortcut now is Technology.

"My lord, I think we should open up a settlement in the southern hemisphere so that it can complement our settlements in the northern hemisphere. Now Century City’s food supply pressure is very high, and the food in many storage facilities has been corrupted. A very small part of compressed foods can be eaten, that is, those canned foods. We should try to eat as little as possible. After all, it is not very good for the body of ordinary people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Joe Ken took a bite of barbecue and organized it in his brain. Then, he said.

"You come up with a plan and show me this. Since you are held accountable, you have to take responsibility. Since I want to use it, I won't doubt you." Cook heard Joe Ken's words. I know that this planet also has some land in the southern hemisphere. However, the land area is not very large. The spacecraft has already surveyed it. The temperature in the southern hemisphere is much higher than that of Century City. At least there are many green plants.

Joe Ken heard Cook's words and said, "I will make plans when I go back. I will still need Lao Xia's support at that time."

"It's easy to say, as long as the city lord agrees." Xia Qi and Joe Ken are not fools. Although Cook said so, but he will definitely not make his own way. Too much, sometimes when the leader speaks, you have to fart, you have to be serious, haha, when the leader hates you, you won't remember what they said.

For the attitude of the two, Cook was helpless, and Cook had no choice but to nod his head: "Okay, what about the construction of the greenhouse factory?"

"I have already set one, and there is no problem with the temperature planting inside." Joe Ken quickly ate the barbecue in two bites, and then replied.

"Eat, we're finished, let's go and see." Cook said with a smile when he saw Joe Ken doing this.

As soon as Cook said to eat, no one talked. Joe Ken and Xia Zi did it by himself, while Cook had Li Ji and others constantly feeding Cook with vegetables. Fortunately, Cook’s physique, eating as much as you want, there is no problem. In fact, Cook’s recipe has always been food in the astral world. There is no way, because the body is too strong, and the general food is just as drinking water. It can be said that Cook’s stomach acid is corrosive now, and ordinary metals can’t bear it.

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