A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1579: Outsourcing

Regarding Cook’s order, Xia Ci, Joe Ken, and Li Ji, and others have different opinions. In Xia Ci’s view, Cook’s decision is very sophisticated and will not be reckless, nor will he run rampant on his own mighty power. , Because such a person as a leader is very dangerous to the entire force.

For a force, what is most important is stability, and the second is not what it wants to do when its brain is hot.

And Joe Ken is a little worried, because Cook looks like this, whether there are other powerful forces on the opposite side of Cook’s backing, and almost no one knows about Cook’s origins, and of course no one is possible. When investigating, Century City’s intelligence agency is not a joke. A bottle of evolution potion is enough for any superpower to speak out all the things he has done, let alone others.

As for Li Ji and others, although they are a little worried about the food crisis facing Century City, they will not show it. After all, Cook is the biggest support of several people. What decision is Cooked? These four people only firmly support them. Of course, these four people I also know that the four of them can reach their status today because of this. As for the others, hehe, the whole Century City wants to say that there is a woman who is more beautiful than the four. Is there, for sure, whether there is more capable than the four? Have.

But the four met Cook at the right time, so they have today's status, so the four do not need to discuss at all. It is best to support Cook's decision unconditionally.

Although the power structure of Century City is not perfect, the senior executives who implement the decision dare not worry about it. Once the senior management has done something with heart, then the people below will definitely do it with heart.

If the people above only recognize money, then the people below must only recognize money, so up and down effects exist in any society. As for the others, if it is the law, if the upper level wants the law to be fair, then the law is just, if the upper level is favoritism. In vain, then the same is true for the people below. The upper level is not clean, and I hope that the subordinates are clean. There are such good things there, unless I dream.

After Xia Xia Zi and Joe Ken left, Li Ji and others reported on some of their work, of course, there are many related situations about Xia Zi and Joe Ken.

In general, the development of Century City is still very satisfactory to Cook. Cook has refined a large number of awakening potions on the plane of Aurora. After evolving potions, he left the plane of Aurora. Of course, according to Cook's words, he did it. experiment.

Leaving the plane of Aurora, Cook went to the City of Light built in the territory of the Angel Council to take a look. The progress was still satisfactory to Cook. Of course, these Mageweavers worked very hard. After all, the task points for building modules are comparable. Doing other tasks has much higher points and popularity. You should know that it was not very easy to meet the angel family before. Not only can you see it now, some also use beautiful colors to attract some magic pattern masters, which makes many magic pattern masters. All flattered.

However, the internal regulations of the Mageweave Association are very strict, and there are strict restrictions on intermarriage with foreigners. This is also because Cook considered the expansion of the Mageweave Association in the future, do not let the Mageweave Master do things too out of the ordinary, after all, the previous magicweave The teacher is somewhat dependent on some ability, but doing things too much. (PS: When I was a chef in the past, the chef at the back was overdoing things. He used his hands on some beautiful waiters. Even if the trial period of this hotel is not full, because the back chefs are basically a group of people. Unless the waiter does not do it, of course some waiters are still happy. It is said that there is a waiter with a salary of two thousand, but every year people go home with at least fifty thousand, and of course some chefs go home without distinction.)

Therefore, unless Mageweave Masters do not want to work in the Mageweave Association, they should not do excessive things. Otherwise, the Mageweave Association punishment is very heavy, and it is not a particularly severe punishment. The points are cleared, and then the magic line is ejected. association.

As for some people say that you do it alone, in Sao Nian, you have to do it alone, and someone has to dare to find you. The Mageweave Association generally doesn't do anything, but just move your mouth and send a notice. Now the big and small families are destroyed by the Mageweave Association. There are no less than ten. As long as the Mageweave Association says that someone is on the blacklist, then the family of that person cannot get any trade opportunities from the forces of the Mageweave Association. Of course, for trading partners, the Mageweave Association does not Support transactions with these blacklisted families. Of course, you have to trade with these families. Well, our contract will be temporarily terminated.

The other thing is that you don’t want to use the portal. Now the portal is repaired by the Mageweave Association. If a certain force’s portal allows these blacklisted families to use it, that’s good. If it breaks, don’t contact us.

Then, when you go out to stay, you cannot live with the hotels of the trading partners of the Mageweave Association, and the territories of these trading partners do not welcome you, that is to say, unless you play at your own home and want to go out, everyone around you I dare not walk for you.

How many trading partners does the Mageweave Association have with the Pharmacy Association and the Sewing Association? Almost all industries, all forces and organizations of the Council of Gods are doing business with these associations.

Not to mention anything else, the various organizations affiliated to the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association, the food they eat every day is worth hundreds of thousands of high-grade **** crystals, let alone materials and the like.

Of course, it’s still possible to experience hand addiction, and of course it cannot be reported by others. The reporting system of the Mageweave Association was actually when Cook accepted these magicweave masters. The first batch of magicweave masters was not Cook’s direct line, so There is this reporting system. So this system stayed. Once this painful reporting system is proved, the reporter will be rewarded. How much is the reward, which is half of the person who is punished by the reporter.

In other words, as long as someone’s points are cleared, but they are reported, well, the whistleblower will have half of the points cleared. Although this reward system makes many Mageweaves feel angry, it is also On the one hand, he was eager to report a few things that he didn't know good or bad.

Of course, the system still needs to be continuously improved. As long as the loopholes in the system found by the Mageweave Masters are raised and recognized, the reward will be very high. Therefore, the various systems of the Mageweave Association want to be perfected. may. (PS: Of course, the loopholes in the system may be pointed out, but based on certain considerations, it is possible for high-level officials to not implement them. For example, some unspoken rules of non-death penalty for crimes, because everyone is an official? Of course, there is a high probability for future generations. Even if oneself is not greedy, if the offspring is greedy, wouldn’t it be that white-haired people give off black-haired people? Not to mention that there is a joke on the Internet that civil servants are obtained through examinations, but officials are born. As for true and false, everyone Distinguish, as for those who die in jail, it’s not a death sentence.)

Therefore, the Mageweave Association is also the most complete, and of course the most complete. Therefore, the Mageweave Association has established a special supervision department, as well as law enforcement agencies, which are specifically aimed at the magicweave masters, and they also accept reports from the outside world. The penalties for tattoo masters are also very high, mainly deducting points. Points are a non-tradable and non-cashable thing. As for false missions, there are also such things. Those who are found to be deducted will hurt these people for a hundred years. .

However, the points of the Mageweave Association are indispensable for the Mageweave Master. The Mageweave Master wants to learn some advanced magicweave knowledge. That is to say, the points are used. The low-level Mageweave Master needs the guidance of the senior Mageweave Master. Come, as long as you have enough points, you can also apply for Cook’s one-on-one guidance, artifacts, points, artifact refining drawings, points, even top materials, in the Mageweave Association, you also need points to exchange .

The points system has made other forces jealous. The Temple of Fortune also uses the points system, but the result is obvious, no one buys it, and the most difficult thing is the Temple of Fortune, because there are too few people using Shenjing cash. It is the used Shenjing scroll. Not only the high-grade Shenjing scrolls, but also the middle and lower-grade Shenjing scrolls are issued. The exchange ratio is fixed. Of course, they are all general-purpose Shenjing scrolls. As for the rare series, they need to be separately issued. Calculation.

No one uses Shenjing, no one takes a loan, because loans, mortgages, and borrowers have all gone to the **** shop run by Cook. Some people say that if so many Shenjing rolls are issued, what should Cook do if they can’t pay.

As a result, nine out of ten people said that it was impossible, and one hoped it was so, hoping that Cook would not be able to pay it, so that Cook would give himself an artifact to settle the account.

No one borrows, no one mortgages, and the days of the Wealth Temple are getting more and more difficult. There is no way. The God Crystals in the pawnshop have to pay interest, but on the Wealth Temple, the depositors have to pay for the Wealth Temple. After all, before , The exchanges between the gods in the temple of wealth are through the portal, and labor costs, venues, etc. are also required. These costs are of course part of the loan interest and part of the deposit interest. It can be said that the **** shop opened by Cook By giving interest, the temple of wealth lost most of its guests.

"Speaker Cook, our temple of wealth is going bankrupt." The goddess of wealth directly proposed to Cook at the meeting of the council of gods.

When Cook heard this, his face was dumbfounded. Your wealth temple is bankrupt. It's my business, but the goddess of wealth went on to say: "President Cook, can you see if your **** shop can subcontract some things for We, for example, some collateral management, we are very experienced in this regard."

When Cook heard the words of the goddess of wealth, before he could speak, the dwarf congressman shouted: "Speaker Cook, Speaker Cook, we dwarf can also do this job, we only need one point."

"San Cun Ding!" The goddess of wealth is going to run away. The senior officials of the temple of wealth thought for a long time before they thought of taking this job from Cook. Don’t underestimate the management of mortgage items. It is a very troublesome thing, but for pawns Looking at the total loans of tens of billions of high-grade Shenjing, one point is several hundred million, enough for the temple of wealth to live beautifully.

The goddess of wealth was cut off by the dwarf, and she must have gone crazy. Hearing this, the dwarf jumped and shouted: "We only need 0.5 points."

"You..." The goddess of wealth was almost mad, and this Nima dwarf actually cut the price.

Cook lowered his head and listened to Dilly talking about the **** association. This kind of collateral management is really troublesome. For example, a tavern uses a tavern to mortgage loans. Then the value of the tavern depends on the location, building, and wine storage. The location, the building can't run, but the facilities inside, so there must be a regulatory agency, regular or irregular inspections, once you find something wrong, you need to report it immediately.

Of course, some merchants even use warehouse goods to mortgage, leave and put in the warehouse. They must ensure that the value of the materials in the warehouse is not lower than the value in the loan contract. It does not mean that the warehouse will be sealed up after the goods are mortgaged. All goods have a shelf life.

Of course, things in the **** industry have not been fully rolled out yet. Of course, even if they are rolled out, as long as Cook is in one day, no one dares not to pay back. But as for Cook, a complete system must be established. Everyone is good.

"Stop fighting, I'll consider this matter." Cook said, seeing the goddess of wealth and the dwarf fighting together.

Hearing Cook speak, the two finally sat down, but as soon as the two men reminded them, the eyes of the surrounding lawmakers suddenly lit up. For tens of billions of mortgage loans, Cook's interest is not very high. The annual interest is only 0.2%, which is only two thousandths, which is not very high.

But don’t forget what Cook borrowed. It’s only Shenjing scrolls, not Shenjing at all. It can only be said to be a conversion tool. If it’s not for Cook’s credit, the family is there, who knows this god? Crystal volume.

Now, in total, there are at least 40 to 50 billion high-grade Shenjing loans, and this year is nearly 200 million high-grade Shenjing interest, and if you manage your assets, you can get 40-50 million by just investing some people. No one is tempted by the income of high-grade **** crystals, forty to fifty million high-grade **** crystals, many big forces can't get these incomes for ten years.

So someone is going to ask, this is a bit false and can't be taken out, why did Cook borrow so much?

This is all accumulated by various forces in the past. It cannot be said that a family saves for 20 years and then buys a house. It cannot be said that this family has so much income in a few years. That is unrealistic.

At least 50 million higher grade **** crystals, what a huge income, the goddess of wealth has no interest in the following meetings, of course not only the goddess of wealth, even other members of Parliament are also wondering how to get it from Cook Make money.

The meeting of the Council of Gods ended very quickly, and everyone had things in their hearts, so there was no dispute at all. Of course, we could get the things from the meeting. In fact, we have communicated almost in private, mainly about the taxation of the Council of Gods. Use, develop a standardized process, it does not mean that whoever wants to use it.

After the meeting, Cook said: "Everyone, wait a minute, so that everyone will not go to me in private later, then we will discuss the outsourcing business of this **** shop for everyone to do, but Who will do it?"

Hearing Cooke's words, these congressmen raised their ears and looked at Cooke. Cook knocked on the table and said, "First of all, you must have experience or talent in managing this aspect, but for dwarfs, you will temporarily Don’t come to grab business. You first do what you are taking over."

"That is, how many projects your dwarf clan has undertaken. The harbor in the Blackwater Marsh has not been established, right?" The Goddess of Fortune heard Cook say this and immediately agreed.

"Indeed. Your dwarf clan has undertaken a lot of projects, but we humans don't have many." A human congressman said.

"But we hired a lot of workers from other races." The dwarf congressman obviously didn't want to give up in vain, arguing.

"You don't want to hire, but just a few of you dwarves, can you win such a big project?" The dwarf councillor can't pass it. In fact, the relationship between dwarves and dwarves is not very good, because many dwarves think that the dwarf family is Vampire, why do you think so.

Because the dwarves export metal ingots, and when the dwarves become mechanical things, the value more than doubles. Therefore, as long as the dwarves are not satisfied with the dwarves, the price of metal will rise. After the materials increase, It’s difficult to do business on the dwarf side. It’s just that the Mageweave Association has a guide price for all kinds of materials. This price is absolutely profitable, but not very high, and the Mageweave Association has set a floating ratio. In other words, if it exceeds the ratio, sorry, the Mageweave Association will reconsider the issue of cooperation.

So dwarves think that they are earning hard money, while dwarves are earning their own money. In fact, dwarves are definitely not as easy as dwarves think, but they don’t think that dwarves can say it. The impression that dwarves give to outsiders is pride, but After getting along for a long time, I also know that dwarves are definitely careful.

Most of the accusations of the dwarves are that they don’t want to see the dwarf develop again. After all, don’t talk about the income of tens of millions of high-grade gods every year, it is millions, which is not a small number, enough to feed how many people?

When the dwarf saw this momentum, he knew that his abacus was lost. Cook saw that the dwarf did not speak, so he said: "In terms of management experience, the Temple of Wealth definitely has experience, but I don’t want to see that your family is dominant. Arrived."

"President, I think the fox clan can be managed. After all, the fox clan is among our orcs, with the widest network and very high computing power." The bunny clan leader is among the orcs. He is definitely in a high position now. The largest trading market for magic potion materials in the council is on the Bunnyman side. Anyone who wants to buy or sell potion materials must have a relationship with that side. This is related to the belly problem of many orcs, and no one cares.

It’s just that the patriarch of the Bunnyman didn’t show anything after he learned that the silver fox might have something to do with Cook last time. Of course, the patriarch of the Bunny was a little relieved. After all, there is a relationship with the silver fox. Help, it’s impossible to give up halfway. Of course, the bunny patriarch should also go back. The two bunny sisters in the sewing association gave a good enlightenment. The two bunny sisters originally prepared by the bunny were used to seduce Cook, but The Sewing Association Cook did not spend much time there. Even if he did, it was very short-lived, and it was his turn to seduce a man. The Bunnyman was not the fox woman's opponent at all.

"I agree with this." The Doug patriarch glanced at the silver fox and agreed.

However, regarding the statements of the patriarchs of the Bunnymen and the Dougs, the other councillors seemed to be more normal. The poverty of the orcs. As they learned more and more about the orcs, everyone knew that there were still such poor places in the world.

When the orcs are outside, they are relatively united, so the orc councillors have spoken, and the orcs councillors occupy more than a quarter of the seats in the council of the gods.

The Senator on the human side saw the Orc Senator and spoke. I have to support it. Why? Because the orcs are the biggest trading partner of mankind. Yes, food is the first trade item of the orcs clan, and then the others. Humans do not support the orcs at this time. If the orcs unite to lower the price of food, Hey, lords from all over humanity can scold these councillors to death.

Humans and orcs have more than half of the councillors, and the result is obvious, so no one has come out to be this villain.

Of course, Cook’s candidate is also the Fox family. After all, the calculation ability of the Fox family is still very good. So Cook nodded and said: "Silver Fox Patriarch, you should prepare for it, and then take over the pawnshop management mortgage assets with the Temple of Wealth. In terms of price, I think it’s only one thousandth."

One-thousandth, this basically means that the organization behind the two councillors divided up 50 million high-grade Shenjing, which is not a small amount. Let alone one year, the entire fox family has not had so much income in ten years.

"But you two should write about how you plan to manage, and then submit it to me. I will determine the share based on your wind plan." Cook did not fully delegate power, but asked them to go back and prepare a management plan. who.

"Yes, Speaker." When Silver Fox heard Cook say this, he decided to do his job well ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ at least to listen to Cook's opinion first.

Although the goddess of wealth was not very satisfied with this result, when he heard that Cook wanted to prepare his own management plan, confidence came up all at once. If we talk about these, who else has rich management experience in the temple of wealth goddess.

Cook returned to the office with his feet, and then Silver Fox entered Cook's office. After more than half an hour of in-depth communication with Cook, Silver Fox left. Silver Fox left with a spring breeze, which made the heart see this scene. All faintly worried about the temple of wealth.

As for the Temple of Fortune, I was a little suspicious when I heard the news, but then everyone realized that the fox family had no experience in this area. Maybe it was because of Cook who went to the Temple of Fortune. So the Temple of Fortune was also going to ask Cook for advice. Ke has left, and it is said that there are six **** kings on the plane of **** who want to form a trading alliance with Cook.

The people of the temple of wealth are not without alternatives. I went directly to the pawnshop to find out what the pawnshop did, only to find that the pawnshop did not send a supervisor to supervise these mortgage assets. The people at the pawnshop responded very aggressively in private, who would dare not pay back the money we owed us?

If the Temple of Fortune knew that Silver Fox and Cook's communication method was at the desk, and whether they met frankly or negatively, they would be unable to sit still.

After the Silver Fox returned to the territory of the Fox tribe, he came directly to the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church had long been informed, but everyone was waiting for the news from Silver Fox.

"How is it?" The elder of the fox clan looked at the silver fox's return and immediately asked eagerly, knowing that this is a big cake of 50 million high-grade **** crystals, don't say let the silver fox communicate with Cook, it is the elder himself The granddaughter and the great elder are willing, and the other elders also vaguely know the relationship between Silver Fox and Cook, so they all look forward to Silver Fox.

PS: I'm sorry, it also means that Chapter 789 was uploaded, and I only saw it now.

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