A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 791: Meet the King of Hell

On the plane of hell, dozens of **** kings looked at the city of heaven from a distance. This huge city, covering an area of ​​1,500 kilometers in diameter, is now inhabited by more than a million **** creatures.

These millions of **** creatures live in an area within fifty kilometers of the city of heaven, because these fifty kilometers are the defensive circle of the city of heaven, and within this fifty kilometers, many tribes directly occupy them, of course these people dare not During this period of trouble, so an interesting scene appeared.

Hell creatures are basically tyrannical, but within the fifty-kilometer defensive circle of the city of heaven, whoever occupies first, and whoever occupies this area are relatively weak tribes, these tribes will be oppressed outside, but in Here, no one dares to fight at all. Don't forget, the hundreds of meters high defensive tower that stands in the city of heaven is not a display.

In addition, the guards of the Paradise City are equipped with artifacts. Once a fight is found, anyone who fights will be beaten lightly and directly, and the heavy ones will be killed directly, and then they will be directly carried back to make materials, materials from **** creatures. Quite a lot.

"Master." Baglu saw Cook appear and ran over immediately.

"Yeah." Cook looked at Bagru at the peak of the sanctuary and nodded. Cook knew how comfortable Bagru was on this plane of hell.

Bagru is the sheriff of the entire city of heaven, which means that the guard of the city of heaven is under the control of Bagru. As an ogre, Bagru has followed Cook for more than 100 years, and his brain is better than ordinary humans. It works well, and people have two minds. Of course, when encountering some things, both minds are not good, but the sheriff in Paradise City is very good, the regulations are simple and clear, so Bagru is competent.

Of course, the aesthetic concept of ogres is similar to that of **** creatures, just like Cook saw that the females of these races such as Sheephead, Tauren, Hell Gnoll, and Hell Tauren, although they have white skin and not low height, Cook couldn't accept his appearance at all. Although his chest was much bigger than a human, his arms were thicker than a human woman's thighs.

But in Baghru’s view, these are all beauties, and the ogres are very open about that. They don’t mind any race or race, and there are not many in Baghru, but good food. It's delicious, it's just let go.

So Bagru is very happy in the city of heaven. For females of **** creatures, it is natural and righteous to follow the strong. Therefore, promiscuity of **** creatures is basically common. If the male following today dies, the female Will not hesitate to follow other males, some females will even seduce males who are less powerful than their own, and then the male will end up with the female's food.

On the plane of hell, due to the harsh environment, there is no humanity at all. Of course, although these races are somewhat similar in appearance to humans, they are not human at all.

"How about it, are you happy here?" Cook walked. While chatting with Baglu behind him.

"That's, sir, don't you know that the beauties in this place are too enthusiastic. If it weren't for the guards at the door of my bedroom, I guess my bedroom would not fit in." Bagru said with a smile.

"Whatever you want." Cook didn't have any thoughts of stopping Bagru's hobby. In Cook's eyes, it's good to live happily.

"Master, I have collected more than two hundred subordinates here, all god-level trolls and ogres. These guys are now sent to patrol outside by me every day." Bagru said.

"Since they are accepted, let them join the foreign guards of Paradise City, and the remuneration will be distributed by Paradise City." Cook didn't ask much. Bagglu's private life is messy, but he is actually very loyal to Cook. Yes, and I can figure out Cook's thoughts very well, if Bagru let go of the younger brother, only two hundred, it is more than two thousand.

"Thank you, sir." Bagru was relieved when he heard crying, knowing that he was right to do so. In fact, for the two hundred ogres and trolls, Bagru gave nothing but allowed these guys. You can enter certain areas of the Paradise City. These trolls and ogres take advantage of this and sell things outside these areas, such as ale without water, as well as high-end shochu, fruit wine, and fruit Such things, these things are very expensive, but on the plane of hell, the prices of these things will only be higher.

This is like a cabbage, almost worthless in the countryside, but in the capital city, it has to be dozens of yuan, then if it is on Mars, hehe, I am afraid it will be enough to buy a half square meter house in the capital (PS: Eight Rings) In addition, don’t think about it within the eight rings. It is estimated that when humans arrive on Mars, the capital will be at least ten rings. Of course, the houses in the capital will definitely be able to buy half of Mars. Of course, we are more confident that the houses in the capital will be able to buy one day. In the second half of the galaxy, we must strive for this great goal, work hard, study hard, God...)

More than a dozen Hell Kings saw Cook and Bagruna’s two heads from a distance.

"What's the matter, everyone?" Cook didn't go out of the defense circle of the fifty-kilometer tower. Looking at the dozens of **** kings, Cook directly sat down, Baglu carried the stool all the way.

Then Baglu set a table for Cook. There was a tablecloth on the table, then a good cider, and a few plates of fruit, which looked very attractive, and there were a few more in Baglu’s view Very beautiful women, when Cook saw these women preparing to serve him, he immediately waved his hand and Baglu drove them away.

More than a dozen **** kings saw Cook's behavior and felt envy and hatred in their hearts. In fact, the dozen **** kings originally planned to destroy the city of heaven directly.

More than a dozen **** kings govern most of the land on the plane of hell. As for some people say it is impossible.

More than a dozen **** kings govern over tens of billions of **** creatures, even reaching hundreds of billions, among which the god-level powerhouses are at least billions.

In addition, for the Hell King, just need to give orders, there will be countless Hell tribes who have to dare to die.

If this is the case, the City of Paradise will definitely be breached. Don’t forget. Although the City of Paradise is powerful, it needs energy after all. A large amount of cannon fodder exhausts the energy of the City of Paradise. Then it’s when the City of Paradise is destroyed. And no matter what it is, as long as it is used frequently, its durability will decrease. The defensive tower will really be attacked tens of billions of times, and it is estimated that it will be scrapped.

"Speaker Cook, we are looking for you this time, hoping that we can have a contract between us." A dozen **** kings heard Cook say this, and one **** king walked to Cook's side with great care. Then he sat down, which was a lot better than Cook.

When Baglu saw the servant sitting down, he waved his hand, so someone took a wine glass one size bigger than Cook and poured it on the king of hell.

"Hanas, Lord Fernandi Hell, territory..." Bagru whispered to Cook the Hell King.

Hell King is just a name, that is, **** creatures that reach the level of the main god. Hanas has the blood of the three-headed dog. The three-headed dog is a super creature on the plane of hell, that is, the original powerhouse.

"What kind of contract, I will not participate in the internal affairs of your plane of hell. I remain neutral, and my sphere of influence is just that big, and in my opinion, the plane of **** does not have anything worthy of my attention. "Cook certainly knows what these **** kings are thinking.

"Speaker Cook, we love to hear your words." The other king of hell, he looks like **** tauren, this **** tauren is covered in leather armor made of the skin of an unknown creature, and there are two huge ones on his back. Look closely at the yellow cylindrical object. It is a totem pole.

"Duohan, the **** bull head king, belongs to the **** black bull clan, and is very powerful." Baglu waved his hand, so the table was increased by one, directly opposite Cook, and then the wine and fruit were also placed.

When Cook saw Baghru’s approach, he was still very satisfied with Baghru’s vision. In Cook’s view, even an enemy, as long as he can sit in front of you, is a guest and needs to be treated politely~www .wuxiaspot.com~ As for the things after turning around, that is another matter.

After Dohan finished speaking, he drank the fruit wine in the cup in one breath, and then sighed: "It really is a good thing. I don't know how many such good things are in Speaker Cook's hands?"

"Hehe, ten thousand barrels per year." This is a fruit wine made from magic fruits. There are many in the natural ring. Of course, thanks to the help of the flower elves and the halfling's winemaking skills.

"I want it." As soon as Dohan heard this, his eyes stared out. You must know that after Dohan drank it, his whole body was warm and obviously good, and he felt very comfortable in his body, and his brain was quite clear. .

"Dorhan, I came first." Hanas said dissatisfiedly.

"Ahem, Speaker Cook, we kings gathered together, originally wanted to target the city of heaven, but we were warned before we had time to act, so we wanted to make some suggestions about the practices of the city of heaven. Opinion, I don’t know if Speaker Cook can agree?” The dozens of Hell Kings behind saw the reaction of these two guys, and felt a little unhappy. A dozen Hell Kings gathered together, is it just to do business with Cook? ? of course not.

When Cook heard this, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's talk about it first?"

"First of all, you must not take in **** creatures. Some of the **** creatures are the guys wanted by the Hell King." The talking Hell King said.

"Dodoha, this guy is not a good thing, very sinister and cunning." Baglu felt uncomfortable when he heard this guy's words, why? If the city of heaven is not allowed to accept **** creatures, then Bagru's happy life may end here.

PS: I almost didn't finish writing last night, now I make it up, the update is over, I'm sorry, I'm sorry everyone, I don't know what happened, I was sleepy all day long.

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