A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 792: Look down on

Cook heard this. He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't agree to this matter, I said before. I remain neutral."

"Speaker Cook, don’t you be afraid that our dozen or so **** kings will unite? Your heavenly city is just a sky city. In history, our **** plane has not defeated the sky city, but it’s just a bit expensive. "Dodoha heard Cook's words. Very dissatisfied, asked.

Cook shook his head and said, "This city of heaven is not terrible. As long as billions of **** creatures need to be paralyzed, but you forget me, don’t look at your dozen or so main gods. I want to do it. Here you are. Don't even think about going back, do you believe it or not?"

Dodoha's threat is still somewhat euphemistic, but Cook's words are just a direct and domineering answer, and Doha's face is hard to look at all at once.

"Speaker Cook, even if you kill us, you can't kill all **** creatures?" A Hell King asked.

"Yes, but I will kill you when the **** creatures dare not fight me, and I want to tell you that you should be glad that this place is not suitable for human habitation, otherwise, your results will be the same as this Dodoha." Cook took off his gloves and stood up. The dark thumb of his left hand was very conspicuous. After Cook finished speaking, he extended his thumb to Doha and then pressed it down.

Rustle rustle!

With a sound like falling sand, a dozen Hell Kings looked at Doha's entire body like sand, slowly sliding down, leaving behind a pile of gray sand.

"The city of heaven remains neutral on the plane of hell. In addition, as long as you enter the scope of the city of heaven, you cannot fight or fight. As for other things, I can't control it. Even if you want to enter the city of heaven, I don’t care, but you must obey The rules of the city, if you don’t follow the rules, I don’t mind changing the king of the plane of hell." Cook turned around and left. The guys of the plane of hell, if they are reasonable and useful, they are not called hell, hell. What the plane looks at is strength.

Bagru saw the ugly appearance of the remaining two kings of hell, and said angrily; "Fortunately for you, if you attack the city of heaven, one or two of you will not wait for the city of heaven to be destroyed. There is nothing left of sand."

No more tables or anything. A dozen Hell Kings saw Bagru turn around and flew behind him immediately. There was no way. It was terrifying. One Hell King was killed by someone. There were no more than a dozen people around. What it feels like.

"What to do?" Dohan didn't respond, after all, Dohan didn't directly conflict with Cook.

"What else can we do, unless we don't want to live anymore, doesn't it mean that humans like contracts, and there is reason, why this guy is not like this?" Some Hell King asked very puzzled.

When Dohan heard this, he sneered: "Be reasonable, everyone, you still want to reason with Speaker Cook, don't forget our identity, we are **** creatures, not the lawful camp."

When the other Hell Kings heard this, their expressions were wonderful, and Dohan continued; "Do you think Speaker Cook will sign a contract with us, and Speaker Cook will believe it?"

"We didn't plan not to abide by the contract." One of the Hell King said depressed.

"Who made us **** creatures like this?" Dorhan shrugged, picked up a magic fruit and ate it. When he left, he took away the table and everything. This thing is a luxury on the plane of hell. Of course, as for some people who want face, cough cough, don’t forget, this is the plane of hell, **** creatures, face is worthless.

Baglu followed Cook and flattered him wildly: "Master, domineering, mighty, if you want me to say, let's just kill those guys."

"Hehe." Cook just chuckled. Cook was right. This plane of **** is not suitable for the development of the Council of Gods. Otherwise, hum, the coalition forces on the plane of monsters are being repaired.

Of course, the purpose of the allied forces repairing the monster plane is to continue to march towards the monster base camp. For this reason, the dragon family has gathered another 500,000 Yalong as a servant army, and the number of dragons has exceeded 300,000.

Not to mention, this dragon usually looks at two or three kittens, but when he hears that there is a chance to make a fortune, in this cave, in the underground, in the swamp, in the wilderness, a lot of them come out. There are groups of them, so the number of 300,000 will soon be full, and there are still many dragons who do not get this opportunity, and it is noisy.

As for the Council of the Gods, this time I didn't get much treasure on the monster plane. The thing had been raided by the dragon long ago, but there were a lot of territories, and the Council of Gods also had a subordinate plane in name.

But there are still many people who have sharpened their heads and want to engage in cross-plane wars. Why? Because of the last war, most people ended up with an artifact-level weapon, which was leased or loaned by the Mageweave Association. bought.

Yes, as long as you participate in cross-plane warfare, you can purchase weapons of the artifact level. Instalment payment is actually a thing in the God Realm for a long time, but when used on artifacts, it will be truly carried forward.

Who doesn't want a divine weapon, and the number of deaths in the entire war did not exceed three digits, and most of them were accidentally injured. No way, the dragon servant army fought too violently, and the monsters were not opponents at all.

Now that he came to the plane of hell, Cook had to check the situation in the city of angels. There was someone in charge here, but Cook called the person in charge. It was Cook's wife. Now there is no one to manage it.

But even if there is no one to manage, the whole city of angels is still running, but it is definitely not possible if there is a lack of management. Cook counted his cronies and found that there is really no one to manage. Why, because the level is not enough , To sit in a place like this, at least the strength above the upper **** is needed, otherwise Cook would be embarrassed.

"Huh?" Cook sighed, and then began to pull relevant people in the Council of Gods.

Thinking of this, Cook's heart moved. In fact, there are many places where Cook lacks people. This city of angels and two sky cities in the God Realm, of which Windsor is needless to say. The temple of nature participates in the management. The others have not been managed yet, and even Dilly had to do more physical training. Of course, it was impossible for Cook to harass them.

Not to mention the Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, and the Pawnbrokers. Although Cook is taking care of them, they must be someone who is in charge, and it also reduces Cook's own workload.

"It seems that we need to recruit some talents from the Council of the Gods." In fact, Cook has always had this idea, but in the God Realm, hiring outsiders is basically the lowest level of work, management personnel, all from childhood. The cultivated loyal subordinates, or relatives, are the high-levels inside the major temples, and are not controlled by the high-levels of the large families. (PS: Country M is known as the largest democratic country, but who is the president? Look at the signatures of more than one hundred master slave owners on the Declaration of Freedom, and see how many industries the family occupies in the entire country. Looking at the president, even if you look at the surface, it means Feng Shui takes turns. When you come to my house this year, as for a certain country, hehe, it’s almost the same.)

If other ordinary people want to occupy a place in the upper level of these temples, they must be attached to a large family. Therefore, in the God Realm, there is no such thing as using an outsider as the management.

Cook disagrees. In fact, to put it bluntly, other families do not hire outsiders for confidentiality, or for profit, or for some other things.

But Cook is not afraid. First of all, whether it is the Mageweave Association, Pharmacy Association, Pawn Shop, these organizations, Cook has the absolute right to speak, and no one else can share this right.

Unlike temples, big families, it’s not like a single word in it. The older the family, the older the country. The existence of the big families and powers in these countries is deeply rooted, not that one or two people You can make the final decision, unless you completely break this system and establish another system, otherwise, only the superficial situation will be changed.

With the idea of ​​hiring outside, Cook was not so anxious, but it took Cook a lot of time to check the accounts of the City of Paradise.

Fortunately, the city of Paradise is divided into several departments~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The portal is managed by the guards, and the daily transportation quantity is clearly recorded by Baglu, and then the income of the merchants is consumed. Just a rough figure.

As long as the approximate figures are not wrong, Cook doesn’t have to worry. As for the detailed accounts, according to the Paradise City consumes more than 500 barrels of ale a day, thousands of bags of raw materials for bread, and other things, you need to find out clearly. , It takes a lot of effort.

In just half a day, Cook returned to the God Realm, and the plane of **** was in chaos. The Hell King's territory that was killed by Cook was directly divided by the surrounding Hell Kings. This is a fuse. The Hell King who was killed still had a group of subordinates. This group of people could not deal with Cook, who was far away in the city of heaven, but brought chaos to several Hell King's domains. Obviously, there was no problem at all. Cook’s **** king charges a fee for **** creatures that pass through his territory, which makes other **** kings very dissatisfied, so they are still negotiating to fight against Cook one second, and turn their faces in the next second. This is the characteristic of **** creatures. .

"Speaker Cook, what are you?" The member in charge of the Council of Gods is the Doug patriarch. As mentioned earlier, the patriarchs of the orcs are all members. The reason is also stated.

"Haha, just follow this announcement." Cook is a recruitment announcement, that is, Cook recruited a group of management talents, there are more than 200 positions, of which there are not many Magic Weave Association and Pharmacy Association, only dozens of them. That's it, but on the **** shop, because there are too many things to manage, it is too complicated, so it recruits as many as 100 people, and the job details are all, of course, the most attractive is the logistics manager of the magic pattern association, the assistant manager, and the magic pattern. There are nearly 20 senior positions in the association's financial director, pharmacy association's logistics supervisor, assistant and so on. The annual salary makes the Doug patriarch's mouth open.

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