A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 793: frank

"Chairman Cook, you see, this Mageweave Association warehouse security supervisor, I find this position very suitable for me..." The Doug Patriarch did not leave, but promoted himself to Cook.

Cook glanced at the Doug Patriarch and asked, "This is not an easy job. It requires professional skills. There are many good things in the warehouse of the Mageweave Association. In case they are lost, take responsibility. major."

Although the patriarch of the Doug heard this from Cooke, he didn’t think so. After all, this is the Mageweave Association. Not to mention it under heavy defense, just say that the guards of the Mageweave Association are all equipped with artifacts. There are magic weapons, but Cook said that with professional skills, the Doug Patriarch is more confident.

"Sir, you may not know, but our Doug family has a secret method. We can distinguish one-thirty-million odors that have been diluted. In other words, even in the past ten years, as long as you have long-term contact with someone Everyone with this item, we all know..." The Doug patriarch said here, and he didn't say anything, because the Doug patriarch thought of the result of his secret smell on the silver fox.

When Cook heard that the Doug had this secret method, he was very surprised. Waiting for the Doug patriarch to speak, he saw the strange look of the Doug patriarch. Cook hadn’t realized the Doug patriarch. What means.

So Cook asked, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing, so it’s most appropriate to leave the warehouse guard to me. As long as someone dares to come, I can use secret methods to find these damned guys, and our secret methods are particularly effective for invisibility, and I don’t know People are very vigilant..." said the patriarch Doug.

"Hehe, that counts you as one. But if you need to be assessed, you only need to pass the assessment." Cook replied with a smile.

"Thank you Speaker, thank you Speaker." The Doug patriarch thought of the annual salary behind the security chief. Yes, it was only calculated once every five hundred years.

After the patriarch Doug went out, he did not immediately post an announcement, but came to the location of the patriarch of the rabbit people. Now each councillor has his own office. After all, there are more things to deal with.

"Something?" Seeing Patriarch Doug came to him, Patriarch Bunny looked up and asked.

"Well, see, is this position suitable for you?" Patriarch Doug took out the announcement, found one, and asked.

"Who is this, such a big tone, with an annual salary of one million high-grade God Crystals?" The Bunny Patriarch asked angrily after taking a look.

"This is the person that Speaker Cook is preparing to recruit. This is the supervisor. This recruitment does not depend on strength. In other words, as long as you pass the assessment, even ordinary people can be competent. Isn't this the position of the Pharmacy Association for you? The people prepared by the clan, who has the magic herbs that your bunny clan touched?" The Doug clan said, bowing his head.

"Oh, this... how to sign up?" When the bunny patriarch heard this, he immediately asked excitedly, knowing that there are many similar plants in magic herbs, but bunny people can easily distinguish it, which is also a kind of talent. .

The patriarch of Doug said: "Just register here, but the assessment requires the speaker to issue questions, and finally select the winner, but there is bad news, I have a secret method to..."

"You, you, your pig brains, Pig people are smarter than you." Hearing the Doug patriarch said, the Bunny patriarch stood up immediately and cursed at the Doug patriarch.

The Doug patriarch lowered his head and said defensively: "The supervisor is two million high-grade **** crystals. I was thinking about this at the time."

"You... don't hurry up and explain to Speaker Cook that if you want to fight, we will recognize it." The bunny patriarch is also very cold in his heart. You said why there are such pig teammates.

"Should we not go to the silver fox?" The patriarch Doug was also very worried and asked.

"You, no matter who you talk to, we must obtain the speaker's forgiveness. You said to the silver fox that you were blackmailed by the fox, and then you still want to hand it over to the speaker?" The Bunny Chief said angrily.

"That's right, but if we go rashly like this, will there be no return?" Patriarch Doug asked worriedly.

The Chief Bunny shook his head, and the Doug was relieved to see the Chief Bunny shaking his head, but the Chief Bunny said, "I don't know."

"You..." After the patriarch Doug posted the announcement, he went to Cook's office with the patriarch Bunny.

In fact, everyone is in an office building. Of course, other congressmen are already boiling. The most eye-catching position is that the five-hundred-year salary of the archon in the city of heaven is 10 million high-grade gods, and there are rewards for five hundred years of work. Good, the reward is a middle-grade artifact set, which is the highest paid position in the recruitment.

And in Cook’s office, Cook looked at the two of them looking down, sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, they were still discovered. Tsk tsk, you are good enough, I will also say why you want to help Silver Fox speak, you When did the orcs become so united?"

"Speaker, we really didn't mean it. At that time, it was the rabbit who looked at the silver fox and saw that your eyes were wrong. We thought that the silver fox was not good for you, so I used the secret method, but the result was..." Patriarch Bunny sold it.

"Hey, Speaker, after I heard this answer, I was still very curious. This Silver Fox has always been envious and jealous of Speaker Cook. You should know that Silver Fox claims that there is no man worthy of him, and countless men who propose marriage have been rejected by this woman. It was embarrassing, too clever. Sir, how did you surrender this woman?" The patriarch of Bunny smiled, not only didn't apologize to Cook or anything. Instead, I asked about the details inside.

Cook waved his hand and said: "Walk around, seeing you are upset, by the way, this matter is not allowed to be said outside."

"Yes, you can rest assured, Lord Speaker." Hearing Cooke's words, Patriarch Doug was anxious to leave immediately.

"Sir, you see, there are several positions in the Pharmacy Association..." The Bunny Patriarch asked for an inch.

Cook said irritably: "What kind of job you are looking for, no matter what job, technology is the first."

"Of course, but there are some techniques we can't learn." The patriarch of the Bunny actually regarded himself as Cook's own, so there is nothing to worry about when talking, of course why he has such an idea. The main reason is that the patriarch of the Bunnyman follows Cook. The first orc has made his own race the first race. For the current living conditions of the Bunnyman, the patriarch of the Bunnyman is very satisfied, let alone anything else. In the past two years, the rabbit population has grown more than five times faster than before, and the infant mortality rate has dropped from 60% to less than 10%^. The credit is of course Cook.

As for why the infant mortality rate of rabbit people is so high, the main word is poor, and there are no methods of birth control for all races in the gods. In addition, the orcs have no entertainment at night. What they can do is of course to create humans. , But after the baby was born, the orc family became even poorer.

why? I used to say that two adults brought two children and barely had food, but after an adult gave birth to a child, the adult would definitely not be able to go out to work for a while, so he became one person to feed four people. In the past, there were two to feed two, but now one is added, and the baby needs milk, and the poor food can’t get enough, then what kind of milk is there in the child? If there is no milk, what should the child do? Of course, just eat other things, infants If you don’t eat the right food, you can easily get sick. But what should you do if you get sick? Then rely on witch doctors, but the tribal witch doctors are not free, so the infant mortality rate is very high.

In addition, there are accidents easily caused by older children and younger children, as well as beasts. (Not to mention anything else, our grandmother said that little children used to hang in a basket, because some children’s faces were chewed by mice or wild cats, so they only hang in the basket. Of course, there are adults. When I was eating in the house, the child was playing outside. The leopard took him away. When he found it, he had only one leg left. Of course, the leopard was also shot dead with a quick gun by an ancestor. The quick gun was the bullet gun. Someone in my hometown took a group of hunting dogs to hunt wild boars, hares, and pheasants. Now they are gone.)

So the mortality rate is very high. In fact, the physique of the orcs is much better than that of human races. As long as the bunny family does not lack food, then the children will basically have no problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, the School of Pharmacy is in the territory of the Rabbitman, the School of Pharmacy The pharmacy apprentice pharmacists refining low-quality medicines, pills, etc., are still very effective against diseases. Sometimes as long as there are patients, the Pharmacy Association will give out medicines for free.

As for food, on the one hand, because of the investment brought by the Pharmacy Association, many rabbit people have jobs and can have food without having to go wild for adventure.

The other is the price of food. In the past, rabbit people couldn't buy human food at all. Now, don't want the cheap ones.

For these, the bunny people are most grateful not to believe in the **** of war or the like, but Cook. The bunny people are a weak race among the orcs, so the patriarch of the bunny people worships Cook very much, so he regards himself as Cook. 'S subordinate.

Of course, Cook is not a fool. The patriarch of Bunny’s attitude is intimacy, and he doesn’t see the outside. On the contrary, he feels very satisfied. The achievement of a leader is not to make his subordinates afraid of you. That is not a skill, but to make his subordinates not only You must be obedient, and you can’t see outside. Of course, not seeing outside does not mean that you are not big or small. The patriarch of Bunny knows when to say what to say. When it is serious, he must be serious. It looks like a joke should be a joke.

"Study, then you go back and memorize the knowledge about the identification of magic medicinal materials that I sent out." Cook said angrily.

"Yes, yes, thank you Speaker." The Bunny Chief received Cook's instructions and thanked him immediately, then took the Doug Chief and left.

The patriarch of the Doug was still stunned and screamed in his heart: "Cheating, this is cheating, and the examiner actually leaked the exam questions."

"Rabbit, let's go, I invite you to have a drink. I really want to thank you this time." Is the patriarch Doug a fool? Surely it will not, so he pulled the patriarch of the rabbit affectionately and said.

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