A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 795: upsurge

After the Bunnyman chief gave Cook things, he left, and the Bunnyman chieftain also quickly returned to the Bunnyman territory. The Bunnyman territory is now very prosperous, and there are countless merchants coming and going.

These Bunny patriarchs ignored them and went directly to the Presbyterian Church. Now the Bunny elders have a special place to live, and the elders have also come out to do things.

The announcement was quickly known by the Bunnyman Council. Of course, not only the Bunnyman Council, but the entire senior council of the Gods knew about the announcement, but after seeing the announcement, more than 99% of people didn’t believe it, yes. Yes, I don’t believe it is true.

The Mageweave Association, the Pharmacy Association, and the pawnshops, where are the places like the City of Paradise? That is Cook's core business, so he wants to invite outsiders?

Could something big happen, but it doesn’t make sense. Only the angels know why Cook is, but how could the angels tell such news? It’s worth several times in the city of the sky, and after it’s released, Will it attract Cook's anger?

So Cook's office was quickly overwhelmed, but after the first round, there was no one at the door of Cook's office. Why, because the news was confirmed.

The high-level officials who received the news were in a hurry, meeting, meeting, meeting again, selection, selection and selection, and then carefully read the announcement and thought that similar positions were reported.

As for the place of registration, it is in the Mageweave Association, but those who sign up need to write down their details, age, level, what they have done, etc., which is a detailed file.

Of course, the guarantor is indispensable. The guarantor is limited to members of the Council of Gods. This has been criticized by many ordinary people, but Cook has not been so atmospheric enough to let a guy with no background do these positions.

Some people say that this is not fair, haha, it is not fair in itself, and besides, people without backgrounds are not suitable for the position that Cook hires.

Take college students as an example. Some college students get an annual salary of hundreds of thousands when they come out, and some get an annual salary of tens of thousands. Some people say that this is unfair, and yes, it is unfair in itself.

Except for a small part of the annual salary of hundreds of thousands, it comes from the exchange of relationships and interests. Most of them are real materials. A very simple example. If you have to master a foreign language proficiently, then the salary is definitely better than that. The stammering is higher. If you can master two, three, or four, then the annual salary is not going up?

As for the effect of prestigious schools, some people think it is unfair, but have you ever thought about how much more resources are in education in prestigious schools than the average, although some of the resources invested will be taken into their pockets by some people, But even if it is left, it is much more than the average university, let alone the faculty of the prestigious school, let alone the annual results, the knowledge mastered by the students from such a prestigious school, I dare not say 100% There are many universities in general, but most of them are like this.

This is why Cook wants people with backgrounds, and the knowledge that people with backgrounds master, and the world he has seen, is really much more than ordinary people. (PS: Take the author as an example, I have not traveled abroad so far. I went to Jiuzhaigou once for a tourist. Nima is like a train station during the Spring Festival. Not to mention the food, and it’s expensive. The author is not incapable of traveling to foreign countries, but he does not understand foreign languages ​​and is afraid of being deceived. This is not enough knowledge, and of course he is timid.)

In other words, it is the background. Cook needs the kind that has the background and says something that shouldn’t be said. Even if Cook hires an ordinary person, if it messes up, Cook only stares, but has the background. If you have the strength, you have to consider whatever you do. This is why many mud legs have succeeded in history, because mud legs have no scruples in doing things. To put it bluntly, they are barefoot and are not afraid of wearing shoes. Everyone is empty.

The registration time is one month. This month, the mountains of the gods can be described as crowded. The mountains of the gods were originally crowded because the major headquarters are located here, the headquarters of the labor union, the headquarters of tax supervision, and the headquarters of the Magic Weave Association, the Pharmacy Association The headquarters and the pawnshop headquarters are large, and the headquarters of major chambers of commerce have also moved here one after another. Various temples have also established branches here, and various families have also established contacts here. Place.

There are also various large-scale adventurous organizations that have established their headquarters here, because the tasks released by the several associations under Cook are extremely rewarding, and the key is that there are points. This thing is not available to God. good stuff.

Not to mention the law of life drawn by Cooke. Every day the queue is full, so many departments, so many organizations, not to mention that many have to wait for orders from the Mageweave Association, and there are also apprenticeships for Mageweave. According to statistics, the population of the entire mountain of gods exceeds 60 million, which is more than ten times larger than the original mountain of gods.

Not to mention the consumption of 60 million people, not to mention the communication between so many organizations and forces. It is said that the daily consumption of ale in the mountains of the gods is enough to feed several large chambers of commerce.

After being harassed once, Cook explained that Kaluri paid close attention to the people who signed up in private. Kaluri was originally in charge of public security on the plane of hell, but the plane of **** is not suitable for human cultivation at all, so Cook changed to Bagh Lu, he simply hid and went to the Dark Plane. The situation on the Dark Plane is still the same. The only difference is that Cook's existence has been recognized by the Dark Plane. Cook came here because of the storm plains. The space storm is about to begin.

The main purpose of the Dark Plane of Cooke is to contain items that contain the laws of space in the Plains of Storms. As for the great elven empire built on the fortress, its interior is still being improved. As for the counterattack against the dark elven empire, hehe, don’t be affected by the dark elves. The empire attacked and laughed, still want to counterattack?

As for the Dark Moon Empire of Duke Addos, it is still the same. As for the big nobles of the Dark Elf Empire around the Dark Moon Empire, it is said that Duke Addos is even more eye-catching.

Just after Cook appeared in the Darkness, the Black Dwarf Kingdom heard the news. It is said that when the Black Dwarf King came out from Cook, he walked as if he was drunk.

Twenty sets of artifact plate armor were placed in the darkest secret room of the black dwarves. The dwarves of the Black Dwarf Presbyterian Church looked at the equipment obsessively.

"Sacred tool, worthy of it, look at this workmanship, this beautiful arc, and this sharp cutting edge." The short craftsmen are all very visionary.

"This kind of large-angled edge of the song can guarantee the edge, which is very conducive to hacking." The black dwarf king looked at the artifact axe in his hand, and was very happy, knowing that the king's axe looks the same, but it is a medium-grade artifact. People who don't use it don't know at all, so the king was the first to grab this axe, and the rest of the elders didn't even know the axe that looked the same, and its grade was completely different.

"Your Majesty." The surrounding elders were enthusiastic.

"One person, let us tear up the group of rotting lizards first." The dwarf king said.

"Tear them apart." The rest of the dwarves were excited.

"This time we want everyone to see the strength of our dwarves. Anyone who dares to offend our dwarves will be torn apart by us!" The dwarf king has absolute strength and power in the black dwarves. Here, the elders will What? Those are the king's cronies, completely different from the dwarf elders in the gods.

Rot lizards, social creatures, occupy an area of ​​the black dwarf territory. Rot lizards are highly venomous creatures. Their body fluids have a strong corrosive effect, especially on metals. The environment where the rotting lizards live is full of Corrosive mist.

The black dwarves hate the carrion lizards because these carrion lizards also like ore, so the place where the carrion lizards live is a rich mine. It was originally the largest mining area of ​​the black dwarves, but was later occupied by the carrion lizards. The black dwarves like to mine. The underground is good, but the mine does not mean that it is closed, there are exits, and some places collapsed by itself, and the underground water in the mine also needs exits, etc., which gave the rotting lizards a chance.

Besides, the problem of transportation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is connected to the mining area, it is generally not transported from the mine because of the limitations of the mine, and the difference between digging a transportation channel and building a road on the ground is needless to say, so Rot lizards occupied this huge mining area, and the number of black dwarf miners who died was as many as tens of thousands.

The rotten lizard uses this mining area as the core, and then slowly develops outward. In order to avoid the rotten lizard from attacking again, the black dwarf is a social creature that may migrate at any time, so it has been encircled and suppressed several times, which consumes countless resources, but The effect is not good, but there is no choice but to arrange sentries around to monitor the rotten lizards. In this way, sentries are attacked every year.

Rot lizards can already be regarded as a big trouble for the black dwarves, and the high-level dwarves equipped with twenty sets of full sets of artifacts have the confidence to deal with countless rotting lizards.

Of course not. The owner of these twenty sets of artifacts only serves as a cutting edge. As long as they rush into the mine, the black dwarves have methods. You must know that the black dwarves are very familiar with mine operations. All of them, not to mention anything else, as long as a big fire fills with smoke, even the poisonous rotten lizards will be smoked out.

The kingdom of black dwarves surrounds the rotten lizards and has made a lot of combat plans, but none of them failed, because assaults cannot go inside the mine. No matter what kind of equipment is corroded by the rotten lizards, it will cause different damages. The dwarf had to quit.

After the black dwarf king gave the order, the black dwarf's army began to gather, and then it was necessary to prepare for what to feed. The black dwarf's actions would definitely not be hidden from people from other countries.

The preparations of the black dwarf made the Dark Elf Empire, the Gnomish Kingdom, and the Dark Demon Empire a little uneasy. These three countries had some conflicts with the black dwarves. No one could not figure out that the black dwarves prepared like this. What are you going to do?

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