A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 797: transaction

"Of course." Cook replied casually.

Rosha almost fell to the ground when he heard Cook’s answer. Although Rosha was the prime minister of the Great Elf Empire, Rosha’s pressure was too great. To say something that shouldn’t be said, Rosha is just talking about this **** fortress. Tens of millions of people in an area have the right to rule. As for the armed forces scattered in other places in this area.

It is not that Rosha has no ability to subdue those weapons, but what the purpose of the fortress is to fight against the demons. Once the demons break through the fortress, it will really be over.

And there is the Dark Elf Empire watching. If the Dark Elf Empire really does something, Rosha will not have a chance to resist. Yes, Rosha doesn't dare to sleep at all, for fear that the sky will change when she wakes up.

So Rosha often walks around, the main purpose of which is to fear that his people will be instigated by the Dark Elf Empire, and his nerves have been tight. Although Cook is here, after all, Cook is not a member of the Great Elf Empire, and Cook Often not here, if the Dark Elf Empire makes a surprise attack, the Great Elf Empire will be over.

Therefore, Rosha’s pressure is not normal, it can be said to be frightening, but Cook just said casually, it means that the great elven empire is guaranteed, the sky city thing, the data from the Moonlight Wizard Association, that It's really amazing, it can be said to be very abnormal, and because of this, Rosha would just take the risk to ask.

Rosa felt as if she didn't have the slightest strength, but she couldn't help but yelled loudly, letting out the depression and depression in her heart for a long time.

"Hehe, don't get excited, in fact, I will charge, as for the details, you can go and find out..." Cook saw Rosha's appearance and knew it when he thought about it, hehe smiled.

"No, Speaker Cook, all the space objects in this stormy plain for 20,000 years belong to you." Rosha stated directly.

As for all the space objects of 20,000 years, it is difficult to calculate the specifics, but the quantity is definitely a lot. Cook nodded when he heard Rosa's promise. Is it actually Rosa's generous? It's not.

Rosha did this with profound meaning, that is to say, there are Cook’s interests here in Storm Plains. If Cook’s interests are affected, although Cook’s methods may not be too drastic, Rosha wants Buy equipment or something from Cook. There are also excuses for not.

So there are some things that cannot be seen on the surface. Of course, Cook is not an idiot. If Cook refuses, then Rosa will be very worried. Now Rosa saw that Cook did not refuse, and he was relieved.

Why? Because the great elven empire will definitely be able to become independent after 20,000 years. At this time, Cook’s help is not needed. Cook agreed, which means that as long as the great elven empire is not the first to repent, Cook and the great The relationship between the elven empires will continue.

After Rosha and Cook reached an agreement, Cook felt that being idle here was also idle, and he planned to build a Sky City for Rosha. Of course, Cook didn’t want to return to the God Realm. I can imagine going back now. died.

Another meaning of establishing the Sky City is that the Council of the Gods will sweep all known planes of monsters. On the opposite side of the Storm Plain, there are a huge number of monsters. If the monsters come together, Rosha’s Great Elf Empire It's not easy to defend without breaking. It used to be because of the dark elven empire as the backing, but now it doesn't. With this point of guard, the demons can charge a few times.

So from this standpoint, Cook must also help. After all, if the monster escapes here, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

"By the way, Rosha, why can't the demons come over on both sides of the storm plain?" Cook asked.

"Sir, the high mountains on these two sides are very dangerous. The highest peak is tens of thousands of meters high. Sometimes it will directly freeze the god-level strong people to death, sometimes it will roast people into jerky, and it is even more powerful. Wind, the wind there is very weird, even if it is an artifact, it won't last long. When encountering such a wind, it will be blown away." Rosha said when he heard Cook ask this.

"Is it always a mountain?" Cook nodded and asked.

"Of course not. Behind the mountain is a huge rift valley. This rift valley is very deep and its width is not known how wide it is. I won’t say anything. The key is that the rift valley also has that kind of wind from time to time. Legend has it that there are demons. The king's capital is gone, and there are no bones left." Rosha shook his head and said.

When Cook heard this, he nodded and did not continue to say anything.

The platform of the huge Sky City is parked behind the fortress, directly suspended in the air several hundred meters above the second level platform of the fortress.

Of course, there are few guards on the platform, there is no way, the big guy with a diameter of a thousand kilometers wants to be fully guarded, unless Rosha doesn't want the fortress anymore.

Rosha had that idea, but I can’t do it, because the fortress is the most important place to obtain space items. If there is no agreement with Cook, then Rosha just wants to station in the city of the sky, and then directly kill the darkness. There are many planes, let’s not talk about it. It’s always okay to get a site. After all, the properties of the dark plane are much richer than this plane. But because of the 20,000 years of space items owed to Cook, Rosha dare not say anything. Do that.

As for the guards of the Sky City, please, there are people working on it.

Cook set up a portal directly on it, and then asked the Mageweave Masters of the Mageweave Association to practice their hands. The Mageweave Masters were all anxious to go to the Dark Plane. Why?

Because everyone knows that the dark elves are more beautiful than the elves. The main thing is their figure. To be honest, the elves of the God Realm have taken off their clothes. They are all muscles and they have flat chests when they wear clothes. The dark elves are different, they have big breasts. , Big Ass, Dark Elf is one of the most beautiful races in the legend.

Four races of beauty, angels, dark elves, goblins, and banshees.

As for the beauties of the fox tribe and the butterfly tribe, they are not in the rankings, because the orcs are not very powerful. The more powerful women are, the more attractive they are to men.

Of course, this big thing is here, and the major forces on the dark plane will know right away.

Countless people are swearing at Cook in their hearts. Why? Although the Great Elf Empire is completely opposed to the Dark Empire, other races are very disgusted with the Dark Elves. Of course, whoever changes will regard themselves as inferior. People's race has no good feelings.

Therefore, the black dwarves, dwarfs, dark demons, trolls, ogres and other races have paid attention to the news of this sky city, and the Moonlight Mage Association has made a lot of money.

At first everyone thought that such a big guy would definitely take a long time to build, but now I get news that the Sky City that has been built takes no more than a year on average. What the **** is this?

When dozens of Mageweave Masters began to build the Sky City, everyone finally knew why the Sky City was built so fast. If these guys knew, if it were not for the progress of the Angels, the progress would be much faster here. .

Of course, Cook was only responsible for watching. Cook's attention was never in this regard. Intuition told Cook that the origin of space storms may not be that simple.

Fortunately, the portal here is just a portal connected to the Mageweave Association. Otherwise, Cook would be annoyed.

As time goes by, not only Cook, but many ordinary people feel a faint binding force around the body. This binding force is invisible and has no effect on the body, but it has a great impact on perception. Big, the perception is not so clear and accurate anymore. And the perception distance is constantly decreasing.

"It's coming, there will be at most a few days." Rosha looked at the storm plain in the distance, and it seemed so calm. By then, there were no creatures on the storm plain, and even the demons had been withdrawn one after another. .

This kind of space storm has not been experienced once or twice, but for the dark elves in the fortress, it is a carnival time, because the fortress does not need to be stationed, and no creature dares to cross the storm plain at this time.

The streets behind the fortress are full of dark elves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is also when the merchants on the street have their best business.

Due to the impact on perception, the Mageweave Masters who built the Sky City were also given a holiday by Cook, but these Mageweave Masters don’t want to return to the God Realm. These Mageweave Masters lived here very comfortably. Human beings are similar to human beings. Because of the problem of light, they are whiter. Under the shining of light, it is like snow. Of course, the dark demon and women are absolutely free. Of course, if there is enough exchange, hey, dark elf slave It can also be owned.

The Mageweave Masters of the God Realm rushed into the slave trade with all kinds of things, one by one, dark witch female slaves, and dark elf female slaves. Of course, there are also those who like men and dwarfs. , The dwarf female slave, of course, if anyone brings a dwarf or a dwarf female slave, they will be laughed at by people, so most people dare not challenge it.

So these Mageweave Masters who went back took the dark elf female slaves and the Dark Demon female slaves to show off in the God Realm. So the Mageweave Masters in the Mageweave Association made excuses to deliver goods, passed the portal, and then bought these female slaves. .

No one would have thought that the interaction between the Dark Plane and the God Realm actually started from here. In fact, Cook never thought that these Mageweave Masters would take people back, and the use of the portal inside the Mageweave Association did not stipulate whether It was quasi-carrying female slaves, and when she woke up, Cook couldn't stop her.

The prosperous female slave market allowed the Chamber of Commerce on the dark plane to earn a lot. In the eyes of these merchants, the value of these female slaves was not high, but in the eyes of the magic pattern master of the gods, this was extremely rare.

In the carnival, a space storm came, and on the walls of the fortress, you could see large swathes of light like waves, coming out of any place, and then intertwined with other light waves, looking very beautiful.

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