A Unique Hunter

Chapter 217: Transaction "No. 3"

By the way, I would like to inform readers that the book will be on the shelves tomorrow. Whether it is a VIP or not, please come and pay more. When the book was signed, I sent an application "I came for the perfect attendance award". With such a sentence, in addition, tomorrow’s update will be postponed until 7 pm, two updates together, each update is 3,500 words, I also do a wave! In addition, there are activities in the evening, so I updated it in advance. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. There will be no more nonsense in the future VIP chapters, sorry!

"Ancestor?" Cook was puzzled, he didn't know the man in front of him.

"Old ancestor Ernie!" the middle-aged man whispered, and then patted Cook on the shoulder affectionately.

Cook immediately understood, but Cook was puzzled. Ernie said that he was also a ninth level, and this grandson was also a ninth level, uh! The grandson of Ernie's grandson is also a ninth grade. It seems that the grandson of this grandson is still very afraid of Ernie. Cook hasn't spoken yet, and some people are not satisfied.

"President! You are not kind, we are here to buy the space ring, not to make a relationship." Someone immediately commented.

"Nonsense!" The president of the Thieves Union rolled his eyes, no way, there is no big group behind the people present, otherwise they won't sit in the position of elder.

"Mr. Cook, we heard that you have a batch of space rings for sale, so we old guys are here. You don't need to sell these things with fanfare. Don't worry, who will tell us old guys?" The president of the union patted Cook on the shoulder and said.

When Cook heard this, he gritted his teeth and looked for Lala's figure: "Damn, this is a group of high-ranking thieves. If anyone is not satisfied with the purchase, and stares at himself, I'm afraid I can't even save the underwear. "

"Hehe, don't be afraid, I know you have a way, and I know some things about the ancestors, but you also know that we people don't have the ability to get things out of the hands of the ancestors, but there is money." The president comforted Cook with earnest words.

"Do you know Grandma Lina?" Cook asked directly.

"Cough cough, cough cough! Don't talk nonsense, Grandma Lina's temper is not very good." The president of the Thieves Union quickly blocked.

"Originally there were only three, but looking at so many of you, I will take out a few more. There are only six in total!" Cook didn't leave any of them. There were originally eleven, Manly and ten cubic meters. , And Mickey got 20 cubic meters used by Cooke, Xiao Lei one eight cubic meters, and Lara one two cubic meters, leaving one maneuver and six more, of which Lina’s newly refined Not counting.


"Did I hear it wrong!"

"Oh my god, I must get one, whoever has this thing uses a space bag like garbage thing!"

The elders all began to talk, and Cook was in a cold sweat, because several elders were already discussing how much space ring the royal treasury needed. Cook quickly said: "Six space rings, three cubic meters in turn. Two of the four cubes, one of the five cubes, and two of the six cubes."

"Baron Cook, let's trade according to the auction method!" Someone said quickly, apparently this man is wealthy.

"Nonsense!" The rest of the people replied irritably, and a few others murmured in their hearts: "Look at the posture of the president, and you will get ties. If you trade privately, we're afraid we won't have a share."

"This is not good!" Cook said embarrassedly.

"It's so fair!" One of the short and fat middle-aged people jumped even higher.

"Luo Luofu! What do you have besides the money?" Someone is dissatisfied, what are you doing as a seventh-level thief jumping so high, you didn't see the eighth level, and the ninth level did not jump.

"Hmph, what's wrong with my money? I bought two six-cubes with 500 million gold coins." Luo Luofu said directly.

"Hey, hello, Luo Luofu, you are too shameless, buying one is enough." Someone jumped and cursed.

"Huh, I want to leave it to the younger generation as a family heirloom!" Luo Luofu replied with a big face.

"Damn it, 300 million gold coins are six cubic meters each." Someone yelled.

Next, Cook twitched with excitement, while Lara gritted his teeth on the side. In just such a short time, Cook directly earned a year's income from the Thieves Union, which means there is no money.

"Mr. Cook, I didn't buy anything for you this time. From now on..." It is a pity that the president of the Thieves Guild didn't buy one.

"Haha, good! But you also know the temper of Grandma Lina, but does your union have any rare magic metal?" Cook now doesn’t take these billions of gold coins seriously. In Cook’s view, this gold coin is basically It's worthless things, and rare magic metal is hard currency.

"Yes, yes! But they are all reserves of the union!" The president smiled like an old fox.

"I'm willing to buy at the market price plus 10%!" Cook didn't want to take these gold coins back, taking away still occupying space, and replacing them with magic metal. Cook hopes that he can make some ancient magic preparations, such as Cook's envy. Using wind copper, magic silver, and fine gold, the equipment can be manufactured at a speed of up to 1,000 kilometers per hour. Of course, the style of equipment can be chosen by yourself, which can be boots, skateboards, carriages, etc. There are many options depending on the amount of material.

There are also healing belts made of white-spotted glaze, and so on, something that Cook has to drool thinking about. So Cook solved the most basic food problem, so he built his own equipment. As for the original Phyliste Cook didn't expect Man this flying mount at all, it was a foodie.

"Okay! But this requires the elders to make a statement!" The president still wanted to make a decision.

"Shadow potion, perfect level, three bottles!" Cook said with gritted teeth.

"I agree!" An elder next to him immediately jumped up.

"I agree, and in view of the friendly relationship with Baron Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is recommended to sell at a cost price, Baron Cook, I am the boss of the Devil Mercenary Group, and our mercenary group has plans to enter the Baron. territory……."

"Nima!" The president of the thieves' union has the urge to vomit blood. This is not what it is to tear down the stage. I just wanted to make some conditions. I didn’t know that this group of **** voted directly. Nima, I don’t want to be the president of the party. The president has not yet issued a voting proposal, and the one who voted for two is faster than anyone else.

However, the president also knew that Cook’s network was extremely strong, and he immediately changed his tone: "Of course, Cook, you are not an outsider. We don’t talk about two things in our family. There is Magic Metal. Of course, these things are the strategies of major trade unions. Reserve supplies. Although our thieves’ union is not as strong as the wizard’s union, but these rare things our thieves’ union’s confidence is still acceptable.”

Cook almost rolls his eyes again. Who doesn’t know that the thieves’ union is so rich, these guys took things away without knowing it, and the necessary skill for thieves is to identify items, so it’s a rare item. One of them must be an appraiser, and the second is a thief, who dare to be a thief without a third-point vision!

"Okay, I won't take this gold coin." Cook directly returned the magic crystal card in his hand to the president of the wizards' union.

But when Cook took the list of bids, his eyes were stunned. He looked at everything in terms of grams, and there were many zeros behind the number, while Lara murmured: "These old guys are obviously At the expense of public interest, I sold it so cheaply."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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