A Unique Hunter

Chapter 218: Re-enter the Natal Mountains "First Watch"

"Expensive! Really expensive!" Cook walked out of the thieves’ union, and the billions of gold coins were exchanged for a piece of wind copper the size of a thumb, fine gold the size of a grain of rice, and magic silver the size of a mung bean. The price of wind copper is 200,000 grams, the magic silver is 250,000 grams, and the fine gold is 350,000 grams more expensive. That is, Cook’s 2.5 billion gold coins only purchased 3 kilograms of magic metal. Adamantite **** is two kilograms bigger.

"Oh, it seems that you have to find rare magic metals to make money!" Cook looked at the people in the surrounding streets again. Maybe these people will never see the concept of 2.5 billion gold coins in their lifetime. But then Cook shook this idea out of his head. Everyone has his own way of living. It is impossible for a bird to impose his own method on the head of an insect. On the contrary, it is impossible for an insect to replace itself with the method of a bird.

As Cook walked, he figured out what materials are needed for a flight equipment. The main materials are available. Then different materials are used according to the design. Cook thought about it and decided to use flying boots. This thing is concealed enough. If you don’t turn on the flight function, you are definitely not known to outsiders. Of course, you need magic flying boards to pull the wind, but it's only a fool to expose the cards too early.

"The fur of wind-type monsters!" Cook got the answer from Skyeye. He also needs the fur of wind-type monsters. Of course, it has blood, magic core, and tendons. But Cook is entangled. The material of wind-type monsters is so. What's so good? The most difficult thing to deal with is the Wind-type Warcraft.

Cook wandered around the market in the Magic City, but did not find the materials of the wind-type monsters, because the more advanced the materials, the higher the flight speed. Cook spent billions of gold coins to buy materials, it is impossible to use one. Use the materials of the third-level wind wolf as auxiliary materials, unless Cook is crazy, you must know that once the magic items are successfully refined, even if there is a decomposing magic circle in the ancient base, the recyclable items are less than 15% of the original value. Of course Not counting energy consumption, and only the ancient base owned by Cook has this function, and the rest have not heard of it.

"Why don't you buy some damaged strange items and decompose them, anyway, the base can't use up the energy?" Another thought came to Cook's heart.

Cook returned to the academy and stayed with Mickey for one night. Of course, Xiao Lei posted Cook again. There was no way. This little guy was addicted to eating magic crystal coins. He couldn't beat a thunder a day. Cook had no choice but to be his daughter. Keep it, after all, Cook's heart is the age when he likes children.

What surprised Cook was that Kaka finally advanced again. With the hard support of Cook’s magic crystal coins, Kaka finally reached the second level, but it was still gray and unremarkable, but its defense was better than before. It has been improved by at least three times, and the power is even stronger than the power of ordinary monsters, and KaKa finally has the first talent, magic immunity, primary magic immunity, and complete immunity!

"Tsk tusk, they are all freaks!" Mickey sighed after hearing Cook's exchange with Ka Ka.

"Hehe, in fact, KaKa's body is harder than refined iron now. This is a good thing!" Cook carefully felt KaKa's body's defense power, and there was a certain comparison.

"It's too small, if it's bigger," Mickey said with a pity.

"This is your fault. No species is perfect. There are always flaws of this kind." Cook did not agree with such words.

Mickey smiled and didn't argue with Cook, Cook immediately asked: "Father, mother is all right!"

"All good, I can't see that Uncle Hill is quite business-minded. Now learning business with Uncle Gerry, Lily has also entered the noble school." Mickey said with a smile.

"Where is your brother?" Cook asked with concern, holding Mickey in his arms.

"I entered the Magic Academy with Lily, but it was a headache. She always bullied other children." Mickey said to her brother, with a headache.

"Hehe, boy!" Cook felt family affection, and the warm environment made Cook linger.

Cook stayed at Mickey's all night, and left early the next morning. Cook didn't go home easily now. The relationship with him was too great. No one knew if he had his eyes staring secretly. Cook went straight back. The territory, of course, brought back a set of large-scale material purification equipment, as well as 100,000 catties of corn wine.

Cook did not bring these things back to Blackstone Town, but brought them back to the Golden Pass. This is now the safest place in Cook's territory. Nearly a thousand orcs, and dozens of Frost Titans, these are all extremely powerful. Combat effectiveness.

"Awakening Potion! Damn it, why am I so busy!" Cook saw Frost Titan and slapped his forehead. The Awakening Potion must be refined quickly. Every more awakened Frost Titan is in his own territory. It’s a solid one, but now the Mage’s Union and all the unions are trying their best to purchase the materials for the Awakening Potion. Cook hasn’t even seen a trace of the materials. Cook only has his eyes on the Warcraft Forest, the Natal Mountains and the Tor The highlands of Tisnia, where there are endless magic medicinal materials and materials of warcraft.

"But first you have to get the flying magic equipment well, and there is also a means to save your life." The thieves' union was extremely fast, and the thieves branch began to be established in the territory the next day, and Lala also served as the branch president of the branch here, so Cook was relieved to prepare the materials, and the liquor was also handed over to the troll Luo Cuo for management by Cook. Compared to humans, Luo Cuo, who signed the master-servant contract, made Cook more at ease, and of course he was more assured. The drink of the troll clan is not as large as that of the ogres, even if they drink secretly, they don't drink much.

Cook feels that there is nothing to worry about in the domain. The Golden Pass is designed by the dwarf, and the Frost Titan and the dwarf craftsman jointly construct it. As for Blackstone Town, the dwarf is more eager than himself, and the bandits in the domain will have a hard time this winter. Manli brought a group of Bagru Redhoofs and more than a thousand people from the Smurf mercenary group to annihilate.

"How long is the Lord Baron going?" Tatadona asked with a smile, her face a little weird, because the wind-type monsters have materials in his own tribe, but Cook looks for wind-type monsters and also needs to find materials for the awakening potions. Tadona didn't tell Cook.

"It won't be long, about a month or so, and in another month, the Natal Mountains should be closed." Cook plans not to go out for too long. After all, the New Year cannot be missed. Dou Qi also has a suppressive effect.

"Then let Sinta accompany you?" Tatadona asked worriedly.

"No, the establishment of the Golden Pass is the most important thing. It is also important to prevent barbarians and berserkers. If you have one more person, you will have more combat power." Cook did not relax, knowing that there are some arrogant famous people around his territory. Races, including dwarves. Of course, the most powerful are the orcs, but Cook is a little relieved that the orcs' power center is not so powerful, and even the army is basically organized in tribes.

Tatadona smiled. In fact, Tatadona is very relieved that Cook will go out alone. This has something to do with Felice Deman. The name of Felice Deman is within tens of thousands of kilometers around the Natal Mountains. They are all very famous, of course, bad reputation, robbers, gangsters, etc., that means her, and Cook can make Phyllis Deman deflated, so dealing with other monsters should not be a problem.

Cook left quietly. Cook didn't look for it aimlessly. The last time Cook looked for Frost Titan, he found several suspicious locations. This time Cook was not only looking for Wind-type Warcraft , And look for the thorn dragon. Cook needs to refine the dragon’s power potion. If he finds it, he must find Bra. This is a free thug, and Bra also needs the dragon’s power potion. Of course, it is the earth type dragon. The blood of Warcraft.

On the first day, Cook passed by in constant rush, because here is still the edge area of ​​the Natal Mountains, there are no powerful guys at all, of course, if it is not for taking the dragon power potion, relying on the cook area. Level hunter, I am afraid that he still dare not come, and Cook now has almost half of the power of the fifth level thorn dragon, coupled with the arrows created by the dwarves, the second and third level guys basically meet and die.

"It's really comfortable, but it smells a bit fishy." Cook curled up in a tree hole above a big tree held by several people. This is the home of a second-class fire leopard. As for the fire leopard, it became Cook's trophy. The fire leopard hadn’t reacted yet, and was directly penetrated by a bone-piercing arrow through his forehead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook with magic eyes in the forest is almost the same as the perspective plug-in in a battle game, hundreds of meters away Cook can see the magic wave.

Cook was eating while calculating: "A piercing arrow is three hundred gold coins. The core of this fire leopard is only dozens of gold coins, but the fur this autumn is already considered good, probably worth one hundred and fifty. Gold coins, I have lost a hundred gold coins after this calculation? Grandma's, it's not worthwhile to fight like this."

Cook calculated and found that he was at a loss, so he took out the ordinary fine iron arrow from the space ring, then jumped out of the tree hole, wandered around, finally found a white stem, red leaf weed , Cook picked the weed with a tool, and then took out some miscellaneous solutions and began to configure it, but within ten minutes, a small half bottle of viscous brown liquid appeared in the crystal bottle.

"Hey, the most inferior poison, but also the most effective." Cook drew out 20 fine iron arrows, stained them with venom one by one, and put them in the quiver on his back.

"Huh! Someone was following me. This camouflage technique is good. I don't know where the friend is?" Cook washed the tools with the water in the kettle. When he poured the cleaned water, Cook found that it was two hundred meters away. There were actually two humanoid lights and shadows moving in the place, but they were invisible to the naked eye, and Cook muttered, shrinking his head.

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