A Unique Hunter

Chapter 219: The Eternal Soul "Part 2"

Today's two updates are over, please taste it!

But it was too late when Cook found out. The sound of Cook pouring water from the cave to the outside has clearly attracted two figures. Cook saw from the faintly moving two humanoid lights and shadows that they were almost relying on trees. The cover came close to myself.

"Damn!" Cook looked at the quick movements of the two guys and the occasional light and shadow of the humanoid. Cook knew that this was blocked by the trees, which made the magic eye unable to see it. It was like this in the forest.

And Cook doesn’t dare to be careless now, because according to the president of the Thieves Guild, the fluctuation of the fighting spirit magic of some families is originally small, but the power that erupts is not small at all, because the damage of the fighting spirit is not only based on the strength of the fighting spirit. , In fact, the most powerful force of fighting energy depends on explosive power. The more fighting energy that bursts out in an instant, the damage will double upwards.

Cook cursed secretly and slipped down from the tree hole. Then he slapped his buttocks and hurried towards the depths of the jungle, because Cook discovered that he was facing two thieves or two assassins. Because the two are almost invisible under Cook’s naked eyes, of course, with the magic eye to compare, Cook still found the hiding place of the two, but Cook did not dare to stay, facing high-level thieves or assassins, close to the hands It's not Cook's strong point.

"Damn boy!" Looking at the back of Cook disappearing into the jungle, two figures emerged from the jungle, and one scolded angrily.

"Be careful, don't be so loud. We have a major task this time. The target person is specified by the high level of the union, but this kid is too abnormal. He dares to go deep into the Natal Mountains alone." A person is a bit older, but he looks like an ordinary adventurer, the kind of guy who takes his life to risk and then throws all the gold coins earned into the wine glasses and dancers in the tavern.

I didn’t speak anymore. I tried my finger with a silver stick in front of the water that Cook just poured, and then carefully distinguished: "Hehe, it is poison, but it is the most common. The poison of Gutweed, it seems that this kid is still a qualified hunter."

"Hey, what's wrong with the grass, although this kind of junk poison is very poisonous, but the antidote is also everywhere." The other looked around for a while, and then found a thumb-sized plant with emerald green leaves, and then Excavated the root part, took it with him, and handed it to another person.

"Shoo!" At this moment, there was a squeaking sound, and the two immediately squatted to the ground.

"Boom!" A muffled sound rang from the big tree next to the two of them. When they saw, an arrow was shaking its tail on the trunk of a big tree, and the arrow sticks into the wood.

"Damn, how did this kid find us." The two whispered inwardly. Now they don't dare to move randomly, but they have to move at any time to avoid the arrows suddenly shot from the forest. You must know that the jungle is the world of hunters.

And Cook sneered a few kilometers away: "With such an arrow, I'm afraid I don't dare to follow it again!"

Cook’s idea was indeed correct. The two assassins were scared by Cook’s cold arrow and hardly dared to follow up. However, half an hour after Cook left, a team of fifteen people joined two people. , And then quickly followed the traces of Cook's movement.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully." Cook took a rest directly on the tree this time with a sleeping bag. This sleeping bag not only insulates the human breath, but also keeps warm and prevents mosquitoes.

"Ziz. Ziz!" But after Cook hadn't fallen asleep, there was a burst of torn sound from the sleeping bag.

"Kaka. Be careful..., it was broken by you again, you..., what, many people have come!" Cook was just confused, and immediately saw a big hole in the sleeping bag, and Kaka drilled from outside. When I came in, Cook was speechless. How could this sleeping bag be able to guard against a perverted guy like Ka Ka, but then Ka Ka opened his teeth and danced his claws. Anyway, it didn't have enough claws, and he counted it round after round, Cook Quickly opened the sleeping bag and looked away from the tree.

"That's right, the lingering guy, I don't know that disturbing people's sleep is very impolite." Cook took a look and quickly slipped away. At least a dozen people pulled away hundreds of meters. Distance, the first two are even vaguely holding magic bows and crossbows, it's strange that Cook doesn't run away.

The people behind him were even more surprised. A slender archer found the captain of this action depressed: "Captain, can you be sure that the target is just a second-level hunter? He has been tracking most of the night. , I didn’t even see a personal shadow. If it weren’t for a high-level assassin’s discovery, we would have thought it was a high-level hunter.

"Yes, it was passed back to the union from the most secret channel. You don’t know that there is at least a master of pharmacy behind this kid, so it’s no wonder that some pharmacy supports it. Once we finish his pharmacy, it’s not a hand. Hold it." The captain also looked like an ordinary adventurer, but the two gray daggers worn on his body made everyone afraid to look down on the captain.

"Master of Pharmacy, Captain, aren't we dead." The archer jumped up and said loudly.

"There is no way. Do you know why you are looking for this person? It is because the target person provided a lot of invisible potions for those despicable thieves. Therefore, in the past two months, the number of clients entrusted by our Assassins Guild has decreased a lot. The **** thief actually made a few big deals with the invisible potion. In the underground trading world of the entire plane, he made a big show, which reduced the income of our union, and we had to find this goal. The character, and then also get the invisible potion, let those **** thieves die." The captain was obviously depressed for a long time, and said a lot at once.

"Captain, if this is the case, we will catch up with it openly, so following may have the opposite effect." Then the archer suggested.

When the captain was reminded like this, his eyes lit up, and then he said loudly: "The whole team is going forward at full speed, don't worry about being exposed."

In this way, Cook has suffered. One day and night, Cook can faintly hear the voice of fighting spirit breaking through the air behind him. Cook cursed secretly: "Why, so arrogant, who is this? Damn it. Going forward should be the territory of middle-to-high-level monsters, and then it won’t hurt Lao Tzu, no, you have to find a way.

Don't mention Cook secretly cursing, the chaser behind him also shouted insults: "This **** intelligence department, is this a second-level hunter? Lao Tzu, a sixth-level assassin, can't catch up with people, **** it!"

"Hu Chi, Hu Chi, that is, my poor archers, and also five, even a two hunters to catch up, this is what he do a thing ah!" And around the archers also wheezes loudly call airway.

"Really, let's not wait for them, just look at us. If you encounter a powerful monster, you won't be able to finish it, wait for the warrior and magician." Another archer suggested.

"Okay, hoo!" When a few people heard this voice, they immediately got down, and then their eyes showed surprise.

"Come on, guys, this kid must not be able to stand it anymore. You know the union has offered a reward of 300,000 gold coins!" One of them immediately suggested.

"Chong, thanks to our two intermediate-level archers, three sixth-level assassins can't get a hunter?" The rest of them immediately roared as soon as they heard 300,000 gold coins.

"Chong!" The few people nodded, and immediately burst into anger and rushed in the direction where the arrows were shot.

"Multiple arrows!" Two of the archers glanced at each other. One of them directly transported the fiery vindictiveness, then set up five arrows, and slammed towards Cook’s location, because the archer’s The eyes were sharp, and the two had spotted Cook.

Cook originally saw that there were only five people, just like a test, but unexpectedly stabbed a hornet's nest, the five immediately burst into anger and rushed over, and then five arrows attached to the flames hit him back. .

"Damn it!" As soon as Cook looked at the trajectory of the five arrows attached to the fighting spirit, he knew that after he was sealed, his left and right retreats forced him to approach them, but is Cook an ordinary person? It's not.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Cook directly drew out a fine iron arrow, then draws the bow, winds it, and directly shoots at the grudge attachment arrow that blocks his retreat.

The archer who fired multiple arrows immediately laughed at Cook’s movements: "Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~Haha, this idiot, actually wants to break arrows with arrows. Doesn't this rookie know that? The success rate is less than ten thousandths...impossible, impossible, this is monstrous!"

However, the archer hadn’t finished speaking, he saw that his arrow that blocked Cook’s retreat was severely hit by Cook’s arrow, and then continued to fly for about 30 meters crookedly and landed on On the ground on one side, there was a bang, which directly blew the grass on the ground. The archer immediately jumped up and roared with wide eyes.

"Guide the arrow!" The other person had already prepared and shot an arrow with a roar.

"Damn! I can release the archery cheats of the elves and guide the arrows!" Cook quickly turned around, staring closely at the guy who shot the arrow, and then Cook almost squirted blood.

Cook almost jumped up and cursed: "Asshole, Nima's **** guides the arrow, and I take an arrow!" Cook was fooled by the archer. It was just an ordinary arrow, but when Cook paused, three The assassin approached Cook 20 meters away. Cook could see the excitement in the eyes of the three of them. Cook shot an arrow at the deceptive archer with all his strength, and then continued to run, but who Did not notice that a spider fell from Cook's body into the bushes, quietly widening his eyes and watching the three assassins approaching him, waving his tiny feet vigorously.

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