A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 822: Mind

As a result, the class organized by Cooke became even more lofty. The more lofty the class, the more other forces worked hard to get the Cypriots in the class, but Cook no longer accepts people. After all, this is Cook. Energy is limited. As for Cook's strength, status, and the face of Xiongzi, everything is a cloud.

In addition, it means that high-level circles have a characteristic, they must be compelling, yes, the number of people should be limited, such restrictions, such restrictions, the more restrictions, the more rules, the more lofty, just like the aristocracy in China in the past, of course, The nobles of the past in China have disappeared since Zhu Yuanzhang’s clay legs rebelled. Of course, there were other families and the like. Zhu Yuanzhang’s clay legs can’t pass it anymore. Zhu Yuanzhang actually got the support of the big family, just how to say it, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't make sense, and killed the donkey. Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang was the first, not the last. Of course, the starting point was to follow Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, but it didn't succeed.

Therefore, the circle that Cook created for his descendants, of course, also needs a certain degree of compulsion. The more you do this, the more others admire, and the more itchy.

Cook also keeps learning the world's words from the little demon, but what makes Cook a bit of a headache is that a single word can be recognized by Cook, but the connected words are extremely obscure. Of course, I think some people’s suggestions on the Internet are very difficult. Well, the classical Chinese essay is tested for the sixth level of Chinese, and the eight-legged essay is tested for the eighth level.

In addition, there seems to be a formation, the eight palaces of gossip, what other positions such as A, B, C, Ding Zi Chou, and in each position, there are also such things as civil and military corruption, and there are many changes.

As for the heart method, it involves acupuncture points, but what makes Cook confused is that this acupuncture point Cook only saw an acupoint map in the doctor’s office when he was seeing a doctor, and he could probably remember several important acupuncture points because of these points. The acupuncture points are said to be fatal.

"Yongquan, um, it's here, there are also Jianjing points, here... but what's the matter with the eight channels of the odd meridian?" Cook was very crazy. In fact, these things are the most common knowledge in the gods. Every schoolman knows everything, but Cook doesn't.

In the end, Cook knows part of himself, part of it, and a strange posture (PS: The following postures are nonsense, don’t learn, don’t blame me for being crazy.)

Cook's whole person is sideways in water, the palm of his left hand is placed on the inward curve of his right elbow, the palm of his right hand is placed on the knee of his left leg, and then his left leg is lifted up, and the palm of his left leg is placed on the knee of his right foot.

"Circular, is this Nima clockwise or counterclockwise? Naturally, clockwise." As for the final direction of rotation, Cook was very entangled, and then Cook started clockwise.

"But the people in the big world pay attention to changing their lives against the sky, will it be counterclockwise?" Cook has a guilty conscience again.

So the little demon was asked by Cook again, and the little demon said silently: "It's still against the sky. When you cultivate your mind, you are all scum. You are against the sky. Believe it or not that a thunder tribulation will turn you into ashes?"

The little demon's statement made Cook agree with him, but Cook thought that if this Nima's high-end goods is different, Cook made a crazy move: "Experiment, test and see. Use that."

In fact, Cook can also think that, just like a car, you can drive in reverse, but the speed, tut, as for the collision, of course, this mentality is not a car, but just a metaphor.

"The guidance of divine mind starts from the pubic area and enters..." Cook meditated on his mind.

"You have a sense of breath?" Cook waited until the sense of breath walked around, and then Cook opened his eyes. In fact, Cook didn't know that sense of breath is mainly a way of training his mental power. There will be a sense of breath, in fact, when it reaches a certain level, that is the energy in the body.

"Can't absorb energy, if I go to the big world in the future, wouldn't it be the case, I fuck, what is going on, how does this feeling of anger move on its own?" Cook then found a very terrible problem, that is After one lap, Cook did not lead, and he was still whizzing and spinning by himself.

Of course, Cook will not know advanced mentality. For the first time, you have to do the big and small weeks, and the talents that can do the small weeks are quack quack, those who can do the big weeks, tsk, the dragon among the people, the small weeks 36 times, the big weeks 360 times, and of course the acupuncture points are also Not the same, Xiao Zhoutian is in the chest, abdomen and brain, and Big Zhoutian is the whole body. (PS: I understand it personally.)

Of course, according to the experience of the big world, the greater the number of weeks that the Qi sense runs for the first time, the higher the talent. Why? It is actually very simple. Xiao Zhou Tian has hundreds of acupuncture points, and each acupuncture point Qi sense. All have to go through. This requires divine consciousness, that is, the control of mental power. This is like work. As long as you have seen it once, you will behave decently. It is also like learning. Learning is talented. , The teacher can understand it once, but the talent is not good, tut.

The same goes for the running days of the week. The more days there are, the stronger the divine consciousness represented. And the control of spiritual power is not generally strong, but when Cooke is here, there is no experience to use, because Cook is old after all, and has a foundation, and spiritual control can reach a microscopic level.

The other is Cook’s mental power protection necklace. This thing can not only protect against mental attacks, but also replenish mental power when mental power is weak. In addition, there is also a wizard book. Cook’s laboratory has a level 9 fire specialization. The Wizarding Book is here, and there are soul crystals in these countless books, so Cook ran the Great Zhoutian counterclockwise for at least a thousand times according to his mental method, and then Cook woke up mentally exhausted.

"Fuck, evil door, this sword fetus is also the same. Every time I can't enter the mental power to consume a bottom line, it will not bring me out. This is the same way for Nima's mental operation." Cook said in his heart.

But Cook did not absorb vitality, because according to the mental method. It is to absorb the vitality of the big world. Cook dare not absorb the energy of the small world. Who knows the compatibility is not compatible. This is like the principle of gasoline engine and diesel engine, but you can try adding diesel to the gasoline engine?

So Cook is just a sense of breath running, and the sense of breath moves around acupuncture points, so Cook's body feels a lot sharper.

Cook cleaned himself up, and then fell asleep. After Cook woke up, he walked out of the laboratory slowly.

"It's great." Cook hasn't slept well for a long time. After all, there is a wife or a beautiful maid by his side. Cook is not without that function, and these maids and wives also want to squeeze Cook, after all, cook for Cook. Having children is the most serious thing. Of course, women who have children may not be anxious, but those who do not have children must be in an urgent mood. After all, Cook’s wealth will be inherited by children in the future. If there are no children, then it must be Not much property.

"Tsk. It's been three days. It seems that cultivation is indeed like this." Cook muttered to himself while eating all kinds of delicacies. Cook knew that he probably slept for less than ten hours, and the rest of the time is also Said to be in motion.

"Huh." After Cook finished eating, he held the sword fetus in his hand, and suddenly Cook felt that the sword fetus was a little different.

"Go." Cook threw the sword fetus up, and then threw it towards a tall crystal cup in the distance. Then Cook found that he could feel the sword fetus and could vaguely control it.

"Ding!" The Sword Titus touched the crystal cup lightly, making a crisp sound, and then turned back all at once, returned to Cook, just floating in front of Cook's eyes.

"Divine Mind, Divine Mind is the key to controlling the sword fetus." Cook found that he had discovered the key thing to control the sword fetus.

After that, Cook studied carefully and found that his mental power had increased by more than 10%, and to say that his mental power had just entered the microscopic realm before, he was at least above the entry level.

"This mental method is the way to exercise mental power." Cook later understood that although the increased spiritual power is related to the absorption of the soul crystals on the protective necklace, of course, more importantly, in the continuous cycle of the sense of breath, This is equivalent to training mental power, and this training consumes a small amount of energy, and most of the energy of the absorbed soul crystal is also absorbed by the entire soul and transformed into a part of divine consciousness.

After I figured it out, Cook was going to teach it to his own women. Cook was not stingy about this. To say that Cook's mental power and strength are very different, then Cook's women also face this problem.

"Experimental product." But Cook will not act rashly. In addition, Cook also wants to try to see if he can do it clockwise. Of course Cook is counterclockwise.

Elenda and Lucy are all right to follow Cook to the God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no way, no one who dares to charge Cook’s personal maid’s transmission fee, I don’t want to mix it up, so Cook is in the dark plane The maid travels between the God Realm and the Great Elf Empire, it is as convenient as going to the market, and buying things, cough cough, who dares to ask for high prices!

Elenda and Lucy were called to the laboratory by Cook, and Cook said directly: "Take off your clothes."

"Master, is it here?" Elenda and Lucy wanted to do something with their masters a long time ago. After all, a master like Cook is unique, and if they give birth to a male and a half female, then It's heaven, so every time Cook goes to the Great Elf Empire, a few maids wear very **** clothes and wait for Cook to take a bath. That means obviously, master, go to me, go to me.

But Cook generally doesn't move. After all, the relationship is a bit awkward.

"Of course." Cook knew that Elenda and Lucy must be thinking about their hearts, but Cook nodded and said without the slightest embarrassment.

So the two dark demon girls took off their clothes three times and then looked at Cook. Elenda thought that when she was being trained, she saw those shameful poses. Elenda looked around. Look, except for the wall, Elenda's face is blushing at the thought of the posture on the wall.

"You are optimistic. I will ask you to do an experiment this time. The experiment is successful. You can say anything. If you don't succeed, you are still a maid." Cook picked up the clothes and drew the body, and the above is the mental operation diagram, and then one by one I explained to Elenda and Lucy. Of course, the actual teaching was done. Of course, the dark demon girl has a great figure, and her skin is smooth and elastic. Because there is no sunlight, it is even more white. She was pointed and touched by Cook, it was red in white, but Cook's concentration was very strong, explaining to the two women one by one.

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