A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 823: teach

Rot memorization of acupuncture points is very simple, but it is difficult to understand. So after Cook taught for several days, Elenda and Lucy finally remembered the route and acupuncture points that the mind must travel through.

The next step is the sense of qi. If you understand it by yourself, it is probably too difficult for people in this small world, because the meaning of Chinese characters sometimes cannot be expressed in the language of the gods. The translated meaning It's different again.

So Cook had to use his mental power to guide Elenda and Lucy's aura. With Cook's guidance, it should be easy, but it is difficult.

Of course, what Cook doesn’t know is that most people start to practice the Mind Method. It’s all small weeks. When Cook comes up to prepare for Elenda and Lucy, one performs the exercises clockwise and the other performs exercises counterclockwise. Ku Go to see the effect.

After ten days of tossing, Elenda finally successfully marched for a big week. Elenda held Cook with excitement: "Increase, double the mental power."

Elenda also knows how difficult it is to increase mental power. It is precisely because the mental power is very low that Elenda will become a slave, otherwise she will not be a slave.

Lucy is a little depressed. Lucy's mental power has not increased, but the increase is only 10%, which is similar to Cook's.

Cook was also very depressed in his heart: "It seems that I was wrong?"

Cook wanted to continue to find someone to experiment, but Elenda held Cook, so he didn’t let go, and kissed Cook’s big mouth with a small mouth. Of course, Cook is not a gentleman, for the past ten days. Time can be regarded as torture for Cook, because he has to point the acupuncture points, so the two maids are red fruits. Cook also marked them with ink. At the end Cook said a point name, and Elenda and Lucy would Pointing to the acupuncture points, of course, there are some sensitive acupuncture points. Cook saw that the firepower was rising, but Cook knew that once the fire was opened, it would delay the progress of the test, so Cook had to endure it.

Two beautiful dark demon maids were eaten by Cook in this way. Of course, the status of the two maids was slightly improved. At least they were paid, that is, the two maids had income. Before, there was no income.

Of course, it was only the maid of the Dark Demon who could not feed Cook enough. Cook returned to the God Realm, and found Mickey again, and made Mickey ready to practice his mind.

For Mickey’s mind, it’s not important to remember acupuncture points. Cook directly guides Mickey’s body. Mickey’s mental power is good and she is a professional magician, so her mental power control is also very strong. Putting on the mental protection necklace, Mickey performed the exercises for the first time, and went through the big week 36 times before waking up exhaustedly. It was already a day.

"Cook, where did this secret method come from?" The sudden increase in mental power made Mickey very surprised. Now Mickey is no longer that little girl. There is almost no secret method to increase spiritual power in this world. Why is it almost gone. Maybe there is. But no one revealed it.

"This is from the upper realm. Remember, you can only use mental power when this is running. Don't carry energy. Otherwise, the fruit is unimaginable." Cook told Mickey, and then took the human body acupoint map, of course The acupuncture point diagram of the exercises was explained to Mickey. The magician’s memory is top-notch, plus Cook’s guidance. Of course, after pointing, Cook will inevitably have a fight with Mickey again. No way, now. Mickey's whole person is full of noble temperament. Of course, Cook knows that this is taught by the etiquette teacher Mickey's butler finds for Mickey. Of course, Mickey is not like other female magicians. Mickey pays great attention to physical exercise. Qi has a lot of time, because Mickey does not need to waste time for the resources needed by the magician, other magicians cannot. Of course, with Cook’s guidance, the better the magician’s physique, the upper limit that the magician can increase The higher, this point was completely ignored in the past, because Cook knew that only a person's physique was stronger, and the soul would be stronger.

Mickey’s success allowed Cook to guide other women's mental skills, of course, they all run clockwise. The effect of this mentality is very obvious. At the beginning, the basic mental power is doubled, and then it will be restored to a small extent. For growth, an increase of about 0.01% for one big week is actually quite a lot. After all, dozens of big days can be run a day, which is a fraction of a percent increase.

Some people say that a few tenths of a percent is too low, but you have to know what level of Cook’s women are. It’s not good to say that you take one hundred yuan for business, and a few tenths of a percent increase every day. It can be achieved at will, but if you have 10 billion, say 0.3% a day, then three days is one%, and 300 days is one hundred%. It doubles in a year and reaches 20 billion. This can't be good at all.

This growth does not depend on other things, but on the base. Some people say that Wang Da Lian took 5 billion yuan, not much. How much he would make for a pair of gloves for two yuan, hehe, this is certainly a joke, but it also shows a base. The lower the base, the higher the interest rate. Why is the increase in foreign GDP so low? That is because the base of others is high. Some people say, alas, we are the second largest economic entity. Sao Nian, don’t listen to these bragging words, or that sentence. The country’s prosperity is not based on whether the country is rich or not, but on national treatment. This is the fundamental thing. Of course, the treatment of our citizens is still good. You are not in the right place, so go to sleep. Didn't you look at the order of the words party discipline and national law?

However, Cook later discovered from numerous data that his counterclockwise movement mentality, although the growth was slow for the first time, the increase was a few tenths per cent for each major week, which was three times higher than the other clockwise ones. Counting down this way, after a long time, the amount increased by running counterclockwise.

This is how the mentality of the big world spreads in the **** realm. The mentality was originally meant to be supplemented by vitality, but because this is a small world, Cook lied that it was a secret method to exercise mental power and could not be contaminated with energy.

As for it is still very depressed, because half of the increased divine consciousness that runs the mind every day is absorbed by the sword tire in the dantian. Of course, if the effect is there, Cook's remote control ability on the sword tire has increased a lot, whether it is speed or distance.

And Cook also discovered an extremely important feature of the sword fetus, that is, visibility, which means that Cook's spirit is attached to the sword fetus. Cook knows the situation within a certain distance around the sword fetus.

"It's no wonder that the man can hit the tail of a bird on the mountain hundreds of kilometers away. It turned out to be the speciality of the sword fetus." Cook also thought about it clearly. Every time the man in the sword fetus uses this trick, why is it so awesome Up.

Cook originally thought it was that kind of cheap flying object, but then discovered that it was actually an advanced drone, carrying not only cameras but also weapons.

It's just that the sword fetus does not have the spirit element injection, and it does not have much power. It can only be shot out as a projectile, and without the spirit element, it is impossible to forge the sword fetus with the spirit element. Spiritual essence refers to the energy of the absorbed vitality transformed into itself.

The increase in mental power of a few tenths of a percent has allowed Cook and a large group of people around Cook to advance by leaps and bounds. Of course, this has also attracted a lot of interested people.

Why did Cook spread this mentality like this. Cook is mainly to collect experimental data. In addition, for Cook, there is no secret or confidentiality at all. Of course, only the closest ones. Cook will explain what acupuncture points and the like. Other people, including some maids, Cook Just give them guidance, and then let them follow this operating route. As for asking why, Cook will not answer at all.

Why would anyone notice this? It’s mainly because Cook is now a celebrity. If you don’t believe me, look at the news. What’s there for those celebrities, eat a meal, have a gunshot, are all secretly photographed, let alone Cook In this position in the gods.

Of course, those who think they are closer to Cook will ask: "Speaker Cook, I think your mental power has increased a lot recently. Is there any special medicine?"

Of course Cook will not refuse. This mentality is not his own. Of course, the little demon has forgotten to tell Cook. In the big world, if he reveals the secret of the school secretly, he will be sentenced to death. Of course, Cook does not know that it is not. Now, Cook believes that if you are in the big world, if you come to the small world, if you can’t solve it, it means that the beating is not strong enough, and you can solve it with a few more beatings.

In the God Realm, Cooke is a well-known local snake, and no matter how powerful it is, he has to hold it here.

Cook replied affirmatively: "Oh, I got a broken secret method, which can increase my mental power for a long time. I am currently undergoing a trial phase, and I don’t see much side effects~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before Cook finishes speaking, the person who asks Urgent: "Oh, Speaker Cook, don't, don't, we are willing to participate in such an important thing. "

As for the side effects that Cook said, others don’t believe it at all. You have side effects. Will you use it yourself, or give it to your wife and children? Stop it.

Cook looked embarrassed: "If something goes wrong, don't call me, and what else. This is a secret method after all. You have to show that, otherwise I will give it to you for free. There are so many gods. People, I can't afford it."

"It's easy to talk, Speaker Cook, do you think you need beauty or treasure?" The person who asked the question immediately slapped his chest and agreed. Of course, he must be happy. As for the charge that Cook said, it is in the eyes of others. .

"En, you don't have any good things. Forget it, I just need some materials, metal materials or lightning properties." Cook made a price.

As a result, the price of rare metal top materials, as well as thunder-attribute materials, is inexplicably increased.

So in a very short time, the number of people practicing the mind in the entire God Realm exceeded three digits and reached four digits. In addition, the men were guided by Cook. As for women, Cook gave it to Elenda and Lucy. Of course, many women In fact, he is very willing to let Cook lead, and some of them are the heirs of major forces, but who Cook is, what are these women's minds, Cook doesn't understand why Cook would not do that.

Elenda and Lucy have also made a fortune. Although Cook received the money, you don't benefit the specific clerk for such big things as guiding the secret method. Do you want unpredictable consequences? As a result, the two dark demon maids who were specifically executed got a lot of wealth. Although the two maids wanted to hand in, but Cook looked down on them, so they just divided them.

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