A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 832:

"Lily, tell me, is there anyone you like?" Of course, Cook wouldn't really go to marry, Cook directly found Lily, and the two brothers and sisters started talking. Of course, Cook is not good at this.

"No." Lily is actually a big girl, she is over a hundred years old, but compared with the goddess of the gods, that age is still relatively young, but Lily's level is a bit higher, only the first level of the sanctuary, in fact, Lily His cultivation talent is not very good, and he is able to achieve today's achievement thanks to Cook's pile of resources.

"Why not, so what do you like?" Cook shook his head and asked.

In fact, although Lily has contact with many people, they are all Cook’s subordinates. This world is not like the earth. If it were on the earth, it is estimated that male subordinates would have broken their heads, because on earth, they chase the boss. Even if the boss doesn’t like it, she won’t be able to make a fortune in the end. After all, she must be paid if she breaks up. She won’t just click and lose her life. Of course, even if she doesn’t like it in the end, everyone will get together. Disperse, but in the God Realm, if you really play with Lily's feelings, see how Cook manages you, don't say you are alone, even your family will be affected.

As for the people outside, on the one hand, they don't have much contact with Lily. On the other hand, those who have the ability actually dislike Lily, because after all, Lily has not reached the **** level, and if he has not reached the **** level, she will be discriminated against in the gods.

Those who are incapable, lack confidence, after all, they are Cook’s sister. Good or bad, wait to be angry, right?

So Lily's position is very embarrassing, of course Lily wants to get married? Of course, but if you compare other people with your brother, it's nothing.

"Well, I'll leave this to my brother." Cook also thought about it for a while, and then he had an idea.

"Brother, what are you going to do, don't embarrass me?" Lily looked at Cook suspiciously.

Cook shook his head and said: "Whoever you are fancy to, you can try to date for a period of time, and I will get everything suitable for you."

Cook left after finishing talking. Lily had a bad feeling. What was Cook's method? To hold a cocktail party. Yes, the spirit world communicated privately, that is, to hold a cocktail party.

Cook has hosted a number of cocktail parties, but every time he has high demands on the guests, this time, Cook hosted a cocktail party, in fact, mainly to announce some things.

The preparations for the reception are already very familiar. On the next night, Cook brought Lily to the reception, and some old guys saw the clues.

"There are two things to announce for this celebration reception I am hosting. The first is that I will build my sister a sky city of her own, with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, which will be built by myself."

"Thank you brother." Lily said to Cook excitedly when she heard this.

"The other thing is that Lily will own 2% of the Physician Association and the Pharmacy Association." Cook announced another good news.

Many people below heard this, their eyes widened. If it is a city in the sky, everyone is envious and jealous, but what is the benefit of the two associations? That is in billions, which means that Lily's annual income is at least 10 million high-grade gods.

Some people say tens of millions a year, not too many, please, this is the realm of the gods, that does not live for hundreds of thousands of years?

Several of Cook’s ladies who came to the reception were also dispatched around afterwards. The meaning revealed was very obvious, that is, our little sister-in-law, are there any young talents in your family when they are getting married?

If there were some doubts at the beginning, these people have now received a positive answer. Of course, Lily has also been assigned a job by Cook, which is to make purchases in the Medical Association. This is the opportunity for Cook to give Lily to contact outsiders. Of course, Cook’s review is definitely going to pass.

In fact, Cook doesn't have high expectations for Lily's future husband. As long as he can live a good life, the key is character. As for character, how about character? Cook's current strength, most of the things can be found out, so Cook warned in private that the scum of poor character should be farther away from my sister, otherwise, hum.

Actually, there is no need for Cook to say that the parents of those scumbags have already given serious warnings to the scumbags, so please stay away from me. If you don't listen, I will break your legs first.

Of course, those who have good character and good growth are forced by the parents to go, hurry up, and go late. If my daughter-in-law is abducted by someone else, I will break your leg first.

The young people in the gods are all warned by their family elders to break their legs. This is unprecedented. Each family has also sent their own female family members to inquire about Cook's requirements for Lily's future husband. The answer is very simple. Lily likes her character. Yes, talent will do.

This answer makes many families have confidence in their younger generations, so they have forced the young people of their families to pursue Lily, of course, don't disturb Lily's work.

Lily's procurement work is actually very simple. I am afraid that other purchases will be scammed or framed by insiders. When I get to Lily, I don't have to work hard at all. How dare you to cheat Lily? First ask yourself if your head is unstable, you are going to frame Lily, first ask yourself if you have the courage?

Lily has a job and a large group of children are dedicated. Of course, it is very comfortable. Cook’s father saw Cook deal with it like this. Although he was anxious, he couldn’t say anything, because he himself was troubled by two children. It's not working.

Lily’s affairs were temporarily put aside, and then Cook felt that he had nothing to do. The major associations did not need to worry about Cook at all, and the perfect system allowed these major associations to run smoothly.

As for the order for artifacts, it is already very simple for Cook. As for educating children, Cook feels nerves relaxed all at once.

As for the war with the monster plane, Cook does not need to worry about it. The members of the entire Council of Gods must think more than Cook.

In the Sky City, Cook just needs to get the platform back, and then all the Mageweave Masters with the Mageweave Association are responsible for the construction, and Cook will produce the blueprints.

For Cook, sleeping is a dispensable thing, so Cook feels like he has nothing to do.

So the people in the Council of Gods saw Cook wandering here and there every day, with a silver projectile in his hand, and of course there was occasionally a little bit in Cook's arms.

However, Cook often wanders around and puts a lot of pressure on others. Just like the Mageweave Masters of the Mageweave Association, Cook had little contact in the past, but Cook’s reputation is very high, so many people think of Cook Did you find something wrong, and then everyone should be extra careful when doing things.

In fact, if Cook gives some pointers, everyone will be very happy, but when Cook just strolls and basically doesn’t give pointers, it’s like the boss strolling behind you after you’re okay. If you change, you’ll have to whisper, the man’s whisper, Is it because the boss has any opinion on herself, to supervise herself, while the woman mutters, does the boss think so?

Of course, Cook didn't think that Cook just wandered around. As for pointing, some people are just as talented. It's useless for you to talk about it, and some don't need pointing at all, so Cook doesn't make sense.

Fortunately, Cook did not stroll for a few days, because the six monster kings of the monster plane gathered together to form a large team, which is a serious threat to the great elven empire.

"Speaker Cook." Rosha was very happy to see Cook coming.

"Why are these monster kings gathered together?" Cook asked.

"I guess it is aimed at our Great Elf Empire." Rosha was still very depressed. Although the Great Elf Empire achieved unprecedented victory, the price paid was also very high. Hundreds of thousands of Dark Elf warriors died. Any power that has just been established is bad news.

As for why Rosha didn't order the offense to stop? Because I can’t stop, countless years of hatred and hope will come true~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unless it is a major setback, otherwise, I can’t stop at all. If Rosha gives a strong order, it is estimated to be able to listen. There are very few.

"Six demon kings, where are they gathering?" Cook asked.

"More than 160,000 kilometers away from us, there are now billions of demons gathered there. The surrounding area is covered by the blood mist sprayed by the blood demons. Even the sky cannot detect the specific situation. With this news, we have lost. Six god-level fighters." Luosha pointed to the map and said.

The dark elves are worthy of being a fighting race. They fight while drawing maps. The big elves empire is nominally a dark plane. In fact, it is not the same planet as the dark elves empire. As for how big this plane is, it is not known at all. .

Of course, the plane in a broad sense does not refer to the same planet, but the universe of the same environment, but there are also representative things, like the plane where the God Realm is located. On the one hand, it represents the planet where the Council of Gods is located, and on the other On the one hand, it also refers to the space where this planet is located, because the planet where the Council of the Gods is located can represent the God Realm.

"This place is not small." Cook looked at the map and found that this plane is not small.

"Yes." Rosha was very happy when he heard this. After all, the territory he smashed was his own. The elemental concentration of this planet and the planet where the Dark Elf Empire is located are about the same, but this planet is raged by demons and is a little deserted. Yes, but, as long as it can be improved in the future, it is still worth having.

Even now, although the territory of the Great Elf Empire is smaller than that of the Dark Elf Empire, it is more than a star and a half larger than the other empires.

"Let's go, let's go and see." Cook pondered for a moment. The high-end power of this demon must be destroyed, otherwise it would be a hazard to the Great Elf Empire and the Allied Forces of the Council of Gods would be very dangerous.

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