A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1667: Against the Demon King

Starting from the capital of the Great Elf Empire, the corpse of the demon is the most seen along the way. The distance of hundreds of thousands kilometers is still not a short distance for the god-level powerhouse.

Cook and others traveled for a full day, except for the most corpses of demons. There are also many merchants. For these merchants, the corpse of the demon is the material.

On the way, Cook also saw traces of burning. These were not used by the dark elves for cooking, but were produced by burning the corpse. After the dark elves died, they must be cremated, thinking that returning to the earth is the best choice , Because the earth nurtures itself, so after death, he must return to the earth.

"Because of the fierce battle, we only have cremation nearby. We have collected the corpses that can be collected. Some of them have been eaten by demons. No corpses are left." Rosha said.

Cook didn't say anything. Although Cook's position is different, Cook will give minimum respect to the dead. Of course, the position here means that the Great Elf Empire has nothing to do with Cook.

Judging from the path of travel, there were at least six large-scale wars, because there were six huge lines of defense piled up with corpses. Obviously the demons tried to block the warriors of the Great Elf Empire, but they failed without exception.

Because there is no terrain more conducive to defense than the Plains of Storms, the defenses organized by the demons were broken up by the Great Elf Empire.

"Speaker Cook, this is it." Rosha and others and Cook came to the front line with the demons. If ordinary people really can't see any problems, because although this is not a dark plane, the sky is very dark.

"It seems that this was premeditated. I didn't see how many corpses of the blood demons before. Obviously, the blood demons were gathered here." Cook said.

"Yes, we didn't notice this at the beginning. In fact, we noticed it. There is no good way. As the war continues and the front line stretches, our supplies become more and more difficult. The Great Elf Empire reserves itself very much. Weak, cheaper for those merchants." Rosa said with a wry smile.

Cook nodded. Regardless of how powerful the Dark Elf Empire is, a group of nobles don't care about whether they have a rival or not. The royal family of the Dark Elf Empire can be changed, but most of the nobles have stood tall for many years. This is reality.

No matter which royal family comes to power, it is for the nobles to win over. Once the noble class thinks that the royal family has invaded their own interests, then the nobles don’t mind coming to an action for the royal family, the same is true for Country M on earth, such as being The president who assassinated.

As for true democracy, it is impossible. Everyone has different views, and each person’s cultural level, thinking logic is different, and the attitude and results are different. Therefore, if you want to achieve the ideal democracy, It is impossible. It can only be said that the minority obeys the majority. Then there are also problems here. For example, a village has many people with a surname. If it is democratic, is it possible that the village chief and secretary have always belonged to this surname? There are various favorable conditions that are also conducive to this surname. Of course, there are, and also There are many.

"What are these six demon kings doing? How did this demon appear?" Cook always had a question in his heart and asked.

"I don't know, in fact, we dark elves have many opinions about the appearance of demons, but because the time is too long, these claims cannot be confirmed at all." Rosha shook his head and said.

Tens of millions of warriors of the Great Elf Empire were completely helpless when faced with the huge blood fog. In the past, dark elves used various methods to deal with blood demons. The powerful and corrosive dark energy is the nemesis of blood demons, but This time, no matter how much dark energy is thrown into this dense blood mist, it is not weakened at all. You must know that tens of millions of fighters release dark energy at the same time. Of course, this does not mean counting in seconds. , But calculated in days.

"This piece of blood fog can still move, and the blood fog is still strengthening." Rosha introduced to Cook.

Cook looked at the blood mist with a gleam of silver light in his eyes. In Cook's eyes, the breath of life in the blood mist was very strong. Obviously, this blood demon was a high-level blood demon.

For the monsters, Cook also has no good way. Of course, Cook wants to use all the methods. It is estimated that he can gain some gains, but that is not worth it. As for the conspiracy of these monsters, Cook only waits to see.

The Great Elf Empire has a huge camp here. In fact, the camp is a must. Not to mention that it is convenient for soldiers to rest, but a large amount of supplies need to be found somewhere to store them. Dark elves use long swords, spears, and bows. Almost everyone has a bow, no matter what kind of elves, it seems that shooting talent is extremely high.

In the next few days, the blood mist continued to increase, but the scope did not expand. It was just that the dark elf warriors no longer act alone, because the blood mist slowly began to attack. Once a single dark elf approached the blood mist, the blood mist Will attack this single dark elf warrior.

However, the battle situation is not optimistic about the Great Elf Empire. It can be said that the support of the Great Elf Empire is almost a miracle now.

No matter when, war is the activity that consumes the most resources.

The predecessor of the Great Elf Empire was nothing more than a fortress. Although it had a large population, most of its supplies depended on the empires behind it.

In this war, the great elven empire was completely unprepared. In fact, the preparations were very limited, because the great elven empire itself was not very prosperous, it was very deserted. For various reasons, the dark elven empire was not developed. The plane where the Great Elf Empire is located.

The source of the strategic materials of the Great Elf Empire depends on the merchants. Yes, the merchants of the Dark Elf Empire, the Dark Demon Empire, and the Black Dwarf Kingdom.

As far as Cook knows, an ordinary arrow with magical attributes, smuggled from the Dark Elf Empire, is worth more than three times the original value. Because the logistics of the Great Elf Empire is not very developed, it used to be a fortress, not at all. How many logistics department personnel are needed, but the logistics route of hundreds of thousands kilometers now depends on the Great Elf Empire, which is simply unrealistic.

So the merchants had to bring the supplies to the front line. At this time, the price of the arrows was ten times the original price, and as the distance increased, the price of these arrows was now about thirty times that of the Dark Elf Empire on the market.

The big elven empire does not have enough money. What should we do? You can only exchange the trophies and the corpses of the monsters. But who is the merchant, you can’t continue fighting without arrows, so the price of these trophies is less than half of the original price. Rosha and others only pinched their noses.

Because it is not ordinary smuggling merchants who can smuggle so many arrows, but the great nobles of the Dark Elf Empire.

That is to say, the war led by Luo Shao killed hundreds of thousands of people. As a result, all the benefits let the great nobles of the Dark Elf Empire occupy the majority. I have to say that this is a reality that makes Rosha feel powerless.

Someone wants to ask, why didn't Rosha ask Cook to build a portal?

It is still because of poverty, how expensive it is to build a portal, and the large consumption of weapons such as arrows, the portal must have large and super large space storage equipment, otherwise, it is better to hand it over to the merchant for transportation .

It is also a cost issue. If you use a portal, this is an expense, and there are large space equipment, which is another expense, and it is not as good as it is now.

There was no change in the blood mist for the time being, so Cook returned to the God Realm and reported the matter to the Council of the Gods.

On the surface of the Council of Gods, everyone now makes the decision together, but those who know it will definitely not think so. This is because someone does not speak. Once someone speaks, hehe, everything has to be overturned.

"Speaker, I think that since the six monster kings are together, there must be a conspiracy. If it is a single big elven empire, it will definitely not be able to resist, or our council of the gods will encircle and annihilate these monster kings?" Suggested to Cook.

"What else do you have?" Cook did not make a statement, because Cook knew that this human congressman was testing himself. If Cook said he wanted to do it, then everyone would definitely do it, but if Cook said he would not do it, then he would definitely not do it. , Cook would not be so stupid.

"Actually, I don't think there is any need to help the Great Elf Empire in such a hurry. We should take this opportunity to crush the territory and occupy more territory." A dwarf congressman heard Cook say so, so he offered another suggestion.

Although everyone wants to know Cook’s opinion, what does Cook mean is to test and test again, and these congressmen are only suggestions and did not directly say how to do it, even if they differ from Cook’s opinions. , There is still room for change.

Seeing that Cook hadn’t continued speaking, the other members looked at each other, and another human member said: “I suggest that the Council of the Gods seize this opportunity and directly destroy the high-end power of the monster. Disagree, after all, monsters are very harmful to living beings. If the Great Elf Empire is defeated, then these dead dark elves don’t know how many high-level monsters will be transformed, so I suggest to unite in the Great Elf Empire. Inflicting heavy damage on demons, as for the future division of territories, how many people are in the Great Elf Empire, and how many members of our Council of Gods, if the Great Elf Empire dared to force it, just beat him up."

"Okay." The congressman said very pertinently. Someone immediately applauded it. It is good to reap the benefits of the fishermen, but if the monsters defeat the Great Elf Empire, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Cook looked at the crowd: "Are there any different opinions?"

"If you don't, then vote." Cook asked, shaking his head, joking, no fools in the room, Cook did not speak early or late. After the human spoke, what does it mean? It means this If the suggestion meets Cook's requirements, Cook will ask so. If it is not suitable, then the leader will continue to wait for his subordinates to play until he has a suitable suggestion.

Everyone who voted was well aware, so a new resolution of the Council of Gods came into being, and the Great Elf Empire united to destroy the high-level power of demons. The current mobilization force of the Council of the Gods is not what it used to be. First of all, weapons, equipment, personnel, and transportation are being taken into action.

And this time it was led by Cook, so no one dared to neglect. All parties linked up and ordered a portal from the Mageweave Association. According to the plan of the Council of the Gods, the place to be supported now is the territory of the Council of the Gods. Build a portal. If you dare to force your big elven empire, then the army will just overtake it.

Rocha’s mood regarding the Council of the Gods’ resolutions is very complicated. On the one hand, Rocha hopes that this war will end as soon as possible, because the war consumes a huge amount of people, whether it is population or materials, and it can be said that the Great Elf Empire has already had materials. To the limit.

But Rosha was not reconciled, why, because it was obvious that the Council of Gods in the God Realm was not doing charity.

After weighing it up, Rosha agreed to the resolution of the Council of the Gods, because Rosha knew that the Great Elf Empire could not afford to fail. Not to mention the conspiracy of the six monster kings, even if they did not, confronted him for three to five months. , Then the great elven empire will naturally fail, because of the materials, the materials that the monster corpses are currently exchanging last two months at most, and even if it is delayed, it will take three months at most.

The power of the Council of the Gods was revealed. On the first day, the portal was established. On the second day, 100,000 people arrived and the camp was established. On the third day, the camp was scaled.

On the third day, the demon suddenly launched an attack, and the blood mist spread at an extremely fast speed. As long as the dark elves were wrapped in the blood mist, they would never survive.

"Asshole." Rosha's face was pale.

Rosha then came to the camp of the Council of the Gods, where a meeting was taking place.

"Speaker Cook." Rosa saw Cook and was anxious.

"It's just right, we're just discussing combat matters." Cook greeted Rosha directly.

"Speaker Cook, the demons have begun to attack, and the blood fog has begun to spread. Our Great Elf Empire has lost more than two thousand soldiers in just one hour..." Rosha said eagerly.

Connie sitting next to Cook looked at Rosha and said: "Our Council of Gods has warned you and advised you to retreat, but none of you listened to our opinions."

"Speaker Cook, this..." Rosha couldn't say anything when Connie said it, because the council of the gods suggested that the line of defense should be handed over to the council of the gods to let the warriors of the great elven empire rest, but The entire elven empire counted down from Rosha, and there was no one willing to retreat, because the defensive line was handed over to others, that is, the site was handed over to others, who would?

"Speaker Cook, you have to save us." Rosha saw that Cook did not speak, and immediately pleaded with Cook.

"In this way, your people quickly retreat and retreat to the camp. We have long expected that the demon kings will not give up easily. We have prepared in advance. In addition, our Council of the Gods will assist you with 200 million fires for free. It's a bursting arrow, which has a very good effect on the blood demon." Cook saw Rosha pleading in front of him, unable to refuse, he said.

"Thank you Speaker Cook." Rosha didn't have much hope for the 200 million fire bursting arrows, but it was Cook's favor after all.

"Reassure the order. With us here, the line of defense can't collapse." Cook saw that Rosha was still hesitant, so he gave Rosha this guarantee.

"I'll do it right away." Rosha heard Cook say that, whether you want to believe it or not, you have to do it, or the warriors of the entire Great Elf Empire will die in vain.

Cook brought Connie out this time, mainly because Connie has this hobby, and Connie's talent is not ordinary in terms of war planning and command.

"Mrs. Connie really has the foresight. I have known for a long time that these demons will definitely move when they see us building a camp here, so that we will not be passive." A dwarf elder in a full-body artifact suit said with a smile.

The dwarf elder sitting next to him secretly scolded the old guy as shameless and flattered.

"Commander Connie, the war machine is ready." The dwarf elder reported in a serious report.

"Then take out our weapons of war, and be sure to let these demons know the power of our Council of Gods." Connie ordered while reading the information.

"Yes!" The dwarf elder was very excited, knowing that the dwarf brain is not comparable to ordinary people. There are many wonderful ideas. After Cook became rich, he funded research on some dwarf engineers, so many dwarves with ideas Engineers will present their designs to Cook, and then apply for funding. Of course, many of them have countless top designs in the dwarf collection.

In these studies, there are many weapons of war, such as rockets, lightning generators, and self-detonating robots. This is an opportunity for the Council of the Gods to test new weapons.

After the dwarf elder went out, the dwarf elder couldn't sit still, and said, "I will supervise the dwarf."

The other councilors waited for Connie’s order, and Connie said: “Our side is mainly responsible for containment. It depends on the dragon army. As long as the monster army starts to move, there must be flaws, so we must do it. Yes. It is to withstand the attacks of the demon army. This is still a lot of pressure for us. Now I order everyone to take over the defense areas from the Great Elf Empire and build defense facilities according to their respective defense areas."

"Yes." Others are gearing up. After all, Cook is in charge, so the purpose of everyone here is to divide the territory.

The portal was fully opened, and countless dwarves, gnomes, giants, and Titans swarmed into the camp. In just one hour, there were more than 200,000 people in the camp.

This is mainly a large amount of space equipment, which can carry more people. The soldiers of the Council of Gods are equipped with the best equipment, and at least two artifacts are equipped, because the defense task this time is very difficult, of course. On the other side, millions of allied forces of the Council of Gods are waiting for the flaws of the monster army. Once the flaws are exposed, the dragon army will directly insert it. After all, the dragon army is fast, and then the gods will follow up.

"Tsk tusk, this dark elf is really delicious." After the warriors of the Council of Gods saw the dark elf, their eyes lit up.

Someone wants to ask, can you see this black sky?

Hehe, God-level powerhouses do not have very high requirements for light, so they can be seen.

"Of course, you don't know. Now the price of a dark elf slave on the black market has reached three thousand high-grade **** crystals. This is still ordinary, and the god-level one has reached hundreds of thousands of high-grade **** crystals." Someone immediately whispered. Said.

"Brothers, what look in your eyes, that's a man." The person who came first said angrily.

"Hey, man, I don't believe it, should we bet?" Someone laughed very wretchedly when they heard this.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, work quickly." At this time, the chief came and reprimanded him in an angry manner, and then began to assemble the metal components after these failures.

There were engineers commanding nearby, hundreds of thousands of people working together, coupled with the use of space equipment, in just half a day, each fortress stood up. The fortress is 500 meters high and the diameter below is 1,000. Mi, looks like a pyramid, with ten thousand soldiers stationed inside.

Ten kilometers is such a fortress~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the top of the fortress is a platform with a diameter of more than two hundred meters on which a minaret stands.

If someone goes to the plane of hell, they know that this is a defensive tower. Cook uses the defensive secondary artillery on the astral armed transport ship to rebuild the defense facility.

Someone said, since there is this thing, why are there so many people?

Because this defensive tower consumes energy very much, if you use this to kill trash fish, no one can stand it, but it will cause the war to be lost.

It's like killing an ordinary soldier with a missile. Is it cost-effective? The lowest price for a missile is hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions. If the soldier carries important things, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, the target of this defense tower attack will be the guys whose strength reaches the level of the demon lord and the lord or above, will be attacked by the defense tower, and in order not to scare these guys away, the defense tower has not been activated for the time being, only when the battle situation is the most intense , The demon lord and demon king will only attack when they are dispatched. In short, it will hurt to hit.

Rosa and the others were dumbfounded. In just one day, twenty high fortresses appeared, and there was a flame shield outside the fortress, which looked like a huge torch from a distance.

"Chairman Cook." In just one day, the Great Elf Empire knew what luxury was. The warriors of the Council of Gods had almost one space equipment in their hands, and the general supplies were brought by themselves, and engineers and the like had large spaces. Equipment, like the huge metal components used to build a fort, is taken out of space equipment.

"Your big elven empire needs a fortress, if you need it, we still have some surplus here." Cook asked. The way of hand-to-hand combat in the big elven empire is very backward in his opinion. The God Council now has the strength and the confidence to fight a battle that is not hand-to-hand combat.

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