A Unique Hunter

Chapter 221: The halfway battle "second more"

There are only three members on guard around, but these three members are all elite, just like the sharp sword troops in the war, an archer, an assassin, and a soldier. The three see the current changes, but only a little bit. Frozen, he quickly moved closer, leaning against a huge stone.

"Damn it, this guy just yelled, there must be a demon familiar!" The thief yelled at the same time and continuously took out all kinds of powder and sprinkled it around the three of them. Since the shadow of the demon pet is not visible, there are only two possibilities , High-level monsters that are good at concealing their bodies and extremely small insect monsters, so the thieves sprinkled developer powder, insect repellent powder, odorless powder, and a very spicy powder.

Cook knew that the thief’s movements were going to be bad when he saw the thief’s movements from a distance. Sure enough, when Ka Ka was just getting into this circle of powder, he was dizzy and irritated by the insect repellent powder and ran in one direction. Cook sighed in his heart: "Do you also create a magical equipment for Kaka?"

"Grab him!" The archer shouted first, and the shot was an extremely fast arrow with a strong blue light on it, apparently an ice archer.

As soon as Cook saw the arrow, he lifted his hand directly, and immediately shot a fine iron arrow. "Boom!" The arrow attached to the ice-type grudge directly hit the fine iron arrow, causing an explosion. The jungle within a few meters was covered with thick hoarfrost.

"Okay! The head is good, come again!" Although the archer was surprised that Cook's arrows were accurate, he was not discouraged at all. Instead, he shouted, and the two arrows shot again.

"Hmph, I have no arrows to fire within eighty meters!" Cook also took out two arrows and paused for a while, until the two arrows reached the range of eighty meters, Cook took a leisurely shot.

"Keng!" But something unexpected happened to Cook. The other's two arrows were originally directed at his head and chest. At a distance of nearly seventy meters, the tails of the two arrows were light. The two arrows shook slightly, and they immediately slanted towards his third lane, and Cook's two fine iron arrows had already been shot.

"Boom! Boom!" At a distance of seventy meters, it was too late for Cook to release his arrows. Cook held the bowstring with his backhand, and then hooked and swung. Cook seemed to clear the two arrows with ease. What Ke didn't expect was that the two arrows would explode when they touched each other. With Cook as the center, everything within a radius of more than ten meters was covered with ice.

"Is it over?" The soldier asked in disbelief as he looked at the archer while holding a huge shield.

"No!" Both the archer and the assassin replied in unison. Sure enough, as soon as they finished speaking, they saw Cook who was frozen on the opposite side. He broke Bingling away and jumped out again.

Cook's eyes widened, instead of moving back, he moved forward a few steps, and then asked, "Man, what arrow technique did you use just now?"

"Humph, ancestral!" the archer replied proudly.

"Talk about the price, teach me this arrow technique!" Cook didn't care, but asked cheeky.

The three people across from you look at me and I look at you. They all feel as if they have misheard. There is nothing wrong with this guy. They are fighting now, and Cook directly called the price: "Five million gold coins!"

"Eight million gold coins! Ten million gold coins! Enough, I said, buddy, 10 million gold coins are not bad, or I will introduce you to those old guys in the Pan-Continental Aristocratic Joint Council and give you the identity of a hereditary nobleman. , Of course it will definitely cost the price, or should we add a level five monster, the kind of meticulous training?"

"Man, you have to be content, think about it, ten million gold coins, noble status, and level five monster mounts, this is enough price!" Cook said non-stop there.

Finally the archer spoke: "If you want me to teach you, then you can beat me first!"

"Cut, I can beat down a ninth-level dragon. Let me say it first. Don't regret defeating you." Cook was very enthusiastic about the archery skills just now. Cook simulated it in his heart. If two arrows touched If the distance is nearly 20 meters away from myself, it will be even more perfect.

"Huh! As long as I defeated me with 10 million gold coins, a level five monster, I will not only give you this archery skill, but also give you a serial circling archery skill!" The archer was actually heartbroken and said loudly.

"Hehe, okay, if I don't let you surrender, I will give you 10 million gold coins and Level 5 monsters for nothing." Cook smiled.

The two sides looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Swear!" After both sides took the oath, Cook looked at each other's archer with a smirk.

"One minute, I only need one minute and you lose!" Cook said disdainfully.

"Warrior, prepare to defend. For one minute, I don't believe that the three of us can't hold on for one minute." The thief whispered.

"Okay, one minute is a big deal! I will explode with all my strength! Ho!" The warrior immediately exploded with all my strength. The sixth-level warrior's vigor and can form a protective shield. Of course, the endurance is definitely not good, but one minute is enough.

"Hmph, I still have multiple swing arrows. He can't get close to us in a minute." The archer put five arrows directly on the bowstring, and the ice-blue vindictiveness in his hand came out directly, and the five arrows were attached A lot of ice vindictiveness.

"Grandma's!" The thief gritted his teeth and took out two crossbows.

"Damn it, this is the magic crossbow of the ancient goblin clan! This thing is definitely a nightmare for all professionals within 30 meters, but the equipment is only ordinary magic arrows, if there is armor, devil... "The soldier next to him said with a clear eye.

"I said you are not ready to surrender?" At this time Cook's voice came over, and the three of them rolled their eyes at each other. There must be something wrong with this guy. They gave up before they started, and the three looked at Cook.

"Fuck! Clang!" It doesn't matter at this point, the thieves' crossbows, warriors' shields and weapons fell directly on the ground, and the five icy arrows of the archer fell on the ground, and the three of them were instantly thickened. Wrapped in the ice.

And Cook sat on the magic crossbow, seeing the scene before him, his chin was about to fall, and he muttered to himself: "Dude, you are so awesome!"

"Guys, I'm here to save you!" Cook brandished a huge shield directly, and then slammed it against the three people wrapped in ice.

"Boom!" The ice was smashed open, and the three of them were shocked by the huge force.

"Have you given up?" Cook shouted loudly.

The three of you, look at me, I will look at you, and then look at the frost that is exposed on all of them, and then look at the three huge crossbow arrows with thick wrists that are almost on the heads of the three. The tank’s cannon is directly on the forehead, Nima, without such bullying. The three of them saw the complicated magic patterns on the metal crossbows with thick wrists, knowing that this thing doesn’t matter what fighting spirit shield you have. Demon breaking, armor breaking, sharpness, these attributes directly make your vindictive pierce like tofu, and then your body is torn into countless small pieces.

"Give up!" The soldier said first. The soldier looked at Cook's side at a height of three meters and five meters, thick palms, and a purple-gold shield with a toothache. Then he looked at the one five meters high in his hand and thick thumb. The warrior himself was ashamed of the iron shield.

"Admit defeat!" The archer is speechless, Nima, you have to take out this magic giant crossbow early, buddies, we are crazy and we are chasing forward, what is this, let alone people, it is the huge gate The magic crossbow on the magic giant crossbow was shot, and only shattered. This thing is purely the ultimate weapon.

Before the thief spoke, Cook stared and shouted: "Hand over the crossbow, the magic crossbow, it's inside your sleeve, you dare to attack my demon!" After that, Cook also put his finger on the magic crossbow. The thick bowstring of his thumb bounced twice.

"I'm passive defense!" The thief immediately raised his hands and shouted injustice.

"Huh! Can't you pay?" Cook directly used the metal crossbow on the magic crossbow to top the thief's leather armor.

"I pay, I do!" The thief immediately threw the magic crossbow out with a trembling body.

"Haha, finally got melee equipment!" Cook took out the ordinary magic arrow from the crossbow swiftly, and dropped it directly on the ground under the thief's surprised eyes.

"I, I said that is a magic arrow worth five hundred gold coins!" The thief said painfully.

Cook glared at this guy. The thief felt aggrieved and wanted to rush up with his dagger. But when the thief saw the crossbow and arrows that Cook took out, he immediately suppressed the thought in his heart, and wailed even more. Said: "A piercing arrow with one hundred thousand gold coins, a piercing arrow with two hundred thousand gold coins, my God!"

"Humph!" Cook put away the placed magic hand crossbow and hummed twice.

"Take it, I am not short of money. This is two million gold coins. I will find such a good thing in the future. The price is good!" Cook directly smashed a bearer magic crystal card into the thief's arms. Then said grinningly.

The thief was dumbfounded immediately, and then hurriedly hid the magic crystal card. The light card was worth one hundred thousand gold coins. Cook put away the magic crossbow and put away the shield again. The three people next to him watched Cook almost raised the magic crossbow with one hand, and then he took the big shield and disappeared. The three looked at each other, and they all felt that they were not wronged.

"Hmph, you're afraid of this one magic giant crossbow. I have a dozen of them here. I can slaughter a group of dragons, but it's his crossbow arrow. Those **** alchemists tell I need ten million gold coins, grandma's!" Cook yelled outrageously.

And the other three are even more speechless. Didn’t it just say that the three of them were facing 30 million gold coins, and that 10 million gold coins, not to mention buying weapons, can kill a mid-level professional even by smashing them, if you are killing the craft club , The highest price for intermediate professionals is just a few hundred thousand gold coins.

"Hey, this is a level five monster mount!" Cook's next move surprised the archer even more. A palm-sized animal skin bag was thrown to the archer. The archer was in the wide-open eyes of the other two individuals. Summon a fifth-level bull mount directly.

"Pet space bag!" The thief immediately exclaimed~www.wuxiaspot.com~whoop! "The four-meter-high Barbarian bull doesn't like the screams of the thieves. Almost all his nose touches the face of the thieves. If it weren't for Cook, it is estimated that Barbarian would just pick the thieves.

"Oh! This bull is not easy to raise, just eat the grass, and this head is really too ugly, it's not sleek!" Cook was in disdain under the gaze of three and four eyes. Said.

The thief almost fainted, and asked involuntarily: "This, the bull seems to be eating grass, right? Why is it not easy to raise?"

"It's just because eating grass is not easy to raise. How can there be carnivorous beasts that are easy to raise. Carnivorous beasts can just catch a beast. How can mowing the grass be easy to catch a beast!" Cook explained, rolling his eyes.

All three have the urge to vomit blood. Nima, it’s not okay to hire someone to mow the grass. It’s not easy to mow the grass than to catch the beast. What kind of logic is this, but the three of them don’t dare to be stubborn. The soldier came to Cook and asked quietly. Said: "This gentleman, look at me, the fifth-level peak fire fighter, now I am only thirty-five years old, and I can use a variety of weapons, hammer, big sword, one-handed sword, shield, and my family is innocent. , I have not been married yet, I don’t know if my husband lacks a follower, a loyal follower, and my cooking skills are first-rate...!"

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