A Unique Hunter

Chapter 222: Depressed Cook "First More"

"I said I..., are you proficient in cooking? What will you do?" Cook originally wanted to refuse, a fifth-level fighter and an enemy, but when Cook heard that this guy knows how to cook, he immediately became interested.

"Uh!" The three of you look at me, I look at you, Nima, is this really going to be a cooking test? The warrior is even more shocked. I am ready to take out the kung fu at the bottom of the box, and I have to say anything. If you approach such a dude, you will feel more comfortable in the future.

"What are you stunned? I ask your cooking skills!" Cook directly stabbed the soldier with his hands and asked in an angry tone.

"Cooking skills, yes! Cooking skills, I am proficient in barbecue, cooking soup, and also proficient in brewing..." The soldier stammered and answered quickly.

"Well, it doesn’t count if you say it, you first go find something to practice your hand, I will test it, if you pass, then I will accept you, my follower's fifth-level mount, full set of magic equipment, every month There are three hundred gold coins, including food and shelter, but no women, go and let me see your performance!" Cook interrupted the soldier with a hmm, and then ordered.

When the soldier heard such a good treatment, he had long forgotten the guy who had fainted on the side. Anyway, it was just fainting, and there was nothing serious. The soldier also comforted himself and said, "I am also doing this for everyone. If you want to follow Mr., don't I have to lead the line!" The warrior went hunting under the eyes of the archer and the thief.

"I'll help!" The thief looked at Cook staring at him, and realized that he was a superfluous person.

"Man, it's time to honor the vow!" Cook took out another magic crystal card and threw it over, then said expectantly.

The archer gritted his teeth, and then said: "If you give another space equipment, I will teach you multiple swing arrows!"

"Okay! This is a space bag, look, or one space bag for one archery skill, don't shake your head, two for one, let me tell you, my space bag is the best, five cubic meters You think it’s a garbage bag on the market, and you look at the skin of this monster, at least the skin of an eighth level monster, this thing is very expensive in terms of materials..." Cook's eyes As soon as it shines, he immediately drew out more than a dozen space bags and talked endlessly.

"Huh! Huh!" The archer kept exhaling in a very uncomfortable way.

"What's the matter? You won't be sick, will you?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Please, I can only use these two archery skills, and our family only has these two archery skills!" The archer explained with a sad face.

"Really, I didn't say it earlier, this is for you!" Cook said grimly, and directly threw a space bag to this guy.

Then the archer named Niko explained to Cook the use of the swing arrow. In fact, it is the subtle control of vindictiveness, controlling the flow of vindictiveness on the arrows, and the arrows will undergo some minor modifications. So as to achieve the result that the arrows touch each other in the air and produce some unpredictable changes. Of course, I can't predict it, let alone the enemy. Just like the last time someone called and said what happened to my online bank card, Nima, I don’t remember my online banking account and password anymore. I have to go to the teller machine to transfer money. Can you expect my answer?

Cook looked at Nico very bitterly, his scalp numb when he was seen: "I said why do you look at me like this?"

"Nico, what you said is correct, but you said that you want to control the anger. I can't even release the anger. How can I stick to the arrows?" Cook asked angrily.

"You, you, you won't be a junior hunter, right!" Nicholas Haoxuan did not faint.

"Almost, it hasn't been long since I was promoted to the second level. Hasn't it been exchanged for the badge?" Cook showed the first-level hunter badge.

Nico's eyes widened, and he replied after a while, "Anyway, I also taught you. You don't want to take the mount, the gold coin and the space bag back!"

"The petty family! But Nico, do you know which family has the best archery skills?" Cook said irritably, and then asked more suspiciously.

"Actually, the archery skills are all born out of the elves and the elves. The elves have the best archery skills, but elves are all exclusive. If humans go, there is only one dead end." Niguo heard Cooke say. I was relieved.

"Elves?" Cook touched his smooth chin, wondering whether he should be embarrassed when the elves come to exchange for daily necessities?

"Sir, please taste!" And the soldier brought a skewer of barbecue to Cook.

Cook looked at the soldier, took a bite, chewed slowly, and then said, "Your barbecue technique is not good. First of all, the fishy smell of the meat has not been removed. It would be better if you add some ale to soak it. , And there is no taste at all, of course, this has to do with time, and when cutting meat, you must master it well, don’t cut along the muscles, cut it horizontally, so that you don’t get your teeth stuck when you eat, and there is no control over the heat Well, the best thing is to grill with charcoal after burning wood. There is no smoky taste, and..., forget it, you are barely qualified, and you can give you a few days to train with Baglu."

"Thank you!" The warrior was already stunned. These are all shortcomings, but after hearing Cook's words, he immediately knelt on one knee with joy. This is the etiquette of allegiance.

"Well, I will accept you as a follower, this is your mount, and the rest of the magic equipment will return to the territory!" Cook waved his hand and threw a space pet bag directly.

"Devil wolf! Best, our fighters are not fast, this devil wolf just fills up the shortcomings!" As soon as the warrior opened it, he found that it was a third-level demon wolf. To deal with it, the third-level demon wolf can almost share the same appearance as the fifth-level bull. This is mainly related to the body structure. The bull has a pair of sharp horns, and the demon wolf not only has sharp canines, but also sharp claws. The agility of the wolf is also much higher than that of the bull.

"Hey, what are you?" Cook looked at the thief with a pot of soup. Cook looked at it with his magic eyes and found that there was no poison.

"My cooking skills are also good, this is some mushrooms, fungus, and wild vegetables soup cooked with the blood of wild beasts, should I drink the soup after the barbecue?" The thief said with a smile.

Cook took a sip, it tasted really good, but Cook looked at the thieves and replied helplessly: "You belong to the thieves' union, I can't accept you, if the old guys in your association know about it, you can't. It made me bleed, but that Lala opened a new branch in my territory. If you are unhappy, you can go to her!"

"Lala in charge?" The thief asked with wide eyes in confusion.

"It seems to be in charge!" Cook stroked his chin.

"Sir, sir, you want to save me, if you don't save me, the elders are afraid to take my skin off, I know that this time I am here to deal with your old man, I just took some private work. Ah, sir, sir..." After that, the thief immediately rushed to Cook, hugged Cook's thigh, and began to cry.

Cook touched his head and asked in surprise: "You didn't know it was a mission issued by the Assassin's Union?"

"I know, but the thieves' guild and the assassin's guild overlap too many tasks, so people who can't find the guild will also find the other's guild after taking up the tasks with each other. These are all private rules." The thieves quickly explained Tao.

"Okay, isn't it okay for me? It's almost because of you guys, okay, okay, a big man don't hold my leg, or I will give you the credentials to bring Lala and let you follow her Fuck, anyway, she just got up, she must have been sent." Cook looked at the pitiful feeling of the thief and almost couldn't help kicking it over. You even pretended to be pitiful as a middle-level thief.

"Thank you, thank you!" The thieves immediately lit up. The department that Lala is responsible for is the most popular department in the union. If you can get in, it will be a step forward. Think about the rumors about Lala's background. , The thieves felt like they were floating.

"Your Excellency, those of them?" At this time, Nico first mentioned the fainted guys.

"It's just a powerful paralysis poison, you'll be fine if you sleep for one day and one night!" Cook said nothing.

Then immediately jumped up: "Don't you say I forgot, loot!"

The three looked at each other, and they all pretended not to see them, but when they saw the seven teammates being stripped and thrown on the ground, they felt unbearable, while the archer Nicholas whispered to the thief: "If they wake up, look. Until our outfit is still...!"

"Or...!" The thief gritted his teeth and began to take off his equipment.

"Is there such a good thing? Take off your equipment and give it to others, are you okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know if you use a space bag, you are really ill. You inferior products are not enough for a breakfast! "Cook looked at the three of them, irritably buried Taidao, as for Kaka's breakfast is a magic crystal coin.

"Your Excellency...!" The soldier was helpless, and Cook vomited blood, and then two more space bags were missing.

"Okay, I'm leaving, the thief will take the fighters to my territory after you are done, and you will report to Bagru, fighters, and say that I will let him train you well!" Cook directly waved his hand and said. Even more, he left without asking the soldier's name. Cook found himself fighting once and posting more money, so he didn't dare to stay too long.

The soldier whispered to the thief: "I said my new master is really so powerful? Who is that Baghru?"

"Cough cough, cough cough, of course! Every time your Excellency comes to our trade union, the elders personally receive it. The last time the elders were sent out to receive a unified reception. As for Bagrul, he is a very good person." The thieves were not malicious in their hearts. Thinking, if you knew Bagru was an ogre, you wouldn't know if you could still eat barbecue.

"Good person, that's good!" The soldier gnawed the barbecue, still dreaming about how a carefree life would be under the hands of a good person.

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