A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1819: Spirit Fire Alchemy (2)

With this knowledge, Cook became more and more curious about Barry's ability to make alchemy, but Cook was also very curious about what Barry said. Cook said, "Ten."

"Fifty is no less, and the value I said must be great." Barry shook his head and said.

Cook stared at Barry, and Barry shook his head and said; "If you get my guidance, then you will earn high-grade spirit stones faster."

"So can you say which aspect of the matter?" Cook interrupted to dig a little intelligence.

"Haha, Cook, I'm not stupid, fifty soul crystals." Barry said with a smile.

Cook said angrily: "Eat you to death, take it."

No way, this soul crystal Cook is really not lacking. Of course, it is not a lot. After Cook threw 50 soul crystals to Barry, Barry said: "Cook, have you thought about it? Is the original flame also a spiritual fire?"

"Damn, just this news?" When Cook heard this question, he understood immediately, glaring at Barry.

"That's the news, one more spirit fire, are you earning spirit stones faster?" Barry nodded, looking serious.

Cook was really speechless. These Barry's words really reminded Cook, but the thought that this reminder was in exchange for fifty soul crystals made Cook a little painful.

"Well, luckily for you kid, I won't be fooled again next time, hurry up and show me the alchemy." Cook is in a bad mood and naturally speaks badly.

"Hey, don't be upset, if I'm upset, alchemy fails, tsk tsk." Barry knew he threatened Cook.

Cook curled his lips: "Even if I fail, the pill that I refine myself can be replaced with a high-grade spirit stone. However, in the future, some people still want soul crystals and find a way to go."

When Barry heard this, he said angrily: "Sniff."

"Don't say I'm stingy, you are looking for it yourself. If you want to get the soul crystal in the future, you have to do things, don't do things, haha." Cook felt that it was necessary to control Barry. Barry's IQ is like a small one. Like children, they still need continuous teaching.

"Isn't it just alchemy, you wait." Barry wrapped the elixir directly, and then began to refine it in front of Cook.

In less than five minutes, Barry’s fiery red body shook, and a pile of pills was thrown at Cook. Cook didn’t need to count at all. He could tell at a glance that they were sixty-two pills. You must know that this is just five of what the big world said. The elixir of ten pills.

Of course, alchemy is no better than others. Spirit power and medicinal properties are definitely depleted. Therefore, if you train 50 elixir of elixir, 30 even if you are a highly talented alchemist, of course, more than 50 are not. It has never appeared before, just like the master alchemy master came to refine the essence of essence pill, it must be more than fifty.

But Barry, sixty-two, eight more than Cook’s fifty-four when he was the most. You must know that Cook wants to add another one on the basis of fifty-four. It's difficult, but Barry did it easily. Cook refining the pill for more than an hour, but Barry, five minutes, only five minutes.

"This, Yipin!" Cook looked at the pill again and exclaimed.

"Hey, isn't it just squeezing medicinal properties and spiritual power? You have to use complicated methods. I will do whatever I want." Barry said with a smile, which can also be said to be show off.

When Cook heard Barry's words, he immediately reacted. Barry controlled the temperature, and he could also squeeze out the medicinal properties and spiritual power. After all, the properties of the spiritual fire would not be affected in large and small worlds, just like Cook tried to change it. The temperature of the alchemy furnace, but for Barry, was just a thought, and the power of the spirit fire was definitely greater than the general flame.

"Well, if your performance is good enough, I won’t be investigating the previous things. I will give you a 10% commission in the future and then exchange for the soul crystal." Cook finally knows why the spirit fire is so crazy, this Nima From mechanical alchemy to full automation, who doesn't want to.

In fact, Cook’s idea is basically wrong. The spiritual fires possessed by people in the big world do not basically exist in the form of spiritual things. Which spiritual fires do not have their own attributes at all. These spiritual fires are used by practitioners in the big world. After being recovered, it is a kind of ability of these cultivators themselves.

However, human thinking is definitely not the same as the one born of Spirit Fire. Therefore, although it is many times easier for humans to control Spirit Fire than Cooke controlling the flame in the Pill Furnace, it is much greater than Barry’s own control of himself. Not as good.

This is also the reason why the immortal gate wants Cook to refine the pill, because people in the big world use spirit fire to refine the pill, but it depends on the understanding of the person, not the attribute of the spirit fire, or you have the spirit fire, you may not be able to refine the pill. medicine.

"10%... okay." Barry still wanted to bargain, but when he saw the flame on Cook's finger, he shut up immediately. Barry regretted it at this time, because Cook had more than one kind of flame, and the ignited wind was the source of it. , This is a kind of flame.

It is also the law of destruction that was compressed by Cook on the thumb, and it actually lit a gray flame invisibly, but it was only very subtle. Cook has pondered this point for a long time, only to realize that it may be because of his own. Compression ignited the law of destruction.

As for the specifics, as there is no precedent, Cook does not know it well.

"Counting you are acquainted, if you dare to bargain, I will refine it with my spirit fire in the future, and I won't look for you." Cook grinned, and saw Barry's depressed look, making Cook feel happy.

Barry really wanted to pull his own mouth, what he wanted to remind him, fifty soul crystals got in his hand, these more soul crystals would be thrown out.

"Hurry up and make alchemy. Sixty pills in a furnace." Cook left after speaking, apparently wanting to study his own spirit fire alchemy.

"You..." Barry was so irritated by Cook, but thinking that if Cook used his own spirit fire to refine alchemy, wouldn't he get nothing?

Cook put himself in another secret room, and an egg-sized flame appeared on the palm of his hand. This is because Cook used a lot of wind element crystals to cultivate such a large wind elemental fire.

"Try it first." Cook decided to give it a try.

Cook threw the elixir into the fire of the origin. After the elixir was thrown in, the elixir disappeared suddenly, but the flame actually grew a little bit.

"Damn." Seeing this scene, Cook almost jumped up. You need to know how many **** crystals it took for this flame Cook to rise, and now a piece of elixir actually grows by one point?

Moreover, Cook did not observe carefully. Then, Cook threw in a piece of elixir again. This time Cook’s spirit penetrated into the fire of origin, and finally discovered the power of the fire of origin. This elixir was unexpectedly instantaneous. It was penetrated by the spirit fire, and then the spiritual power was absorbed all at once, and even the impurities were burned away.

Cook was able to control the fire of origin because he possessed divine consciousness. Cook discovered that divine consciousness is an advanced version of mental power. The laws of destruction that could not be commanded in the past and the fire of origin can all be controlled by divine consciousness. Even the magic stick, that is, the sealing pillar, can be used initially.

Under the control of divine consciousness, the elixir was decomposed into the most primitive things by the fire of the origin in an instant, containing the spiritual power of the medicine, and Cook could even feel the medicine inside through the fire of the origin.

"I fuck." Cook was also shocked by this speed.

"Why is faster than Barry?" Cook looked at the white thing in the spirit fire. This is the spiritual power and medicinal properties.

When Cook's spiritual thought moved, the fire of the origin absorbed the spiritual power and medicinal properties, and he threw in a spiritual medicine again. This time Cook observed more carefully with his spiritual power.

"Is this a special attribute of the original fire of the wind element, infiltration?" Cook had some consciousness.

Then Cook took out a spirit pen and put it directly into the original fire, and then Cook's eyes widened.

"Damn, the structure is really clear." Cook almost yelled out, obviously this is the attribute of the original fire of the wind element.

"Wind, that is, circulating air, air is basically everywhere, even in the universe, that is, the air is thin, not an absolute vacuum, although this spirit pen is a magical instrument, according to the truth, there is no air in it, but I am not air. , Is the original fire of the wind system, and it can also be said to be the special attribute of the spirit fire." Cook muttered to himself.

Cook casually found Leng Feng quickly, and asked Leng Feng to find himself all kinds of spiritual fire things.

"Cook, don't you want to find spiritual fire in the whole small world?" Leng Feng looked at Cook strangely.

"Of course, if we find other spirit fires, we will get rich, right." Cook hadn't figured out an excuse yet, but this cold front gave Cook an excuse.

Leng Feng shook his head and said, "Cook, it's not my enthusiasm that beats you, but what is so easy to get from the spiritual fire?"

"What if there is, Leng Feng, I cooperate with your school, if I have more spirit fire, will it be more beneficial to you?" Cook asked.

When Leng Feng saw Cook doing this, he shook his head and said: "Things involving spirit fire are not cheap, these things are very rare."

"In this way, if I find a spiritual fire without a sense of wisdom, how about I sell part of it to you?" Cook said with a pie.

"Oh?" Leng Feng became interested.

"If I find a kind of spiritual fire, then I will hold it by myself. If there are two kinds, then I will sell you one kind, how about?" Cook continues to draw the pie, and if I find it then, it can make the world Outsiders know.

"This..." Leng Feng hesitated. In fact, the knowledge of Linghuo is not a secret in the big world. These are the most valuable things in the big world, but detailed information must be very expensive. Just like the F22 fighter, many of the approximate parameters are known, but what about the specific design drawings, more detailed? Money can't buy it.

"I will post the task. You also know how powerful our Council of Gods is?" Cook added.

Hearing Cook's words, Leng Feng's heart moved. Since the small world is so big, since a kind of spiritual creature can be born, are there more spiritual creatures?

"Cook, in this way, in our big world, there is a spiritual book with various spiritual relics on it. If there are other spiritual relics, can you sell it to us?" Leng Feng asked.

"Yes, let's cooperate, is it a win-win situation, isn't it?" Cook nodded immediately.

"However, you can't deceive us. We know that your strength in the Council of the Gods is very strong. Of course, we are not taking your things for nothing." Leng Feng reminded Cook.

Cook patted his chest and said, "Daoist Leng Feng, do you think I can control several spiritual things by myself?"

"Hehe, hehe, I'll go back and report to the martial art." Leng Feng went back.

After Cook left from Leng Feng's side, Song Tao and others received the news, but Song Tao asked to see Cook several times, but Cook did not see him.

When Cook went back to comprehend the matter of alchemy by the fire of the origin of the wind element for two days, he received the spirit fetish will, there are many spiritual things, spirit fire. Spirit wood, spiritual soil, spiritual gold, spiritual water, and spiritual energy. The spiritual energy here refers to things like Yin Qi and evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards, Cook released a series of missions. As soon as the missions were released, Song Tao found Leng Feng: "Friend Leng Feng, you colluded with Cook, and you sold all the spiritual fetishes to Cook?"

"Daoist Songtao, what you said, we are just cooperating with Cook." Leng Feng is not cold with Songtao's attitude, but he still said with a smile.

"Friend Leng Feng, all of you people in the Xianmen have brain problems..." Song Tao shouted angrily when he heard Leng Feng's words.

"Niubi, please pay attention to what is wrong, what are you?" Leng Feng raised his eyebrows when he heard this and began to curse.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Other people who had been watching from a distance rushed over immediately.

Qing Zhu said, "What are you arguing about, what can't you talk about?"

"There is nothing to talk about with this kind of impolite, hurtful mouth." Leng Feng said irritably.

"Little man, who do you mean?" Song Tao immediately shouted loudly.

"Big brother, big brother." At this moment, a junior from Leng Feng hurried in.

"Uh..." This junior said, seeing so many people.

"Brother, there is a very urgent matter for you." The junior said.

"Okay." Leng Feng walked over immediately.

The two exchanged spiritual thoughts, and Leng Feng exclaimed: "Really?"

Then Leng Feng turned his head and bowed his hands at several people: "Excuse me, several people, I have a little delay."

Leng Feng left in a hurry, Song Tao and others looked suspicious at Leng Feng's back.

Among them, someone whispered: "Couldn't it be Cook who found the spiritual thing?"

"Sorry, I have something to leave first." Fellow Daoist Mei Rui of Fei Xianmen heard this, he moved in his heart and immediately left.

"Hehe, I'm leaving too." Qingzhu also left first.

Mei Rui rushed to the portal and asked, "Where did Daoist Leng Feng go?"

"Go to Speaker Cook's side." The portals here are all used by the Great World sect, because the surrounding area is protected.

"Oh, that's good." Mei Rui immediately teleported over.

Mei Rui wandered around and didn't find Cook. Then Qing Zhu appeared again. Qing Zhu looked at Mei Rui and asked, "Have you found Leng Feng and Cook?"

"No, fellow Daoist Qingzhu, what's the matter?" Mei Rui asked vigilantly.

"I heard that an adventurer found a kind of fruit. This kind of fruit fell on the ground and immediately turned into a rock. It is said that only taking it, the strength is greatly increased, I suspect it is a vermilion fruit." Green bamboo whispered.

"This, this..." Mei Rui was dumbfounded

"I also heard that there are hundreds of these fruits. It is said that they will not turn into stone in water. They grow in the crater of an extinct volcano. There is still water. Isn't this the place where water and fire meet? There are hundreds of such fruits, and the adventurers are going crazy. It is said that Speaker Cook gave a large bounty." Green Bamboo continued.

"This, this, how can the small world have such a spirit fruit?" Mei Rui didn't say the reason for a while.

Green Bamboo said angrily: "There are spiritual fires, how could there be no spiritual fruits? How many years old are the fruit trees with hundreds of vermilion fruits, at least tens of thousands of years, hundreds of trees, how many pills can this make? Medicine."

"No, you can't let Leng Feng eat alone." Mei Rui said immediately when she heard this.

Leng Feng is now in the secret room with Cook. Leng Feng looks at the petrified fruit, and then at the red fruit soaked in the water. This is the fruit of strength, the thing in Cook's natural ring.

"Taste it." Cook said after seeing Leng Feng's identification for ten minutes.

"Okay." Leng Feng had already identified that there was no toxin.

Leng Feng swallowed the red fruit of strength in one bite, then closed his eyes, slowly smelling, half a moment, Leng Feng opened his eyes and looked at Cook: "It seems to be a vermilion fruit, and I feel that my strength is much stronger, and the bones of my body seem to increase. Yes, but the specifics need to be appraised..."

"Damn, don't you know Zhu Guo?" Cook interrupted angrily.

"How much is this?" Leng Feng stared at Cook without blinking.

"There are hundreds of trees, and each tree has hundreds... I will give you one first, and quickly get it back for identification." Cook took out another one.

"Damn." When Leng Feng heard Cook's statement, his eyes almost stared out. Nima, hundreds, hundreds, is this tens of thousands?

"You talk about the growth environment?" Then Leng Feng collected Cook and threw it out with power fruit, which was preserved with water in a jade box containing elixir.

After Cook finished speaking, Leng Feng immediately left. As soon as Leng Feng went out, he saw Song Tao and others outside. Mei Rui and others saw Leng Feng and rushed over.

"Friend Leng Feng?" Mei Rui asked.

"Dear fellow daoists, I have to go back to ask the teacher to appraise it. I will leave first." Leng Feng didn't even look at Song Tao, and then prepared to leave.

"Huh, just your immortal door, still want to use it for alchemy?" Song Tao said with a sneer.

"Haha, I'm sorry, even if you don't refine the pill, it's good to eat it directly. I just ate one. This power has increased a lot, it seems that the roots have also increased." Leng Feng smiled and lost his face. Envy people who are jealous and hate.

"Root bones, increase root bones!" Everyone was shocked. The things that add root bones are all spiritual things in the big world.

"No, I'm going to see Cook." Qingzhu and the others couldn't wait, and one after another wanted to see Cook.

Of course, Cook knew that other sects would come to him eagerly. This was the peach prepared for the big sects of the big world. Cook obviously would not give up the good opportunity to separate these sects.

"You needn’t talk about it, fellow daoists. I won’t make promises to everyone until the truth of the matter is understood. Of course, I, Cook, is a very trustworthy person. Fellow Daoist Leng Feng has given me a lot. Because of the support, I will also support Daoist Lengfeng, and Daoist Lengfeng gave me the method of spiritual fire alchemy, allowing me to successfully refine the elixir with spiritual fire, although it is the lowest-level essence essence... "Cook said with a smile at the people who came in.

Dandingmen's exclamation interrupted Cook: "What, the method of spiritual fire alchemy, Speaker Cook, can I take a look?"

"Of course, that's it." Cook took out a jade bottle and handed it to the Danding Sect disciple with a smile.

"First-grade pill!" After opening the jade bottle and pouring out the pill, the disciple of the pill sect exclaimed.

"What?" everyone around them exclaimed, and then they all leaned forward to watch.


"Yipin pill, it's a pity that it's Jingyuan Pill."

"That's it, it would be great if it were Lingyuan Pill."

Song Tao's face was extremely ugly. You must know that at the beginning, Daomen sold it well to Cook. Of course, it was sold well. In fact, it was a pit against Cook. Even Song Tao hated Leng Feng.

In this short period of time, Leng Feng rushed in with a gust of wind. In Leng Feng’s mind, there were only a few words the head said, not Zhu Guo, but the effect was comparable to Zhu Guo. After the head heard that there were tens of thousands of Zhu Guo ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That momentum almost crushed Leng Feng, and then Leng Feng was ordered to take down such a spirit fruit, at least to exceed the gate.

Leng Feng's mind was confused, and only then was he given the spirit fetish for one day, but he discovered the spirit fetish?

"Haha, everyone is here." Seeing so many people, Leng Feng knew that this matter could not be kept secret.

Everyone looked directly at Leng Feng, and Leng Feng coughed: "It was not Zhu Guo that I found this time."

"No?" Qing Zhu and the others were puzzled, not because you ran so fast.

"But the effect is comparable to Zhu Guo. There is a certain chance to increase the roots, and the increase in physique is certain." Leng Feng doesn't want to say, but if such a big thing is not said, the teacher will definitely not have a good life in the future. It's not a good thing to be missed by other schools at that time.

"What!" Then everyone looked straight at Cook.

Cook grinned: "Haha, luck, luck."

"Chairman Cook, our Feixianmen is willing to accept your wife. I mean the wife who practices our Feixianmen technique as an honorary disciple." Upon hearing this, Mei Rui directly extended the maximum authority.

"President Cook, our Dan Ding Sect is willing to cooperate with you to refine the spirit fruit, and you will account for the benefits that come out at that time..." The Dan Ding Sect's disciple said quickly.

"Haha, Speaker Cook, the alchemy guys want to refine the spirit fruit, which is very helpful to the alchemist." However, someone broke the stage immediately.

"Chairman Cook. If this batch of spirit fruit is given to us, we can help Speaker Cook to establish a school." Song Tao said loudly.

PS: The **** was crushed. It has been intermittently from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until now. After the two chapters, I changed the band-aids three times in the middle. The mouth was not big, and it was bleeding. I can only use one hand to code words. I am used to both hands, but I am not used to one hand at all.

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