A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1823: Lingguo Storm (Part 1)

Hearing what Song Tao said, Cook stood up, smiled and stretched out his hands and said, "Everyone, what I want is the tangible things you brought out, not promises. Take Fei Xianmen as an example. If you are Willing to give me all the exercises, I can give you fifty such spiritual fruits and spiritual fruit trees."

"This is impossible." Mei Rui immediately shook her head.

"Ha, don't worry, you can teach those women to me individually. I use my personality to guarantee that the techniques will not be leaked. Of course, my women can also join the Fei Xianmen." Cooke laughed. , And then explained.

Mei Rui didn't know what to say at the moment, and Cook waved his hand and said, "In this way, I will each give you a spiritual fruit. You can report to the school to see what you are willing to exchange for these spiritual fruit."

Then Cook gave each of these great world sects a spirit fruit, but after these people got the spirit fruit, they did not leave immediately, but looked at Leng Feng.

"Cough cough. I'm sorry, I have reached an agreement with Daoist Lengfeng before, and found a spiritual thing. Daoist Lengfeng will get one-tenth of the income, which is about two thousand spiritual fruits." Cook coughed Said.

"Hi!" The others took a breath, then quickly turned and left.

After waiting for the others to leave, Leng Feng hurriedly asked: "Cook, is what you are saying is true?"

"I need a method of sacrificing sword fetus, two thousand spirit fruits." Cook said.

"This..." Leng Feng knew that the method of sacrificing sword fetus was the secret of every sword repair school.

"How about some rare metal materials?" Cook asked in a different way.

"I need to ask for instructions." Leng Feng still did not dare to agree.

Cook nodded and said, "Well, you can also give such a spiritual fruit tree."

"You...I'll be right back." Leng Feng ran out immediately after hearing this, his voice came from a distance.

The upper class of the big world is destined to be a sleepless day today, comparable to Zhu Guo’s spirit fruit, good things that can improve the roots, how come they appear in the small world, and they were actually taken two by the fairy sect guys. Thousands, which means that the total number of spirit fruits is as much as 20,000.

It sounds like there are many spiritual fruits, but there are thousands of martial arts in the whole world, and there are super martial arts, twenty thousand, and one martial arts less than ten. How many families and elders of each school , How many talented younger generations, increase their roots, even a little, it is worth paying a huge price.

Various sects are urgently discussing countermeasures. In some places, the sects have sounded alarm bells. Only the alarm bell can call out the elders who are in retreat, otherwise these elders will not come out.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, who is ringing the alarm bell?" Quanzhen Sect, the main hall where the head is located, an elder rushed in and shouted loudly.

"I'm still making alchemy, and this alchemy will be scrapped." Another elder also said in a loud voice.

"What about the head, where is the head, come out?" the person who had just entered shouted immediately.

But the head did not come out, but after thirty breaths, everyone was there. You must know that once the alarm bell rings, no matter what happens, you must be there for forty breaths, or you will be severely punished.

"Quiet!" The headmaster came out. The headmaster looked at all but the elder who went out. The headmaster threw out a jade pendant, and then an enchantment enveloped the main hall.

"Head, I don't think there is anything wrong with the martial arts, what are you doing when you ring the alarm?" an elder asked with anger.

The head said: "This time we are summoning everyone because the matter is very urgent. We found a spirit fruit comparable to Zhu Guo, which can improve our roots."

"I found out, I found out what happened to us?" An elder said in an angry tone, knowing that these spirit fruit competitions are very fierce, and most people don't report any hope.

The head sneered and said: "In this case, then you can leave if you want, but don't blame me if you won't be able to distribute the spirit fruit."

"No, head, don't you mean more than one spirit fruit for the distribution?" When the elders below heard this, their eyes lit up and asked.

"Dear fellow daoists, there are more than 20,000 spirit fruits discovered this time..." Song Tao's master said immediately when he heard this.

"What!" Many elders stood up all at once, and the elders in Lushan even pulled off their beards.

"Twenty thousand spiritual fruits that increase the roots." The head added, even if the head is a tyrannical figure, the news is full of enthusiasm.

"God, did we discover the heaven and blessed land?" someone asked in surprise.

"Twenty thousand spirit fruits are enough for our Lushan to train hundreds of master-level alchemists." The elders of Lushan are actually the elders in charge of alchemy, a master of alchemy.

The head sighed: "Unfortunately, the spirit fruit is not in our hands."

"In whose hands, let's just kill it."

"That is, 20,000 spiritual fruits, dare not to hand them over, waiting for the door to be destroyed."

"Head, are we going to split up with other schools?"

The head waved his hand and said: "So far, only two hundred and twenty sects have been aware of this news, including 32 super sects, more than 80 martial sects, and the rest are small and medium sects.

"Well, we can also be divided into thousands of spirit fruits." The elder below heard this and said excitedly, and at the same time calculated how many influences could be divided according to his status.

"Ahem, this spirit fruit is in the hands of Cook in the small world." Seeing the expressions of the elders, the head coughed and said.

"What, little world?"

"It's impossible!"

"How can the small world have spiritual fruit?"

"It's not necessarily true, the spirit fire has..."

"Quiet, quiet, Cook means what we are willing to exchange for, the Yijianmen has already received two thousand spiritual fruits, because the Yijianmen has given the spiritual fetishes to Cook, and after Cook released the mission, he found it in one day So many spirit fruits." The head continued.

"What, the Yijianmen got two thousand pieces?"

"Isn't it a phantom? Why didn't we give it?"

"That's right, spiritual fetishism is not a very rare thing, these are two thousand spiritual fruits."

"That is, if this is for two thousand inner disciples, or used for alchemy, one more grandmaster is not necessarily?"

When the head heard this, he interrupted and said, "What are we going to trade now? This is a sample of the spirit fruit given by Cook. Let's take a look."

The flaming red fruit was carefully identified by the elders, and the elder of Lushan was very excited: "This spirit fruit can also enhance physical fitness, good things, good things, increase physical fitness, roots and bones, which is better than Zhu Guo, and Looking at the age of the spirit fruit, it is at least thousands of years, and it is not necessarily tens of thousands of years. Such a spirit fruit, even if it is not refined into a pill, the effect is good."

"Into the small world."

"That is, maybe there are other spiritual things."

When some elders heard this, they immediately jealous. Not everyone can identify spiritual fruits in detail, after all, each has its own strengths.

"Hehe, the avatar of the Blood Sea Demon Lord has been caught, who of you wants to go?" The head said with a smile, and then looked at the elders below.

Some elders sneered and said, "Some people, no matter how they cultivate, how can their brains not work well?"

"Old miscellaneous hair, who are you talking about?"

"You are an old miscellaneous hairy. You have been cultivating for so many years, and you still look like that. If you have the ability to speak, you can go. If you go to the small world, let me see, idiot."

"Okay." The leader knew that the departments managed by these elders also existed and competed. Originally, the martial arts were set up in this way to select excellent talents internally, but at this point, the internal conflicts of the martial arts are very sharp. After all, all things involved are interests, spirit stones and the like.

The leader put away the spirit fruit, and secretly said to the descendant of his family to take the spirit fruit, but his face was cold and he said: "Noisy, continue to noisy, wait until the other schools have exchanged the spirit fruit. You are happy, playing in the small world, who wants to go, I will not stop, but don't go under the name of our Quanzhen Sect, go by yourself, whoever wants to go, hurry away, don't waste time here? "

Seeing that no one was speaking, the leader said again: "Aren't some people saying that others are idiots, think of a way to come out and see?"

"Master, we are not talking about this now. Cook needs something. If it is one or two spirit fruits, we don't care about it, but 20,000 spirit fruits, if this is obtained by other schools..." Some elders stood up and persuaded.

"As for Cook, our previous strategy has some problems, but it is not too late to remedy it, and Cook has used the spirit fire to make a pill. Although it is only the first-level essence of essence, it is a first grade essence of essence. Pill, this Cook still has a talent for alchemy, speaking of alchemy, Fulu, who else can compare to our Dao Sect?" the head said.

An elder asked: "Head, the first-grade essence pill is nothing extraordinary..."

"Master, I don't know how long it has been since Cook learned about alchemy?" The elder of Lushan asked interruptedly.

"Six months." The head of the boss said after calculating.

The interrupted elder sneered and said, "It's not too bad to refine the essence pill for half a year."

"Hehe, fellow Daoist, what you said, you should know that people in the small world don't understand anything, or you can find people in your family who don't understand alchemy and refine me a first-grade essence pill for half a year?" The elder of Lushan asked with a smile.

"So, Cook's talent is good?" Some elder asked in surprise.

The head waved his hand and said: "This is a pill. After all, Cook is the smartest and strongest in the small world. It is not surprising that he has talent."

"Tsk tusk, this is the first-grade essence essence pill, which is almost perfect." The elder of Lushan carefully checked the pill made by Cook, and sighed.

"So I think we will give Cook some alchemy prescriptions, as well as the alchemy handbook. I guess Cook will like it." The head nodded. Although the head can't make alchemy, he still has vision.

"Alchemy Code?" The elders were a little surprised when they heard this. If you know that the alchemy code is the experience of an alchemist, look for it here and there.

The elder in charge of Lushan shook his head and said: "The head, I guess Cook may not agree to it, because Cook uses spirit fire to refine the pill. The fixed attributes of this pill are very rare. The general alchemy handwriting For Cook, it's really useless."

"Then what do you mean..." the headmaster looked at the elder and asked.

"What did Cook do for what?" The elder of Lushan looked at everyone with a smile and asked.

When the other elders heard this, their eyes lit up, and the head said, "Is it a foothold in the big world?"

"Yes, our Quanzhen Sect can promise Cook that our Quanzhen Sect can accept people from the small world directly as inner disciples and receive the same treatment as other inner disciples." Lushan's elder said.

"How can this be done?" Some elders immediately objected. To know that the inner disciples are the reserve forces cultivated by the entire sect, it can be said that the elders at the scene are all from the inner sect.

"That is, how can people in the small world become inner disciples?"

"No, how strict is the recruitment of inner disciples every year?"

There are voices of opposition below, and of course there are also those who do not. The leader did not make a decision, but waited for everyone's decision.

When the elder of Lushan saw that everyone had finished speaking, he said: "First of all, I want to explain that those who can come to the big world in the small world are all geniuses."

"Genius, why can't a genius grow up without a person in that small world?" an elder asked with a sneer.

The elder of Lushan opened his mouth and said: "This is a good thing, but have you ever thought about it. These people come to the big world and have nothing. Unless there are special opportunities, how can they achieve anything?"

"Aside from anything else, people who can come to the big world have lived in the small world for at least thousands of years. Although the thousands of years in the small world are not long for our big world, it is after all thousands of years. I believe these people will not be bad in terms of combat consciousness, state of mind, or understanding. From this Cook, you can see that, of course, the most important thing is that the small world finds spiritual things, then we do not accept the small world. Naturally, some people accept it. There are 20,000 such spirit fruits, so is there any other rare spirit fruits? We also know that the small world is also very vast." The elder of Lushan stood up and said.

"Head, I don’t think it’s right. It’s not my clan’s heart. Who can guarantee that these people in the small world will not bring disaster to the school after they grow up. You must know that the cultivation of the people in the small world is like us But it's different. Their behavior is entirely based on interests. I think everyone understands this. As for the exchange of spiritual fruits, as long as there are enough things to exchange, people in the small world will never be allowed to enter the inner door." An elder Stand up and say firmly.

"That is, even people in the small world can build their own martial arts, but they must not be able to enter the martial arts."

Most of the elders spoke out their opinions, and the meaning was very simple, that is, people who absolutely disagree with the small world enter the school.

"Well, let's see what other schools exchange first, and then we will discuss it." Seeing this result, the head knows what to say.

Cook waited for two months, and the talents of the big world returned to the small world again, but the difference was that Leng Feng had already come up with two secret methods for raising sword wombs, and some rare metals that could be brought into the small world. Cook was looking for the secret method of nurturing the sword fetus, which was just for reference.

In addition, Leng Feng's school also promised that after Cook went to the big world, no one would dare to attack Cook. Of course, Cook also needed to pay three spiritual fruit trees, that is, the fruit of power, and two thousand spiritual fruit.

Finally, the deal was concluded, and Yijianmen had one more promise, that is, people who can shelter the small world.

When Songtao and others learned that Leng Feng not only got the spirit fruit, but also the spirit fruit tree, they felt very uncomfortable.

The second one that traded with Cook was the Seven Buddhisms. Clearance came not too early. What Clearance brought to Cook was an exercise method for cultivating souls, which is a method for strengthening souls, mainly relying on visualization.

The object of visualization was a figure with three eyes, who exchanged five hundred spiritual fruits.

"Cook, we Feixianmen are willing to exchange three thousand spiritual fruits with the first 36 levels of exercises, and we promised that once your wife cultivates the thirty-six levels of exercises, we will offer the following exercises as many. "The news that Mei Rui brought was good.

"One thousand." Cook bargained.

"We also have some rare pill recipes, which are the best-selling in the big world." Mei Rui said.

"No, the rare pill is in your hands, so there must be unique elixir in your hands." Cook shook his head and refused.

"Five thousand, plus a sword tire, the sword tire dedicated to Feixianmen, guarantees that it can reach the top-grade magic weapon quality." Mei Rui continued to increase.

"I have so many women, you give one, who do I give it?" Cook shook his head. In fact, Cook still values ​​the sword fetus in his heart.

"One is fine for one person, twenty spirit fruit trees." Mei Rui looked at Cook, and the lion said with a big mouth.

Cook thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

"What?" Mei Rui did not expect that Cook would actually agree, but couldn't react for a while.

"I said yes." Cook had to repeat.

"This..." Mei Rui was a little blinded.

"Hurry up and report it." Cook waved his hand, knowing that Mei Rui could not be the master, and that the sword fetus was not ordinary.

Mei Rui had just left and Qingzhu came in. Qingzhu is the Shushan Gate, one of the Taoist super sects. It is said that there are two Lingbao-level flying swords.

"Speaker Cook, we at Shushan Gate are willing to protect all the people in the small world in the big world." Qingzhu said to Cook.

Cook shook his head and said, "Something practical."

"Cook, don't you want to establish a chamber of commerce? We Shushanmen agreed and promised to protect the chamber." Qingzhu saw Cook doing this and continued.

Cook still shook his head: "Sorry, I don't see any benefit to me. You protect the Chamber of Commerce. If something happens, I can still ask you to compensate for the loss?"

"Then what do you want?" Qing Zhu asked with an anger.

"Pills, sword fetus, how to use flying swords, things related to talisman, and spirit fire alchemy, refining tools, formations, that's all, I don’t want to be more advanced, what I want is sincerity, what if you bring it out? It suits me, I will not be stingy, I might as well tell you that Yijianmen has already obtained thousands of spiritual fruit, there are several spiritual fruit trees, and the Seven Buddhas gate has also received 500. As for the Feixiangmen, it has been initially reached. Five thousand spirit fruit, twenty spirit fruit tree agreement." Cook said with a smile.

"Five spirit fruit trees, we will give you the alchemy handwriting, an alchemy master's handwriting." Qing Zhu heard this and took a deep breath.

"Is it real or a copy?" Cook asked.

"Replicas, we really can't bring them into the small world." Qingzhu gave Cook a blank look.

"Replicas, then two at most." Cook smacked his lips, looking disgusted.

Qing Zhu really wanted to cut Cook in half with a single sword. The master-level alchemy handbook is so cheap.

"Three." Qingzhu said, holding back his anger.

"What's great about your Shushan Gate?" Cook asked.

"Our Shushanmen Jianxiu, Danxiu is the most famous in the big world." Qingzhu looked at Cook and replied angrily.

"Well, three is three, count me Cook for a good fate." When Cook heard this, he wanted the lion to open his mouth, but now, even if the lion opens his mouth, others give it to him. Arrived.

When Qing Zhu heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Shushan people like to take Lingguo Immortal Grass and the like.

Then Cook said: "I have something here, it seems to be the fairy grass you are talking about, I wonder if you can let the strong inside your door identify it?"

"What?" When Green Bamboo heard Cook say this, his eyes widened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are the two kinds of leaves, which contain powerful life energy, and this is a kind of pure and pure. Fire element. "Cook took out two jade boxes, one was a few leaves of the tree of life, and the other was an elemental fruit.

Cook thought about it carefully. This elemental fruit contains the most basic elements. It does not carry any legal power. It may also be a kind of spiritual fruit. The leaves of the tree of life contain life energy, and life is in large and small worlds. It's the same, maybe it's also a kind of spirit fruit.

Qing Zhu took a deep look at Cook, and then hurried back.

Green Bamboo leaves in a hurry, and the other schools waiting outside are even more anxious, especially some small and medium schools. Lingguo is something you can't find. The most important thing for small and medium schools is development. Some less important things are OK. Let it out.

Cook's harvest is great. In terms of formations, alchemy, talisman, and even flying swords, magic weapons, Cook has collected a lot of things. The tree of strength fruits is in the ring of nature. Don’t grow too well, just like the tree of life, it hardly grows outside, but inside the natural ring, there is now a dense forest, with small saplings constantly growing, and Cook did not see the tree of life Flowering and bearing fruit, there are now as many as tens of thousands. The largest is more than 500 meters high and continues to grow. The leaves of the tree of life collected by the flower elves, Cook is used as tea to drink, even Cook All of the subordinates can drink, but they don’t have fun.

When Leng Feng heard that Cook was looking for himself, he hurried over. Cook also took out the jade box containing the tree of life leaves and the elemental fruit of the fire element to Leng Feng; "Let’s let me identify and see if these two are spirit fruits. ?"

PS: It seems that it is okay to finish the book before the New Year. I originally thought it would be finished this month, but in some places I have to write more.

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