A Unique Hunter

Chapter 224: Wick Burst Arrow "First More"

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"Boom!" It was almost ten seconds later that the trees were directly washed away by the huge explosive power of the vine's seeds, and a vine stretched out of thin air on the trunk of a big tree.

"There are a lot of shortcomings. Archery is extended by two seconds, and the burst of thorns is almost ten seconds. These twelve seconds are enough to determine the key to a victory or defeat." Cook's face is even more ugly, this time it is almost It is a failure. What is the concept of twelve seconds? A soldier can sprint several kilometers in twelve seconds, while a thief can attack dozens of times in twelve seconds. With two daggers, it is basically a hundred times, or more! The magician can release no less than three magic spells, not to mention the archer.

"There is still a problem with this idea. I'm just a simple piece of archery skills, which is of no use at all, but for some battles that take a long time, it's OK." Cook can imagine some large-scale If WoW suddenly grows vines, that effect will definitely be good.

"Hey, I don’t know what happened to the devil vine cultivated by Windsor. If there are seeds like the devil vine, the devil vine can grow wildly in the body of a beast with an arrow. This is almost equivalent to Monkey King in the belly of the bull devil. "But then Cook discovered a more favorable side, but the premise of all this is that Windsor cultivates the seeds of the devil's vine.

Cook then walked while experimenting. Cook spent half a day and finally shortened the time by one second. In the end Cook had to give up. This improvised archery skill was thus finalized by Cook for the first time. Ke named this archery skill Wick Archery.

But Cook is not easy to admit defeat. If this is the case, he will not take a huge risk to steal Xiaolei. You must know that after stealing Xiaolei, Cook slowly developed into what it is today. It can be said that it is Ku A turning point for Ke, without Xiao Lei, Cook might be a core member of the Loli family, but he would not do this step today, and he would not have the opportunity to contact pharmacy.

"Since magic doesn't work, then the magic power is directly instilled into the seed with magic power. Then it is directly wrapped with spiritual power, and when the spiritual power is exhausted, the seed will burst out..." Since magic does not work, Ku Ke thought of magic power. Cook took out a fine iron arrow, then forcefully pulled out the fine iron arrow, took out a seed the size of sesame seeds, and began to instill magic power carefully.

Cook's magic eye was used to the extreme, seeing the seeds gradually change color, in the case of the magic eye, Cook slowly input magic power.

"Oh! It failed!" The seed suddenly dimmed, apparently being crushed to death by the powerful magic power. Cook looked at the ordinary seed and felt that the endurance of this seed was extremely weak.

"Come again!" Cook took out a vine seed again and slowly entered the magic power. This time Cook was very careful, and then used his mental power to block the magic seed and put it in the arrow of fine iron.

"Boom!" To Cook's disappointment, the seeds didn't work at all this time.

Cook dug up the arrow and found that the seeds were still the same. Although they were not wrapped in spiritual power, the seeds did not grow at all. Cook was disappointed. The seeds fell on the ground, but the moment it fell into the ground, a vine It grew out suddenly.

"Nima, without the stimulation of a spell, how can seeds grow in an environment where there is no growth?" Cook looked at the vine that wrapped him, reacted immediately, patted his head and complained.

Magical power is not enough to inspire seeds. Without spells to activate the seeds, the seeds will not grow, but then Cook turned his eyes to some surrounding trees because some trees do not need seeds to grow, and some trees need cuttings. Reproduction.

Cook carried a large number of thunder teeth around, and finally found a dry willow, which is a variant of willow, in fact, it is a bush, a creeping shrub. Cook directly pulled hard and found that the branches of the dry willow were covered with Some thin roots have grown in the buried part of the dead branches.

Cook's three hits directly made a more crude arrow. Cook carefully wrapped the wood magic with mental power, but what made Cook depressed is that the dry willow also rejected magic and spirit. Force, made Cook vomit blood depressed.

"Damn it, why is it so bad!" Cook yelled irritably, but if someone heard this, he wouldn't have to laugh. You kid thinks creative skills are so easy to create.

At night, Cook thought about it. He always felt that there was a glimmer of light in his mind, but he didn't catch it anyway. Cook felt that as long as he could catch that glimmer of light, this arrow skill should have a huge breakthrough, although Cook already has an idea, that is, to find a magical plant that can reproduce by cutting, so that his plan in the afternoon may be successful, but after a calculation, Cook found that it is still not worthwhile. First, he uses mental power to wrap the wood magic power, which will not only consume It is big and time-consuming, and the advantage of arrows is the long-range fast strike, so that the advantage of speed is lost, and the effect of arrows is reduced.

"Wood, wood!" Cook had two words in his mind.

"Damn, why am I so stupid? Who said that I need wood magic materials, fire, earth, and gold can be used. Wood magic will collide with these magic powers, but the attack power required by arrows Are you still afraid of magical conflict?" Cook immediately jumped up from the trunk, because Cook finally caught the hint of inspiration.

Cook directly picked up the Ghost Slashing Sword, looked around with his magic eyes, and galloped toward a place. Cook advanced less than five hundred meters, directly picked up a white iron engineering bomb, and directed it towards a secret next to the rock. Thrown into the cave.

"Boom!" A wave of air and a dull explosion rang out, and then a fire **** burst out of the cave.

"Boom!" The huge Ghost Slashing Sword directly slashed the second-level fire **** in half, and the fire **** did not understand why this human being had found himself hiding so secretly.

Cook directly collected the magic core, and then quickly grabbed the remaining skeleton of the ferret. Cook chose a few ribs of appropriate length and put the tail away. Cook avoided this **** place far. , Because here will attract other monsters to come.

Cook found a tree hole. There are a lot of things like tree holes. Then Cook took out the ribs of the fire weasel and threw them directly into a solution that can soften the bones, because pharmacists sometimes need the bones of Warcraft. So there is a certain teaching for handling bones.

After half an hour, Cook directly set the shape of the softened bones and rinsed them with clean water, and then baked them in a magic furnace. After that, Cook began to use thunder teeth to create arrows.

Ten minutes later, five bone arrows appeared in front of Cook. Under Cook’s magic eyes, these bone arrows radiated red light, which was not very conspicuous. Cook drilled out of the cave and came to In the clearing, take out the ghost bow, hit the bone arrow, and then start to inject magic instantly.

"Shoo! Boom!" Cook didn't stop after pouring his magic power in an instant, drawing a bow and shooting an arrow in one go, and the arrow exploded in the air at 80 meters, forming a large group of flames.

"Successful!" Cook can feel the tingling sensation of the bursting bone arrow hitting the skin from a distance of 80 meters, and the leather armor is also scratched. Fortunately, he timely Protected both eyes.

"But there seems to be a better way, such as enveloping the magic power with mental power to extend the impact time of the wood magic power and the fire magic power possessed by the bone arrow itself?" Cook then took out a bone arrow, knowing everything The bones of monsters contain more or less the magic power of the original monsters, and these magic powers will not dissipate. This is also one of the reasons why the bones of the monsters are listed as magic materials. Of course, there is not much magic inside and cannot be Use it directly, otherwise it won't be so worthless.

This time Cook almost easily wrapped a small group of magic power directly with magic power, and it was easily transported into the bone arrow, the Kukla bow.

"Boom!" The bone arrow directly hit the target selected by Cook, and exploded directly. Under the strong impact, Cook's mental power that wrapped the wood magic power was directly hit and disappeared, and the wood magic power directly interacted with the bone arrow itself. The fire magic touched, and then reacted instantly, directly causing an explosion. A big bucket-like hole was directly blown out of the huge tree trunk, and the wood fiber that was exploded around it still had traces of scorching.

"Wick Burst Arrow!" Cook gradually tested the remaining bone arrows one by one, although he hasn't mastered how much spiritual power and magic power it will take to achieve the best explosive effect, because Cook feels it is unnecessary. Arrows cannot have the same magic power, so Cook directly named this arrow technique Wick Burst Arrow, which means the bursting arrow invented by the mighty Cook, which is very boring~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Take it In one night, the surrounding low-level beasts suffered. Fire, earth, gold, water, ice, etc. low-level beasts all ushered in a disaster. In the end, Cook also determined that Wick’s Burst Arrow was a disaster. Material targets, fire, earth, metal, and ice powers are all possible, and the fire system has a burning effect, and the ice system has a paralyzing effect, so the water system will not work.

"Hehe, I finally have an arrow skill." Although Cook smiled, he was a little helpless. This kind of arrow skill is only suitable for him, because his magic eyes can see how much magic power is contained in bone arrows. , So the imported wood magic power is also in this range, which is why the bone arrow exploded. Cook tried it, and the wood magic power input in the fire bone arrow was less. A magical flame erupted from the outside of the bone arrow, but it was very small and had almost no attack power, and the bone arrow did not explode. If the wood magic power is too much, the bone arrow will break directly, and there is almost no explosion effect. That is to say, it is almost impossible for Cook to pass the Wick bursting arrow down. Without the magic eye, if he uses his mental power to perceive the magic power contained in the bone arrow, it will not only take time, but also consume the mental power, and it is estimated that fools will not learn of.

"KaKa, go, let's meet the big guy in this valley today!" Cook put a dozen bone arrows into the space ring. All these are the credit of Cook all night, Cook looks into the distance There was already golden sunlight on the top of the mountain, and Cook sorted it out and said loudly.

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