A Unique Hunter

Chapter 225: The Undead Strikes "Part 2"

I said I am the title party! Hehe!

Cook stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the deep valley below. This valley was discovered by Cook from the sky. It seemed to be the nest of a huge thorn dragon at the time, because Cook saw a brown one that looked very similar. The shadow of the thorn dragon fell in this valley.

"Why is the fog still not going away?" Cook looked at the canyon several kilometers wide and more than 100 kilometers long. The white mist has always been there, although white mist will appear in the valley in late autumn. But it doesn't mean that it won't disperse until noon, and Cook's magic eye has not found any abnormality at all, but the ice element is more concentrated.

Cook didn’t dare to go deep into the gorge without clarifying the situation here. Legend has it that there are many ancient relics in the Natal Mountains, as well as countless treasures. Of course, there have been several in history. A lucky guy was hit by the goddess of wealth and got some valuable things, but more people died in the mouths of countless strange monsters.

The Natal Mountains run through almost the entire continent and are hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, and the widest place is thousands of kilometers. Around the Natal Mountains are the Warcraft Forest, the Totisnia Highlands, and the Ural swamp. The Moracan Desert and other places on the continents hailed as Jedi by humans, these places live in various races, so no one has ever discovered the Natal Mountains.

And what made Cook even more afraid to go down was that the valley was quiet and terrifying. For half a day, no birds passed by, let alone a small animal. Looking down from above, the cliffs on both sides of the valley are even more straight. , Even the plants on the cliff are not high, it feels like lack of vitality.

Cook put his head out of the cliff and found that there was nothing unusual except for white fog or white fog below. Cook scratched his head and made an unexpected move. He took out a white iron engineering bomb, and then Pulling the bill, directly and forcefully throw it down.

"Hey, I said it's not that simple. There is no sound at all. This is too fake." Cook listened for a while, but he didn't hear a trace of movement. It stands to reason to throw something like this in the valley. It's strange to make a huge echo.

Cook patted his **** and was ready to leave. Cook has always taken a non-risk attitude towards unknown dangers, but Cook is still a little reconciled. Is it easy to climb so high on his own? So Cook hated it. Ten white iron engineering bombs, this thing was obtained by Bagglu while looting the dwarven knights when he was attacking Blackrock Town, and they were all confiscated by Cook. Just kidding, this kind of engineering bomb was never sold by dwarves, just in case. Being known by the dwarf does not affect the friendship between himself and the dwarf.

"It's something for nothing." Cook directly found a strong adhesive, made of a kind of gum, and glued ten engineering bombs into a grape shape, and then tried it, pulling the pieces together. Lost it directly.

"There is still no sound, Nima, this place is weird, leave quickly." After a full minute, Cook still did not notice any movement, Cook felt a burst of cold sweat on his back, Cook decided Leave quickly.

"Boom!" But Cook just left a distance of less than 100 meters. There was a loud noise. Cook felt that the earth was trembling. Then a fierce air wave rushed Cook hundreds of meters away. Cook Hugging a bush directly offset the huge impact.

Cook opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The scene before him was like a volcanic eruption, with countless gravel and grass clippings rising into the sky, and huge amounts of gas were continuously expelling from the canyon. wave.

"Oh!" Cook's mouth opened wide. He didn't understand what was going on. He was just trying to test it out. Is there really a prehistoric monster below.

Then Cook discovered that something was wrong, because the huge air waves sprayed from the canyon hardly decreased. Looking at the dust from a distance, the sand and stones were washed into the sky several thousand meters, forming a huge plume of smoke. What Ke found out was that a group of people suddenly appeared here, just near the mouth of the valley, only a few hundred meters away from Cook. Fortunately, Cook was on the hillside. These people’s attention was in the canyon. At this time There is constant dust and gravel falling, so it also reduces the chance of Cook being discovered.

"What's wrong? It stands to reason that this space crack shouldn't erupt. Wasn't it re-sealed only fifty years ago?" The group of people were all wearing gray mage robes. Cook saw these mage robes creeping on the bush. In the clump, because these guys in the wizard's robes are the elders of the wizard's union.

"Anyway, the cracks in the space are reopening now, and the energy spewing in this space is not very powerful. It is estimated that it will be re-sealed in the next two days. What we need to do is to prevent other planes from appearing during this period. Intelligent creatures slipped in through the cracks in the space." Wushuang old man looked at the smoke column in the sky and said.

"Then call the Dragon Knights here, there is also the mage group, and in all the guilds, the mission is to block the two sides of the canyon. We are not afraid of tyrannical creatures, just those who can hide their bodies." The guardian also spoke.

The three guardians of the Magician Guild looked at each other, and then all nodded. The Wushuang old man said, "Execute the order!"

And Cook sneaked out of the bushes. Cook is now thinking with his **** and knowing that he must be in trouble. In such an environment of flying sand and rocks, Cook is hardly noticed. Cook is extremely fast. In a short while, he ran a distance of nearly one kilometer.

"Hey, brother, you just sneaked over." Cook was running, and he felt a strong mental power. Cook was almost taken aback, and then looked to the left and right, he was almost taken aback. Get down.

Cook saw a humanoid creature behind him, but this humanoid creature made Cook's hair stand upright, because it was almost a bone shelf. The bone shelf was wearing a black cloak and a pair of black eye sockets. Yingying light.

"Boom!" Before he could say anything, Cook was hit by a thunderball that fell from the sky. Of course, the guy who had just said hello to Cook was hit by the thunderball, and Cook was just suffering from an innocent disaster.

"Damn it, this time it is the plane of the undead." And a shout came from far away.

"Old man Wushuang, you are going to murder!" Cook was scorched by the electric, and his vindictiveness and magic power were even more electrically out of his control. But what surprised Cook was that his vindictiveness, which was not under his control, was in an instant. Accelerating more than a hundred times, Cook heard the voice above, shivered immediately, and yelled.

"Hey! You **** kid, is it your ghost again this time." Wushuang old man wielded a huge staff and appeared in front of Cook, and the old man was surrounded by several heavily armed personnel. , There were two archers, two fighters, and two thieves. They seemed to be powerful and tyrannical generations, but they were probably followers of Wushuang Old Man.

"Old man, don't talk nonsense, it's not all of you guys who have bought a trace of the awakening potion. I want to refine an awakening potion for my sister, but I can't find the materials." Cook Lima He jumped up and said with a rake.

"The awakening potion, uh! Lyle said that you have taken credit for it. You are taking the Dragon Power potion, your body is indeed tyrannical, and the second-level hunter dare to come here." Wushuang old man's mental power scanned up and down. Cook, nodded in satisfaction.

"Hey, Lina they told you?" Cook asked in a low voice.

"Well, give me a hundred of that ID card. Don't say no, you cunning kid don't know how much benefit you got. Give me one hundred and I won't say anything. Don't be useless!" When Wushuang old man heard this, he immediately stared and stretched out his hand.

Cook almost had the urge to faint. This old man was not a good person. He robbed himself when he saw him. Cook took out a hundred identity cards with a shudder, and then issued an order to let Sky Eye activate these identity cards. You can use it.

"You guys don’t worry about it. My identity cards are all for you to pull people. I saw your base. Although I don’t know the magic circle very well, I rely on the more than 500 magic crystal cannons. The base is basically the safest. You don’t know how many people there are in your base these days. They are all powerhouses of various planes. Now there is a small-scale trade fair in your base. I have found a lot of things, but every time I travel from the plane, I feel troublesome. It's much more convenient without an ID card." Wushuang old man whispered, these words did not hide those followers.

"Then should I charge a certain fee?" Cook asked in a quiet voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom! Your kid knows the money. Let me tell you that even if the strong people know their names, they will be of great help to your future growth. Let me tell you that there are tens of thousands of planes in this universe, and you think it's our one plane. "The Wushuang old man knocked Cook on the head vigorously, and said angrily.

"Haha!" Although Cook smiled on his lips, he did have the idea of ​​charging in his heart, but how to collect it has to be considered for a long time.

"Come with me, this place is a weak space, but the space cracks are very small, and generally no tyrannical creatures will come over, but this time the connection is the plane of the undead, and there will be no less undead. It's also a lot of trouble." Wushuang old man said with a sigh.

Cook asked cautiously: "Undead? Isn't it that our plane has suffered?"

"How do you say this?" Wushuang old man looked at Cook doubtfully.

"You always think, these undead are skeletons of bones, and there are so many humans on our plane, if those undead kill a person and then transform an undead, can we kill it?" Cook looked around, fearing that The undead came here.

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