A Unique Hunter

Chapter 227: Bullying "No. 2"

"Puff!" Almost everyone was slobbered by Cook's words. Nima, this is the undead system. Are you a human being suitable for raising an undead pet? And this plane is not suitable for the growth of undead pets.

"Everyone, don't be stunned, go ahead, this elder, this is a hard expense for you, you have to be merciful when you wait!" Cook quickly took out a dozen magic healing potions and stood with a smile. By the elder of the team.

The elder originally wanted to refuse, wasn’t it just some magic power recovery potions, the trade union was open to the elders for sale, but when the elder saw the potion in the potion bottle, his mouth burst open. "It's okay, are you a student of Director Lyle?"

"No, no, it's an assistant." Cook felt relieved when he saw the elder accept the medicine.

"You guys, what do you see! Attack, give me a fierce attack, you must know that this is Director Lyle’s assistant, and you will find him for everything you need. But let me ask, you want this undead What do the pets of the department do?" In the presbytery, the permanent members are called elders, not the permanent members.

"Hey, kid, am I not a hunter? I have created a new archery skill, please see the elder." Cook took out several bone arrows.

"Well, it's made from the bones of low-level monsters. The craftsmanship is good." The elder grinned straight, Nima, this is also called an arrow.

"Wick Burst Arrow!" Cook yelled, bending the bow.

"Bang!" The bone arrow hit a stone far away and made a violent explosion. It has to be said that Cook's magical infusion is very good.

But the elder saw the name, and said thoughtfully: "Although your archery technique is simple in principle, you must have at least three points in order to achieve it. One is a strong mental power that can instantly sense the inside of bone arrows. How much magic power is contained in the original, the second is the need for precise magic control, otherwise the amount of magic infusion will directly affect the effect of the arrow explosion, and the third is the powerful power. Such an explosion degree may be useful for low-level monsters. High-level monsters will not be effective unless they explode in the body."

"The elder is wise, but this is a troublesome thing to build bone arrows. You always see this guy, isn't he a guy who automatically generates bone arrows." Cook pointed again to the guy who was still releasing the bone spear, but now he is called Bone arrows are better.

The rest of the people around didn't understand why the elder had come to chat with this hunter like this, but the others didn't dare to say anything. After all, being able to be led by the elder was a blessing for eight lifetimes of cultivation.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu's sound of low voice came from the bottom of the canyon, a tyrannical breath swept everyone around.

Wushuang old man shouted loudly in the distance: "Leave the other little fish alone, there is a big guy inside, and everyone is surrounding me. Make sure that the big guy below cannot come out. No matter what, you have to wait for the Bright Holy See. When the people come, let go!"

"Damn it, **** it, who broke our plan, **** it!" The black mage standing on the back of the corpse dragon roared loudly.

Cook couldn't help but shudder, because the person who was besieging the bone arrow just now ran away, including the elder who got his own potion. For these people, the guy who released the bone arrow was just a small fish. It is estimated that there will be a big guy out of the cracks in the space below.

"Hey! Hey!" Cook watched the skeleton monster staring at him with hollow eyes, while the bone arrow on his back was shaking slightly. Cook immediately knew that he was not good, and shouted while retreating.

"Pump puff puff!" A series of dull noises sounded, Cook turned his head and ran away, Nima, dozens of bone arrows were flying towards him.

"Crack, click, click!" There was a strange sound in Cook's ears. When Cook saw that he was running faster, because the big guy who released the bone arrow was rushing towards him, and he was still on his back. Bone arrows continued to grow rapidly, and then dozens of bone arrows shot towards Cook again in an instant.

"Nima, ding ding ding ding!" Cook's mental power moved, and the shield used by the giant appeared in Cook's hands. With a ding ding ding, the bone arrow accurately hit the big shield.

"Damn it, thorns technique!" Cook saw a five-meter-high bone rack rushing towards him, and while resisting the shield, he took out a handful of thorns technique seeds, and the thorns technique was released instantly, countless Thorns and vines surrounded this bone shelf for a while.

"Boom, boom, boom!" But these ordinary thorns can't stand the impact of the bone frame at all. For these guys, the painless thorns have little effect.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Dozens of bone arrows were shot over. Cook felt a huge vibration on the shield in his hand. Cook couldn't help having a headache. The speed of this big guy's bone arrows was too fast. Come on, and you guys don't run quickly, chasing me for what you are doing.

"Boom!" Cook took out another white iron engineering bomb and threw it out. With a boom, the bone rack was overturned to the ground.

"Damn, it's you kid, how could we fail if it wasn't for you that ruined our plan! Blazing fireballs!" The black mage standing on the back of the corpse dragon heard this familiar sound, violently The impact of the air waves ejected from the space cracks was so harsh in the ears, when the black mage saw Cook again taking out the white iron engineering bomb, he immediately roared loudly.

The Wushuang old man who was fighting with the Black Mage looked at Cook with a straight grin. He knew that this kid had done nothing good. The Wushuang old man slandered and chanted loudly: "Thunder Spear!" A full-length purple shot was seven or eight meters long. The long spear composed of thunder and lightning elements was thrown out with a wave of the Wushuang old man.

"Woo!" The corpse dragon at the feet of the black mage expelled a big gray-green breath, directly impacting the thunder spear to only three or four meters in length, and then the corpse dragon's huge fleshy wings were blocked, very similar. The shield blocked the thunder spear, and the thunder spear only left a scorched black mark on the body of the corpse dragon. Obviously, the skin and muscles of the corpse dragon have been refined by black magic, and the defense power has been greatly increased.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" The sky-shaking roar came from the bottom of the canyon. Obviously a big guy wanted to come out excitedly, but the space cracks here were not big, so this big monster could only dig out a huge one. The **** claws glowing with metallic luster, struggling hard to tear this space crack.

"Fire Dragon Technique!"

"Water Archery!"


"Meteorite descends from the sky!" Waiting for the magic to attack the big paw like no money. The fragments falling from the big paw from time to time made the owner of the paw crazy.

"Bang!" And Cook was still struggling to deal with the bone shelf in front of him. Cook took out the Ghost Slashing Sword, but the Ghost Slashing Sword can only leave some deep marks on the bone shelf, even if it is cut. If some bones are broken, this big guy will grow out in an instant, causing Cook to vomit blood.

"The magic cloud is boiling!" After a long period of preparation by the black mage, a powerful black magic finally came out. In the meantime, the black mage's white bone staff waved, and countless tumbling gray-brown mists turned towards Wushuang old man rushed over.

"Disperse, this is that the clouds and mist are highly poisonous. If it is contaminated, it will immediately turn into bones, and it will also corrode mental and magical powers!" Wushuang old man shouted immediately, Wushuang old man also vomited blood, the opposite black magician has a corpse The meat shield of the dragon has time to prepare powerful attack magic, but he has no time to chant too long spells, because the corpse dragon will not let himself do that.

"Boy, die!" The Black Mage took the opportunity to get out of the battle with the Wushuang old man, and the huge fleshy wings of the corpse dragon at his feet rushed towards Cook directly, and it was even more dark. The elemental spear slammed towards Cook.

"Nima!" Cook was fighting with the big bone frame in front of him. Now the big bone frame is only four meters high. Cook can almost tie this guy now. Cook is very excited. Going down, will this big bone frame become the size of a rabbit? Anyway, this big bone frame will consume bones constantly. Although the bone arrows come, buddies have giant shields and occasionally slap the big bone frames. Ke saw the huge two-headed Chimera corpse dragon rushing towards him, and Cook was speechless immediately, Nima, he was so good to knead when I was an old man.

"Sizzle!" The giant shield in front of Cook was corroded by the elemental arrows released by the black magician into big pits, and some places had even penetrated.

"Nima, I'm really so kneading~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook became hot immediately, because the shield was dead, and Cook's most wanted bone arrow auto generator actually took advantage of himself to avoid When Elemental Arrow, he rushed towards the canyon. Obviously, I just wanted to go back through the space cracks in this bone shelf, and Cook just got in the way. It's not that this bone shelf wants to make trouble with Cook. Cook is a chicken fly. Angrily pointed at the black mage and shouted loudly.

"Quack, quack! Kid, die!" The black mage didn't care about Cook's roar, and directly directed the giant claws of the corpse dragon to grab him.

"Nima, when I'm a low-level bully, isn't it? Taste what Lao Tzu is!" There was something more in front of Cook, and then Cook lifted it forcefully, facing the person who was swooping down from a height of hundreds of meters. The black magician and the corpse dragon.

After seeing what Cook took out, Wushuang's old man immediately jumped and shouted: "Asshole boy, I will clean up you later. Now you shoot Lao Tzu fiercely. With a corpse dragon, you dare to yell at Lao Tzu for a long time. Nima!"

"Damn it, magic crossbow!" The black mage almost stared out after seeing what was in front of Cook. Nima is not an important place. How could there be such a big kill like magic crossbow? The weapon, the black mage clearly saw six, six huge metal crossbow arrows with thick wrists, almost vomiting blood.

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