A Unique Hunter

Chapter 228: The Holy See appeared in "First Watch"

Cook pulled the bowstring vigorously, and the bowstring was directly up. At this time, Cook discovered that the corpse dragon actually had the intention to turn, and Cook spit out fiercely: "Bah! I don't know if you guys are the best at moving targets. Huh?"

"Boom!" Cook almost held up a huge magical crossbow with one hand. A dazzling white light was already illuminated on the all-metal crossbow, and the huge corpse dragon finally turned and climbed up towards the sky. At this time, Cook took aim The tail of the corpse dragon, then squeezed the trigger fiercely, and with a bang, the six metal crossbow arrows directly approached the body of the corpse dragon like six streamers.

"Nima, you run, why don't you do the cobra maneuver, why don't you turn it over, I thought you were awesome, no..." Cook saw six glare streams directly on the body of the corpse dragon After the explosion, the body of the corpse dragon was less than a hundred meters away in an instant, and the two fleshy wings were blasted into bone frames by the crossbow arrows, and the huge body of the corpse dragon almost rolled and fell towards the ground.

"What's the matter with you?" The reason why Cook didn't speak anymore was because Wushuang Old Man brought someone here. Cook also wanted to destroy the evidence and put away the magic giant crossbow.

"Zizizi!" Cook was shivering directly by a strong electric current, and Kaka and Big Mouth were directly flew out by the electricity.

"Asshole boy, this thing belongs to Spike Fortress. We always thought it was taken by the guy from the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. Who knew it was in your hands. Prodigal stuff. It's worthwhile to deal with that kind of garbage dragon. A crossbow arrow? That's a crossbow arrow of 10 million gold coins. You spent 60 million gold coins in this one. You prodigal thing, that black mage should be shot by the Holy See, those guys of the Holy See There will be sixty million gold coins, **** **** boy." Wushuang old man yelled, and Cook was slanderous. The **** is rubbish, but how can you not get it done.

When Cook heard the words of the Wushuang old man, his body shivered even more. It seemed that the paralysis of the thunder and lightning system did not disappear at all. When Cook decided to faint or not faint, the Wushuang old man cursed again: "If you tremble, I will Make you tremble enough, hand over as much of this stuff!"

"No, you always know that my space equipment is so big, but there is still one crossbow arrow!" Cook won't admit it even if he is killed, and Wushuang old man did not directly order him to hand it over, but asked How much is there? Isn't this just a reminder to yourself?

"Huh, hand over the crossbow arrow, this thing can't be leaked." The old man Wushuang took the crossbow arrow given by Cook, and then put it away directly, while those who followed the old man Wushuang looked around and whispered to each other, as if this space cracked. The surrounding scenery is beautiful.

Afterwards, the old man Wushuang led Cook and his team to the place where the black magician fell quickly, but what he got was a corpse. The black magician was not a wind magician and could be suspended in midair, and even a ninth-level magician, Driven by the huge tumbling and spinning power of the corpse dragon, the body of the corpse dragon is inseparable. The black magician is not a dragon knight, and has not received professional training to fight alongside dragons, so Cook, a rookie hunter Fortunately, he hit a ninth-level black mage and the corpse dragon. Wushuang old man checked the corpse of the black mage almost squashed by the corpse dragon and confirmed that it was a ninth-level black mage.

"Puff!" However, the corpse dragon is still alive, but its broken body can't even support it to stand up, and it can only spray a mouthful of gray mist in vain.

"Hehe, this thing is sold to the Holy See of Light, why do you have to collect three to five billion gold coins!" Wushuang old man said with a smile, while the people around him took it for granted.

Wushuang old man whispered to Cook: "There is no magic giant crossbow, give me two more, don't think I don't know that Lina and the others gave you the newly refined space ring, and I will use it for the big guy below, and When I killed the Black Mage just now, I was not the only one who saw it. If someone asks about it in the future, they will say that I lent you temporarily, do you know?"

"I know, I got two and one, but there are only two crossbow arrows." Although Cook is grateful to Wushuang old man, he certainly won't take them out.

"Don’t use crossbow arrows, take that kind of whirling blade, that kind of semi-circular metal piece, and use it to deal with the big guys below. These **** guys think you can easily sneak in on any plane? His claws were chopped off, and I Wushuang lived in vain." Wushuang old man released a magic shield, and then took the other magic giant crossbow that Cook took out, as well as several whirling blades.

The old man Wushuang left enough hands to watch the corpse dragon. As for the black mage's body, he was directly put away by the old man. Cook didn't even touch it. I have to say that the black mage was also unlucky, maybe The first ninth-level black magician crushed to death by a pet he refined.

When the old man Wushuang led Cook down to the bottom of the canyon, the other two guardians of the Magician Guild led the people to unleash magic and attack the fifteen-meter-high black paint like a chicken paw. The two guardians did not do anything about the big claws.

"Why don't those **** Holy See come, let's do it if we don't come again." The female of the two guardians complained.

"Hehe, let the little guys practice their hands. If the three of us act together, maybe the space cracks will be enlarged. This stuff will be handed over to the Bright Holy See to solve it. We can't work hard." Wushuang old man looked around. However, this canyon has been impacted by the huge impact of the space cracks, let alone any traces there, no one knows what the black mage is doing here.

"That black guy solved it?" Another male guardian asked a little surprised.

"Solved!" The old man Wushuang didn't say much, because the old man Wushuang found that Cook was restless again.

Cook is looking at the big bone shelf in the corner of the space crack with bright eyes. Obviously this guy wants to go back from the space crack, but it is a pity that the crack is being blocked by a bigger guy: "Hey! Old man, you are What are you doing?"

"You kid, give me peace! Don't get into trouble." Wushuang old man directly stopped in front of Cook and shouted angrily.

"No, I just want to catch that guy." Cook pointed to the big bone frame, which is simply Cook's ideal bone arrow generator.

The other two guardians glanced at each other, and one of them waved, and the three-meter-high body with a large bone frame was directly carried over by the volley, and he looked at Cook for a moment, and then Cook stopped. I heard the words of grabbing the big bone frame: "Hehe, it's a very rare bone system."

"Uh, isn't it the undead?" Cook asked in a daze.

"No, you see, this is its main body. It can control bones. It is a kind of semi-elemental creature." The guardian opened the head of the big bone frame directly, and a white fleshy body the size of a mouse shouted. The hooting guy was exposed to everyone at once, but it was said that it was a mouse without a tail, and its ears were slightly larger, like small elephant ears, and its mouth was like a pig’s mouth, and its four legs were short and small. Yes, the guardian threw the little thing directly to Cook.

Cook took the little thing and found out that it was sealed, obviously for Cook’s safety, and then Cook understood it after a little thought, pointed to the big bone shelf and said: "Isn’t this the equivalent of releasing it? Magic shield?"

"Yes, but the bones are relatively rubbish. Unless you can find very powerful bones for this guy to absorb, otherwise ordinary bones... You guys are too lucky." The guardian hasn't finished speaking, just watch it. Everyone's eyes were on the huge black paw.

"Ahem! I said this may be a holy guy, I don't have the ability to handle it." Wushuang old man looked at Cook and waved his hand immediately.

Cook immediately asked, "What about Aunt Lina?"

"She may be able to do it!" Wushuang old man listened for a moment, then nodded. Before he could finish speaking, he saw a ship in the distance gradually approaching here in the wind, but due to the huge wind spewing out from the space cracks, The ship flew almost close to the ground.

Cook was almost stunned, staring blankly at the huge ship, and the ship was obviously a magic prop. Numerous rubbles were directly shattered by a strange energy around the ship, and Wushuang old man Then he said disdainfully: "The guy who pretends to be a ghost, I said you have good things but you want to put them away. When these guys see them, they will be fooled and automatically handed over."

Cook hurriedly put the small bones into the space pet bag, of course he did not forget to let Wushuang old man put a seal, and then Cook hurriedly called Aunt Lina's grandmother, this time Lina appeared extremely quickly, eyes opened Staring lightly at Cook.

"Grandma Lina~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can you chop off that paw for me!" Cook said with a numb scalp, and Wushuang looked at the people who followed Lina in surprise, one of them holding a skeleton The guy with the staff made Wushuang old man cry badly.

Lina looked at the huge paw, her eyes were almost dizzy, and she knew that this thing was not a good deal. Can a guy who can resist the cracks of space be easy to deal with? Look, it's almost abrupt Supported the space crack.

"No!" Lina looked back at the huge claws, her eyes widened, and an incredible look flashed in her eyes.

"My lord is glory, my lord..." With a melodious chant, the huge ship with a length of more than 300 meters slowly approached the gorge, and Cook's saliva flowed out. , And look at the materials used in the ships, all of them are top quality.

The ship slowly hovered in front of Wushuang Old Man and his group, and then a huge metal gangway was lowered, but what made Cook draw straight is that there were people who laid snow white carpet on the gangway first.

"Face, the guys from the Guangming Vatican like to show off the most." Wushuang old man rolled his eyes and muttered, but then he showed a bright smile, as if he saw the God of Wealth come.

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