A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 962: 8 Secrets of Fangshan (15)

The originally controversial matter was easily resolved by Cook, not only that, but also set new goals for each temple.

"President, you are right, don't look at other planes that are happily cooperating with us now, but these people are also very vigilant when facing us." A high-level human temple said.

"That is, we are often hindered by others in spreading our faith. Although we dare not know how to fight against us, we still persecute the priests who spread our faith in private." For this point, other temples have also experienced this. experience.

Cook shook his head and said: "It depends on your own means. After all, it is not the territory of the Council of the Gods. It is impossible for us to know whether a war is against the other party."

"President, in fact, we also have some methods, but we need certain authority from the Council of Gods." A high-level person from the temple said.

When Cook heard this, he did not agree, because Cook knew that in terms of faith, the temple sometimes does things, and there is indeed no bottom line.

Cook shook his head and said: "This requires you to apply, and then the Council of Gods will evaluate it, but I emphasize that one cannot violate the code of the Council of Gods."

Hearing Cooke's answer, the people in the temple knew Cook's attitude. If you don't violate the code, this is disagreement.

"Oh. It's a pity that our pastors." A high-level temple sighed and said.

When Cook heard this, he was a little unhappy. Why, spreading faith is what every temple has to do. In fact, this is also a competition for resources, but in a more gentle way, like one is robbery and the other is MLM The same, one is passive and the other is active, but they are all for profit.

If you want to get benefits without paying the price, Cook said with a smile: "Since you don’t want to see pastors suffer unpleasant experiences, why don’t you go by yourself, according to your status, I think no one wants to It's against you, isn't it?"

Cook's words sounded trivial, but the meaning in it was obvious, no one spoke up, and if I knew it, the result would be unclear.

After leaving, Cook was still quite unhappy. Some people were obviously more greedy and greedy, but Cook was just unhappy, and there was no other expression.

The journey to the star realm must be carried out. In fact, the star realm is still very dangerous for Cook.

But fortunately, it was not the first time that Cook had been there. He came to Feixiang City when he was familiar with the road.

"Huh?" After Cook came to Feixiang City, he felt a huge divine mind constantly scanning something around Feixiang City.

This divine thought also scanned Cooke, but Cook's current body was originally small, the size of an egg, so this divine thought did not stay.

"This is actually divine consciousness. Why didn't I find it when I came here before, or it was originally divine, but I didn't know it?" Cook was puzzled.

Feixiang City didn't look much different from the original, but Cook still found a clue from it, that is, there are many guards hidden in the entire Feixiang City periphery.

"It looks like something really happened." Cook muttered.

When you come to the tavern, the tavern is still very lively. The tavern culture is very popular in both the star and the gods. The tavern can be said to be a complex, where you can stay, eat, drink, inquire about news, accept tasks, and pay. Quest, you can also sell some things on consignment, you can also sell some things, you can also buy some things, of course, women are also easy to find.

Cook entered the second floor of the tavern from the roof of the tavern. Except for some women's voices and men's heavy breathing, the rest were unbearable sounds, which was normal.

Without stopping, Cook slid directly from the handrail of the stairs to the bottom of the tavern. Inside the tavern is actually safer than outside, because there is a creature outside, who is curious about everything, and the name is bear kid.

In addition to some special areas in the tavern are very bright, other places are relatively dark, and the sounds in the tavern are very mixed.

Cook followed the wall and came to the wine cabinet. Here, Cook saw a creature he didn't want to see, a star beast. This is a small star beast. What is the role? It is equivalent to a pet cat. .

He has blue hair and an unusually fat body. According to Cook’s ratio, it is about 70 to 80 meters high, more than 500 meters long, and has a hairy tail. It looks a bit like an otter. By the way, this product can be found in Living in the ocean, after all, flying in a city is not an island.

Cook looked at this guy vigilantly. This guy was not jokes with his teeth full of sharp mouths. This guy is the lowest-ranked star beast in the big world. Translated according to the earth language, it is the blue mink.

Blue Mink also saw Cook and stood up, but the Blue Mink in the bar was not threatening. Why? What kind of people are in the bar? Most of them are alcoholics. No matter how bad the temper is, Blue Mink has long been The drunkard loses his temper, but when he meets a guy younger than himself, this blue mink is still eager to try.

"Hey..." The blue mink made a threatening sound. This kind of non-influenced blue mink can't communicate with humans with consciousness at all.

There was also a collar around the blue mink's neck. A small purple bell was hanging from the collar. Cook looked at the bell. It's also speechless, Amethyst, this is a bell made by Amethyst.

Cook shrank his body to the bottom of the counter. When the Blue Sable saw Cook move, he stretched out his front paws and grabbed it towards Cook. His nails a few meters long shone with cold light.


With a bang, the nine-fold superimposed madness of Cook's power is comparable to the Tier 3 Star Beast. Cook directly grabbed a paw by Cook, and suddenly ran towards the counter. Blue Mink did not expect Cook at all. With so much strength, the whole head hit the counter at once. There was a bang.

But in a noisy bar, no one noticed this sound at all. Even if they noticed, no one would care. Just like when you saw the bar owner’s pet fell in a bar, what’s your reaction?

The Blue Mink fainted directly by the impact. If Cook was not afraid of knocking over the counter, it would have been hit to death alive.

"Hey, it's still a piece of equipment." After Cook took off the amethyst bell that was bigger than his own body, he realized that it was actually a piece of equipment.

Cook took a closer look and understood that this is a piece of equipment such as identity recognition, that is, there is such a thing, going in and out of a certain place, will not trigger the agency.

There must be some important places in the tavern, but no matter how important it is, there is no need to use this kind of identification method?

"Leave him alone." Cook didn't bother to think about it so much, he just picked up the amethyst bell, stuffed the blue mink under the counter, and ran towards the back of the wine cabinet.

This is the place leading to the office of the tavern owner. It is not the first time that Cook has come here, so he knows the situation very well.

"How did the Sage Association get in?" Cook easily entered the barkeeper's office. After entering the office, Cook hid under a chair, close to the back of the chair, and Cook heard a man the sound of.

"I don't know, but this is a good thing for our bar. These people are not allowed to go out now, and they all come here to drink." Another man's voice sounded.

"Stupid, how much money do these guys have in their pockets, and what to do after drinking?" The person who spoke at the beginning drank angrily.

"Yes." The person behind the speaker was obviously of a lower status. Hearing this, he agreed.

Cook frowned when he heard it in the dark. Feixiang City was an island, and the sea in the star realm was not anywhere else. The hurricane here was able to kill the Tier 7-8 star beast. Not to mention the countless star beasts in the sea and the star beasts in the sky. There is only one way to get in and out of Feixiang City, the underground passage. This is like an iron barrel operated by Feixiang City. How did the Sage Association get in.

"Brother, did the spies of the Sage Association run away? Why haven't they been found?" Cook secretly looked over and found that two men were talking, one of them is older and the other is younger. It's what the younger grade said, obviously the two are brothers.

When the eldest brother shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I've been keeping a close eye on the outside, don't let anyone suspicious.

"Brother, don't worry, these are basically familiar faces, but the surrounding environment is complicated. This person just drills into the cave and no one can find it." The younger brother replied.

"Don't worry about other things, we just do our own thing." The eldest brother said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Then eldest brother, I will go out first." Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the younger brother stood up.

"Yeah." The eldest brother gave a hum.

When Cook saw the eldest brother sitting behind a table and began to deal with some things, Cook felt unlucky. Why did Cook come to this pub? One aspect is to inquire about the news, and the other aspect is to see if there is anything valuable. The tavern is a collection and distribution center for information. Nowhere is more informed than the information here, then there must be a place to store this information, because the amount of information is huge and very complicated, so it is impossible to say It's impossible to keep it in mind directly.

This is the purpose of Cook's trip. As the largest tavern in Flying City, how much information is there, who knows, of course, in the star realm, Cook can't force it, because the tavern owner in front of him is at least a Tier 6 real person. The strongest may be higher, so Cook only silently waits for the opportunity.

"Big brother, big brother, the bell on Lan Zi's neck was snatched." Just when Cook was about to go to bed, the younger brother who had gone out immediately rushed in and said.

"What, what's going on." The eldest brother immediately stood up and asked in surprise.

"I didn't pay attention when I went out just now..." The voice became smaller and smaller, when the older brother took away the younger brother and left in a hurry.

Cook did not act in the dark corner, because Cook had a feeling that there were still people in this room.

This feeling Cook can’t tell what’s going on, but when he reaches Cook’s level, some things can’t help but he doesn’t believe it, and Cook is very puzzled. The blue boy is the blue mink, so the blue mink’s neck Bell, what's the matter?

"Is there really a secret?" Cook wondered, but now is not the time to take out the bell and check it carefully.

Suddenly, Cook felt his hair standing upright, because suddenly a shadow appeared in Cook’s field of vision. Cook was hiding under the back of the stool. Isn’t the back of the stool a bar made of wood? Cook clings to the horizontal. Below the bar, all Cook saw was a person's legs, and the appearance of this person was abrupt.

Then Cook saw a guy wearing a gray cloak walking to the door, only to see the man slightly pulling on a hook on the coat rack at the door.

"I'm fucking." Cook saw a black hole in the doorway. It was obvious that this was a mechanism.

Cook really didn't expect this mechanism to be behind the door. You must know that behind the door is the most overlooked place. One of Cook's secret rooms may be anywhere in this room, but he would not think of it at the first time.


But when the man in the gray cloak had just stepped into the secret room entrance at the doorway, the whole room suddenly shook.

In the next second, Cook saw a huge wizard model appear on the ceiling, and a huge thunder and lightning strikes the man in the gray cloak.

"Someone." At this time, there was a rough roar outside the door.

"I'm fucking." Then Cook saw the man wearing the gray cloak lift up the cloak, and it disappeared all at once. There was no breath anymore. This was the second time Cook was shocked today.

At the moment when the door was opened, Cook flew up and plunged into the tavernkeeper's desk just like a grasshopper, and then got into the pen holder with a lot of pens.

"Damn, there are intruders." Then Cook heard a loud roar.

Cook hid quietly in the pen holder and heard the sound of constantly turning things outside.

"This is a conspiracy." There was more than one person's voice in the room, at least a dozen people. These dozen people rummaged through the room, but they didn't find any clues.

"Big brother, what's the matter, why don't you see people?" the younger brother asked incomprehensibly.

"It must be some kind of prop, and it's a very powerful prop." When my brother looked at the room warily, the door was directly blocked by two thugs.

"Powerful props, but it's impossible not to see people?" The younger brother looked around warily.

When the elder brother snorted: "Notify the city lord, that we have found the spies of the Sage Association."

"Big brother, good idea." When the younger brother's eyes lit up, he exclaimed.

Cook complained in his heart. You must know that the city lord here is a top powerhouse. In the face of such a person, Cook has nowhere to hide, but he will definitely not be able to go out now. More than a dozen eyes, even if something the size of a fly passes by , Will be discovered.

"I hope that guy is still here." Cook tried mentally and found that the space around the room was disturbed. Obviously the bar owner had initiated some defensive measures.

Silence, heart-palpitating silence, Cook really doesn't know what to do, but what makes Cook wonder in his heart is, where did the person who just missed go?

"Not good." Suddenly, when my brother's voice rang.

Immediately there was a rush of footsteps. Cook looked out of the pen holder and several people rushed into the secret room behind the door.

"Ah, **** guy." Then came the angry roar of my brother, knowing that the secret room below was damaged without asking.


Several people at the door heard this sound, and all looked towards the secret room. Suddenly, there was a violent energy fluctuation and a heart-palpitating sound.

"Ah!!" The two people at the door screamed and fell to the ground, and then a dark figure rushed out of the door.

"Chasing me." When the eldest brother appeared in the room all of a sudden, he saw the two people who fell on the ground and twitched, gritted their teeth and shouted, and then chased a few people out, and the remaining few people hurriedly treated the fallen. Two people in the ground.

But in a blink of an eye, the room was empty, but Cook always had a feeling that the person who went out just now did not really go out.

"Trash." Sure enough, Cook heard a voice, which sounded from behind the table.

Then Cook heard the sound of pulling drawers and turning things over. Cook admired this person very much. The most dangerous place is the safest place.

"Found it." Then Cook heard an exclamation, which was full of joy. Cook poked his head out of the dozen pens in the pen holder, and he saw something like a safe in the bookshelf, dressed in gray. The man in the cloak scrambled with his back to Cook.

Cook doesn't know what this person has in his hands, but it must be a very important thing for this person to take such a big risk.

"Who?" Just as Cook guessed what a good thing was, the man in the gray cloak immediately turned and looked behind.

Cook hurriedly drew back, and at the same time he was surprised. The man’s cloak was not simple. He still looked at it from the corner of his eye, and he was noticed. If it was the sixth sense, Cook didn’t believe it. It is a powerful prop.

Finally Cook felt that there was no one in the room, but Cook always had a feeling of being deceived. Yes, this feeling seemed to be an illusion.

Don't move, Cook still doesn't move, Cook's small body now, once he is stared at by the high-ranking experts in the star realm, it is difficult to say.

"No one?" The voice of that person just rang out, and Cook was really surprised. Who are these people, they are, how can there be such a heavy suspicion.

"A bunch of idiots." Then the man sneered in a low voice.

"Hey, I just don't know who is the idiot, and hand it over." But to Cook's surprise, there was a chuckle from the door.

"Who are you?" the man in the gray cape asked obviously in surprise.

"It doesn't matter who I am, put down the things in your hands." The person coming in from outside said in a commanding tone.

"If you want me to put down the things in my hands, you dream." The man in the gray cloak sneered.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that there is a shameless person like you in the real person, and it is reasonable to steal other people's things." The person later sighed.

"It's not the same with you, hiding your head and showing your tail. It's not a good thing at first sight." The man in the gray cloak also said mockingly.

"In that case, stay."


Rumble! ! !

There was a violent roar, and the energy in the whole room was surging. The pen holder where Cook was in was instantly shattered. Of course, Cook also took this opportunity to shoot out.

"Huh?" Two surprised voices, apparently Cook was discovered.

"Damn it." Cook felt depressed, and then Cook immediately turned into a giant.

"Who are you?" Cook finally saw two people, both cloaks covering their whole bodies.

"Hands dead." Cook felt chilly below, and was very angry. The fire wizard book was taken out at once, and then hundreds of Tier 3 fire spells were activated.

Boom boom boom!

A dazzling fire burst into the sky from the tavern. Fortunately, the people in the tavern had been driven out.

"Ah. Damn it." The tavern owner yelled angrily when he saw what was happening in his tavern from a distance.

"There are two people over there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and some people yelled immediately when they saw two scorched people shooting out with their sharp eyes.

Dangdang! ! ! !

The hurried bell rang, the guards of the entire Feixiang City moved, and a tyrannical spirit glanced over in an instant.

"Damn it." The two gray-headed men yelled at each other as they saw the battle.

The two of them rushed into Feixiang City at once, and Feixiang City was in chaos all at once, but Feixiang City has millions of people and it is not a matter of time to find two people.

"Unlucky." Cook looked at the blazing gas tavern and felt very unlucky. He didn't do anything, and unexpectedly encountered such a thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Cook rushed into Feixiang City. In the city, Cook is now the size of an egg compared to those star giants, and it is not easy to find in the city.

"It's impossible to come back empty-handed once. I don't know if there is any wizard-related information on the city lord's side." Cook has two main purposes in coming to the star realm. The first is to get some suspended warning platforms to go back. The second is Find out if there is any relationship between the star realm and the Great World Wizard.

For Cooke, the first one is very easy to achieve. As for the second one, you need to take a chance. After all, even if the star realm is related to the wizard of the Great World, the place where such evidence may exist is all kinds of information collection. The other is the place of those in power.

In comparison, the pub. The information collected is mixed, but it is easier to get in hand, and those in power are much more dangerous, but Cook encountered some inexplicable things in the tavern.

So Cook had to go to the city lord to find some information.

"I hope there won't be any accidents here." Cook muttered.

PS: Sorry, it's late.

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