A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 963: 8 Secrets of Fangshan (16)

There are many reasons why Cook wants to find out whether there is a connection between witches and the star realm. The main one is that witches are completely different from the current practice systems of major sects in the great world.

What is a witch is a person who communicates between heaven and earth, and a person who cultivates is a cultivator, that is, a body. The big witches in the legends of the big world are all very tall and can be said to be huge.

And now the major in the cultivation system of the big world is the soul, and the body is the second, which is somewhat similar to the warriors and wizards of the small world.

Although it is said that Cook has the great world practice method in his body now, but what Cook's strength is, it is the power of the body, of course it does not mean that Cook wants to practice the witch practice method.

It's just that for reference, Cook still doesn't want to give up the small world from the bottom of his heart. If the star realm is indeed a cultivation method left by the witch, then the creatures in the star realm can go to the small world, so does it mean that Cook can also go to the small world.

Moreover, in the big world, there are no witches in the saints. Cook wants to compare and see if it is the current mainstream practice in the big world or the practice of finding witches.

The entire Feixiang City is tense, and there are guards patrolling everywhere. These guards are investigating suspicious persons one by one, but for a huge city, this guard can't say that all places are found out.


Because the defense center of Feixiang City is not in the city, but in the tunnel connecting the mainland, the city is basically the weak link of Feixiang City's defense.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the defense is too weak. After all, there are high-ranking powerhouses in town. As long as the outcropping enemy is basically unable to run away, as for the hiding in the city, it will eventually be found out.

The place where the lord of Feixiang City lives is not in Feixiang City. Feixiang City is a basin in an island. There is also a huge freshwater lake in the basin, which is located on the edge of Feixiang City where the lord lives. Close to the lake on one side and the mountains around the basin on the other.

This place is also a very good place, and the surrounding areas are all high-rise buildings in Feixiang City. Of course, the density of the building area is not that large.

In fact, the entire Feixiang City has a small construction area, because Feixiang City is a special city after all, not under the jurisdiction of the mainland, and its population growth is slow.

In the city, the speed of Cook’s actions will be much slower. Although Cook’s body is small, when there is an emergency in Flying City, there are many star beasts used to track. If Cook is found, So what the consequences are, no one knows.

Flashing through the streets, avoiding the tracking star beasts, and avoiding the guards one by one, it took Cook a full day to reach the area where the city lord lived.

"There is a model of a wizard." Cook did not rush into the place where the city lord lived. This place is definitely not that simple. Sure enough, Cook found a model of a wizard from a distance.

The wizard model, like the magic pattern, has many uses. Cook is small, at least it can avoid most people's eyes, and step forward to check it carefully.

"Tsk tusk, it's actually a wizard model of identity recognition." Cook took a closer look and was amazed. Large-scale identity recognition is a resource-consuming thing, and it also has a lot of trouble.

The larger the scope of the wizard model, the more the number of people involved, and human beings are social creatures, and there is communication between people, and the number of people involved is larger, then the identified wizard model will face more risks Large, one is the consumption of the wizard model, and the other is frequent alarms.

Frequent alarms refer to people who do not have identification information. If these identification wizard models are accompanied by defense or attack models, then it is more than just alarming.

The recognition of the wizard model is better than the magic pattern. In fact, no matter how complex the magic pattern or the wizard model is, it is not a whole, but is composed of many, many individuals.

In the eyes of experts, there are many loopholes between these individuals and the composition of individuals. If Cook is the size of a starry sky giant, of course these loopholes Cook cannot use, but Cook’s individual is really small.

After Cook did some research, he passed the identification test.

"Still be careful." Cook is secretly wary. The ability to build a large-scale identification wizard model shows that there are very important things in it.

The identification wizard model covers a large area. Within this area, there are more than a dozen residences, all of which are high-level residences in Feixiang City.

"It seems that something has changed." After Cook entered, he found that the scenery inside was quite different from what he saw outside. Cook increased his vigilance. This kind of defense is called mirror defense on the wizard's side, and it is mainly confusing. The enemy outside the defensive circle, so that the enemy's long-range attack will not easily hit the target.

In fact, the principle is very simple, using the refraction of light, after all, there is a defensive circle, and external enemies cannot break through this defensive circle. There is no way to refer to the situation without disturbing other people, not there is really no way.

There is no small difference between the position of the object inside and the object itself. This is the so-called mirror defense of the wizard, which can also be called the twisted position defense wizard model.

There are more than a dozen residences, and Cook doesn't know which one has harvest.

"It's a bit strange." Cook looked at the messy construction of these houses, and Cook was very puzzled.

It's messy and doesn't have the slightest sense of beauty, which is a bit wrong. Although the first defensive circle and the identification wizard model are passed, Cook will not easily think that there is only this thing. After all, Flying City is in the Star Boundary Continent. In his eyes, it was a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, so you can imagine what defense the City Lord has.

Cook looked suspiciously for a while, and then wrote down the positions of each building. When all the building positions were formed on the drawings, Cook's face suddenly became difficult to look at, and then he turned around and left.

When Cook left the first identification wizard model, Cook only breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Cook did not stay at all, he would arrive at the God Realm with the alert floating platform, return to the God Realm, and Cook directly gave the platform to the Mageweave Association, and then he came to the Great World.

"Big brother, big brother." After Cook came to the big world, he didn't care what to say with his wife and children, and directly broke into the cave where the monkey lived.

"Little Junior Brother, you are so anxious, something is going on?" The big monkey knew that Cook was coming, but if the big monkey didn't do anything, Cook wouldn't be able to come to the big world at all. It's not that easy to open the passage of this big and small world.

"Big brother, you can help me see. What kind of formation is this?" Cook took out a piece of paper, and on it was the location of the dozen or so residences of City Master Flying City.

"Formation, younger brother, are you brain sick? Our monsters know how to form formation?" The monkey glanced at the paper in Cook's hand angrily, rolled his eyes and said.

Cook couldn't say what he was choking with by the monkey, and said after a long time: "Is it true that the big brother has not studied the formation method for so many years?"

"Nonsense, do you think you can study the formation method, and the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. Do you know what it means to lead the door?" the monkey asked angrily.

"Just look at talent?" Cook thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Shit, it's a master. First of all, you must have a master, otherwise you are talented. Can you still understand without a teacher? Our master does not know how to form a formation. How can you make me a formation?" Gram is speechless.

The monkey looked at Cook who was silent, and said angrily: "Let's go, it's useless to look at me."

After Cook left the big world and returned to the small world, he sighed heavily in his heart: "This will trouble others again."

In Cook's heart, to trouble others is to owe others favors. As for looking for a monkey, isn't that a master, and there is no need to owe favors.

The big world martial art that is good at formations, in fact, no, every super martial art needs its own formation master, not only formation masters, but also alchemists and other professions, the super martial arts are relatively comprehensive.

Because these professions all require expensive spirit stones, there may be some in these aspects of the small and medium sects, but it is impossible to have such a powerful ability.

Liangyimen, one of the super sects that the Great World is good at in formation.

"Daoist Cook, are you looking for something to do with me?" Liangyimen Shancang asked in doubt when he saw Cook coming.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Mountain, I don't understand something about the formation, I would like to ask Daoist to give some advice." Cook said.

Shancang was very puzzled when he heard this. You must know that all the schools of the Great World knew that Cook did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and Mao couldn't see one at ordinary times.

"It's easy to say, easy to talk." Shan Cang didn't know what Cook was coming from, so he nodded. In fact, there was a polite element in it.

When Cook heard the polite meaning of the mountain, he pretended not to hear him. Cook directly asked: "Excuse me, I don't know much about this formation, but this is Zhen, Lu, Wen, greedy, and broken. , How are these determined?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist, what you said is basic. The formation is not as simple as looking at the formation map. First of all, you have to understand, what is the formation?" Shan Cang smiled when he heard Cook’s question. Said.

Cook made a look of listening respectfully, and Shan Cang continued: "The formation is the force that mobilizes the heavens and the earth. The force of the heavens is basically beyond our reach. Most of the formations rely on the earth veins and the earth qi. Earth Sha, what is called Earth Vein, that is, the earth is like a human being, with its own vein..."

"Stop, Fellow Daoist Mountain, the earth also has a context?" Cook asked.

"Of course, I don’t know if Fellow Taoist Cook knows or not. In the legend of the Great World, the earth was transformed by the body of a Pangu man. At that time, the world was still in chaos. It turned into the earth of the big world...to be far away. To find the veins, you must first look at the mountains, water, wind, etc., as well as the yin and yang..." Shancang said with a voice.

Cook was dizzy when he heard it. After finally waiting for Shan Cang to breathe, Cook quickly asked: "Friends Shan Cang, I have a plan here, I want you to see it."

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Cook, you had something to say earlier. I thought you really wanted me to give some pointers." Shan Cang laughed in his heart, and the formations were gradually advanced from easy to difficult. It's not that you have to master the things you say at the beginning, but you can learn it by practicing it and someone constantly pointing it out.

Cook took out a piece of paper and handed it to Shancang. After Shancang looked at the picture in Cook's hand, he looked at Cook.

"Friend Litham..." Cook looked at Litham and looked at himself, so he asked.

"Friend Cook, this formation is not just for you, but also for the direction, surrounding mountains, and ground veins. These are different, the layout of this formation is different, the same formation is the same. , In different positions, the changes are different, but I think your formation is just the simplest formation, but since it is a formation, there are formations, and there are attacks. In the big world, there is no single function. Formation, formation trapping, killing, blocking, etc. are basically the same. As long as you trap you, then the formation may be triggered to kill directly, and your formation is incomplete, but it depends on your formation. Picture, probably some buildings, right?" Shancang explained.

Cook nodded and said, "It's the house."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Cook, you have to remember that everything can be a formation, do you know, my master, ordinary one hundred and eight branches, you can set up a strange door of Dunjia, and you can count on you Horses, as long as they break in, don’t even think about it. Since it’s a residence, roads, trees, and the orientation and layout of the house, as well as certain rockery, etc., may all be part of the formation. Just looking at the building is not enough. "The mountain Cang said.

"I know, let me tell you, the road is like this..." Cook's memory is very abnormal, and Cook painted all the plants and trees in the area where the city lord of Flying City lived, for the mountain to see.

Seeing what Cook was talking about, the mountain Cang nodded constantly. After Cook finished speaking, the mountain Cang said: "This is a simple sleepy formation. If I expected it to be true, there should be an activation formation out there. The things of the law are either people or other things."

Hearing Shan Cang saying this, Cook muttered in his heart: "Isn't this nonsense? Of course there are other things besides people."

Of course, Shancang didn't know Cook's muttering, and Shancang continued to ask, "So what about the surrounding mountains?"

Cook told the surrounding environment again, Shan Cang heard that there was a big lake next to him, and his expression suddenly changed, and then asked, "Friend Cook, did you just say there is a statue here?"

"There are more than one, there are several statues, there are rockeries, and there are pools." Cook said.

"So are these statues in the water?" Shan Cang continued to ask.

"No." Cook said, shaking his head.

Shancang heard this and said, "I suspect this is a witch formation."

"Witch formation?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"The current formation of the witch formation and the big world is very different. The current formation of the big world is much more sophisticated than the witch formation, but it is also much more complicated. The witch formation is generally arranged with witchcraft, and Once the witch formation is activated, the blood must be seen, and anyone trapped by the witch formation will be killed directly." Shan Cang said.

Cook asked in surprise: "Such power?"

"It's not that the power is great, but the witch has a very high status at the time. The witch formations are generally arranged in important places. People who break into these places without authorization will be put to death. Therefore, there is basically no witch formation below. Lively, according to what you said, this is a water witch formation. As long as the formation is activated, then this lake is the biggest source of power for this witch formation." Shan Cang pointed to the drawing and said.

"So what are these statues?" Cook thought of the mountain and asked the statues.

"Hehe, the power of the lake cannot be used directly. A medium is needed. Then these statues are the medium. Once someone touches the formation, these statues will have the ability of water witches, which can be said to be puppets..." Shan Cang said. Said.

Cook said helplessly: "Friend Litham, you don't need to say so much, I will ask you, is there any solution?"

"I didn’t see it with my own eyes. I don’t dare to talk nonsense. The witch formation is the same as the formation. Different places have different layouts and changes. Fellow Daoist Cook, do you want to break in? Do you have any other ideas?" Shan Cang asked.

Cook hesitated and said, "I want to find something."

"Looking for something, is Wu staying behind?" Shan Cang asked.

What can Cook do, only nodded, Shancang saw Cook nod, his eyes lit up: "Friend Cook..."

"I don't know if there is anything in it." Cook felt that he would put the ugly words first.

"That is, that is, Fellow Taoist Cook, can you take me?" Shan Cang said.

Cook looked at the mountain, shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous. I went to the star realm, over there..."

"I know, I know, isn't it the Primordial World? The people over there are hundreds of thousands of feet tall, right?" Shan Cang said without waiting for Cook to finish.

"You know?" Cook asked in astonishment. People in this big world also know the star realm?

"The prehistoric, the small world, the big world, the thousands of worlds, we don’t know a lot. The prehistoric world has only a record. The big world has no direct way to reach the prehistoric world, but occasionally some powerful people have visited these worlds. "The mountain Cang said.

"I'll go, how did I hear that the Primordial World is the ancient world?" Cook asked in confusion.

Shan Cang shook his head and said: "Thousands of worlds, who knows if there are the same worlds? So all kinds of possibilities exist."

Cook was speechless. What Nima said was bullshit, isn't it, Lima asked, "Could Daoist Cook, you can go to the star realm often?"

"That's right, but the price paid is relatively high, Fellow Daoist Mountain, then according to what you said, the witches of the big world have not disappeared?" Cook nodded and asked afterwards.

Shan Cang shook his head and said: "Who knows, maybe the witch has discovered a better world than the big world, but it is not necessarily. Anyway, how the witch is missing has always been a mystery. In fact, many of our schools have guessed that the witch should not be a human being. "

"This seems to be the same." Cook thought of the legendary great witch, indeed unlike human beings.

"Friend Cook, there are many good things in the prehistoric world..." Shan Cang said.

Cook shook his head and smiled bitterly and said: "Friend Mountain Cang, good things are good things, but they are also very dangerous. My strength is pretty good. I can only hide there like a mouse."

"Haha, haha, Fellow Cook, don’t you know that the primordial world and the big world are equal worlds, and the small world is inferior to the primordial world? If we go there, we can use true yuan, but there is not necessarily What's dangerous?" Shan Cang said.

When Cook heard Shancang say this, he finally understood: "I said why the star realm is so dangerous. It turns out that it's not that I am not strong."

"So the big world can go directly to the prehistoric world?" Cook asked.

"This is not very clear. In fact, our big world does not have such a small world as a means of shuttle space, so we have various escape techniques in our big world, mainly because the space of the big world is too powerful, and the rules of the big world are too strong. Stronger, if anyone breaks the space, the thunder calamity will come, and the ubiquitous thunder calamity in the big world makes many super powers in the big world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dare not to exceed, just like those of the Taoist level If the powerhouse slaughtered tens of thousands of people, it is estimated that the thunder robbery would be directly turned into ash, but the small world is not?" Shan Cang said.

In fact, after Cook asked the question, he knew he asked the wrong person. After all, what level the mountain was, it was just a training period. Even though the sect had a rich background, his experience was limited.

I know a lot, but it is still difficult to analyze the prehistoric world.

Shancang saw that Cook didn't speak, and continued: "Friend Cook, the treasure of the prehistoric world is comparable to the treasure of heaven."

"Fellow Daoist Mountain, why do you know so much about the prehistoric world?" Cook asked.

Shancang heard this answer and said with a smile: "We have a world of caves in the Liangyimen, and inside is a piece of prehistoric fragments. The creatures inside are completely different from the big world."

The cave world that Shan Cang said is actually the small plane on the side of the small world. The reason why it is the cave world is because these small spaces are connected to the big world through a channel, which looks like a cave, but after entering, it is Another piece of heaven and earth is called the cave world.

"It's a secret." Shan Cang winked at Cook after saying it.

Cook was noncommittal about Litham's remarks. Cook pondered for a moment and said, "Friend Litham, I need to think about it."

"Well, Daoist Cook, if you agree, we can communicate with each other in the formation in the future." Hearing this, Shan Yue felt a little disappointed and said.

Cook left the temporary residence of the Liangyimen in the small world and pondered for a long time in the laboratory: "There are some things that have not been finished in this mountain. Is there any great place in this witch formation and witch tools? Ask."

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