A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 966: The prehistoric world (2)

A dark-skinned black man appeared at the door of the auction. This black man wore a silver-white armor. His sturdy body gave a sense of oppression.

"Who are you?" You have to know that there is someone guarding the Bafangshan auction. Now that this person is coming in directly, how about the guards outside? I couldn't help but not worry. An ancestor of Quanzhen Sect stood up. , Drink coldly.

"Uh..." The black man was originally aggressive and shouted when he entered the door, but when he saw the scene inside, the black man was shocked. Thousands of human ancestors of various sects gathered together. What is this? The scene, this **** man had never expected to encounter such a scene, being stared at by thousands of ancestors, this **** man was actually speechless.

"Cough cough, get out, rude fellow." Just when the ancestor of Quanzhen Sect was still asking questions, the black man drank it without angrily.

"Yes, yes." The black man woke up immediately and quickly moved away.

"We belong to Demon King Ridge. This Bafang Mountain has a part of our Monster Race's territory. Who gave you the courage to occupy our Monster Race's territory?" Who is behind the **** man? Little white face, yes, height He was only half the height of the black man, dressed in red, and had very white skin. Of course, white skin was very common. After all, cultivators didn't have too many black people, unless it was a problem with exercises.

Everyone was surprised when they heard about Demon King Ridge. What is Demon King Ridge? It is the place where the famous Bull Demon King lives. It is also one of the twelve monsters of the Demon Race, and it ranks second, and the Rat Demon ranked first.

The ancestors of these sects looked at Silver Fox. After all, at the time when the auction house was established in Bafang Mountain, the Yaozu was passed through by the small world.

Silver Fox was also very surprised. Silver Fox knew what path Cook was taking, and because Cook was a disciple of the Great Sage of Huaguo Mountain, this Demon King Mountain actually dared to pick something up.

"Who are you? Who asked you to come?" Silver Fox looked at the little white face and asked directly.

"Haha, hahaha, he is still a beauty, little beauty, how about going with the uncle and me, with the uncle, we Demon King Ridge will not hold your little world accountable for occupying our monster race's territory." The little white face saw silver. Fox said teasingly.

What kind of person is Silver Fox and what city is there? Silver Fox pointed to the door and said, "Now you get out of me, we won't pursue it."

"Haha, you bastards, dare to occupy the territory of our monster race, don't you want to live anymore? Let me listen to both of you, and get out immediately." Xiao Bailian was said by the silver fox and looked around. I yelled loudly around him.

Faced with the clamor of this little white face, no one stood up and left, but no one wanted to get ahead. Silver Fox saw this scene, and of course knew that these ancestors of the school did not want to offend the people of Demon King Ridge.

The silver fox slapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, looking at you like this, it should be the Red Boy of Devil Ridge, right?"

"Yes, your uncle, I am Red Boy, I am a big demon." Red Boy immediately admitted when he heard this.

Silver Fox saw Red Boy, thought of what Cook said, and said with a smile: "You Red Boy can't represent Devil Mountain!"

"What, I can't represent, I can't represent, do you know who my father is? My father is a quasi-sage, and I can't represent it. If you don't tell why today, I will never end with you." Said, immediately jumped up, you must know that among the generation of Mowangling Red Boy, Red Boy has the strongest strength, and of course it is also the boss. This Mowangling Red Boy belongs to Red Boy from now on.

"Tsk tut, your younger brother or sister is here, maybe you can still be the master, do you know why?" Yinhu tut sighed, and the thousands of ancestors sitting there also raised their ears. You must know about the monster race, everyone I don't know a lot, why this silver fox said this.

"You, dare to say this to me, if you don't say it today, I am convinced, I will kill you today." When Hong Haier heard this, he was so angry that a spear appeared in his hand. , And a red armor.

"Don't you know it yourself?" Silver Fox asked with a weird look.

"What do I know?" Red Boy was puzzled.

Silver Fox asked with a smile, "Since I don't know, I still don't say it, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

"You, you demon girl, hurry up." Hong Hai'er heard this and yelled at a household. Had it not been for thousands of powerful ancestors here now, Hong Hai'er would have done it.

Silver Fox said: "It's very simple, you are not the heir of Demon King Ridge at all, you have nothing to do with Demon King Ridge."

"You are slanderous." When the red boy heard this, he wrapped his body in a red armor, obviously already very angry.

"What an ugly heart, you are actually not the child of the Bull Demon King at all. Have you seen whether the descendants of the demon clan are the demon clan? And your father, your mother is not Huo Xing, why are you Huo Xing, and Who gave the armor and spear on your body, the person who gave you these things, why not give other people weapons, armor, and whether your younger brothers and sisters look different from you? Have you been so many years? , Don't you understand?" Yinhu said a lot in one breath.

Everyone around was stunned and looked at each other. Everyone saw the surprise in their own eyes.

"And what does the banana fan in your mother's hand do? You don't know why the banana fan in your mother's hand restrains a certain kind of flame. Have you thought about it?" The silver fox didn't wait for the people below to digest it, and continued. Said.

"For so many years, something in Demon King Ridge has allowed you to intervene, and have you not discovered that your younger brothers and sisters have no fire roots, and why do you want to practice the human exercises, but your younger brothers and sisters don't? "Silver Fox continued. Actually, when Cook said this, he was just telling a joke. The Silver Fox listened to it as a joke, but when the red boy came to the door, Silver Fox didn’t mind to say it as a joke. As for the consequences, The monkey demon clan is much stronger than the bull demon clan.

When the ancestors below heard this, they all showed their suddenly realized expressions. It turns out that there are these secret things. The ancestors of Dandingmen looked at Honghai'er, and their eyes were dazzling. Why, you should know the person that Yinhu said, but The guy who refines the elixir, will the offspring born from this bloodline have the talent for alchemy?

"You demon girl, slanderous, if I don't kill you today, I will be Red Boy from time to time." Red Boy rushed to Silver Fox. The ancestors of the surrounding martial arts were shocked, but none of them did it. If they did it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Bang! Little bastard, you dare to come here to make trouble." The red boy rushed to the silver fox in the blink of an eye, and the flaming spear pierced the silver fox's head. Suddenly, a person's arm stretched out suddenly. , Slapped Hong Haier's head with a slap, and slapped Hong Haier on the ground with a bang.

"Thank you brother." Yinhu said when he saw the people around him.

"It's okay, you continue, I will teach this little bastard, kind, tut, this kid is actually a wild, kind, tut." The man next to Yinhu is a middle-aged man, seemingly ordinary, but two strong His arms were much longer than ordinary people. This person gave Yinhu Shennian a voice, then picked up the fainted Red Boy and flashed to the door.

"Dog thief, actually... bang." The bull demon guard at the door saw that his master had been beaten, and did not react for a while. Seeing the middle-aged man flashed over, a high axe hit the middle-aged man.

"Bang." But the next moment, the middle-aged man flew over with a kick, and everyone clearly saw that the axe hit the middle-aged man’s leg, but the middle-aged man was okay, and directly held the axe. Kicked the bull demon out with one kick.

"Hehe, and ah, you guys, how dare you come here to make trouble, bang bang bang." Then I heard a bang bang outside, and a dozen or so transformed bull monsters were killed by this middle-aged man. People get fat and beat.

What's more, this middle-aged man is not really a person. What he carries is these people's weapons, a huge axe, which is like a stick in his hand, and slams it down. Several bull demon's legs and hands are obviously twisted.

"Who are you guys, dare to hit us, we are Demon King's Ridge...fuck." Although the bull demon guard had broken his leg, he shouted loudly.

"Haha, Mowangling, yell, yell, go on, and ask Lao Tzu to chop you off, do you believe it?" The middle-aged man slapped the axe in his hand and slapped it back and forth.

Although the ancestors are inside the auction house, what happened outside is clear. These people's powerful spiritual minds don't need to actively search for them. They are too close.

Muttered in their hearts: "This bull demon guard is afraid that the bones in his mouth will be broken, and he said a fart."

"Let's go, let's find a place to have a good chat, I am a person, I usually don't like to do it." The middle-aged man found that there were too many people here. When he raised his hand, the group of bull monsters was sucked into the sleeve. .

"Universal in the sleeve!" The ancestor finally exclaimed.

When the silver fox saw the person leaving, he clapped his hands and said, "Well, the auction continues. The starting price is 5 million high-grade spirit stones."

The auction is still going on, but the hearts of the people present are not at peace. Who is this person, why is he so strong, and dare to beat the boy of the Bull Demon King, there are countless questions, but Silver Fox can't say anything.

Of course the biggest gossip is whether this red boy is the boy of the Bull Demon King, or is it really that...

"Papa, are you still sleeping?" The middle-aged man came to a mountain and threw out the bull monsters directly. These bull monsters were thrown out and hit the ground, shaking with pain. The middle-aged man was directly at the red boy. Slapped twice on the face and drank.

"You...Second...Second Lord, why are you here?" What surprised the bull demon guards was that this red boy looked like a good baby.

"Don't talk nonsense, who is your second master? I tell you, your kid also met me today, or else, believe it or not, my master will just strip you off." This second master is the brother of the big monkey, the second monkey .

Hong Hai'er also knows the man in front of him, but he picked up a sword and spear to fight the heavenly court before, and there is also an uncle, a great sage, this is a hero in the demon race, and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are all caught by this great monkey. The two monkeys led the monkey and demon cubs to fight the falling flowers and flowing water. Even if the Bull Demon King saw the big monkey brothers, he had to be treated with courtesy, but a large part of the demon clan followed the immortal gate of the heavenly court, which was actually for the heavenly court. The fairy is the cow and the horse, and only the Great Sage leads a group of monkey monsters to fight against the heavenly court.

So if these two monkeys beat people, they beat them. When Hong Haier heard this, his face was ugly and asked, "Could it be that this Bafang Mountain..."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Get out of here. From now on, your second master, I will stay here. Next time you come back, I will break your leg. Do you know?" The two monkeys drank angrily. He also raised the axe in his hand to frighten the red boy.

"Second Master, Second Master, you are my second master, but the demon girl... slap." Hong Hai'er said dissatisfied. Hong Hai'er wanted to say that the silver fox framed herself, but he was slapped by the two monkeys before finishing the words. Slapped twice.

"Fuck, that's my junior sister. If the master knows that you call me junior sister demon girl, believe it or not, my master directly smashed your Demon King Ridge?" After the two monkeys finished smashing, they drank angrily.

Hong Hai'er's face suddenly swelled up. He wanted to say something, and the two monkeys waved and said: "Get out of here, let me see you around here later, hum."

"Yes, yes, second master." Seeing the appearance of the two monkeys, Hong Haier didn't dare to say anything at all, so hurry up, otherwise he would have to slap twice.

"Hey, you guys, why don't these guys take them away?" Seeing the red boy directly preparing to leave, the two monkeys pointed at the bull demon guard on the ground and taught.

"Second master, second master, these guys, just treat them as my apologetics. You **** have to listen to the second master. If anyone is different, I will strip him alive." The red boy dropped a sentence and suddenly turned into a red. The smoke and dust disappeared all at once.

"Old ancestor, please help us." Two dozen bull monsters looked at the two monkeys and quickly begged for mercy. These bull monsters finally knew who the second master was, and they didn't hurry to beg for mercy.

"Tricky boy, I can't look back on you in the future. Don't talk nonsense about what you heard today, or be careful of your life." What level of existence is the two monkeys, the trick of the red boy was immediately seen through, this red boy does not take it When the guard went back, he was afraid that what Yinhu said today would be spread out.

Although these bull monsters are strong, their heads are still stupid. When the two monkeys said this, they were shocked and kowtow quickly: "Old ancestors, ancestors, save the little ones."

"Forget it, you will be here on Bafang Mountain from now on, listen to my junior sister's dispatch, you know, she lets you hit anyone, and if anyone bullies her, you will hit me to death, you know?" Hearing this, I thought to myself, this red boy has come to have a fight for a few days, if some other **** come, I can't stay here for a long time.

"Yes, yes, I understand." What dare these bull monsters say? I dare not say anything at all.

In the world of the demon clan, it is normal for the big demon and demon king to kill other little demons. Those who are killed deserve it. As for whether the demon king to which the little demon belongs will cause trouble, it is also to the other party. It is the little trash fish that makes trouble, just like the identity gap between these two monkeys and these bull monsters, I'm afraid that no one in Demon King Ridge will find trouble with the two monkeys.

"It's really troublesome." The two monkeys frowned when they saw these guys with broken legs and hands.

After the Bafangshan auction was over, many ancestors walked out the door of the auction and saw about twenty burly bull demon standing outside.

"What do you look at, have you paid the spirit stone?" A bull demon looked at a martial ancestor who walked out, and drank angrily.

"Pay the spirit stone?" The ancestor was puzzled.

"You didn't buy anything at the auction?" When the bull demon heard this, he opened his eyes and drank.

"What are you doing?" After Yinhu heard the news, he rushed over and drank loudly.

"Master, let's just ask, we'll just ask, lest these guys love petty bargains and steal our things." The bull demon saw the silver fox that was one-third shorter than himself, and his waist suddenly bent down. The head was lower than that of the silver fox, and he said with a big mouth open.

"What's the matter?" Silver Fox was inexplicable.

"Our brother will be the master's hand in the future. Whom the master wants to fix in the future, the master will just say it directly, our brothers are not afraid, you guys, come here to behave better, don't be found by our brothers with unruly attempts, otherwise grandpa's hands He doesn't recognize people." This bull demon was originally the little leader of the bull demon team, staring at the ancestor who participated in the auction.

"Okay, okay, let them go." Silver Fox guessed something and waved his hand.

"Yes, master, the small one is called Niu Da, and this is Niu Da..." Niu Da's big head is like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Don't leave yet!" Niu Er saw these old guys still waiting here, and immediately drank angrily.

"That's right, what are you doing standing upright, go quickly." The bull demon behind Niu Er also shouted.

The old ancestor of the sect was awakened, and left quickly, wondering in his heart, is this bull demon brain sick?

"Hey, what about you, you also go, our brothers are here, no one dares to make trouble." Niu Da looked at the Qingcheng Sword Sect leader and drank angrily.

"You..." The head of the Qingcheng Sword Sect was yelled by the cow, and was out of anger. He really wanted to drew his sword and cut the cow demon, but it was just thinking about it.

Seeing this, the silver fox said angrily: "You guys come with me, you don't need your guards here."

"Yes, Master." Niu Da felt that the word "Master" was weird, but he couldn't call Dawang.

Seeing the petite silver fox walking away with twenty large men, Quanzhen Sect ancestor wondered; "What is the matter with these bull monsters?"

"I don't know, it seems that we haven't figured out the roots of Cook." The head of the Qingcheng Sword Sect was also at a loss.

But what is the biggest gossip in the big world, that is, Red Boy is not the species of the Bull Demon King. This news is spread widely among the top four sects.

Of course, the two monkeys knew after the Yaozu that Red Boy would certainly not have a big mouth, but the two monkeys' heart was like a cat's claw.

"Brother, do you think this red boy is really not the species of King Niu?" The two monkeys hurriedly returned to Huaguo Mountain and asked the monkey.

The monkey said irritably, "You fellow. Are you okay with trouble?"

"No, I'm..." The two monkeys said what the silver fox said again.

As soon as the monkey heard this, his eyes widened, and he said after a long time, "This seems to make sense?"

"Big brother, how do you say that the junior sister knows these secrets, neither of us knows?" The two monkeys heard the boss say so and asked.

The monkey shook his head and said: "According to the truth, it's impossible, just because of the temper of King Niu, if you know it, you can't shake the sky?"

"Heavenly, it's going to be too good, who is the other party, King Niu dared to make trouble, believe it or not, and kill him?" The two monkeys were not fools either. Hearing this, he said.

"You won't be able to kill, you must know that King Niu was still a member of the Heavenly Court at that time... I wonder how this red boy's mother hooked up with that old guy?" The big monkey was also gossiping.

The two monkeys urged: "Would you like to ask Master?"

"Ask?" The monkey also tickled.

The two brothers came to the place where the Great Sage retreats, and the monkey said directly: "Master, Master, there is a problem with the disciple."

No one spoke for a while, and the monkey said again: "Master, Master, I have a problem."

"You guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's okay to bother me, what's the problem?" The voice of the Great Sage came out.

"Master, we heard such a thing, don't know if it is true or not?" the monkey said, and then said what he had heard.

The great sage did not speak for a while, the monkey was puzzled, and then shouted: "Master..."

"Haha, haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I said, when I borrowed the banana fan, it was strange. I didn't expect the old man to do such a scandal, haha, haha." I didn't expect the great sage to laugh directly. .

"Is the master real?" The monkey asked with bright eyes.

"Why is it not true? It was this old man who instructed his mount to embarrass the old grandson. The old grandson was weak at the time, and the bull king and the red boy all came to add chaos to the old grandson and made the old grandson cheeky everywhere. I went to ask for help. I didn’t expect that there would be such scandalous things. Big Monkey, you can give me the news. I want everyone from the Monster Race to see who this is.” The Great Sage is still upset about the past. Huai, after all, those monsters weren't the opponents of the Great Sage at all at that time, but these monsters held the treasures given by others in their hands and forced the Great Sage to ask for help. As for the mount stole the owner's treasure, the owner didn't know.

The three-year-old child didn't believe it, but the master's treasure was connected with the master.

"I want to ruin that old man, go." The voice of the Great Sage was very happy.

"Yes, Master, I didn't think the old man was a good thing at the time. He smiled and was full of bad water." The monkey had met the old man and said immediately.

"But how did Junior Sister know?" The two monkeys were still struggling with this matter.

At this time, the great sage spoke again: "Your little brother's brain, I don't know how it grows, it can be said so."

"Master, is there any other reason for this?" The monkey asked when he heard this.

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