A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 967: The prehistoric world (3)

"No, no." In fact, the Great Sage didn't believe this in his heart. Who didn't know the temper of the Bull Demon King, although he was afraid of his wife, but who really wanted to move his wife to try, that servant would definitely go crazy.

"Tsk tsk. This kid didn't see it, but the nonsense makes people believe it." The Great Sage muttered in his heart.

In the original Yaozu, such news would not spread. After all, the people involved were not ordinary people. On the Yaozu side, there was no law. It annoyed King Niu and was shot to death.

But the Great Sage’s order to continue, the whole monster clan hasn’t passed for a few days, and the news is everywhere. Although the little demon doesn’t dare to say anything, but who can stop it in private, and it’s the Bull King’s. Gossip.

Of course, the most annoying thing here is the status of Niu Dawang. Young Master, Red Boy, Red Boy actually doesn’t like other people calling it that way. After all, Red Boy is also an old monster, but this name has already gone out, so the elders see Hong Boy, still call it that way.

Red Boy has a big name called Niu Sheng, and Red Boy also has the title of King Holy Infant. Of course, now Niu Sheng feels that his name is a little strange. Why, Holy Infant, the son of a saint, but King Niu Isn't it a saint? Isn't that saying that he is not the child of Niu Dawang.

"Annoying." Niu Sheng couldn't ask his mother, so he was extremely upset.

"Yo, yo, who is this?" A man with horns on his head appeared. Behind this man, there were several people with a pair of horns.

"Second brother, this is our eldest brother." Another man behind this man said quickly.

"Big brother, my goodness, this is our big brother, it's not right, why is our big brother different from us?" the man who started talking exclaimed.

"Niu Er, Niu San, are you looking for a fight?" Niu Sheng heard this. Jumped and scolded.

Niu Er is the old man of Niu Dawang, his name is Niu Yuntian, Niu San is Niu Shan, there are Niu Si, there are more than a dozen Niu five feet.

When Niu Yuntian heard this, he cried again: "I'm so scared, Niu Sheng, King Holy Infant, come and hit me, come hit me."

"Second brother, we don't dare to fight back if the eldest brother hit us, otherwise the eldest brother's father would beat us both, and my father wouldn't dare to fight back." Niu Shan continued on the side, where is this persuasion, obviously harming.

"You guys are looking for death!" When the red boy Niu Sheng heard this, he became angry and rushed up.

"Come here, I used to think you were the boss, we let you, now you are a wild, kind of...thunderbolt." The three of them fought together, and the entire Demon King Ridge could hear the loud fighting sound. The things in the cave have suffered.

Of course, this fight couldn't escape King Niu's perception, and King Niu rushed out when he heard the battle in the cave.

"A few brats, are you looking for a fight?" Niu Dawang is dressed in black, and Niu Dawang has been transformed, but the small horns on Niu Dawang's head are still there, but the other parts are the same as humans.

As soon as King Niu waved his hand, the three guys were separated.

"Father, don't pull me, I want to smash the mouths of these two beasts." Hong Haier cried loudly.

Niu Er and Niu San had never beaten Red Boy before, and when they heard this, they immediately cried out angrily: "Return your father, shameless bastard, do you still have the face to call your father?"

"You, you, bang bang." King Niu was angry when he heard one called a brute and the other called a bastard. With a wave of their hands, the three of them were directly hit on the wall of the cave, dizzy.

"Two evil barriers, how do you talk?" Niu Dawang shouted angrily.

"Father, father, don't blame the child, this servant is not your son." Niu Er was dizzy, and cried out with aggrieved expression.

"What, are you still talking nonsense?" Great King Niu was even going to beat Niu Er.

"Father, go and find out. Now, no one in the Monster Race knows that this servant is not your son. Now it's spread all over the world." Niu San also began to cry.

When King Niu heard this, he shouted angrily: "What, who is spreading the rumors?"

"Father, father, they are talking nonsense, nonsense." Hong Hai'er was going to step forward and beat the two of them.

"Haha, haha, don't come here unharmed, haha!" At this moment, a voice came from afar.

When King Niu heard this voice, he looked constipated and whispered, "Why is this monkey here?"

"It's Monkey Brother, why are you free to come to me today?" Niu Da shook his body, and he left the cave and directly blocked the entrance of the cave. You must know that Niu Dawang was very dissatisfied with the monkeys. He didn't take advantage of his wife, so he got into his wife's belly. If there were other things, King Niu didn't dare to ask more about this lawless monkey. As for his wife, King Niu didn't dare to ask.

"Haha, eldest brother joked. I came this time to persuade eldest brother, eldest brother, some things passed in the past, there is nothing to be held accountable, you can forgive the sister-in-law once, in the face of grandson, just Don't embarrass my sister-in-law." Why is the Great Sage here? The Great Sage has already been listening to the news. This is not the case when the Great Sage got the news soon after the fight, and came over immediately.

King Niu's eyes widened. Hearing this, he drank angrily: "You monkey, what are you talking about?"

"Nonsense, haha, eldest brother doesn't know yet, forget it, my grandson didn't come." When the Great Sage heard this, he was shocked, and then he laughed, but the smile was full of mockery.

"What, you monkey, don't want to leave if you don't speak clearly today." King Niu saw that the Great Sage laughed at himself, and immediately stopped doing it, and grabbed the Great Sage.

"Let go, let go, you old bull is so unreasonable, my old grandson kindly came to persuade you, your servant has such a face." The Great Sage also struggled away, and then said to King Niu.

Niu Dawang quit even more. Niu Dawang hasn't spoken yet, Niu Er said: "Look, see, everyone else knows, father, you don't know yet."

"Know what?" King Niu asked.

"This Niu Sheng is not yours, father, think about it... Bang." Niu Er shouted loudly, but was interrupted by the slap of the Great Sage.

"I can't say, this may be a rumor, you are so unreasonable, you actually provoke the relationship between father and son." The great sage slapped Niu Dawang's son and stunned, and his heart was secretly refreshed, making you embarrassed my grandson. , Now I beat your son face to face, you still can’t say anything.

"You..." Great King Niu stared at the Great Sage.

"You speak." Niu Dawang pointed directly at Niu San.

Niu San hurriedly hid behind Niu Dawang, and said, "It is said that Niu Sheng is not your own son, and that our brothers and sisters are all the same, but Niu Sheng is completely different. He also said why Niu Sheng is. It’s Huo Xing, why aren’t we, there is also the Holy Infant King, the child of the saint, but are you always..."

"Oh. Brother, don't be impulsive." The Great Sage sighed as if you were not impulsive.

When King Niu heard this, he sneered: "Nonsense, you two, go back to Laozi. You are not allowed to go down the mountain without my order."

"Yes." Niu Er and Niu San hurriedly left when they saw their father like this. Niu Dawang was very impulsive. Now he looked calm, who would dare to be here.

"Lao Niu, are you okay?" Dasheng asked with concern when he saw Niu Dawang doing this.

"You splash monkey, what do you mean by coming today?" King Niu saw the appearance of the Great Sage, and he had an idea in his heart. Lao Tzu's woman, need you to care?

The Great Sage didn’t think of this at all, and said, “I’m just here to persuade you, don’t go to your heart, don’t beat the sister-in-law...”

"My mother-in-law, I want you to care, and say, what shameful deeds you and my mother-in-law do!" King Niu was completely angry.

The Great Sage also looked astonished, and then shouted: "You guys don't know good people, I'm blind."

After saying that the Great Sage is about to leave, I know that as soon as the Great King Niu stretched out his hand, he held the mixed iron roll in his hand and pointed at the Great Sage.

"You, you old bull, just your sorrowful lady, my old grandson is too dirty." The great sage saw Niu Dawang like this and was almost furious. The great sage didn't expect to have such an encounter.

"Wow. You are talking about sorrow now, who got into my mother-in-law's belly back then, did some shameful deeds, looking for fights." Hearing the great sage say this, the Niu Dawang drank angrily, and then mixed his head with an iron rod. He smashed the way towards the Great Sage.

The sage was so angry that he shouted loudly, "You bully, it’s not that the old man embarrassed me at the beginning, you old bull don’t want to think about how the banana fan can extinguish the flames of Huoyan Mountain, how did the fire come? Yes, the old man’s pill fire is so easy to be extinguished. You are just a tattered picker. You have been teased by the old man a long time ago. You just drink the old man’s footwashing water."

"Oh, yeah." Great King Niu was out of anger, and the iron mixing rod in his hand became more powerful.


A golden stick in the hand of the Great Sage, constantly adding to the mixed iron rod of the Great King Niu, you come and I fight in the air, with great momentum.

Seeing the movement here, the surrounding demon kings came one after another. Among them, a thin and tall young man came first, and then a young man came again.

"Who is this king, who is this?" the boy later asked.

"Great King Rooster, these two people are jealous of fighting for the wind." Great King Shuo Tian didn't feel good about the Great Sage. It was too bad to be bullied by the Great Sage, not to mention that after the master of King Shuo Tian disappeared, it was even worse. That's why. Said, to discredit the Great Sage.

"Oh?" King Rooster gave a puzzled voice.

"What's going on..." The King Howard added fuel and jealousy, saying that King Niu found out that his eldest son was not his own. After investigation, the suspicious persons included the Great Sage and a certain old man, and it happened that the Great Sage sent him home again. Come, intercede or something, so King Niu grabbed the handle.

The Great King Howard made some remarks, making the later King Rooster, King Canopy and others nod their heads.

The Great King of Canopy nodded and said, "I said that when I borrowed a banana fan, this monkey ran faster than anyone else. It turned out to be a good old man. Tsk tsk, this red boy, but if I were the monkey brother, I would have died. Now I understand, it turned out to be the son of Brother Monkey."

"Not necessarily, that old man also has a share." Shenlong Wang shook his head.

"Tsk tusk." The surrounding demon kings came tusk.

When the Great Sage heard the nonsense of the Demon King below in the sky, he was so angry that he regretted it in his heart.

"You old bull is so unreasonable, old grandson is gone, you can figure it out before you talk." The Great Sage found that if he fights again, he doesn't know how much to watch the excitement, so he flashed his body and turned away with a somersault, just staying Down the sound.

"Brother Hou, wait for me, when did the old bull woman hook up?" The King of Canopy also raised a cloud, shouting and chasing.

"Fat pig, watch it!" King Niu was started by these words, and he smashed the king of the canopy with the iron rod.

"Lao Niu, Lao Niu, I didn't seduce your mother-in-law again." The Canopy King screamed and flashed directly.

The other demon kings around also fled away one after another, muttering one after another, this old bull was obviously crazy.

No one knows what happened to Lao Niu and his wife, but the relationship between Lao Niu's wife and the Great Sage also spread among the demon clan.

"Who is it, who is slandering me like this." After returning to Huaguo Mountain, the Great Sage was out of anger. He originally wanted to see the old cow's jokes, but he didn't know that he actually caused a commotion.

"Brother Monkey, really don't you?" King Canopy asked with a look of disbelief while eating the spirit fruit. King Canopy is a rich middle-aged man. After so many years, his transformation has been successful.

"Pighead, shut up." Hearing this, the Great Sage felt more and more wronged.

"Brother Monkey, in fact, you are not at a loss." The tone of King Canopy was full of envy.

"Get off, get off." Seeing the enviable look on King Canopy's face, the Great Sage was even more furious.

The Great King of Canopy curled his lips: "If you don't tell me, don't tell me, I'm talking about Brother Monkey, you Huaguoshan, I find that the aura is getting more and more abundant. From a distance, it is actually filled with aura."

"Old pig, who do you think this is to frame me in private?" Dasheng asked puzzledly.

"Hey, Brother Monkey, I know, but what good is it?" The Great King of Canopy grinned.

The great sage jumped over, grabbed the canopy king by the collar, and said: "Pighead, believe it or not, I will beat you up?"

"Hey, Brother Monkey. If you beat me, I'll say that you and that or something are true." The Great King of Canopy looked like a rascal.

"You." The Great Sage is so angry that this is itself being framed. If this pighead goes out and talks nonsense, then it really can't say anything.

The Great King of Canopy looked suspiciously at the Great Sage: "That Red Boy shouldn't be yours..."

"Shut up and say, who it is." The Great Sage drank angrily.

"Ginseng fruit." The King of Canopy smiled, and after speaking, he stuffed a spirit fruit into his mouth.

Dasheng shook his head: "Okay, just a ginseng fruit."

"It's a snarling dog, but I came late, but I heard the golden rooster said that it was the snarling dog." When the king of the canopy heard the agreement, he said immediately.

When the Great Sage heard this, he jumped angrily: "This dead dog wants to fight...Don't pull me."

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you can't go now. This kind of thing is getting darker and darker. If you go up there, you can beat the King of the Sky at most. Maybe you will be instigated by the guy in the old cow. "The Great King of Canopy pulled the Great Sage and spoke to persuade him.

"Then it will be cheaper for him?" The Great Sage was unwilling.

"How is it possible that this snarling dog used to be a tiger, isn't it like a running dog? What's your identity, Brother Monkey, is that the owner of that guy must be courteous to three points when he sees you. Then, if you give me something, I'm sure. Beat that guy violently and knock out his dog teeth." The canopy king slapped his chest and screamed.

The Great Sage looked at the Great King Canopy, and said angrily: "You old pig, when have you been so treacherous?"

"Hey, Brother Monkey, there are so many good things here, my old pig is poor." The Canopy King smiled.

When the great sage heard this, he shook his head. Don't look at this old pig's chubby appearance, it's actually treacherous. When we were together before, when we met danger, he called himself or his master, sneaking and slipping.

"If you can break two of the legs of King Shuotian, I will give you a flat peach tree..." The Great Sage gritted his teeth, as if he was very unwilling.

"Brother Monkey. Wait, I'll go right away." Before the great sage finished speaking, the Great Canopy suddenly stuffed the spirit fruit into his mouth, turned into a black smoke and rushed into the sky, and then passed it. Coming voice.

The king of the sky was directly interrupted by the king of the canopy. It is said that some of the people of the sky dog ​​were killed. The king of the canopy finally left a sentence, who will not be big or young in the future to talk about the elders, old me The pig directly killed him.

When Cook was scolded by his master in the small world, Cook knew that such a big thing had happened.

"Master." Cook was called into the big world by the Great Sage.

"You kid, that's great, you said, how do you know about these things about Red Boy?" The Great Sage has been very annoying recently, and his reputation has been completely ruined.

"Master, I just guessed it, you think, this is unreasonable, didn't you think of it at the beginning?" Cook looked like I was so smart.

Bang bang.

The Great Sage directly knocked Cook on the head twice, and then he drank: "Think, think, you can think to me now, how to help Master get rid of the stigma."

"Master, in fact, King Niu said you are not wronged... Bang." Before Cook finished speaking, he was beaten by the Great Sage again.

"What's not wrong, you talk about it, if you don't care about what you say, I will make you look good." The Great Sage was mad at Cook.

"Ahem, Master, at the time you went into the belly of that shit, dare you say that you didn't see anything? It's because your wife was so tossed, is there any anger in her heart, and ah, King Niu was looking for If you don’t have a place to vent your anger, you look like you are sent to the house to watch the show. If you don’t pull you into the water, who will get into the water? Could King Niu be able to beat that person?” Cook knows the cause and effect of the matter, and Cook really wants to say that the saint deserves it. , But considering this, I'm afraid that I will be beaten again, so Cook has said it very tactfully.

When the Great Sage heard this, he asked: "Are you saying that this incident was intentional?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, look at it, King Niu must have nothing to do with his wife, maybe he will say that you slander him, and the couple will beat you together." Cook nodded.

"I'll go, this shameless thing." The Great Sage looked shocked.

"It's more than that, if the old man is still there. I will definitely look for you too. Trouble, Master, you said why you were going to be a little bit ahead." Cook didn't understand, how good these things are while watching the excitement. If you want to come out on your own, you will think that you did it as well.

The Great Sage shook his head and said, "It's strange that the old man dares to come out. You kid tell me how to solve it?"

"Master, there is an idea, but I don't know if you will do it." Cook thought for a moment and said.

"There are many ways to listen to you?" The Great Sage looked at Cook in surprise.

Cook nodded and said, "It's just that the idea is a little bad."

"Say." The Great Sage stared and said.

Cook said, "It's okay to ask me, but you can't hit me anymore."

"Quickly speak." The appearance of the Great Sage about to beat.

"It's actually very simple. First, you just say you don't like women." Cook said that I won't talk about it here.

The Great Sage was still puzzled: "I don't like women, what do you like? Like men...you kid."


Cook was beaten twice again. Cook clutched his head and almost came out of tears. This great sage had been practiced with elixir for forty-nine days, and he was much stronger than Cook's small arms and legs.

"The second one." The Great Sage stared at Cook. If Cook said something bad, it might not be a double blow.

"The second is to divert your attention and form a clique." Cook said.

"Talk about it." The Great Sage didn't understand.

Cook coughed and said, "Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you think, why have you been bullied before? You are not the only one. The other demon kings are watching the excitement. You have to learn to use resources. It’s like you’re a disciple. I haven’t come to the big world yet, but at least I have a group of people in the big world who will look after me. You think, now that super sect wants to move me, dare you?"

"Hey, your kid has some ways, let alone, just like you, a super sect, I really dare not touch you." The Great Sage thought for a moment and said in surprise.

"By the way, Master, you must learn to form cliques, let other Demon Kings speak for you, and then do things for you. At that time, King Niu just wanted to move you, and no one else would agree." Cook nodded Said, in fact, if the Great Sage had a gang of Demon Kings as helpers in the Heavenly Court Era, they would still be suppressed. Not to mention changing the Heavenly Court, at least he would occupy a side of the world.

"Speak more in detail." The Great Sage was tickled when he heard it.

Cook said with a smile: "Master, it's actually very simple. You hold a flat peach conference, and then let these demon kings choose a boss. Of course, you can't say that you want to be a boss. You just ask everyone to talk about it. Boss, what benefits will it give everyone."

"What do you mean is that I trade flat peaches and ginseng fruit for the support of those guys?" The Great Sage understood.

"By the way, look at the Pig Demon King, for the sake of a flat peach tree, he dared to interrupt the Snarling Skyhound's legs. If you give him a few ginseng fruits, believe it or not that Pig Demon King dared to kill the Snarling Skyhound , And if you give it every fifty years, you think that the Demon King won't listen to you, and if you don't listen to you, you won't give the fairy fruit." Cook said.

"But I always feel unwilling, so why are those guys in vain cheaper?" The Great Sage said angrily.

Cook curled his lips and asked: "Master, you said that if you let you take a shot and don't give you benefits, would you do it?"

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