A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 977: Prehistoric World (13)

After the calculations, Cook found that although he had so many immortal artifacts, demon-binding cords, Eastern Emperor Bell, as well as the nameless sword fetus, and the Devil Pestle, the only thing that could really be used in the end, and rest assured, was the broken star hammer.

There are many practice methods, such as the Vajrayana Sutra, Wuming’s own exercises, the exercises in the Baopu Scripture, the exercises of the Fei Xianmen, the witcher model for witch training, and the practice of the small world. Cultivation methods, but the only ones that can be practiced are mainly shaman models and nameless methods.

Cook found himself like owning a treasure mountain, but this treasure mountain is a whole piece of gold, and all that Cook can take away is the little bit from the nails, and the rest is just staring.

"For the time being." But Cook still has to face the reality. Cook is in the small world, that is, he is the king of kings. In the big world, he dare not even show his face. In the star realm, he is only behind others. Because of what, Cook is willing to do this?

Of course not, it is still low in strength. In fact, Cook is also very aggrieved in his heart, why should he be busy with the giant tribe in the star realm, instead of sitting in the sage association to earn points, let people wait, and not have enough strength.

Why Cook had to trade with the Great Sage and recognize a monster race as his master, although Cook didn't care much about the racial boundaries of the monsters in the big world, and Cook had to do this.

Of course, if Cook is compared with the big world and the people in the star realm, he is considered scum. If he is in the small world, then Cook is still very awesome.

But it’s impossible for people to compare with the poor. It’s always better to compare with the good. Besides, even though Cook doesn’t care about longevity, it’s good to live for a few more years.

Some people say that he is willing to die whatever he wants, but who is willing to die at which point?

Having determined the direction of cultivation, and the main weapon used, there will be a lot of time allocation. It will not be a month or more than half a month to practice. Even if he is motivated, Cook will be upset.

After sorting out the direction of cultivation, Cook dealt with the affairs of the Council of Gods. After the last incident of the Council of Gods, there is still a mess, that is, the gates needed by the various sects of the great world, which can be said to be unfinished by now.

Cook did not have time to do this before. Now that he has time, Cook is ready to deal with these things as soon as possible.

"Hello, President."

"Hello, President."

"Chairman is early." Cook has just entered the Mageweave Association, and he keeps saying hello all the way. Of course, it's already night. Someone says hello to Cook early. Cook doesn't mind, because Mageweaves are a group of people who don't know day and night. Creatures.

"Morning." Cook nodded and replied.

After the last incident of the Mageweave Association, some bad atmosphere was suppressed.

In fact, the supervisory department of the Mageweave Association is not unwilling to act, but facing the backbone of Mageweave Masters, senior Mageweave Masters, the supervisory department is not so wrong. The handling of these senior Mageweave Masters cannot be done by the internal supervision department. of.

This is not to say that Cook does not delegate power, but that it is a place of people, there are grievances, there are rivers and lakes, if the supervision department makes some unjust, false and wrong cases, then it will have a great influence on the Mageweave Association. After all, the Mageweave Association It must be supported by these senior Mageweave masters.

There is still the same sentence, it is always for people to do things, and there is no ability to break the arm of a strong man, and it is nonsense to want the supervision department to do something.

That is to say, Cook made such a decision, and even if it is a supervisory department, there will be no internal problems. As long as it is composed of people, there will be problems. Of course, even if it is machinery, problems will also occur.

There is no one hundred percent, so the internal supervision department of the Mageweave Association involves a certain level of people, the supervision department is simply powerless.

"President, everyone is here." Cook came to the meeting room and someone immediately reported it.

"Yeah." Cook nodded.

Walking into the conference room, Cook looked at the dozens of intermediate Mageweave Masters and several senior Mageweave Masters sitting below. The last time the Mageweave Association's strength dropped a lot, but the real impact was not much. After all, Cook is not only a leader, but also the most skilled.

"If there are more, I will not say much. I will do my best for the postponed Sky City in the near future. All you need to do is to be my assistant. I will complete more than 90% of the Sky City. 10% will be handed over to you, and whoever has the ability to complete it will increase the level by one level." Cook looked at these dozen people and said.

"Yes, the president." The dozens of people below were very excited, even the senior magic pattern masters.

In fact, after most of the senior Mageweave Masters are expelled, these intermediate Mageweave Masters will have their first days. In addition, to be honest, it is really difficult to change a Dev habit once a person develops.

Take the high-level Mageweave Masters who came from the Alchemy Temple. Although there were no bad habits when the Mageweave Association opened, later on, these people brought bad habits to the Mageweave Association and privately communicated with other merchants. Communication, privately reselling orders for artifacts, and some unnecessary materials, but also to ask the person who placed the order. These materials are only held by certain merchants, so the materials that were originally unnecessary were bought at a high price. The pattern master gave the materials to the merchant again, waiting for the next client.

Can place orders for artifacts. Basically they are unwilling to be troublesome, and there are also some Mage Weave Masters who are bullying men and women. Coupled with the issue of the supervisory authority's handling authority for senior Mage Weave Masters, this has created the previous situation.

After thinking about it, Cook found an opportunity to make this group of people unlucky together.

Although Cook is the president of the Mageweave Association, because he is the president, Cook is not easy to deal with people who do things with him. When things are small, others will say Cook, only when things get bigger, Cook Beat it to death with a stick.

Some people say that Cook is insidious, but when he gets to Cook’s position, he has to do some things, and once these people continue this bad habit, then the Mageweave Association will be the second one, the alchemy temple. Would like to see.

So Cook took the shot himself, not allowing the supervision department inside the Mageweave Association to take action. Cook didn't want to give the supervision department too much power. In a certain organization, only relative balance can be said. If one party is really strong, the consequences are also worrying.

For Cook's re-establishment of the floating mountain gate for the big world's schools, the big world's big schools are relieved.

Of course, the agreement with the Council of the Gods did not overthrow Cook. For Cook, the Mageweave Association must be separated from the Council of the Gods. Although both Cooks can control the right to speak, the Council of the Gods is in Cook’s mind. , Far less important than the Mageweave Association.

One is for everyone, and the other is for individuals. It doesn't need to be said about the importance. The reason why Cook did not sign a new agreement with the Council of Gods is to avoid suspicion.

"President, so many materials?" Seeing the material order that Cook took out, a senior Mageweave master asked in confusion.

"Of course, the martial art of the big world is very rich, and also the construction style of the big world." Cook said.

Senior Magewen Master saw that the materials opened on this were the top-notch, like Ten Thousand Years of Ironwood, this thing is only found in deep mountains and old forests. It is cut down and transported, but the price is more expensive than metal. The number of iron woods occupies half of the material. According to the estimation of this senior magic pattern master, these iron woods are probably worth billions of high-grade **** crystals.

"Hehe, you mean that the cost can't be recovered, right?" Cook asked with a smile when seeing the puzzled eyes of these magic pattern masters.

"Yes." The magic pattern master below answered honestly.

"You don’t have to worry about this, I naturally have a way. Now everyone looks at my design drawings. There are four platforms, immortals, Buddhas, gods, Taos, one for each sect. This is the exterior of the building we designed. Let’s see how How?" Cook reached out a little, and a magical image was formed.

"President, I'm afraid they have to choose this one by themselves." Seeing the formed magic image, the magic pattern master below is a little bit stunned, too ugly, who designed this, a large area, just one by one. Something like a square box, in the gap of the box, a few small saplings, this is where people live?

"Then you guys look at this again?" Brother Cook snapped his fingers, and a new magical image appeared.

"This is good."

"Yes, it makes people comfortable to look at."

"This pavilion is the style of the big world."

"Haha, does it look good?" Cook smiled.

"It looks good." The people below were really stunned. There were ponds, running water, mountains, rocks, trees, grass, gardens, and pavilions. It was a paradise on earth.

"I want to choose this, sorry, add money." Cook looked at the people below and said.

The Mageweave Masters who listened to these words saw Cook admire even more. Is this the way the previous president said?

"In addition, if anyone wants to design their own, then we will also charge extra, and when building, you must find a way to compare the four sects with each other, even within each sect, let them compare, so that we To make a lot of money." Cook said with a smile.

"Yes." These magic pattern masters immediately understood, this is to instigate discord.

"Okay, now you group by yourself. Each group has two high-level Mageweave Masters and six intermediate Mageweave Masters, divided into four groups. Go find the four sects, listen to their opinions, or let them design your own. As for how to say it, you can master it yourself." Cook looked at the four senior magic pattern masters that had been summoned, and there were more than 30 intermediate magic pattern masters.

The following Mageweave Master is still a bit uncomfortable with Cook’s way of combining himself. Cook saw these people because of this and said: "I just want you to choose your teammates, so that you won’t be able to cooperate. I blame others. Of course, my suggestion is this number. You should master it yourself, and have four groups. In the end, I will give certain rewards based on the performance of the four groups. "Cook is here to let these senior Mageweaves compete. Up.

Although Cook knows that such grouping competition will eventually make the Mageweave Association like the big world, with internal contradictions, but Cook is also helpless. If the Mageweave Association wants to develop, there must be an internal competition mechanism, as long as this competition is If it is benign, then it’s okay. Once this kind of competition is vicious, it’s very problematic. It may eventually lead to the collapse of the association.

As for the specifics, Cook is still exploring. In fact, the Great World School is a good example. Although there are countless contradictions within the Great World School, these schools are still developing, and of course there are bad ones. . Just like Shushan, this is a very old school. Although it is also a super school now, how many schools have caught up from behind and are on par with Shushan?

This is the internal reason, which is the bottleneck that people in the big world say.

The four groups are divided quickly. The teammates you choose will not blame anyone at that time. This is also a tactic of Cook. If you choose the person yourself, then if you lose, there is no way to find a reason.

Finding the reason here is psychological, not superficial. As long as the person is wrong and the heart truly knows that it is wrong, then the person has a future. Once the person is wrong on the surface, but finds the reason in the heart, then the person has no future. What future.

Especially in the environment of the Mageweave Association, once the responsibility for losing is determined by others in the heart, then when facing this person in the future, certain bad attitudes will naturally arise, which will eventually lead to The occurrence of contradictions makes it more difficult for oneself to find one's own mistakes.

After the four teams went to work, Cook also gave the Mageweave Association a task.

A large wave of missions hung in the mission hall of the Mageweave Association at the same time, and the adventurers who took the mission in the lobby saw a large wave of red mission displays and immediately became excited.

"Ironwood, five-meter-diameter ironwood, one meter and one hundred high-grade **** crystals, my God, there are many behind our tribe." A tauren looked at the task displayed and cried out.

"There's more, big brother, and more." Another tauren beside the tauren shouted anxiously, because here is the tauren who knows the text of the Council of the Gods.

"Get out, get out." The tauren charged to the window where the task was issued.

"I'm going to take the task, Ironwood task, number 07968." The tauren who knew the text took out the badge directly and passed it in.

"Lao Niu, hurry up." In the blink of an eye, there are at least 20 queues behind the tauren, and there are as many as 20 windows, basically there are 20 people, and many people directly from the outside Rush in, no matter what it is, take the seat first, and then look at the task.

"Okay, you have accepted the 07968 mission and paid ten thousand meters and five meters thick iron wood." The reception staff of the Magic Weave Association was very skilled in handing out the mission to the tauren.

"Also, there are, fortunately, 07969, 07970, until 08320." The tauren said quickly.

"Are you sure, this involves dozens of models of wood." The reception staff asked.

"No problem, our tribe's back hills are all this iron wood." The tauren said.

"Well, the Tiemang Mountain of your Iron Bull tribe is indeed rich in high-quality iron wood." The staff member checked the tauren's information, and then nodded.

"Hehe." The tauren smiled.

"Collect your badge." The staff returned the badge to the tauren.

When the tauren left, he found that there were at least two thousand people queuing in the entire hall. Before the tauren had time to do anything, a member of the Brave Knights came over: "After taking the task and leaving, there are still people coming in. , Don't stay."

"Yes, yes." The tauren nodded inside and left quickly.

"How about, brother, we were kicked out just now." Seeing the tauren coming out, a group of tauren immediately surrounded them.

"Brothers, as long as we complete the task this time, then we will become the richest tribe among the tauren. I have accepted 352 tasks in total, and the reward for each task is one million high-grade **** crystals." The tauren said.

"What, what, one mission is one million high-grade **** crystals?" The others were incredible.

"Yes. You don’t know that there is a special place about the missions posted here, that is, missions related to certain things are all connected together. I just saw that there are at least more than one thousand Ironwood missions, but we only have With this ability, there are few people in our tribe," the tauren said.

"That's it, our tribe can't complete it either." The big task sign outside showed a dense number of tasks, and more and more people poured in. One of them was a tauren who worked out for a long time to figure out how many crystals of the task should be. Said in astonishment.

"Hehe, there are not enough people. Let's find people. There are a lot of people in the tribes nearby." The tauren who accepted the task said with a smile.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and print the task list." Another tauren said.

"Yes, Second Uncle." The tauren who accepted the task quickly replied.

Two hours later, I paid a hundred high-grade crystals, and finally printed out the task list, a huge leather bag, slowly a bag, because it is gilded on the leather, it will not be damaged due to wear, so it is worth ten A top-grade **** crystal, leather is also top-quality, but you can't make the rest of other things, one hundred top-grade **** crystals, this is already a lot of numbers, enough for one person to live in the mountains of the gods for more than a year.

"Old cow, old cow." A dwarf shouted from a distance.

"Rode?" The tauren who had just accepted the task looked at the dwarf, wondering.

"Haha, congratulations, did you accept the Tiemu mission just now, it's amazing, now it's spread, you are a mission worth hundreds of millions." Rod looked at the old cow and said.

"Ha. Thank you, are you looking for something to do with me?" Lao Niu said when he heard this.

"Of course, I don't know if you found someone to transport the wood?" Rod asked.

"Not yet." Rod shook his head.

"So, let's go, let's talk." Rod said with bright eyes when he heard this.

"Rod, and me." a dwarf called out loudly from afar.

"Dwarf, there is nothing to do with you here." Rod scolded angrily when he saw the dwarf.

"Haha, sir, hello, our Airo Weapon Company has high-quality logging tools." The dwarf laughed.

"Aiz, I think I need to think about it." Lao Niu also spent a lot of time in this sacred mountain, not eager to agree.

When Aiz heard this, he immediately said: "We can sign a contract, give you tools first, and wait until you pay the task, then give us, and we give you the lowest price, you also know that we have dwarves in the Aero Weapon Company. Tools forged by the master."

"This..." The old cow looked hesitant.

"Go, old cow, take your companions, I'm Eze invites you to drink." Eze said very boldly.

Rod jumped up: "Dwarf, you are unethical behavior. I'm talking about trading with Lao Niu.

"Come on, stingy, old cow, let me tell you, to transport you directly to the transport ship of the Mageweave Chamber of Commerce, the Mageweave Chamber of Commerce is a transport ship under the Mageweave Association, and it is more secure than this stingy guy." Ai I whispered.

"Dwarf, you **** bastard, I'm going to fight with you." Rhode was about to beat Aiz.

"Fight, you fight, see if there is no, there is a guard over there, then I will shout, you don't want to enter the mission square in the future." Aiz is not afraid.

"You wait." Rod left bitterly.

"Aiz, what are you?" Old Niu asked suspiciously.

"This time Rod is very stingy, and his fleet is very small. He wants to take orders from you, and then resell them to others, earn the difference, and is a gambler." Aiz said.

"Gambling is not good." Lao Niu knew this too.

"Go, guys, I invite you to drink~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's not talk about business for now." Aiz said to the other tauren.

The dwarves are bold, and the tauren is also bold. After drinking in the tavern for a long time, Aiz finished his business.

How many tools are needed to cut and transport the wood of hundreds of millions of top grade Shenjing, and the wood needs to be sorted a bit, peeled off the bark, and cut to the required length. How many tools are needed, at least tens of thousands of tools are needed? In addition, when transporting, how to get out of the mountains and forests, of course, is to build roads, dwarves are also very proficient in road building, and even if there are roads, the place to be lifted must be lifted. What tool is the most durable, of course, is a metal chain And so on, and how many living utensils this many people need in the wild.

"Come on, Lao Niu, take a look. This is the warehouse of our Chamber of Commerce. See if this steel rope is better than the rope made of your vines. You can use these things first, and then wait for you to hand in the task. I'll give it later." After sobering up, Aiz took the old cow to the chamber of commerce warehouse and said.

"What is this car used for?" Old Niu asked when seeing a car with several metal wheels.

"This is a car that transports heavy goods. Each car has a hundred top grade crystals. In fact, I suggest you build a track when you build a road, and then replace such a car with special wheels for the track. Are there many trees on your side? The felled trees are used as the foundation of the track. When the time comes, the customer will push a car alone, and the speed is very fast. If you want, our dwarves can demonstrate for you to repair a section first. No compensation is required. You have to feel satisfied. Talk." Aize started selling.

"I understand this. I have worked as a miner." Old Niu nodded.

"Haha, that's good, let's go. I'll introduce you to an artifact of logging." Azha laughed.

"Artifact?" The old cow was puzzled, still need a magical tool for logging?

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